Can a MONITOR UPSELL Your Gaming PC?! Part 1/2 'The Experiment'
Can a MONITOR UPSELL Your Gaming PC?! Part 1/2 'The Experiment'
right here behind me on the desk is the
two monitors that I picked up in the
recent parts hunt now they basically
came for free with the PC someone was
giving him away and I've picked up some
other monitors in the past with deals
now today's gonna be an experiment
because I've had this PC in the
background that has been up the sale for
a couple of weeks I just haven't sold it
so what I'm gonna do today is drop in a
monitor keyboard and mouse combo and
this will be part one of a two part
series where we're gonna experiment just
how quickly the build will sell if it
has a monitor and a gaming combo pack as
opposed to just being a bare-bones PC on
its own
know that we've also got another PC here
as well then we're gonna put together
and refurbish kind of thing and see if
that will go well in a gaming combo pack
as well because sometimes as I said just
in the intro you get these parts and
you're wise we'll make them most of them
so let's see what we've got here on the
desk put it together and make use of it
all so what we've got right here on the
table is the cue I think it's nine four
fifty and eight gigabytes of ddr2 I've
even thrown in a 500 gigabyte hard drive
I believe I was asking 290 bucks for
this because again I'm not a big fan of
the old-school ddr2 series boards LGA
775 anymore sort of getting outdated
especially when you can pick up the
newest stuff for a lot better of a deal
but here we've just got a potato it is
really bad
and we've got a GTX 760 that we picked
up 470 AUD just recently so we're gonna
be coupling that and giving that a bit
of a refurb and then we're putting these
packs together and seeing just how well
they look so we did the whole build
finished it it was looking great the
booted up and then no signal came out of
the gravis card and I was like okay try
different graphics card tried everything
and we've isolated it down now to the
motherboard itself so take your taking
out the CPU trying a like 2500 k for
example now we're go to a3 2100 we
realize that the CPU pins were bent and
one of them was actually snapped and so
it just has to be that one pin that's
broken and the whole board is pretty
much screwed
so there we go problems in paradise so
this is the second PC which had problems
of its own and essentially we've put it
down to we thought it was the case
initially wasn't took it out and what
happened was is a very bizarre problem
I've never seen this before
the cooler that was mounted on it before
that was bending the CPU sockets so much
that I think it canceled out and
wouldn't just do not allow the board to
start so we've removed that now and
we're gonna try this little a30 CPU here
but there's still one big question
remaining and that is can this 8:30
budget CPU cooler from an tacky handle
the quad-core stay tuned and find out so
it's pretty late now but I just got back
to the studio and this thing before I
left just wasn't booting it just
exhibited the same problem before and we
had this thing doing it out of the case
as well different power supply so it's
definitely narrowed it down to the
motherboard but that's not a problem
because I met up with the proverbial
king of the Gold Coast I don't know if
he's ready to be named dropped yet I
asked if he had a replacement
motherboard and he had literally six
motherboards so I had to leave three of
these in the boot because it's just so
late he also gave us so much ddr2 memory
as well and a special board as well have
to show you guys this one this is a real
special one so here it is ladies and
gentlemen the LGA 775 XFX motherboard
actually have only seen this in articles
I've never seen it in the flesh it's a
pretty rare board but there it is I
guess this could probably deserve a
video on its own but definitely the
backlog is very full so it should be
sitting in the background as a prop at
the moment but now we're gonna use one
of these two boards and see if we can
finally get this rig to boot so we've
finally got this thing up and running
and it's just been so painful I mean I
had this build working and then it
didn't work and then it did work and
then didn't work so I decided to go away
with the power supply as well I chucked
that out because just seems like that
was probably the issue it could have
perhaps had a really heavy / volt rail
and I could
been damaging I just don't know but
that's sort of like the only thing that
could come to mind went through a couple
of motherboards as well
king of the coast he gave us a couple of
duds but he admittedly didn't check them
and we've got now super cheap dirt oh
he's logging into Windows and we're
gonna boot up fortnight on him and then
after that after we were done running
we're going to test the FPS and then the
good thing is with this experiment
because the experiments still going to
be intact we're still gonna be able to
sell this whole kit but even better news
is we now have a less of powerful
graphics card so we'll get an r7 and 360
and a Q 6600 and a motherboard is even
worse off so if this experiment works
it's gonna be a testament to the monitor
keyboard mouse combo the gaming combo
yeah we've got four nine up and running
and it is getting around sixty to eighty
FPS on medium settings so it won't do hi
- well like stutters a little bit on
high you can see the GPUs jumping around
here see if we use up practically fully
loaded so not a bad little combo
so now we're jumping into a game of
fortnight and everything's working
absolutely fine in this first gaming
combo pack and we're getting over 60 FPS
at 1050 P 16 by 10 highest settings so
this is really smooth looks really good
whoever gets this PC is gonna be over
the moon since it does have 4 LED fans
which I believe in 2018 will make your
PC run faster but anyway that about
wraps up part one but we're gonna put
these pcs up for sale and see how quick
a gaming combo can sell as opposed to
the normal PC and keep in mind the PC
that I've main focus and that was the
used one that's had some downgrades it
went from aq 9000 series to a Q 6000
series and the GPU has gone from a 78 70
to an r7 360 so we're still gonna up the
price so hopefully there's monitor and
keyboard and mouse cells the PC better
than ever
and one thing about the modern is of
course going out and buying a new
monitor is probably not worth it but if
you do pick up those monitors for really
cheap prices then they're definitely
worth it in my opinion but of course in
part 2 we'll find that out hope you guys
enjoyed this video if you did the be
sure to hit that like button let me know
in the comment section below do you
think it's gonna work or not love
reading your thoughts and opinions as
always and I'll catch you another take
video very soon
peace out for now bye
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