Can the Motherboard be FIXED? & How To Get CHEAP USED 'Junk' Computer Parts!
Can the Motherboard be FIXED? & How To Get CHEAP USED 'Junk' Computer Parts!
when I did my $40 PC a lot of people
said with this motherboard still have
life in it and that it wasn't free so
today I'm gonna try my best to get it
working for you guys so for this first
part we're going to clean down the
motherboard with some parts cleaner aka
brake cleaner I usually do this on a lot
of parts that I can't get to work for
instance my retro Super Nintendo games
if they don't work sometimes I can give
them this and a bit of CRC 5 for 6 and
they come back to life however before we
do that we must take a precaution you'll
remember ladies and gentlemen safety is
a number-one priority
okay so it's the morning after and I
have cleaned this whole board down with
parts cleaner I've let it dry out and
this is the actual socket here which was
pretty dirty and it's actually looking a
lot cleaner the actual pins so maybe
that could be something to do with it
so we're just going to pretty much clean
up this board put some new heatsink
paste on the Northbridge there and the
Southbridge wack the heat sinks back on
and give it another try but also before
we do that I am going to run to my
favorite hardware stores like the use
parts places and give you guys a little
insight of how I look for used parts and
how I pick up these bug and switch a lot
of people have requested
it is and gentlemen we are here so
they've got PC Depot which is like just
a PC place that sells parts but the
problem is is just the parts are always
way too expensive there it's usually a
bust I mean I went in there quickly and
they had like an i7 920 for a hundred
dollars so I was like now this place is
not going to have anything decent but
the place we're going to go over to is
right over there called heart off and
this is a big one it's in the reader so
hopefully they have a lot of good stuff
in there but we'll have a look it could
be a bust
we're the first section here they got
like monitors which are all garbage and
like this is like you kind of know that
you're kind of not getting a deal here I
mean like $250 roughly for a gtx 660ti
so these guys need to kind of recheck
their prices on a few things and sorry
about this annoying crap in the
background that like got it playing on
loudspeakers then you go like some old
school cooler here I mean feel these
things are just a boss so we'll keep
looking on and seeing if they got
anything decent
that's not bad you've got some den and
speakers there for like 50 bucks and
it's two of them so that's for the pair
also over here I did find like if I was
looking to put together a another 2.1
I'd probably pick that up that's like a
Yamaha woofer with two amp to speaker
outs on it so that's pretty good too so
if we move around the corner here we can
kind of like see that they're you know
doesn't matter where you go even if it's
used or not Bose is still overpriced and
we're moving into the junk section this
is basically where they probably get a
lot of parts in that are missing things
and they don't turn on so they couldn't
be bothered checking them and a lot of
times I find a lot of stuff works but I
mean like look you got like Denon
speakers here like five bucks for two
speakers so I mean you could probably
put together a 2.1 system no problems
like I did before for nothing and then
you got like just yeah lots of speakers
here receivers
so there's lots of stuff here but this
is the part you all guys have been
wanting to see and that's the computers
so this is actually where I picked up
the phantom 2 last time it was Miss
advertised as a pentium and I actually
got it as yeah is like a pentium G
something but it was actually a phantom
inside so I'm gonna check out this Dell
XPS because I haven't seen this before
and she had this one too and see what's
inside and see if there's any bargains
here because these two Anu I haven't
seen them the last time I came here sir
well the Dell XPS apart now it's got a
6800 in there so I think it's back from
2005 which is like I think from the top
of my head that's like Pentium D days or
something so this one's really not worth
it I mean I couldn't be bothered for $30
so it's got 2 gigabytes of ddr2 memory
in there so but anyway let's close this
up and take a look at the next one
so in here we've just got a case which
is unfortunate and that's pretty much
with that being said it's a boss I mean
if anyone wants a copy of Windows XP
there's a key for you but I mean like
yeah this is this is real boss City
today I mean it's just nothing really
here so and then the good the anything
with decent hardware in it they're
asking like $200 for so yeah one thing I
will say is those is their after a
keyboard then they're like a dollar a
lot of the keyboards are a dollar and
you know I mean some of them filthy but
actually some of them are decent so if
you're after a cheap keyboard one dollar
that's not too bad yeah now we're
probably going to move on now to the
next store because yeah this place was
just a bust okay so here's the next
place that I go to this is called tall
garnet canta down so it's actually in my
country hometown
and yeah they sometimes have some good
deals I mean generally the idea what
deals is you're not going to get a deal
unless that they can't get the parts
working which was the case of my other
two rigs that I got in the $40 PC bill
but we're going to quickly go inside
take a look what they got they might not
have anything who knows let's find out
inside now and there's like nothing here
so there's that there's the other like
sub-woofer bidet including the speakers
for like $65 so I guess I picked up that
bargain I mean there's just a lot of
speakers here and no computer parts so
unless someone wants a hel binder for $1
sir I mean I don't know looks like it's
the bust in here too guys so I've
actually got to get an IDE drive so I'll
probably head to another place so I can
get an IDE floppy drive and then I can
try and boot up that motherboard at home
so let's get moving all right so we just
did the place called wonder X now so you
can see there that's the kanji for Chuco
so that means second hands so yeah we're
going to go in and we're going to take a
look upstairs there's a id CD drive and
there's a kid going crazy in the
background too so
because around here we're ghetto or
light okay so here we are with the board
and it is just giving me the screen it
doesn't matter what I do I have tried
literally everything I can think of ps2
keyboard USB keyboard plugged into every
single different USB port I've tried the
solder drive plugged into every single
different side of port I've even tried
an IDE Drive plugged into the IDE port
there and I just cannot get past this
screen into the BIOS so I've tried yet
and again I've tried the memory slot in
every single different slot it just
doesn't work it's just not happening
guys this board is something is wrong
with this board at a hardware level and
it's just not getting even into the BIOS
so the board's pretty much you know
despite all my effort I cannot restore
this board I mean unless I get new parts
for it and solder it on which I'm not
going to bother with an LGA 775 board so
that being said let's move on now to a
conclusion so there you have it guys
despite what you do sometimes things
just don't work out so this motherboard
is bricked but at least the CPU works
and at least the RAM works so it's not
all a big loss I mean I did pick this
rig up initially for $20 and also today
I didn't have any luck when it came to
finding any bargains so today was
officially techno City day unfortunately
but anyway guys that's it for today I'll
be coming back here with another tech
video very soon and if you have any
questions or comments about this video
then please put a comment in the comment
section below and don't tell me about
other things I can try because I have
literally tried everything with this
motherboard and I want to hear it
Brad you can try this because no try -
been there done that it just doesn't
work so anyway that's it I'm frustrated
with this motherboard and
/ so i'll peace out for now and i'll
catch you in another video
by this my brother got some $1 specials
especially this game i remember this
Hexen that was for the n64 that was
pretty cool
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