Coollaboratory Liquid Pro's Aging Effect - 1 Year on - Does it destroy your CPU?
Coollaboratory Liquid Pro's Aging Effect - 1 Year on - Does it destroy your CPU?
combated take a city's baronies coming
back to you guys with just a quick video
about collaboratory as liquid pro and
the aging effects now there's been some
rumors about Coolibar a liquid pro
rusting dyes and internal heat spreaders
now it is known to affect certain types
of metal but generally when you put it
on a chip it shouldn't be a problem so
this is me actually taking it off a year
later and as we can see here this is a
year later after I've put this stuff on
and I've been running it for about four
I've been running up 4.6 gig for about a
year now and you can see here there's
absolutely no problems it hasn't it
hasn't yet hasn't ate the metal or
anything like that
it's absolutely perfectly fine I'm going
to be putting another application and
this stuff on so yeah it hasn't yeah I
guess as that rumor squashed
collaborators the good Pro is absolutely
fine on your die and on your heat
spreader as well so anyway if you guys
liked this video please give it a thumbs
up and I'll catch you guys soon with
another tech video
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