Custom Dual X5690 PC Build Log (DJJ) - Behind the Scenes
Custom Dual X5690 PC Build Log (DJJ) - Behind the Scenes
here it is guys in all its glory this is
DAF ja ja I am joined by Ethan from tag
mods how you doing good man stuff great
guys this was a build that took so long
it was honestly too long to make this
build and today we're gonna go through
the behind-the-scenes story about Darth
Jar Jar because Ethan basically did all
the hard work when it came to doing a
custom mod like this because there's so
many different things that he's gonna
explain today that went into this build
that I'm not capable of doing and it's
just been the final product obviously
came out so well that I'm just looking
at this like yeah because we got to
Zeon's inside 2 X 56 90s which are the
best x58 Zeon's you can get there
overclockable they represent a day and
age when manual overclocking was so good
CPUs weren't locked and also it is a
dual socket CPU motherboard which is
very rare this is the SR 2 now we did
pick this up from a donation from a
viewer called ilknur over in the USA a
while ago over a year ago now and since
I got that I knew I had to do something
super special with this build and I owed
it to you guys as well as to ilnur to do
something phenomenal like this and so
Ethan was a big part of that another
high five and today what what really I
guess we're gonna go through the scenes
because I went to pax Australia and
that's when I teed up with Ethan I
posted a photo on Twitter and Instagram
I think where I had this case go through
customs and it's just like he's
literally just chucked it on Jetstar
tape because the whole thing with his
bill was was that we I've always been
busy at the studio here it's a one-man
band it's always been such a challenge
to keep getting content out because the
way YouTube is it's it's really do or
you know be finished yeah and you can't
say that word on YouTube nowadays the
word you know the saying yeah you get
since you get censored so that's the way
YouTube is and so the whole climate of
YouTube is that you have to keep making
content if you don't make it you're
gonna fall off and so something like
this takes a lot of time to do and
crap and so it's good that we finally
got into this and did it but it all
started out with packs and we just
chucked the whole building on the
airport naked and it did it worked and
they got through to Ethan we also
brought the sr2 down with the dual CPUs
the memory and then we went to Ethan's
house in Geelong and that's where it all
started so yeah so well the case was in
a little bit rough condition so the
first thing I had to do was to kind of
clean it up and the front panel couple
issues we fixed all that up but the
hardest part of the actual entire build
was getting the sr2 in the case because
it's a being the jewels like a
motherboard it well looks like well
extended extended the motherboard tray
it was existing in the case so to fully
cut that out basically and got pretty
much entire inside of the case which
made it super structurally weak so the
whole case which is wobbling and kind of
falling around everywhere so now does it
build a fool like reinforced panel on
the back just to hold the motherboard
well the thing about the EVGA sr2 is
it's not even an extended ata it's like
a special yeah so it doesn't bigger it
doesn't have its own technical size or
I'm actually not I think it's like it's
bigger than extended eight yes that's
why they learn extended ATX because this
is an ATX case it was just this mammoth
motherboard and of course you don't want
to go with a like ginormous case like
something that's literally told as Indy
or something like sorry it's just too
massive I one thing that's 11 or not
portable wait even though this case
weighs in it like 30 40 yeah 40 kilos
even though it's like 40 kilo it's
really heavy it still is technically
portable you can carry around you've got
up you can pick it out watch out for the
hernia and this is so yeah it all began
when we took it over to Ethan we were
essentially Ethan has a lot of power
tools a lot of custom gear at his place
and so funny stuff yeah and so from
there you were you were essentially
cutting out all this case getting it
ready for the SR 2 that was the first
step that was the hot spot and during
that time I was prepping the graphics
card the GTX 980 Strix yep and of course
that was a secondhand gravis card just
like the motherboard CPU so and a lot of
these parts were secondhand
yes so if you haven't watched the
feature video guys I'll put the link up
here where I explain all parts and what
went into that build it was the showcase
of the SRT but after we got all those
the GPU ready
you wanted to vertically mount it yeah
oh I felt like we kind of had to because
with the SR 2 filling up so much of the
back space they left by the entire front
quadrant of the case super empty so
having a GPU horizontally would have
looked really weird yeah I'm not really
where that just would have looked empty
so rather than trying to fill up the
space with something else we just
vertically mounted the GPU it also
allowed a lot more freedom with the
pipes as well so it allowed the strong
little piping in a nice more uniform way
rather than kind of everywhere so
basically with the the dual CPU
configuration was that something that
you tackle a lot or this is the first
time I look good so this is the first
like full custom modern dual CPU build
yeah this is the only jewel white
motherboard I've ever seen actually that
that makes this build even that much
more specialized I really that actually
makes me happy as well because Ethan has
done how many custom builds have you
done so far the big quake cure at PAX
was build a hundred hundred over 100
custom mods guys and these aren't just
like this is the thing about these mods
these are not just your standard parts
mods these have a lot of custom like at
the back of the case here we've got a
custom slash with LED lights to really
highlight that cut and inside here we've
got everything's just custom maybe
everything's custom built from the power
supply shroud to all the acrylic work on
the front on the side so yeah so in
order to do that you need to put a lot
of extra work into your builds right
yeah it all takes time I'm kind of in
that point now I've done that many it's
kind of a Wailord machine yeah I can
just kind of wing it more or less and
know exactly where parts need to go and
just how things work now so yeah it all
becomes second night yeah I know the
limits in the material and my tools and
my kind of stuff so most of it doesn't
take too long to put together the
hardest part is coming up with a design
that has a nice flow across the whole
thing without having like random parts
pop out more than they should and I kind
of stuff yeah definitely yeah it simply
so what was the most difficult part of
this build would you say when easily man
in the motherboard
basically he had yet the religious I had
to destroy I think we have some footage
of that dummy oh we've got a lot of
footage yes drawing the motherboard I
actually we - what happened was in pack
souls at Ethan's for I think three days
and so yeah so we're working on this
bill for three days before I had to
leave so by the time I left I'd taken a
heap of footage of what we'd done we cut
out the case we did install the
motherboard got the GPU ready
we'd also got all the components and
everything else ready the radiators and
sort of lined up the build on what it
was going to look like and then after
that Ethan added all the custom touches
and did the hard line tubing as well as
all the fittings and so I guess in total
how long did this build take to complete
from start to finish like in actual work
and my actual manpower probably around
the 50 hour mark so there's been actual
work yeah 50 man-hours so that that's
actually really good the result is
that's pretty low end for one of my
builds to be honest yeah that's actually
really really efficient so you can see
the Ethan's overdoing after doing a
hundred builds it does become second
nature and things like this can get
complete now with a 782 what do you
think of this case and working in it
like this is my second modern 780 thank
there's no there's a 760 T is the Zelda
build the 780 T was the Serenity boot ok
that's what the 782 was somebody in the
surrounding to build for client 18
months ago so in the 780 it was is on a
similar wavelength we did all my budget
castle metalwork to it it made it look
like a serenity shape was the light
busted and beaten up so with all the
patchwork panels so we did a bunch of
that across it but it's because of the
freedom inside the case it's pretty
chill to work in if you've got
everything comes out really easy Corsair
cases are generally super modular in
that respect
yeah although you 5.25 bays and like I
just kind of come out there not a huge
pain in the butt to remove a lot per
minute they're all like modular and
screwed in the rather being fully
riveted so it all kind of pops out
really nicely and then beyond that you
have like this huge empty open canvas to
mess around it so yeah out of trying to
make it look full without it looking too
glycin going to do is I put in yeah
MITx board in a full-size case it looks
we still kind of it did kind of look
like that and I was worried about that
looking empty especially with the board
taking up so much to the back because
generally you put like a feature piece
in the front cut here but you can't do
that cuz in the motherboard because the
motherboard literally has like 70 mil we
from the front of the case because it
just comes all the way up yeah so it's
actually in for the res definitely so
we've got a total of 360 mil at the at
the top and then a 240 at the front and
so that really I guess the it just adds
to the whole build the 240 is that
dedicated towards the graphics card and
then the it's all in the one loop so
somehow around the pipes so we go from
rad to GPU to the res to the rad and
then through both CPUs back to the red
okay and so that is very interesting for
me personally because having a custom
water loop now in the studio where I'm
gonna use this thing actually for
streaming and use it on the stream desk
because I've always wanted to have a
dedicated streaming PC this thing's
gonna be not only a symbol of techie air
city now it's also going to be a real
good sort of I guess useful PC in there
yeah hopefully and of course we're gonna
be overclocking this thing getting the
most out of it in the upcoming
performance video I'm gonna be spending
some quality time with this build really
extracting the most out of these X 56
90s and also this gravis card I'm really
looking forward to doing that
of course dual CPUs do have their
limitations it's no no secret there
they're not as can have lag and have
issues with certain games and stuff but
I'm really looking forward to using this
PC and in in closing I guess behind the
scenes what was the most fun part of
this build I mean the Foner's would have
been the slash I reckon because I gotta
have a bit of fun with fire but fun with
the angle grinder there like my two
favorite tools so you did have a lot of
fun yeah I always have fun yeah I always
have fun okay well naturally you want to
enjoy like when I build use PCs and
stuff like a lot of people say ah
sometimes like in America I didn't make
much money on the builds and people like
I wasn't even worth your time and I said
I really enjoyed it
yeah it was
it's not always about the money yeah
yeah it's not always about the money and
so it's glad I'm glad to hear that
Ethan's having a fun time with a lot of
these pcs that he's building and that
really like as me having some
masterpiece of his work as well as
having a Darth Jar Jar symbol here I
feel like that is a really cool way to
go now before we get on out of here
we're gonna talk about Darth Jar Jar
itself so okay now this is controversy
of course for me personally the whole
thing on Jar Jar with tech es city on
the channel started when I found a mug
on a used parts hunt in Japan I'd like I
was just joking around there was three
different flavors I think there was a
Darth Maul and r2d2 and a a Jar Jar
okay and you didn't know which one you
got until you picked it up and opened it
up sure and so I found one on the
shelves and I saw the three characters
the like please be a Jar Jar
please be a jaja and I played that on
the channels I knew people were gonna
get triggered and so after that it was
actually funny because it actually was
kind of well-received people laughed at
it people knew it was a joke yeah and I
guess after that I had I got the mug and
I used it on my channel people sort of
took a liking to it no one really
complained I mean people who did
complain you it was a joke and and no
one really hated it after you know like
in fact when Star Wars was 1999 I think
episode 1 was released not judge like
Josh I was just as whole like oh I hate
him I hate it I hate it like it is he
nearly bankrupted a few toy companies I
think like favorite toy lines
everyone is hated jaja it was just yeah
and I felt sorry for the guy I connected
with him so and that's what I feel I
feel like I connected with Jar Jar yes
because I guess we've all been hated on
some time in our lives and yes there's a
dark place and that's why he turned to
the doctor that's why I think he turned
to the dark side and so I was like okay
we got high like this in a custom build
give meaning to that whatever started on
the channel is a meme or a joke you're
gonna give meaning to that now and we're
gonna pay homage to the theory of Darth
Jar Jar you know there's a full words
pharisee theory now and then I believe
it yeah I think it's totally true I read
I read up about it and your research in
like Episode one you see that jump out
of the water and like the clumsy
fighting technique and I can surf it's
proven proven to be an actual is it
Chinese or Japanese martial arts I don't
remember exactly which but yeah and I
read all
it's thought of connecting the dots it
was definitely and that is too many dots
too many dots so let us know in the
comments guys what do you think do you
think Darth Jar Jar is real I mean it's
real here at PC but what do you think
about the conspiracy theory love reading
your thoughts as always don't drop a
comment episode 9 yeah let us know if
he's coming back in episode 9 - but how
do you feel like how did you feel that
Darth Jar John the project is what other
project the hold off Charlie I think I
think is a good laugh whether they
actually embrace it in the Star Wars
Canon I doubt they will
I know Lucas well I actually have one
had a better direction for judge' and it
was hated on that much that they were
just like I will just chuck him in the
Senate yeah so if I just kind of like
yeah get rid of him
but the project was great it turned out
a lot better than I thought it would to
begin with especially given it was buy
more based on a joke builders I'm like
yeah I don't really know how this will
turn out yeah but once we got in
especially with all the lighting the
lighting really makes it pop because
there's like eight meters worth of LEDs
in here so yeah we actually had a
problem with that we initially had to
cut out an extra connection and we had
to change a starter to a molex
connection I had to solder that up
because it wouldn't run off the one
molex line itself will maximize our
entre but we had to then draw off the
solder line as well to help power these
LEDs so that was pretty cool
we did some last-minute touches here at
the studio before we made this video and
of course we've got the on top of the
build another really cool thing is the
techy air city fans as well which adds
its own custom meaning to this build now
they were sent over by a deep cool I've
I collaborated with deep cool I've
reviewed some of their products some
that I've liked some that I haven't
liked but they said because I just
behind the scenes when I email and I'm
really nice to them they asked us we're
making some custom fans do you really
want to have your logo on it and I said
short I think some other youtubers got
it like I've relaxed or I think some
other new bishop has got their custom
logos on the fans as well and I said to
myself I had to do something special
with this is really good because they're
open air fans as well really cool design
like there are you know living machines
here so it's just a really unique design
on the fans and had the costume tech
year City logo I knew they had to go on
this build and 360 mil right at the top
it was just everything came together
it was just perfect in the end yeah a
whole project was
streamline which is Brett generally
things get wrong or things just don't
fit but for the most part this build
just kind of came together really and
smoothly and well plus we use that's
possibly used in the build a lot of used
parts and everything's just yeah yeah
everything booted straight away so I was
worried about the sr2 board yeah it's
got a bit of a warp in it from being
transported around so much yeah it was
it was pretty rough but we got there in
the end and the end result I think is
phenomenal I mean guys let us know in
the comments what you think about this
PC m-- what is your favorite part
Ethan loves the rear slash I personally
like this bottom bit here it's really
impatient like it's for me it symbolizes
that Imperial look I absolutely love it
I think it gives meaning what is the
design from the desktop handling yes we
took it from and so I just love that
bottom bit it really stands out for me
it's my favorite part of the build and
the dark judge art the fronts really
cool as well I just I'm in love with
this build I can't wait to be using it
on the channel and showcase it for you
and of course bringing up the
performance video and with Ethan with
tag mods where do we go from here what's
the next build you've got planned the
next big build will be Metro Exodus and
Far Cry new dawn so they both do the
fifteenth of fifth I cannot wait to see
them guys if you guys want to check out
Ethan I'll put all the links in
description below his Instagram his
YouTube is Facebook you mainly you
mainly focus on Instagram and Facebook
yeah yeah they're kind of my main two
video content is something well miss to
kind of start pushing a bit more and see
it like hence the you know life as well
okay so well definitely we're gonna
definitely put Ethan's links in the
description go check him out guys go
support him and on that note while we're
at it I want to see Ethan collab with
some big people like we're not doing
this is only the beginning Darth Jar Jar
Wow I'd love to see someone like it
yeah a Hugh Jackman Wolverine build or a
Chris Hemsworth Thor build I'd love to
be the guy videoing all behind the
scenes and see you make their custom
projects come to life or pewdiepie bro
fist yeah that would be pretty something
needs to come out of this like please
Ethan skills are phenomenal and I think
he could wide reach and make everyone
happy with some awesome content this is
only the beginning thank you so much man
we do bro
and it was like yeah it's all weird one
ailes I got another high-five first now
ya gonna do the brofist over there hope
you guys have enjoyed this series coming
out of this stay tuned for the
performance as we said before hope you
enjoyed the showcase and let us know in
the description guys what you think of
it favorite part of the build and also
just if you've been waiting for this
build for a long time I do apologize
it's taking inning
it has it's over a year it's been over a
year and I know but like in my defense I
have had to make the student just been
so busy and I never like to let anyone
yeah it's liked it and I always do keep
my promises I never like even though I
just wanted to it well this is the
longest of the promises I did keep to my
promise and I did do everything involved
anyway guys are looking and you got you
want to close out anything to the ones
before we get on out of this
behind-the-scenes interview know just
what yeah I love getting feedback from
all my build so yeah comment what you
know what you think what you like what
you don't like as well yeah some always
looking for ways to improve and all I
kind of stuff sir come at me alright
guys links will be in the description
below as well and if this is your first
time coming to tech es city most to
consider subscribing and turning the
bail on if you want to see the videos
the moment they drop which I know you're
going to want to see the performance of
this thing so make sure you stay tuned
for that and Instagram as well take your
city where I'm posting up behind the
scenes stuff all the time
posted up behind the scenes a photo of
this before it was released on the
channel and with that said I'll catch
you guys in another tech video very soon
do you want to do the honors peace out
for now bye PES eff it out but
absolutely amazing
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