FX-8320 vs i5-4670k Precursor Video / Breakdown of Rigs / Games that were tested.
FX-8320 vs i5-4670k Precursor Video / Breakdown of Rigs / Games that were tested.
welcome back to tech yes City oh they
have been tested the FX 8320 and the i-5
for 670 K now people have been telling
me Brian there is not much a difference
between these two and then some people
who said Brian there's a difference
between these two and then people have
said look man just test them Brian can
you test these two CPUs and just tell me
the low down tell me the bottom line and
that's exactly what I did I said fuck it
you know everyone's been I've been
arguing this and a lot of other channels
have been arguing this debate for a long
time and I figured look I'm just gonna
buy them both well I already got the
four six seventy guys I'm gonna buy an
FX 8320 and if it's better I'm gonna use
it for my main rig so I figured hey I'm
gonna test it and put it up against the
Intel and as you guys know I don't like
Intel and I don't like AMD so whoever
wins wins anyway this is this versus
this video is going to be the precursor
video in which I'm going to explain the
testbed the test set setups used for
both the rigs I'm also going to be
explaining the games that will want the
word tested and that will be shown in
the next video and also at the end of
the video I will make a quick
recommendation for you guys that can't
wait so I know a lot of you guys have
subbed and you're waiting for this video
and I'll make a quick recommendation for
the guys who are waiting to buy a gaming
PC so before we move into the Pacific's
on the AMD and the Intel rig let's look
at the parts and settings that were used
in both the rigs so first off we had the
graphics card which was the most
important part besides the in the CPUs
themselves this is the GTX 780 lining
Edition now that I didn't just leave
this thing at stock settings I pushed
this thing to the max that it can go I
put 205 on the core and I put two on to
202 on the memory and I also gave it a
49 millivolt over volt
so these settings were pretty much my
sweet spot this is where my card likes
to run out
it does chew a lot more power over a
standard gtx 780 however it also gets
better a lot better frame rates over a
standard gtx 780 as well
if one graphics card was going to push
these cpus to the limit it was this
graphics card now let's look at the the
ram we used two four gigabyte sticks of
memory and dual channel configuration
was done at the same speeds on both rigs
1866 on the memory we used nine ten nine
and thirty on the timings with a command
rate of two T now also for the SSD we
used a 240 you buy SSD from Intel a
fresh install of Windows 7 64 bit a
service pack one with both the hot fixes
applied on the AMD now let's look at the
power supply we used an antic earth wats
650 watt power supply this is a bronze
rated power supply and it has an ample
amount of 12 amps on the 12 volt rail
now also this power supply managed to
handle both these rigs absolutely fine
and then some so a good power supply I
think it's really indicative of a good
value for money power supply - for the
real world so for the monitors we used a
1080p 120 Hertz Samsung panel for
testing at 1080p and then for 1440p
testing we used a yeah McCarthy 27 inch
now let's move on now to the AMD tests a
test bench setup so for the AMD
pacifically we used the FX 8320 on an
msi 990 FX a GD 65 motherboard now also
for the fan the cooler we used as almond
CP NS 14x cooler this is a huge cooler
and it managed to do an ample fine job
of cooling the FX 8320 at 4.4 gig now
that's exactly that we had the speed set
to 4.4 gig at 1.4 3 volt and also the
CPU Northbridge voltage was set to 1.25
volt and also the Northbridge voltage
itself was set to 1.15 volt now for the
actual hype I think the HT transport
speed or the Northbridge when they 4 FS
bus was left at 200 megahertz and also
the HT speed was set to a multiplier of
12 which left it at 2400 megahertz
now the HTT link speed was set to 2600
megahertz I found this to be the sweet
spot at four point four I wanted to give
the AMD rate the best 4.4 gig overclock
I could give it now also the bias was
updated to the last latest BIOS it was
updated to twenty point two and it was
the whole rig was running amp really
well also
one thing we also managed to do was to
test for scaling as well so we up to
this to four point six gigs and we
managed to get the scaling so the frame
rates did go up a little bit when we
when we tested it at four point six gigs
this means that our four point four gig
overclocked was stable so we also didn't
manage to test it I also managed to test
it at four gigs and it was running fine
as well so the overclock was solid and
it was a hundred percent stable now
let's move on now to the Intel rig so
for the Intel we had the four 670 K on
an MSI is the 87 g45 gaming motherboard
now this motherboard has basically had
the nici blown it
blow out in a lightning storm so I was
using this piece of crap here this is a
Broadcom 2007 PCI Express ni C this was
one of the first pieces Express and ICS
to be released so instead of using my
until mid-2013 my board is not that good
either so anyway let's move on now to
the overclock on the Intel's basically
it's using an anime XT for T which is
calling an ample fine as well it was
tested at 4.2 gigahertz at 1.12 volts on
the core now the on call ratio was set
to 4100 or 4.1 gigahertz and that was at
one point zero nine five volt so that
was both the rigs there that's both the
test set ups and let's look at the games
now that we looked so let's look at the
first off I tested single-player games I
tested multiplayer games also did some
rendering benchmarks some streaming
benchmarks and I've also done some idle
power consumption can sort of
calculations for you guys as well let's
look at the single-player game so first
the single-player games that were tested
with battlefield 4 this was done to the
test range at 1080p so all games were
tested at 1080p and 1440p next game we
tested at single player was skyrim and
then the next game we tested was
BioShock Infinite and then after that we
tested ARMA 3 and then tested Crysis 3
and then Batman Arkham Asylum all games
were pretty much set to ultra
and the max settings they could go now
for also for the multiplayer benchmarks
we tested battlefield 4 sorry the
single-player benchmarks were all done
25 seconds at 3 times there was
practically no variance between any of
the benchmarks as it's very easy to
replicate the same conditions on
single-player now for multiplayer we
tested 200 second benchmarks three times
at both 1080p and 1440p and as you guys
know this was this took a long time for
me to do so battlefield 4 was tested on
Lancang dam
which I love this map it's one of my
favorite maps and we tested this at
1080p in 1440p we also tested Star Wars
The Old Republic and this was done at
1080p and 1440p we also tested Heroes of
Newerth at 1080p and 1440p on the same
map same character and then we tested
Starcraft 2 and this was done on the
same map with the same race terran with
pretty much the same conditions and then
lastly i tested planetside 2 due to
popular demand a lot of people were
demanding me to test this game so I test
this basically at the base just running
around shooting and it was a consistent
I wanted the benchmarks to be consistent
on both rigs both the time now also for
rendering tests and on Z we did an unzip
test and a rendering test I did a
Premiere Pro 6 I rendered a video it was
wasn't that big I think it was a 2
minute and 14 video two minutes 14
seconds at an ATP and it was done in the
same settings on both rigs and then for
the unzipping we unzipped an 8 gig file
with R in WinRAR and also for the we did
UniGene valley for a synthetic sort of
gaming benchmark ok lastly we had
streaming benchmarks and now these were
done across two different games so we
tested battlefield 4 and Heroes of
Newerth both games were done with me
playing at 1440p down scaling it through
dxtory to 1080p at 30 frames per second
on the lowest rendering codec in the
dxtory codec as you guys know youtube
also uses the why um v12 codec as well I
think it is so this was done and it was
scaled down to 1080p
now we used fraps on top of that so we
used we used
story to connect to obs and then we use
fraps on top of that to count the frame
rates and basically this was done yet
fire both on hero's new earth in
battlefield 4 and why just these two
games because these are the two games
that I would honestly like to start
streaming in the future for you guys
maybe with a live giveaway or something
like that so I decided to test these two
games streaming wasn't that important to
me either so I only tested two games
here anyway let's move on now to the
last part this is the recommendations
now people if you are wanting to get a
CPU basically I'm gonna tell you guys
cut and dry okay the Intel if you are
going for something like a GTX 770
overclocked or something or an online
280 X or an online 290 something that is
a pretty much a high-end graphics card
you will want to get the i-5 for 670 K
and you will want to overclock it
because some of these games that were
CPU bound there were significant
differences and I'm not gonna lie to you
I'm not going to bullshit to you there
were some significant differences and ah
you'll see them in the benchmarks to
come the 8320 honestly it is good value
for money if you have seen I've
recommended it in the past for a hundred
and thirty dollars sometimes it's
extraordinary value for money it comes
with a really decent hint heatsink as
well I think this month this CPU coupled
with a 970 motherboard that's on sale as
well maybe and get one of them for 50
I've seen them go for 50 or 60 dollars
clock it to four gigs on the stock
cooler and you'll be home in hose that's
really good value for money couple it
with a mid-range graphics card and
you'll be getting good performance for
the dollar so honestly some you know why
wouldn't you recommend this on a
high-end graphics card well if you're
spending like five hundred bucks on a
graphics card some in some games this
gave a 50% increase in frames and I shit
you not I was just blown away in some
games no bullshit aside on ARMA 3
pacifically I'll mention ARMA 3 there
was a 50% increase in frames just the
CPU alone which was huge so what's an
extra hundred bucks if you're gonna miss
out in some games on a significant
amount of frames so honestly yeah if you
guys want my recommendation it's like
this high-end graphics card get the
mid-range graphics card
you can save yourself some money and get
the AMD so I'm gonna recommend them both
cut-and-dry that's my opinion on them
both save yourself some money if you can
however if you're going with the premium
graphics card make sure you match it
with the fork or at least the fork or is
ample fine for a single and graphics
card this thing will just chew at four
threads if you overclock this even
further than 4.6 gigs
it'll make short work of any game and
you'll see in the benchmarks as well
this thing started to especially at
1440p this thing was not CPU bound in
any game so that's a good thing about
the Intel the AMD was still CPU bound at
1440p in some games which was surprising
to me as well
anyway that's my recommendation for you
guys I'll be bringing out the benchmarks
for you guys soon and you'll get to see
the whole results cut and dry yeah I'll
be give recommending power efficiency
for you guys as well and that's another
thing as well if you live in a country
with high power if you're paying a lot
for a kilowatt-hour save like me if
you're paying like around 35 cents or 30
cents I know you guys in Australia I
paying like 29 cents a kilowatt-hour
then that is another factor to consider
as well because it doesn't you I was
actually surprised the power consumption
wasn't that bad but it was still maybe
an extra light bulb or so on average
higher than this so I mean higher than
the Intel so that's what I got down to
and the conclusion anyways I hope you
enjoyed this this is really cut and dry
honestly I want to get through this and
get on to more interesting stuff I'll
get all this headphone and audiophile
stuff to test down and I really want to
get to the bottom of that too so anyway
I hope you guys enjoyed this I will be
coming back with the results really soon
for you guys and as always peace out for
now and I'll catch you guys soon
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