welcome back to Kumbi that's 2018 and
I'm at the bit fee actually BitFenix
booth and we got here the new case
design we have here the Fujian and
Fujian is like the god of wind this is
all designed to foot airflow you can fit
three 120mm fans at the front 360 mil
route or you can fit two 140 mm fans at
the front or a 280 ml rad both up the
top as well that hit my hand that was
pretty scary and you can fit a radiator
in front of that too so you can do
either or at the front or the top of the
case at the rear you can fit a 120mm fan
for business with a 120 ml rat if you
wish to as well now down the bottom
enclosed power supply with this case so
it's coming in with that clean aesthetic
as well
you've got RGB preset controller
included so you can change different
settings on the go if you wish to but
also the actual RGB lighting itself
included in the case is a controllable
via a 3 pin as well which you can plug
up to a motherboard and then control
that with addressable RGB itself too now
for the pricing we are looking at 80 USD
and it's looking to come out in quarter
4 in 2018 this year also in Euro 70 euro
and you get the tempered glass side
panel as well
at the rear you've got two SSD bays two
3.5 inch mechanical drive base and
you've got the ability to fit up to a
180 ml power supply as well and speaking
of power supplies they have their new
visions coming out starting at around
$150 it's a concept but they are using
channel well technology OAM power
supplies these things are going titanium
modular and whisper-quiet new ball
bearing fan designs but that's still in
the works very early concept and they
have new addressable RGB fans that are
coming out on the market too
mm eighteens Computex coverage wouldn't
be possible without gigabyte or Corsair
bringing you the quality and also the
reliability that you need when building
a new pc last-minute touches now with
the Fujin you've got a front removable
dust filter at the bottom as well and on
the top here you can change between
airflow insert or enclosed if you want
the enclosed look also included with
this will be one RGB fan of the front
one RGB fan of the front so for 80 USD
it is hitting pretty hard and as well at
the back you get 25 mil clearance for
cable management so this is what the
Fujin is about it's looking pretty damn
good so far and the last of the new
products on display here is the Spectre
Pro addressable RGB fans you can choose
between a 120 mil or a 140 mill and also
these are coming out in quarter four so
you guys have to let me know in the
comment section below if you like the
design if you dig in these designs of
these Specter pros because BitFenix are
still making this a concept so they are
still open to changing the design and
also of course making the pricing
competitive when they release either a
single or a 3-pack and that's about it
for the BitFenix 2018 booth coverage
they've also got the ENSO on display a
really nice looking case that we
actually covered last year and they
still got a lot of those products on
display with their product stack from
last year to the Fujin being the new
edition they are thinking about redoing
the end so is well putting a mesh of
fied front cover on to help out with the
airflow as well as there was previously
some complaints on the airflow with this
case though of course as I said in my
review I think with the mid-range sort
of build it's not a problem but if you
are going for that high-end build in
those 1080i and 6 quarts well thread
components then yeah maybe a mesh to 5
front is needed in regards to the Enzo
but anyway guys hope you enjoyed this
booth coverage if you didn't be sure to
hit that like button if you have any
questions or comments for BitFenix be
sure to drop a comment the comment
section below and I'll catch you guys in
another tech video very soon
peace out for now bye
so can you tell me a little bit more
about these fans here it's off the
merchandise now who are you again hey
get out of the shop
all right guys big thanks to Tammy at
BitFenix for telling me all about these
products she was a little bit shy on
camera so she didn't want to go on
camera so we had some jokes but thanks
for coming out thank you
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