so people want you built and today I've
got to build a cusper cookie pretty damn
hard you know I almost cut the whole
damn thing off but today is a 470 USB
build and also 680 Australian dollars is
you down under so let's take a look at
this thing build it benchmark at MC
house or for welcome back to Texas it is
brand come between you guys today with a
build that is honestly a really solid
1080p gaming rig it utilizes the USG 45
60 s from Intel this is a dual core of 4
threads and it's really damn cheap we're
talking like $60 if you're in the States
and like 78 Australian dollars in Oz it
is that damn cheap and it offers
extremely good value for money in the
news parts section now for the
motherboard we're going with a be 150
here from MSI's of the pro VD it's
pretty cheap although one thing to keep
in mind if this is your first PC and you
don't have a friend with an i3 6100 or a
skylake CPU then you may want to go with
the be 250 motherboard as they won't
need to update the boss but if you're
going with a H 110 or B 150 for this
build then you may need to update the
boss to get the G 40/60 working so
looking at some other parts in this
build we have the RX 470 which is easily
the king for price performance with the
new graphics cards especially if you can
pick these cards up for around about 150
dollars like near Zeus speeches on
Amazon so you can actually save a few
dollars to the actual build I'm doing
here though the Rh 470 definitely
dominates frame rates when it comes to
1080p gaming then for the other specs we
have an entry-level case here from DS
cool which comes in very cheap but it's
still a great case to work with then
there's the one terabyte Western Digital
blue which isn't stable for budget build
and an entry-level 500 watt power supply
though on this note if you are in the US
then goes for the EVGA 501 and if you
are in Australia then definitely check
out the an tech VP 500 both of which
offer really good value for money on the
budget and and then lastly for memory I
have a crucial a gigabyte 2 by 4 kit
here which is the cheapest I could find
in both pods and the u.s. so let's put
this thing together and then benchmark
it for you guys
so there are these guys a great PC that
can run a lot of titles of 1080p high
settings no problems whatsoever even a
real recent title like Dishonored 2 had
no problems running high settings with
good FPS on this rig
I'll surprise our with the Irish 470 I
had here this thing could only go to a
mere thirteen hundred megahertz which
wasn't good at all to be honest but
usually you should be able to overclock
these rx 472 higher speeds and hence get
better FPS as for the four gigabytes on
this card it is perfectly fine for 1080
gaming in my opinion and will be for
some years to come also everything in
this build is really solid not just in
terms of price performance but also in
terms of the product itself so for 2017
there is also still then to come and
when it hits the shelves it should
hopefully be at least similar in terms
of value for money though with the
pentium g 4560 it is a really game good
way for money cpu on a budget and
honestly it won't get a whole lot better
than this or the RX 470 in terms of
price for performance for new parts and
of course there is used parts but a lot
of the time use parts of one-off peels
this build however is readily available
and if you are looking to build a new PC
and want to have everything hassle-free
then this will certainly be an epic
build for you guys as for prices the
parts here are relatively close to
retail too so if there are some sales on
for things like Ram motherboards cases
and power supplies then you may be able
to get this build a little cheaper but
in terms of choice of five and you build
I think it won't get much better than
this one for price performance in a new
build and of course having a solid PC
that won't break on you in 2017 today I
hope you enjoyed this build and let me
know in the comment section below if you
liked this build also let me know if
there's any changes you would make to
distilled firstly would love to read
your comments as always and also the
links for all the parts will be in the
description below be sure to check that
out and I'll catch you guys in another
tech video very soon he's out for now
bill will be in the description below
deserves out of it welcome back to Brian
welcome back to Brian this is tech city
so here it is a great PC that can run
all the latest 1080p titles at no
problems latest 1080p for I had no
problems fps
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