Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti Aorus Xtreme Review - The Best is Here
Gigabyte GTX 1080 Ti Aorus Xtreme Review - The Best is Here
today we're going to take a look at the
GTX 1080 Ti from Oris which is gigabytes
new spinoff brand that is their premium
line of parts and is this gtx 1080i of
premium graphics card well let's find
welcome back to tech yesterday and today
we're going to take a look at the bend
or a scratch card that's right so
gigabyte bhindi gtx 1080p eyes they put
them through the gauntlet processing and
this is their best 1080 T eye out on the
market at the moment now it has two
eight pin connectors so it does provide
a bit of extra power than a typical
founders Edition card and it also has a
much higher power limit of a hundred and
fifty percent and now this does come
into play when comparing it to the
founders Edition card so first of all
I'm going to show you guys some
benchmarks and then we'll talk a lot
more in depth about this graphics card
so as we could see from those benchmarks
this GT X 1080 TI horas card was just
absolutely killing it I was surprised
with the numbers I was getting
especially when I compare it to my 1080
TI that I have actually gone back and
put in Excel or on and this Oris card is
just beating that left right and center
it is clearly a Bend card and it clearly
does overclock higher I was able to get
this thing to two point one two
gigahertz on the core and then the
memory went over 12 gigahertz effective
and this just made for some extremely
good benchmarking and also testing on
when I was doing the games but one thing
I will point out here is that power
target of 150 percent it does come into
play when benchmarking and when also
playing games if you are an enthusiast
and that's one thing I want to talk
about I test these cards overclock
because I want to test them for the
enthusiast line of people that are
looking to buy the scraps card and since
the Auris card does come in 50 USD more
expensive than the founders Edition
cards people are going to look at why
they should justify that extra $50 when
they're purchasing a card like this and
the first reason is those higher limits
not only that you have the vrm to
support those higher limits we've got a
12 plus 2 phase power design with FDM f
fairchild MOSFETs here the six eight to
three C's which are rated at 45 amps up
to 135 degrees that's right these are
the real deal when it comes to the
MOSFETs then you've got surface mount
angela bassett errs on both sides of the
graphics card so on the rear it's cooled
by the backplate and on the front it's
cooled by the active cooling solution
however for the chokes you've also got
12 r22 magic chokes there to provide
just such clean and stable power to the
core itself and then for the memory
you've got two dedicated phases of their
own and now moving on to the cooling
solution this is where things even get
better with this graphics card you've
got a triple slot cooler so it is
extremely large the cooler itself that's
when I detach it from the actual PCB
weighs in at over one kilogram and it's
got three dedicated active fans on the
front there which are PW
controlled and they can have the ability
to turn off when the graphics card is in
idle you also have the ability to set
custom fan profiles on this graphics
card and it does remain quiet even with
the custom fan profiles or at least it
remains not as loud as some other
solutions out there on the stock fan
profiles and out-of-the-box settings
this card overclock over 2 gigahertz on
the core and the memory even has a
little boost of its own and they were
giving me scores similar to my founders
Edition Mac's overclock in 3d fire
strike which is incredible considering
this thing is just whisper quiet out of
the box and then when overclocked with a
custom fan profile it's even not that
loud either so I'll let you guys have a
listen quickly
as the temperatures this is where I was
very impressed - I managed to get 64
degrees maximum temperatures after a
good 30 minutes plus in heaven this is
my typical benchmark for testing
temperatures and this is what the active
fan profile at 26 degrees ambience so
perform just only a little bit behind
the Exelero but keep in mind the Exelero
is using some custom metal thermal paste
there on the cooler to the actual card
itself now there's actually some custom
software included with the Auris card
and it's actually needed in order to
overclock better in my opinion with it
having the ability to unlock the voltage
and gain an extra 100 millivolts on the
core so this is pretty crucial if you
want to get out that extra stable
overclock in my opinion as MSI
Afterburner won't allow you to unlock
the voltage as of yet maybe they'll
release an update later though as for
the software itself it was actually
pretty good you also need this software
to change the aura lighting on the
graphics card itself or the RGB lighting
they can switch in different modes from
static to breathing to flashing and even
to cycling through GPU temperatures but
you will need an extra connector to do
that I believe however on that note of
the software you can save profiles you
can also manually overclock and there
are graphs to tell you what maximum
temperatures and core speeds you've
reached similar to After Burner except
afterburner does include River tuna
which is a really good software for live
monitoring how your frames are
performing and how your temperatures and
power consumption is performing - and
also the last part of the software is
that you can pick from three different
preset profiles that is silent gaming
and overclocked modes and the
overclocked mode itself is that mode
that did perform really well out of the
box and was getting speeds to my
founders edition custom overclocked now
to cover some last-minute things you do
get two HDMI two out to the back you
also get three display outs and a DVI
out to also on the other side of the
card there is an additional HDMI port
there to support people who use VR and
also want multi-monitor setups and the
card itself includes they're pretty
generous four year warranty considering
how hard the power targets are and how
high the power can
sumption got and now it's conclusion
time and this is where I'm going to make
the main comparison to the gtx 980ti
founders edition card which as I said
before comes in around 50 USD cheaper
than the Auris card or if you're in
Australia comes in a hundred AUD cheaper
and it performs a little bit worse the
Auris card with the extra money that
you're going to spend on it you are
getting your money's worth in my opinion
it is just one heck of a card it
overclocks extremely well you're getting
a bend card you're getting a cooler that
remains really quiet and performs
extremely well then you're getting
software that actually works really well
to to support that card and as we saw
there the main component making this
card perform better in 4k gaming
benchmarks is that power target when I
was benchmarking I quickly alt tab just
check with River tuna statistics and I
saw the power limit was going up to
sometimes even 140 percent in games so
that's a good 15 percent above the
founders edition card and this in my
opinion allows that GTX 1080p IRS to
perform better than the founders Edition
card in a lot of the benchmarks it was
scoring around about a good 8 to 10
percent faster in a lot of these
benchmarks I tested it first I was
pretty surprised because I thought my
Founders edition card was a pretty
aggressive graphics card when I put the
accelerator on there however the Auris
card just blows that out of the water
it's an extremely good graphics card and
you've got that four year warranty to go
with that and so you can just overclock
it to kingdom come for the next four
years and you won't have to worry so
that extra money that you're spending is
very justified in my opinion is an
extremely good graphics card and I can
recommend to pretty much anyone out
there and also gigabyte asked me to test
the copper backplate as well which they
include on this card and it did get hot
so it was absorbing Heat it's just when
I put a biggest fan on there which is a
really good fan I didn't notice the
difference with temperatures dropping or
increasing however I'll take your good
bytes word for it I guess the engineers
really know what they're doing because
this graphics card was just one of the
best graphics cards I've seen though
keep in mind it is a three slot cooler
so it is really large however it will
perform really well for those
enthusiasts or even the person who just
wants to get an extreme
the graphics card out of the box whack
it in and get really good results so
awesome job for Morris I'm really
looking forward to what they'll do with
their next line up of graphics card and
whatnot and if you guys have any
questions about the earth and be sure to
drop a comment on section below and also
let me know what you think of it
North on that note don't forget to hit
the like button and I will catch you in
another tech video very soon
peace out for now bye
and then even when overclock with a
custom fan profile but you can save
profiles you can open it
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