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Haswell Z97 / Z87 Core-Ratio (ADVANCED) Overclocking Tutorial (for 4690K 4670K / 4770K 4790K)

welcome back to tech s cities Brandis coming back to you guys today finally with the intermediate / advanced overclocking tutorial 4 has well now this guide is going to be assuming that you already have some knowledge of overclocking because there's going to be things that I'm going to do in this overclock tutorial that if you don't know anything about overclocking is not going to make sense so explain all the basic things but I'm going to explain the more advanced things now this overclocking j'adore is something that I kind of stumbled on upon when I was doing my 5 gig overclock and basically let's get into it anyway so you need three programs cpu-z prime95 real temp and you guys know you can use whichever ones you want if you want to use burn test or if you want to use OC CT anything you want to use that's fine restart your computer and jump straight into BIOS now I have been playing around with this because it is tricky and I'm going to explain it on different motherboards there will be different ways to do this this is for the MSI motherboard more specifically but basically everything I'm explaining here can be done in the tutorial so basically here guys I haven't actually found my sweet spot and I'm going to find it while I'm doing this video for you which is actually going to be awesome as you can see that I go through all the frustrating things now the important thing is to leave if you're on the MSI g45 which are not for you you guys are you're going to leave your CPU ratio on auto that's right you're gonna leave it on auto but you have to turn make sure that enhanced turbo is enabled so this is important don't leave this on auto make sure this is on enabled now for your ring buzz ring ratio I suggest leaving it at this sweet spot my I've already found my ring ratio sweet spot and that's a 4.1 gig I like leaving it there generally for all my overclocked even if I'm going up to 4.6 which is my general daily overclock before I'm doing this tutorial now basically what I'm going to do is as you guys know my 4.6 gig overclocked is my sweet spot overclocked for my CPU and this is done at one point two five volt and I generally give it a little bit more juice on the offset so I do a plus offset with point zero zero five just to make sure it's completely stable if I leave this on this I did get occasionally I did you know maybe once in five days I got a blue screen so that little bit extra just made a 24 so stable for me now what I'm going to do today is I'm going to be trying to extract the most out of my 4.6 good overclock so this is a thing called CPU core ratio and basically this will be in different parts of the BIOS so as you can see here I was testing it with different settings so I was testing it with four gig and just to make sure that it worked so the important thing is I'll go over that one more time quickly for you guys is that you want to make sure that your enhancer adjust CPU ratios on auto and then you want to make sure enhanced turbo is enabled as well so that's the two things in order to get this to work you have to do CPU PCI power PLL I suggest booting that off the Southbridge I noticed it made my overclock fully stable as well that's something I recommend as well feel free to copy any of these settings in my boss if you wish to but let's get on straight away now to the main juice of it's so active processor processor cores that what you want to do is you want to change this to one because this is I know you bring in what the hell but this is directly related to how this works basically you're going to find out which core on your CPU is the weakest link and unfortunately if it's core number one then this tutorial is not going to work pretty much at all but there's a 75% chance that you're going to be able to get something extra out of your CPU as opposed to what you have now there's a lot of people saying look I've got four point to Google one point two five volt and so this tutorial for you guys you to be able to find out if your core can go up if your core can go up to four point eight for example so that's what we're going to do first off is we're going to set this at one core active processor cores I've only got one core and it's going to go all the way up to four point eight gigahertz we're not going to worry about these two for now because I know that they run a 4.6 I know the other cause all run at four point six so I'm going to try and get four point eight out of my first core and then I'm going to find out which core doesn't like to be run at four point eight gigs if that makes any sense so I've got one processor core active so there's only going to be booting on one core and now if it can boot at one if you can boot at four point eight gigs on one core then I know core number one is a pretty damn good core I can boot 4.8 gigs at one point to 5 volt what I'm going to be testing though is if it can boot on two cores at 4.8 gigs then i know'd core number two is really good as well and then I eventually go down to three cores four cores and I find out which core cannot run basically which core can't run at four point eight gigs and hopefully it's call number four that way I'll be able to get when only three as you can see here we've got four point eight gigs and we're only at one point two five volt so now we'll just run a quick benchmark and I'm going to be very quick because this is a tutorial and I want to get onto the that's sort of the teaching side of things but basically core number one as we can see here core one can run a four point eight gigs at one point two five volt one point two five five so it's a really good core number one on my CPU is really good as you guys know with my five gig overclock but one thing I did learn about the five you go clock and I'll talk about at the end was that that 5p go like I did on air was technically five gig on all caused because of the fact that I did the dynamic ratio I dialed that in manually anyway let's get on now to so we got four point eight gig one call and it's working okay so that's really cool so what we're going to do now is we're going to restart the computer and I now know that you know I mean I'm assuming that I've tested this for a lot longer on the stability test but I now know that I mean quote with the rabbit fingers this now runs on one core one point two five five volt so I know some of this is you know some of you guys know I won't and it's slow down and explain it a bit more but I'm again I'm assuming you guys are sort of cat keeping up with me here so now we're going to go to the second chord we're going to find out if two chords can run at four point eight now so basically I want to resize you see here BIOS is said look there's only one chord gone so where are they going to say you've got one Corbitt basically you've got to restart again and you're going to enter BIOS again because you're going to say look I want to cause now and I want to see if two cores can run at four point eight gig so I haven't tested this as well and like this is you guys know me I've always always give you guys honest opinions I'm gonna be basically this guide might take 40 minutes I don't know but I'm going to basically nail down my sweet spot overclock you using the core ratios now it's not basically this doesn't work basically what this means I'm going to go a little bit more into explanation here it's basically what this core rate show means is it's not basically one core one isn't running at four point eight gigs and quarters running at four point seven it's basically when two one cause in use it will go up to four point eight when two cores are in use it'll go up to if you set it in here four point seven the first two cores will go up to four point seven so if you're running all threads if you're running for cause it'll only go up to what you set the four core ratio are if that makes any sense but it's in it's in effect it is a good thing if you can cascade it down into basically so I'm going to dial in four point out there anyway so we're going to keep going a bit it's a good thing if you cascade it down and you find out which core is the weakest so anyway I mean I'll get onto the explanation a bit later but basically you just want to find out which core is the weak core at one point two five volt so for me as you guys can see core one is a beautiful core it loves running at four point eight at one point two five let's see if core number two is the same story okay so we're opening up CPU Z now and we go four point eight so there it is four point eight seems to be working as well so it's doing the stress test and we've got two workers there and it's working I mean it's actually working I mean I on it now okay there we go blue screen of death so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to dial this down to four point seven I now know core two is not as good as core one and I'm glad you guys saw that because I now know that core two is not as good as core one and I'm going to dial that down to four point seven and so I found my little weak core now so here's not as good as cool basically called twos like no man I can't do this I can't run at four point eight gigs and so I'm going to drop him down to four point seven and see if he can run at four point seven I've kind of got a feeling that core to maybe my bad core I haven't actually tested this out for you guys as you know here to make sure you set your hard drive another thing to make sure you don't have all those caching options enabled as well make sure if you do this you make sure that yeah your data can't be corrupted as always I did recommend that in the beginners guide that's the first thing I recommend but I sure I've already done it so it goes without saying let's move in now cpu-z four point seven okay two cores are running up to four point seven gig so basically those again I'm saying with this call ratio thing now that two cores are in use it'll drop down to four point seven on the two cores so you can see here that's running a four point seven ok I'm going to assume that this is OK I mean I obviously I want to test this a lot longer but since I'm doing the tutorial for you guys it seems to be ok at four point seven it's saying look ok we're all good here we can run I mean you can check for temps too but I know for a fact that my temps aren't a problem at these at these settings we'll get will have a look here so we've got two cores here I mean yeah the damn in temperatures are probably about twenty degrees in here I've got my heater going at the moment and we can see the temperatures are only 51 and 54 so again get that cooler boy toys liquid Pro outs really good stuff let's move on now we're going to restart our computer and we're going to do three cores now so we're going to move on to three coolers so we know that two cores at four point seven seems to be ok I mean let's just pretend that I did stress test this for four hours or so we're going to be fast tracking it for you guys so there's two cores at four point seven gig now let's move on now to three cores and yeah I'm going to discover while I'm doing the cheater I'm going to discover how good my CPU really is so again we'll go to three cores now save an exit and we're going to see if three cores can run at four point seven so we can't go any higher if you go higher on the three core ratio limit what happens is in the MSI bias I don't know about the Zeus boss but in the amount MSI bias it'll basically revert to the to court ratio it'll say hey look to cause in use anyway and since that's lower than the three core so to basically if I do this it'll basically void all the core ratios and I believe it actually resets back to order from what I quickly tested before so now we're going to try this at four point seven now and four point seven and we're going to see if it boots and if it runs as smooth as it did the last time and you know as you guys know it's just extracting that little bit extra out of your computer so you're just getting that little bit extra of performance and it's always a good thing right free performance hell yeah and so it is it is one thing I like about house well I honestly I would like to see them implement an individual core clock where you could set the core clock on each individual processor manually that'd be really cool that's something I look forward to in the future if they did that but this is you know it's definitely a way to get a little bit of extra performance so it does seem to be working now four point seven gig on three calls so it's saying look Brian for you know this is my computer's my little CPU saying look we are working really easily I've been doing this fun 55 degrees not a problem when getting my burning up a bit more power and a bit more heat and yeah so it's working I mean three cores is fine you see here the stress test is working I mean this is real rough again like I said I'll be rendering videos playing games for honest for real stability testing but this is just fast tracking so we've got four point eight four point seven on to call ratio four point seven on the three Correggio let's now try four four point seven on the four core ratio and I believe this may this may crash on the four point seven so I may have to drop this down to four point six on the four core ratio but then let's find out anyway so we've got this going it seems to be pretty sweet yeah okay that it's worth it for the better part it's working so we're going to restart our computer and we're just going to say look for point seven No what the hell just happened there okay something happened there I think it just crashed out so four-point-seven is a no-go Wow okay wait to sleep alright wait for point seven is a did I I'm accidentally hit sleep anyway you saw that noob mistake so let's continue on so it actually does work a 4.7 so we're going to drive four point seven on the last clock but since I already know that my computer can't do four point seven on all four cores at this level I'm going to say that core four is basically core four can only run it for point six so I'm going to do four point eight four point seven four point seven four point six and then I've found the sweet spot for my CPU so that's that's that guys that's basically the tutorial for you guys to extract the maximum out of yeah megahertz out of your CPU so here we go here four point eight 4.7 4.7 four point six and so there's pretty much my sweet spot for my CPU I may just try four point nine just because I don't know actually I really don't know how good core one really is core one could be an absolute beast I'm not too sure of that so what I want to do is actually I'm going to find out if call one is a beast finally I mean so if you guys want to see this live and all sort of I'll talk while I'm doing this so since I found basically this is the end of the tutorial here I found my sweet spot here and this basically is it here I mean four point eight 4.7 4.7 four point six and I'm going to go at the end of this no do it now I'll explain a little bit more basically when one cause in use so I've got core one two three four and when only one core is in use which will be call one it'll go up to four point eight gigs so from running a one threaded application all the way up to four points four point eight gigs now if I'm required to run a two threaded application it'll go up to four point seven gigs and now if I'm required to run a 3-quart or three threaded application we'll go up to four point seven gigs and then if I require to use all cores that will go up to only four point six gigs and it'll do it in the order of using the cores based on their number basically call one tool to call three core four in that order so call one will get used the most out of anything so that's how it usually works anyway let's just test this and then I will just do a four point nine on the one core just to see if it works and of course I just do want to quickly do a stability test on this to make sure that this works and that's basically the tutorial guys so if you have any questions please leave a comment the comment section below I'll also be submitting this to Tom's for a tutorial they asked me to submit a tutorial form and they're really nice the guy the guys name's Joe fish guy he's a really nice guy messaged me and he said look you know please submit a tutorial and I did so this is the tutorial I'm submitting I would submit a few more if I had the time I just really don't have time on my hands at the moment so as you see here that the overclocks actually running fine it's since 4.6 gigs now on all cause it's running sweet and that's a good overclock so I mean I've extracted an extra technically I've extracted an extra two hundred megahertz out of my CPU for what it's worth I've got an extra two hundred megahertz when it's on one core I've got an extra hundred megahertz when it's on two or three Fred threats which is awesome so now I'm just going to talk lastly so yeah if you haven't go if you haven't already guys please hit the like button as well I'm just you know I'm dedicating my time to doing this tutorial for you but if you have any questions please send me a PM if it's urgent as well I want to talk about this a bit more and I want you guys to generally show me what your capabilities capable of because a lot of guys are telling me again they're getting 4.2 gig 'its and they can only do that at one point to 5 volt they're saying that their CPUs at dog overclockers this may enable you to get a little bit more out of say core 1 & 2 if they're if they're really good cause as you can see with my core it's really good core 1 going up 4.8 gig if cool one and two on your CPUs are really good then you may be able to get four point six out of them four point seven and if core four is a dog then that might be the one that's holding back all your other cause so basically this core ratio will say look all right when all four cores are needed we'll drop it down to four point two but in the meantime if there's only a three threaded or two threaded application or one threaded application we can gain some extra speed so let's use here this is my sweet spot overclock this is going to be my new overclock that I'm going to use from here on so it's that's how it is I've taught myself something and I've taught you guys something as well so you guys have already you can hit that sub button subscribe to tech s city and I'll be coming back in the new year with some more tutorials and stuff like that so if you have any tutorials that you really want please a please submit it in the comments or send me a PM I will be getting an AMD FX 8350 70 K I want to put them head-to-head and I want to see how good this cpu really is I mean there's I'm just hearing so many conflicting reports I just hear so much everything you know one says one says the 4670 k's a lot better people say are the 8350 s just as good i want to grab this FX 8320 and grab it in my hands and test it against this for 670 k because i've used a lot of CPUs in my time except i haven't actually got to gotten a hold of the FX 8350 or a FX 8320 i would like to test it in the flesh but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this CPU tutorial if you did yeah I'm going to sorry I'm like sound like a broken record but yeah just sub to take a city and then I'm going to catch you guys soon and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial took me a little bit of you know I'm just doing the stress test making sure it all runs good if you guys also want to know I will put the I'll put the D lid I'm going to make a full D lid tutorial next year when I get some time but basically in the mid dump I do recommend deleting your CPU as you can see here my CPU 20 degrees ambience roughly and I mean it's not even clocking 60 degrees at you know full load this is prime 95 this is something that stresses the hell out of your CPU you see here my maximum temps are beautiful so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and yeah if I've enjoyed it as well because I've basically discovered better overclock for myself as well it has peace out for now Maran easy wait
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