welcome to the first episode of hot used
meta and deals and I am joined here by
the one the only note on a budget how
are you doing Danny hey what's up Brian
hey what's up everyone I Danny here I'm
doing great how are you doing man really
good a little bit tired it is just past
midnight so right now you know the time
yeah the time differences are really
crazy chat is poppin except chats
actually a bit weird on this so we've
got the live chat on the side anyway you
can monitor live chat for us you'll be
you be awesome watching if there's a
question I don't see your stream pop up
yet it'll pop up I can fix the chat
later that's one of those things that
happens but we've got here today
the deals we're gonna look at them and
we're gonna check them out see what's
hot see what's not and also if there's
new strategies as well that you need to
go into as a deal hunter what can you
pull up and sort of what's the new
tactics because you're not meta means
don't you or you're not into the mobis
yeah that's what we're looking for so
we've got all these tactics they shift
from time to time especially when you're
dealing to like today when I was on
gumtree I saw a guy this is just before
I even get into the deals and he's got
two grams cars for sale right he's got
350 Australian dollars farthing it was
like an i-9 280 and an i-9 280x and he
said you know 188 or 350 for the pair
now I didn't even bother putting an
offer on this because when you're only
giving a discount for two gravities
cards selling as a pair it means you're
not willing to budge much at all so for
me it's like why even waste my time
putting in an offer right so yeah
sometimes I just flicked through deals
and sometimes you can lowball or you can
go a lot lower if the person suggests
that in the ad but if the person's not
and they're pretty strict with their
language then it's like what's the point
so kind of thing like anyway that's the
first so what we've got here is we're
going to pull up the first deal we've
got here so this is from Krypton EHD and
he's actually in the discord he's a
member from the discord
I am curious Oh crazy piece awake right
now it's 7:30 p.m. so he's in so he's
from San Diego California and he got a
GTX 1080 founders edition used elbows in
really good condition on offer up for
400 bucks which in this yeah for two
bucks and I think right now even with
the prices of graphics start coming down
we're still seeing them floating around
500 or so but I think when he picked
this up it was actually the prices were
higher so this is a really good deal
yeah yeah I mean the the PC itself looks
pretty clean as well I mean I'm loving
these red fans very ambient give off a
very nice ambient lighting to the case
but all that aside that bling aside
we've got here GT X 1080 founders
Edition four hundred US dollars is that
what you said yeah and that's actually
that mean that's a really good deal I
mean most people aren't going to be able
to get that but naturally if you can see
a deal especially if someone needs to
get rid of it pretty quickly you can
snap that deal up and it's like hey I
just picked up some really good tech and
so yeah I mean when you put in a deal
for a GTX 1080 or what what's your sort
of most hunted card I'm gonna be honest
I'm gonna say the most thing that I've
hunted would have been a GTX 780 and 780
Ti is their the most picked up card here
on the channel I get them for really
good prices you personally what do you
think you get in terms of your graphics
cards what's the most picked up graphics
card you get I think it has been
recently but it used to be the HD 7950
um yeah geez those were so powerful for
and they used to go for like 70 to 80
bucks but you know that changed with the
whole mining situation so then I went to
Nvidia and I'd say that GTX 770 s my
go-to yeah seventy seventy yeah yeah and
it's just because it comes in usually at
a cheaper price point at this as the 780
I don't see you too many of those in the
use market here yeah yeah and the 770
even though it does only have two
gigabytes of vram I think for 1080p I
usually recommend it because you usually
don't have a problem in terms of the
performance it gives especially since
you can
those for like 60 to 70 bucks usually
exactly sometimes you can even get them
cheaper I mean my favorite out of that
sort of line up is the 670 very
underrated you can pick them off for
dirt cheap and you get this you still
get that 2 gigabyte virion buffer but
another thing too is you just micro the
settings right you can still get away
with 1080p gaming with the 670 and
that's what I've found
you just might her the settings even in
today's titles so we've got here the say
this is going back through tree crypt
onyx will just get back to the sorry the
pictures here he also picked up some
ddr4 memory - yeah yeah he got a 16 year
base of Corsair Vengeance it's the 21 33
megahertz so the entry-level clock he
could probably live a clock it a little
more but it so he only got for a hundred
and right now I think the going price
for RAM for ceasing gigs is around 150
160 yes oh no it's really Rams oh right
yeah I mean used new I don't care it's a
it's a little bit funny to say that
though I did get some used memory some
used ddr4 aha and it was some corsair
stuff and it was it was 116 gigabyte
stick was faulty
rest in peace oh that was yeah well is
it local pick up in a deal and that like
that hurt man when that when that 16
gigabyte stick was faulty it was like oh
you know like if you ever played a gnome
rogue in World of Warcraft it's like
he's getting hit in the back you know
that's how I felt when this this 16
gigabyte stick was faulty and uh anyway
if you call the guy back up like what
no it's basically what I asked Corsair
I'm like hey can you replace this and
they're like yeah oh my that's awesome
well it's its warranty right I mean ddr4
is not that old and I think it it
doesn't wanna know if you don't have the
receipt it's technically
released in the frame of their warranty
but it has to be replaced kind of thing
it's weird
so it's funny you know cuz I looked that
up because um I know that all RAM
basically have lifetime warranty but if
you go to their fine print I thought it
was Corsair that I saw that it said it's
not transferable but it seems like there
their customer service might be a little
lenient and just say I would never
replace around for the guy yeah well I
mean especially since they're you know
they are a channel sponsor so hopefully
that can help oh yeah oh yes Kaji wait
thanks man yeah we're doing a midnight
stream well Danny's in the US so it's
it's a warning
that's Krypton ik I do give him credit
those are some pretty good deals and do
we want to move on now we'll pull up the
next deal we got here from a Jonathan he
is you want to tell us a little bit
about these deals that Jonathan was
picking up yeah right so Jonathan is
from Illinois and he picked up two msi
Twin Frozr four GTX 970 s4 335 dollars
one of them is the red keeping X version
and the other is the green millionth
edition one both of those look like
beautiful cards if you have the pictures
up but he in the historic he basically
said he drove three hours total to hit
these cards yeah and he's using the
green one in his system and he has a red
one in his mining system so he's a miner
oh and yeah who is it you gotta be
careful when you say when you let that
word off yeah people were trying we got
what's going on with that speaker inside
the case I don't know why my eyes just
naturally go towards that speaker right
there on the on the is that like
included in the case or is that just
some fun which image
I think it's an image through all at the
bottom speak and then Windows hasn't
been activated either yeah I don't yeah
I don't know why my eyes are sort of
veering off from the actual deals but
it's not bad I mean nine 70s I find in
Oz at least in the Gold Coast there I
don't know man they just sell for too
much I'm not interested in paying 250
Ozzy for a 970 when I can pick up a GTX
1060 for the same price and I'm in 1060
in my books is oh yeah even a three gig
I'd rather three gigabyte version 1060
than a 970 how about you um so
in the US it's kind of the opposite I've
been recommending to my viewers to pick
up a 970 because they go for around 150
here right now USD and you know the even
the 3 gigabyte g6 and 60s aren't any
lower usually than 200 unless you can
find a huge deal but even then because
there's the kind of the newest series
they still go for a like one nine years
though I mean that's what me but if they
were the same price oh yeah they're the
same price I'd go for the 10 60 I'm not
gonna miss that have it to the right a
VRAM you know the newer car just helps
the resale ability down the road and
drive her support exactly I was gonna
say the draw of support - it's kind of a
big thing I mean when you move on from
architecture architecture so that was a
pretty that's pretty good news I mean
970 is always good especially when you
get them nice and pretty the mod million
1 million some addition that looks good
especially if you're an invidious yeah
and boy you've gotten that nice green
really blinging through the case so next
up we're gonna pull up here is anthony i
mean there's not much to work with here
but yeah Anthony oh yeah so it's just
hours I got here is a graphics card
10:50 TI $90 of course picking up an a
1050 TI it's funny that we've looked at
this because on my deals hunt just
recent it's just been recently uploaded
crazy cuz I just picked up a 1050 tear I
mean sorry in the past I picked up 1050
t oz for around about the same money
when you convert us to your Z and this
time around though someone went and paid
$200 e for a 1050 TI and that's used and
alls is like scratch in my head because
this is a really good deal you know
their prices spiked in the last month or
two or maybe it along that but even they
used you know do you know EVGA B stocks
they're it's like the used and
refurbished EVGA deals that we have here
in the US yeah so they sell them
secondhand and they used to go for like
as low as 120 to 130 USD which I think
it's a great price for what they how
they perform but they recently fir used
this is you know recertified or
refurbished they spiked up like 170 to
180 so wow that's a horrible price you
can get like a gtx 770 for the same
performance for half of that
mmm I mean buyout yeah but you're always
picking up a deal like this again
one-time deals is what it's all about if
you can get those one-time deals I think
we've kind of got to cement that to the
viewers I mean a lot of time I get
really good deals and then people like
you know it's not practical Brian it's
not practical oh yeah a lot of the time
a time yeah but I mean a lot of times I
seem to be keep I keep getting these
deals all the time yeah maybe lately
maybe a trends gonna happen I'm worried
about that I shouldn't speak to you you
know this time around was a bit of a
fail but um we got up here next of
course we're gonna pull up Alfred I
think Alfred a you've got the hint sorry
we pull up the deals for Alfred a so
what are we going on our hands here we
just got a purchase receipt here for a
yeah okay monitor yeah so he got this on
it looks like it was eBay he has a
really long ad I'm not sure if you can
see that on your screen like one of the
images is super long it's the holy bag
but yeah he picked this up on a kind of
slight deal um I guess what are your
opinions on like the whole 144 hurt
scene is that way you game on I came on
yeah actually I do yeah I'm keep so I
have like a 60 Hertz ultra-wide okay is
that 1440p or 1080p no it's 1080p man
I've been looking at what you're missing
I know but they're like four or five
hundred bucks here in the US yeah so
it's so hard to justify it and my 1081 I
before I could be yourself so how'd you
just said Tecton DTV that's just a joke
guys a running joke we get so many jokes
about Crocodile Dundee from the guys
over in the US so I figured hey why
don't just make it Tech Dundee that's
that's just the what the letters are
gonna shine so yeah I mean 144 Hertz for
128 bucks I'm not sure if that's a
really good deal I'm not familiar with
that monitor too much eh sir of course
always they do make good monitors I know
this they're low input lag they're very
snappy in terms of rag according to the
spec sheet and precinct yeah and so the
specs are good especially when you pay
128 bucks for that monitor it's really
good and of course I mean 144 Hertz I
always like higher refresh rates but of
course I don't like it when it's too
much at the detriment like I prefer 14th
like for instance theoretically I would
prefer a hundred Hertz 1440p over 144
1080p yeah I want higher refresh rate
and what about you let's see I've been
I've been only on ultra white for the
last two years or so and I haven't been
gaming on 1080 or 1440p at higher
refresh rates even though I do have a
gtx 1070 that could push it I just
haven't found the right deal on the
monitor yet so I don't have an opinion
there honestly okay yeah that's wrong
we've got to get you on a high refresh
rate monitor but in the meantime we will
pull up the next deal and this is going
from Austin B so he looks like he's got
a bit of stuff here to pull up so you
want to call yet some of these deals are
about him yeah so we got Austin from
Michigan and he picked up a full
complete PC with the graphics card in it
that wasn't working but he only spent
200 bucks on it so I think all the specs
are in here so we got a Oh give me one
second okay I think there's some of
these images are smaller in lower
quality but it's good yeah Suzy's got
about 35 oh yeah
so that's one of the things I asked for
people are submitting we need civic
deals just cuz I don't want people just
looking at something they already have
and just saying they got it for like
three bucks you know yeah like you got
to provide some proof and I think it
just helps sell other people on the fact
that these deals are legitimate and you
know they're real and you can get them
yourself so yeah he posted all the
conversations everything yeah but I
think the big thing in this pick up was
the r9 280 I think that's a really low
ya know these were I thought you know
sometimes when people send it they
accidentally send the phone thumbnails
they're really the one with the Facebook
ad I think it's big enough to view the
text okay I'm so so we can go through
and look at that and see what the $200
bought him okay I'm looking yeah it
looks like he's got a lot of gear for
this 200 bucks it's a complete system so
okay so there's kind of a bit of a wacky
deal that I'd like to see if he can send
in some next time some high-res photos
that would be awesome yeah kind of a
little bit of a weird one there guys but
sorry about that didn't mean to ruin the
viewers eyes I mean look I squint as it
is actually couldn't wear my glasses
meant uh anyway yeah
weight loss is that man so we got here
the next up savage tech he is he a
savage that's what he goes by yeah good
next up you guys were pulling up a
savage here savage tech he is whoops
should do there's behind-the-scenes
streaming stuff like oh okay so what did
we got here with savage Tech what is the
deals that we're pulling up here alright
so a savage he got a PC promote music
studio for only 75 bucks so really keep
under 100 bucks
yeah respects our feet on 2x6 1090 T
Black Edition has a gigabytes of ddr3
ram came with a GT 710 2 gigabyte which
is kind of a mean card that's gotta mean
there's not much to do there and 1
terabyte hard drive free standard anyway
it's a full build and they had a leaking
at copies of Windows 7 according to him
so now this wicked price is kind of
older stuff but for $75 yeah it could
still game DISA
leave you slap a better graphics card in
there yeah definitely mean the phenom x6
that's a nice is that that's a 6-quart
yeah that's what we're looking at the
old-school six core yep if I remember
correctly so we got here six core
old-school the fam I mean honestly you
can't get much overclocking with that
fan that's included that is this
motherboard however it is looking decent
so you could overclock this I would be
guessing if you got a half-decent cooler
you could maybe get around 3.8 gigahertz
of course if you want to go higher than
that on the X sixes you would want a I
can't really see the motherboard - well
you probably would want a better on the
board and you'd want a better cooler for
sure but of course the cooler at the
moment it looks like you're not doing
any overclocking on that thing at all so
coupling that with the GSD yeah but
company that would like a gtx 660 if you
pick up real cheap you could still have
a peter pc for around about a hundred
bucks and that would really well
so that's actually really nice deal i
like picking up deal like that like that
that's the deals I really like picking
up you notice in the in the used parts
hunt if you haven't seen it yet I mean I
there was a PC in Bundaberg and I would
have got the deal for $50 and it had had
a gtx 660 and a Core 2 quad and a
gigabytes of ddr4 and now I know for a
fact I could fix that thing easy if it's
just randomly restarting at worst it's
like a broken power supply yeah and so I
was just like dev oh because then I
found out it was in Bundaberg and that's
like a four-hour drive like at least oh
if I'm speeding I could probably do
three and a half and okay it was going
for 50 Aussie dollars they'll be like 35
bucks and that's with a gtx 660 man like
that's a whole pc so that's one of the
things that you know you have to balance
as a used parts hunter because you can
get some deals for it but how much are
you spending in timings fast right yes
big triple in that yeah guys that next
up we got here is the witcher do you
want to tell us a little bit more about
the which i mean not the video yeah and
the actual design and the deals here so
the witches got the deals yeah he bought
this dog now inspiron 50
40 is actually a skylight enterprise
just to comment someone says oh yeah
nerd yes city and tech yes on a budget
guys I do like I love chat don't worry
keep it coming guys I love chat
okay so sorry we got here it looks like
a knob deep Lex yeah so it tell us more
about the specs and the pro first of all
the price paid what did they pay for
this PC
he paid oh so this is a so he's a viewer
from India which is why I really wanted
to get yeah so he paid its so almost
12,000 Indian rupees which is about $170
and it comes with the i-5 64 65 hundred
so skylake mom and 4 gigabytes of ddr4
ram or is it no I think CD r3l Ram let
me see um this might be one yeah
he hasn't got too much to show it's kind
of like he's just like one of those
teasing chicks you know they'll just
show you a little bit you know you're
just doing a bit of a tease here so yeah
this one oh you might be one of the ones
ddr3 let me let me up real quick on but
yeah I think we got a phone number up
here I hope that's right
I mean a he's gonna be phone numbers yes
when he call me he's gonna be a
celebrity in India now oh this is
actually your 3 Ram yeah yes that's
where this guy Lee Scarlett with the
ddr3l support or whatever it was yes
it's kind of kind of rare but it does
work pretty well especially on the
budget I mean I don't know how much that
converts to sorry in u.s. dollars 1200
170 170 USD ok that's not bad not bad at
all prices are low neck I I don't think
I can find that but on your hunger bucks
especially for the guys in India they
always complain to me that their prices
are bad over there and so if you can
pick up a deal in India then that's not
bad at all so hats off hats off to the
wit show so we're gonna move on to the
next deal now we're in transition here
but you see if you see the behind the
scenes stream stuff it's like okay next
up out here we got Brian and that's not
me it's another ha
so we pull up these deals here next up
we got Brian again guys we've got to get
the biggest shots in here I can barely
see this and the viewers would be like
damn man you lend me those glasses Brian
200 bucks it looks like we've got a I
hate that text is hotter is a i7 2600
it's the p67 motherboard empro or is it
Z 67 yeah but they call it a PC 716 you
as a ddr3 Corsair CPU cooler GD GTX 560
so he paid 200 or did he pay less did he
drop in an offer on that I know he's he
he offered the guy 160 and the guy
cooking for 160 ok 160 it's a solid deal
especially with the memory that amount
of memory is always gold when you're
picking up 16 gigabytes of memory for
that price that's pretty good so yeah I
think that memory is probably worth
eighty alone in that deal yeah so half
of that went to the memory and then you
get you know the 2600 K P 67 motherboard
all the other stuff added on top of it
it's got some good photos now so yeah
that's a really solid motherboard
actually that that makes a deal so much
better when you get a solid motherboard
like in the recent Python I did I turn
down a deal because it didn't have a
good motherboard or at least even an
overclockable motherboard one thing I
hate about OEMs especially in the old
operation is they're not overclockable
at all and especially on the first
generation Intel's that's where you
really want to know vac lockable
motherboard because that's where you're
gonna extract a lot of value out of
those x34 40s to the point where they
can beat a 2600 for example you know
that you're getting so much value now
out of that CPU but when we look at this
this motherboards very solid plus he's
got a really good cooler to boot 16 you
give us around 2600 K all you have to do
is get a good graphics card good power
play don't even need a case I mean if
you're on a budget and you're real
you're going yeah that's just hard for
bucks you have the thing hanging off the
table and yeah yeah that motherboard
because you know it's getting kind of
old now and they don't really make them
anymore those I was looking on eBay that
was good for like 80 bucks used so
that's another big hitter in that deal
in terms of the price yeah I don't know
what's what my live chats just like
broken not my live chat sorry my super
chattel is just like displaying hold on
we got another just as just as we said
another $5 donation thanks brother for
those like me with ads where do we put
the link for a chance for you to take a
look at them
okay guys at the end of the stream I
will be putting links in the description
below where you can send in your deals
so it's hot used meta at gmail.com
that's the email for sending the deals
in so with that said we're going to so
thanks for that also Steve thanks thanks
a lot man that's a pretty good deal that
two hundred a hundred and sixty for all
that is actually really nice it's a
really solid deal and next up here we've
got so good job Brian it sounds like you
know definitely Brian is a deal hunting
name that's what we're gonna get from
that so next I've got read I think it's
read here and he's you want to tell us a
little bit more about this deal I mean
it does look pretty good some of the
stuff we're pulling up here does look
pretty good ooh super over those is the
one with the five fans on the side yeah
so reads from your neck of the woods
Sidney Austria yeah it's been emailing
me about this card and he's like Brian
you gotta get this card and I'm just
like dude I'm not I think it was like I
wanted to pay a hundred and fifty bucks
for a GTX 680 I was like dude I'm not
paying that for a 680 but he said it's
it's got such nostalgic value and I mean
you guys yeah I mean looking at it now
it looks really cool but I'm gonna just
hazard a guess that those little fans I
think they're 40 mil fans yeah they're
kind of gonna suck oh yeah they just add
noise probably without a fan hub itself
probably takes up most of the surface
area compared to the fence that's it I
mean this is when uh this is why sort of
when I think gigabyte might have been
maybe abusing some substances with the
R&D or whatever I don't know because
yeah I mean it's really cool for the
nostalgic purposes like an out-there
model but yeah this is so every
he's on gumtree that card is well did he
get five bucks yeah he said so he got
this for forty sharing dollars which is
about 30 USD on gumtree which is funny
he explains that store like Craigslist
because I watch all yourself and that's
why I know what Gumtree is from your
videos yeah oh yeah
Gumtree is amazing the thing is it's
it's more for like people who know how
to search and stuff like that you know
deer hunters love Gumtree and also
people who just want to sell stuff and
quickly get rid of it
I know Facebook's a lot better for
selling PCs apparently I never try it I
don't have time to even bother
researching but we've got here the gt-r
so gtx 680 that's a nice pick a forty
bucks man that's actually really solid
so I think yeah Reid was always telling
me about these these super overclocked
Co show me I think it wasn't might have
not been read I don't know I gotta play
it's actually been in quite a few months
ago and he was saying about how the how
cool it was and I was just looking at
the price and for me it was like no I'm
not paying like on eBay as well but if
he picked it up off country for 40 bucks
that's a that's really nice that's I
don't recall you if you've mentioned
this already but how is the Craigslist
market they're eating use it at all yeah
where I never heard of people using
Craigslist in Oz okay so okay yeah so
okay we're gonna pull up the next deal
here that was pretty cool so definitely
read scored something pretty nice there
but we've got here max max H that's what
we that's it's Maximus yes is he getting
the deals tell me if he's what we got
here is he pulling up mad deals or is he
all right he's Maximus falling behind a
little bit so he got a 93 80 X he has he
got it from a friend that upgraded but
it was still for a really good price he
got for a hundred dollars which i think
is it's not the most amazing deal
because this is kind of getting to be an
older card it's kind of like a slightly
higher clock 280 X which was kind of a
rebrand of a 7970 right yeah I was like
the you know that that series of AMD
cards kind of like did my heading it was
like a rebrand of a rebrand of a rehash
of a rebrand it was kind of like god you
gotta stop doing this to me and then
yeah so they didn't really improve on
the tech
but if you can get for keeping up it
doesn't matter right it's about the
performance per dollar you're getting
yeah oh man he's going praises cemani
back and forth um he's got a hundred
dollar bill I like this guy man he's
he's saying look yo I got this one honey
you want it and I guess he did want it
in the end so that's not a bad deal
not a bad deal yeah so little cuz so
that was that was aud/usd
know that he was decent Oh USD yeah so
it's okay it's it's okay I think all
those cards though even on the AMD side
anything that has performance of like
the 79 50 or above or you know the 280x
they all saw hit with the whole Kryptos
situation yeah it's just there's like
you can't get the next better card
available so everything below it kind of
went up as well and because the demand
that's that's exactly right I mean with
the with the with the crypto release if
you guys didn't know basically you
wanted the most efficient cards so
whatever was inefficient and especially
in the crypto crunch that's when the
prices started going down and the
difficulty went up
you saw a sort of like a big release of
people wanting to get rid of cards there
was a guy on gumtree today I didn't put
it in the used the deal hunt this month
but there was a guy I was talking to you
had six nine 80s for sale Wow yeah and I
I just messaged him like I was trying to
pick up one for you know just trying to
pick out one for around 270 AUD and then
he said you know I've got four of them
you want to buy him and I said you know
I'll do you 1050 for that thousand
dollar thousand and fifty AUD four for
980 s that's about my max C and he ended
up selling them and I know who he sold
them to he sold them to like another its
own to a hostel here on the Gold Coast
for 1200 AUD I'm like damn dude I said
doing I replied that dude you got a
pretty good you know some pretty good
money for that those gt9 80s and yeah
but the market at the moment is kind of
like it's shifting back towards use
prices going up a little yeah so it's
sort of it's just a back and forth at
the moment it really is to the point
where I'm gonna pull up some of these
last deals here so now we've got some in
the hot news meta email box here we had
brandy he picked up an air
cool case for a hundred and fifty bucks
USD and now with that case it was filthy
you can see from the pictures here it's
filthy and he got an fx 83-70 MD 96 and
a 16 gigabytes of ddr3 and a max 230 and
an arrow cool strike XK so I pull up the
next deal now he picked that up for 150
at USD like that's not really that's not
bad at all wait wait here graphics card
yeah so it's just the case motherboard
it looks like a hard drive as well and
do 6 thinking about the RAM so it's not
a bad deal it's not it's not like the
best deal but that case the error cool
strike X is a pretty solid case it does
go for decent money and it also picture
of the case yeah oh there it is sorry
yeah you got a bit of a delay here
otherwise my little eye so I'm only
streaming on an i5 8400 that's it no
gravis card so it's this drug in this
little 8400 ha ha we've got a so the
next deal and then the last year we got
up here actually two more deals Larson
from I think it's Norway with the knock
I think that's their currency I don't
even know if I pronounced that right and
people be like oh you butchered the
pronunciation but Larson picked up
basically 20 USD for a GTX 670 and as I
was saying before the GTX 670 s they're
still really good because a lot of those
are a lot of the 6 Series cards were now
first released they had over killed
cooling solutions on them and this is
something that we haven't really spoke
about is a lot of data because coming
from the 5 series that ran it
ridiculously hot those cars and so we
had the cooling solutions and this and
when the 6 Series came out they were
just running really cool people will
like yo why are these six series cars
running so cool and it's because they
prepped them from the 5 80s and of
course now to this date those six series
cars are still alive because that such
good thermal solution so if you find
something like this like a wind force
but 20 bucks is such a good deal it's
not funny I mean that's a really good
yeah I'd pay 20 bucks for a
I paid probably 30 bucks yes exactly I'd
be like ok what's the math you
four four six seventeen maxout pays is
USD thirty-five like that's very high
could stretch it up to forty like if I
see you performing seems like so many
people are still on 1080p and you know
if you if you market this on your local
listing you know and say you were buying
it to put together system to sell you
can mark it as like you know a place es
go you know all for tonight all those
very popular games and people are gonna
pick it up because if they don't know
how to build a computer and it has
something like this in it it's not the
best card but it gets them the
performance because they're probably on
a 1080p monitor if they I don't know too
much about computers you know and
they're just kind of sticking to what
standard yeah exactly right so he picked
that up he also got a GTX 660 here for
thirteen dollars as well so good job
loss enjoy I do worry about that little
bit of rust though I mean that's kind of
like a little bit why I think it looks
like a little bit of rot I can't see to
clear let's have a little zoom in now
it's not rust it's just something
discolored on the on the little washer
there so thank you interesting deal
pretty cool deal two cards for
thirty-three dollars or something like
that that's really good value and then
next up here we've got I think is when I
ID not sure I pronounce that name from
Vietnam and he's like he's just hunting
some deals and he told me he got a I say
he's names nicknames talks and he got a
HD 7970 for a hundred US which is like
two million three hundred thousand dong
that's like a so you can be a
millionaire guys in Vietnam for a couple
of dollars that's what I'm gay that's
what I'm gonna take me out of this yeah
oh it's the the tracks wind poorest I
like that one
I like the Gigabyte wind for series
having three fans is really nice for
when one dies you still run it very well
just off - well this said the 7970 that
was a phenomenal card I mean that was
the card for me that was when AMD and
NVIDIA were really going at it you got
new cards you were coming out in 14 you
know sorry for you went from on both
sides you went from 40 nanometer
2:28 and they both offered extremely
good performance so like when I advice
whenever I see a 79 70 or GTX 670 or 79
50 or GTX 680 it just reminds me of
those days when AMD and NVIDIA were gone
so hard at each other and it was like
babbling you know the fanboy wars were
really strong too but yeah it held up
well over time yeah and so for 100 bucks
is a decent deal especially in the
current climate I've picked up yeah I
mean personally I picked up some 79 70s
I think ninety Aussie was the cheapest I
got one which would have been like 70
USD or something like that so I have
gotten yeah I've gotten some cheap of 79
70s in the past but that's a solid deal
especially in Vietnam I know guys in
Vietnam Philippines and India they
always tell me yeah and not getting
really good deals and they watch my
parts on sand they're like yo I can't
get these deals Brian and it's like I
know don't worry I'm in the works
actually got contacted by a popular
legal legend stream are under their
management they like they just love my
channel they like didn't love what I do
and they're like look we want you there
in the talks at the moment so if you
guys want this idea as well let me know
but we're in talks at the moment to go
to say the Philippines or Vietnam or
maybe India and go would collaborate
with a legal legend stream are and then
we can HAP's set up I I go use parts
hunting there and then we go yeah so we
build this guy at PC and then we he
streams on it legal legends and then we
give it away to that country in that
country which is all cool I mean that's
just what's in the works you know that's
really awesome yeah I mean it's just a
nice just just an idea so I don't know
you can travel to yeah exactly so it
would love to but anyways that's kind of
wrapping up the hot used Metis for this
month if you have if you have any
submissions of your own then be sure to
send any links to sorry I've got to put
turn the chat on if we have any
submissions be sure to send them to hot
used metal at gmail.com and then also
Danny as well he's got his
channel make sure you check it out nerd
on a budget so I'm just trying to fix
this text live it's bit it's a bit weird
I mean I'm weird anyway so it doesn't
really matter so I'm just trying to fix
up this live chat to make it pretty live
there we go everyone's gonna be pink
there we go y'all get the pink text yeah
boys alright sir and so yeah thanks for
coming on if you guys enjoyed this show
then be sure to slap that like button
and thanks for the continued support
Danny's as well make sure you check out
his channel he's really into deal
hunting we met back in packs oh man oh
yeah how long ago that was two years not
his last bang but the one for a it was a
while wasn't it yeah like I was um I was
at PAX it was towards the end of the
year in Seattle what month was that was
it September so every day weekend we
always have it then okay and yeah that
was Seattle and I met Danny on the it
was near the Intel booth I think it was
or what I think was around there and
yeah that's when I first I first knew
about you and you were just really nice
and that's the thing about me man like I
don't really care about the whole
business side of things if some dude is
a douchebag I don't want to work with
them I don't want to know you know what
I mean Isis serious like like I do Sh
bagger he just gets straight off you
know and someone it's funny because you
see people online right and you think oh
he looks really nice in real life and he
yeah whoa dude you ought to take a step
back in like whoa what did I just
experience here I mean I'm not gonna
mention any names or anything like that
yeah just you know there's things that
happen and you sort of take a step back
but it's got me on this sort of thing
now you know there's there's also the
opposite to that people will think
people are really bad online yet in real
life they're really cool like for
instance another way I just teamed up
with Greg from science to do he's really
cool guy in real life come yeah and in
ways he sort of it feels like he's
different online than he's in real life
and you know people yeah people do
people tell me they DM me and they
message me like you know I don't like
Greg from science treated Braun why are
you teaming up with him and I just reply
like give the guy a chance he's really
cool if you met him in real life
would like so I met Danny in real life I
like him he's also awesome on the
internet so make sure you check him out
as well and if you get again if you've
got the make sure guys if you've got the
deals you want to submit I'll put the
link in the description or at least the
email so we can check out them hot deals
make sure guys high-res photos make sure
we get the prices in there and also
please cancel out the numbers I don't
want to be shown people's phone yeah
that's right man you're making
celebrities over and India here
overnight man chat was cracking as well
I think we got up to new ink we got over
we broke over half a thousand
concurrence as well so thank you guys so
much for that from now I'm also gonna
you know why not I mean if Danny's got a
bit of time we might do an after-hours
stream over at twitch
tech city TV and that'll be the page
yeah that'll be the patron live as well
and also the sponsors if you're a
youtube sponsor you get access to the
archives so we're all gonna head over to
tech city TV on Twitch and I'm gonna
start streaming with Danny this is gonna
be behind the scenes stuff we're not
gonna really talk about tech I just
haven't spoke to Danny in a long time
too so I want to talk about more the
personal stuff and I hope you guys
enjoyed the stream we're gonna peace out
off the YouTube channel love you all
peace out for now do you want to say
closing out Danny - yeah thanks for
thanks for having me on the street Brian
you reaching out to do this this is
really fun so before you're doing more
of it if you're down so yeah well I
couldn't think of someone better to do
it with deal haunting like talking about
deals and stuff like that so that's all
I'm gonna say sorry and also John say
thank you do you want to say it peace
out for now bye I
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