How To BUILD a Suit Case PC on a BUDGET! The Used RaidMax GTX 1060 'Troy' Build.
How To BUILD a Suit Case PC on a BUDGET! The Used RaidMax GTX 1060 'Troy' Build.
so the day-after Computex I've just got
back and flew in slept on the plane
surprisingly I usually never sleep on
planes and this one had the whole road
of myself and the seats folded up as
well so it made like a double bed more
importantly though we're gonna get back
to the hustled back to the grind as over
Computex these companies they were just
squeezing my nuts but you know what in
the end it was the yes then ended up
singing the high notes but what we got
here today is a suitcase PC a raid max
Troy got this on the monthly used parts
hunt I'll put the link up here if you
haven't seen it already and also picked
up a lot of other parts as well page 61
and motherboard GTX 1066 gigabyte free
budget power supply I brought back from
combi textile throwing it out I was like
hey it's got 300 watts on the 12 volt
well why not pick that up and put it in
this build also go to 240 GB SSD and 16
gigabytes of RAM that we're gonna try
and put in the what are we waiting for
let's try and paste this thing together
but it needs it to the techies love this
so we just tried cleaning all these
parts down now with the data vac and
that's like a blower that essentially
just blows really sort of targeted air
towards the parts and gets all the
baseline dust except this time around
its met its maker and that it's having a
difficult time getting out some of the
grime within the fins here which is has
been emitted Lee sitting around for
quite some time this here also another
problem is it didn't come with a
traditional screw set so I found some
sort of screws that if I reverse mount
it and then put in one of these tops
here it will mount it severely got two
of them then I'll have to mount it on
the diagonal and now since it's 3770
it's not going to be overclocked she'll
be absolutely fine I should actually run
a lot better even still with just the
diagonal then a stock intel cooler so
now it's probably the only time you're
going to see me not use brake cleaner on
PC parts and the reason being is so
although it's dirty they've got the
hoses here which is close to the actual
radiator now if brake cleaner gets on
the hoses it could indeed eat away at it
and if you've got that in a PC build you
do not want that leaking whatsoever also
the fins on the GPU they're pretty thin
and they are made of plastic so using
brake cleaner on that it could indeed
make the fins weaker over time it's
probably only one of the few times
you'll see me not using brake cleaner on
something this dirty but I think the
builds pretty much ready to get
installed now
so before we install this motherboard in
the computer of course we're going to
mount the cooler bracket on the back but
also update the BIOS and we have done
that now and our i7 3770 now works also
this memory here the corsair stuff it
wasn't compatible this is an 8 gig stick
wasn't compatible with this motherboard
this one works so low because this
didn't so unfortunately it's my only to
a gigabyte sticks I have so I'm gonna
have to go to 4 gigabyte sticks for this
so now here's the build it is finally
completed actually took a lot longer
than I thought it would this front fan
here giving us the main problem I had to
actually remove the drive bay in the end
so we've got our SSD just freely sitting
in there but everything fit in the end
and I'd kind of rather have a water
cooler in a case this small and it's
actually good that we got a reference
graphics card as well because that'll be
blowing it out this will be blowing it
out as well so we're going to got
negative pressure in here which should
hopefully keep temperatures down but
speaking of that we've got low power
consumption to begin with not
overclockable CPU gtx 1060 and it's time
to finally boot this thing up but really
when it comes down to it this case the
Troy it's it's a really cool concept
like you can close it quickly lock it up
and then just move and take it any way
you'd be absolutely awesome if you guys
are traveling with a case constantly to
your mates house or whatever but the
problem is just the design itself like
it's a shame you couldn't fit a 120 ml
rat in here that would have been the
perfect spot you wouldn't have to change
anything and then just things are a
little bit finicky getting the gravis
Guardian was a bit of a pain and of
course this here was a bit of a pain too
but after a bit of hacking and slashing
the final result is pretty cool so
hopefully it does perform as well we're
gonna put the thermal camera on this
thing and see the thermal performance
with these kind of parts inside so what
are we waiting for
so there are these guys the suitcase PC
is finished and it's sitting here behind
me it's actually whisper quiet too and
the temperatures are okay they're not
that great the CPU not overclocked went
up to around 85 degrees then we put the
thermal imaging on it seeing what's
happening the heat is escaping but
lifting up the case and then letting the
air out did see around a four degree
drop in temperatures so of course the
case just like putting all the building
it isn't that well designed but in the
end it does do the job once everything's
finished and you've got the sort of
cables zip tied up it does do a good job
like if you do put this around it will
do a good job gaming and I tested it out
in Far Cry 5 it ran absolutely fine
getting around 70 average FPS no
stuttering going to project cars this
was a very smooth experience 0.1% low
1080p high settings was like I think 88
0.1% low so very good in games
moving over to witcher 3 however that
did exhibit some stuttering at 1080p
witcher 3 just seems like it's a hard
game to get right in terms of having
those dips to like 12 13 14 FPS i even
tried overclocking the memory that
didn't really make a difference I was
still stuttering after overclocking the
memory tried overclocking the CPU as
well before it scored 670 Cinebench on
auto and then after I tried putting it
up to 3.9 gigahertz it did actually
so the motherboard itself was hitting
about 80 degrees on the V RMS not really
too keen to push this motherboard a
whole lot since it is a H 61 so it's not
the best pretty much the bottom of the
barrel and it comes to motherboards but
in the end everything worked out I think
the CPU just leaving that at stock does
a good job specially since those
temperatures are already getting pretty
high into the mid 80s with the Corsair
all-in-one the way I mounted it it did
work in the end does okay everything's
pretty good noise is actually really low
and the best thing is it plays games
really well so this little PC here if I
had to do one thing I'd probably like to
add 16 gigabytes of RAM instead of 8
gigabytes but it all worked out suitcase
PC let me know what you guys think in
the comments section below
and lastly if you wanted to do a build
like this and set you back a little over
600 you
the case however I can't find it
anywhere in stock there's no eBay
sellers selling it
no gum tree sellers it's called the raid
max Troy I think another company did do
a similar model to it but I'm not too
sure maybe like Fang or something like
that but I'd imagine you'd pay around
$50 for this case max said bring this
whole total at market rates to around
about $650 keep in mind I paid a lot
less for all these parts in terms of
what I spent on this build would be
closer to around $300 so this build is
just of course for the money and when
you hustle you get really good deals as
you guys already know so it's all about
picking up them deals hunting the market
getting the best deals possible hope you
guys enjoyed this video and I'll catch
you on another one very soon peace out
for now bye
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