How To Clean your MOUSE and KEYBOARD - Quick and Easy in 2018!
How To Clean your MOUSE and KEYBOARD - Quick and Easy in 2018!
have you checked out other guides on how
to clean your keyboard and you thought
to yourself no way this is just too much
of a hassle to clean a keyboard I'm not
spending half a day on this thing I just
want a quick and easy method on how I
can get the job done
well if that's new today I'm gonna show
you how you can take a dirty filthy
keyboard like this one right here with
dirt hair and all that grime stuck in
the keys and literally in about two
minutes give it that new look shine get
all that dirt out and then just get back
to glorious PC gaming
so right here on the desk we've got all
the components you will need to clean
your peripherals so we're not just gonna
do the keyboard we're also gonna clean
your mouse mouse pad and wrist rest to
and show you how you can clean your
headphones as well so here it is here
this is the first tool you will
definitely want to have in your
inventory when it comes to cleaning
anything PC related this is the data vac
this is the anti-static model
essentially just blows out a lot of
targeted air and it can really get into
this keyboard and just get the dirt out
so quickly and easily then we've got for
the touch-ups multi-purpose spray water
dispersant this will just really give it
a new look shine get out any extra
little dirt that may be in there as well
as lubricating any stock keys
so here's the keyboard here it is
looking smick and all the gunk in
between the keys are all gone looks
amazing it's ready for use but what
about other things like your mouse we're
gonna give this a bit of a clean now
with the similar method however this
time around we're going to be lifting up
the keys to get that wd-40 in there as
well as blowing the data back inside so
here's the mouse after a nice check yes
cleanse and it is looking really good
but the imprints you see there from my
fingers that's just after years of use
that's the actual plastic itself being
worn down there's really no way to fix
that other than getting better plastic I
think it's PBT plastic as they use ABS
here and that will wear out from
fingerprints but other than that the
mouse I've had this mouse for a few
years now it's still kicking and I'm
sure it's gonna be kicking for another
few years to come so on the table here
we've got the wrist rest the mousepad
and also the headphones and this is the
magical ingredient that you're going to
need to make sure that these all get
cleaned so quickly and easily
this is alcohol wipes I use these and
I've been using these for years and
years they save a lot of time and
they're relatively cheap as well so
we're going to get a few of these out
and just hammer down all three of these
components and then I'll take some
before and afters for you guys
and here we are now with the finished
product we cleaned out a lot of dirt on
both this wrist rest and the mouse mat
itself even this tea stain over in the
right corner of the mousepad did come
out too
the headphones we've rejuvenated those
as well got all this flaky stuff off and
the ear pads are now clean as well so I
don't have to worry about any dirty
germs coming into my ear and causing
serious problems now for the followers
of the channel you guys know I like to
use break and parts cleaner but with
plastics I wouldn't risk it as sometimes
brake cleaner can be chlorinated and
that will eat plastics not to mention it
is conductive and capacitive at first so
if you spray it into something like a
mouse it could ruin your mouse so I do
not recommend using this on peripherals
it's the one time I don't recommend
using brake cleaner but other than that
we've got alcohol wipes a bit of
multi-purpose spray and the data vac
I'll put the links for all three of
these in the description below and the
best thing is is things like your mouse
pad and also your wrist rest will be
ready to use immediately or at least
like 10 minutes after you finish
cleaning you won't have to hang them up
on a clothesline overnight and you're
ready to get back into gaming with very
clean peripherals and little to no time
as possible and if you enjoyed this one
then be sure to hit that like button
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get awesome videos like these the moment
they're released and with that all aside
I'll catch you in another tech video
very soon
peace out for now buddy
oh no could don't don't don't cut no I
don't want to spend $70 on that change
in pressure check yeses never don't lie
to you
well cut if you don't want to spend $70
on Van well you're not gonna get results
like this
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