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so you've just bought fallout 4 and the game is stuttering and you want to know how you can make it run as smooth as possible well ladies and gentlemen you've come to the right video welcome back to techy our city this is brian coming to you guys today with a guide on how to make Skyrim smooth now when I first got this game yesterday I noticed that it was running pretty poorly and this was like just big stuttering going on also some micro stuttering going on while I was running around in the open world map now I did mine it managed to find a few culprit settings the first being shadow qualities and I want you guys to turn this down to medium and or low depending on the quality of your computer now my computer is a high-end rig it's a 5820k and also 16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory and a 980 TI and i also tested this upstairs on my 6600 k skylake pc as well so having shadows on medium did help to give that perfectly smooth experience now the second thing I want you guys to do is try turning off hyper-threading now this was interesting because when I tested my rig downstairs even dropping down the graphics settings I was noticing that it was still stuttering and I was like what could what on God's earth could be causing this still so I managed to turn off hyper-threading and lo and behold the stuttering went away pretty much completely then there was another fix which is kind of not as important as the previous two but I will still mention it and that is to actually overclock your monitor the 64 Hertz if your monitor is overclockable and then set the framerate in game to 64 Hertz now you can do this by installing a program called msi afterburner but if you do so make sure you turn the river tuner statistics server program on as well and that has the frame rate limiting option in there now the next setting we're going to talk about is the included vsync setting which is important if you are overclocking your monitor or if you wish to reduce your input lag I actually probably should have mentioned this before installing msi afterburner now if you've got the Nvidia control panel you can go in there and you can also just click on the game in the program settings and then click on vertical sync and manually set that to off since this game does manually have vertical sync on by default you will wish to turn this off now another thing is if you wish to use G sync or free sync then you'll want to set this setting to actually use the 3d application setting whilst having your monitors technology on and I will say on that note that G sync which is included on my 27 inch 4k Aysen monitor it works really well like this is one of the few games where G sync does benefit a game immensely because if you have G sync off you will get noticeable screen tearing but if you have on vsync you will get a huge amount of input lag with this game in particular so on all those were the three main things that I found affected and helped fix the stuttering on this game mainly the graphics settings and the turning off the hyper-threading were the biggest improvements in my opinion however on that note I'll also pull up my graphics settings for you guys at 4k which is currently on a 980 TI overclocked to close to around 1400 megahertz and this is on a 5820k with 16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory and now also pull up my 1440p recommended settings this is on a gtx 970 which is overclocked as well to around about 1500 megahertz and also i'm on 16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory here as well so i'll put the specs exactly of what the rigs I'm using in the description below for you guys to get an idea but keep in mind though when I took the FBS caps off these were running around about 110 120 frames I mean I was getting well above 60 in some areas though keep in mind though I want to keep my gameplay experience as smooth as possible so in some areas it may dip down to 60 and that's the thing with this game I don't know what it is about this game but when it micro stutters and when you get those frame drops it just brings in stuttering that is terribly noticeable if that's the way to describe it sorry guys I hope you enjoyed this guide if you did then please give it a thumbs up if you have any questions about it then please drop a comment in the comment section below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can in the meantime don't forget to hit that sub button and I'll catch you guys in another tech review used awesome gaming news very soon peace out for now bye
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