How To GET BACK The Old ShadowPlay & REMOVE TELEMETRY In Your Nvidia Drivers
How To GET BACK The Old ShadowPlay & REMOVE TELEMETRY In Your Nvidia Drivers
so today we're going to take a look at
how you can decapitate driver install
and I know I can't believe it's come to
this but anyway welcome back to tech
city this is Brad coming to you guys
today with the tutorial on how to decaf
I your Nvidia driver install now I
should never have to be doing this
tutorial but as times have it it seems
that even your graphics card drivers
aren't immune to all that telemetry and
data mining crap this seems to be making
its way into everything on the PC
nowadays so we're going to split this
tutorial into two different sections the
first half will be doing just a basic
clean driver install and then the second
half will be getting back a clean
version of shadowplay for those guys who
want or need to use shadowplay also your
mileage may vary with this tutorial I've
tried it on two different computers so
far and it's worked flawlessly so if you
do come into problems after using this
tutorial just be prepared to reverse
what I did in this tutorial anyway let's
get on with the first part and involves
downloading your graphics card driver
the latest one and also I'll put the
links in description below for both of
these downloads now the first thing
you're going to want to do is just
unpack your drivers and then cancel the
install straight away because we're
going to be going into the installation
folder which is on C Drive slash Nvidia
going deep into that folder until we get
to the folder called telemetry and then
I want you to delete the files in that
folder and then continue on with a clean
install so now if you've got your
previous install done I want you to
completely uninstall that or just
perform a clean install and get rid of
all the previous drivers on your
computer and now what you want to do
here is just install the graphics card
only the graphs card driver that'll be
the one that's grayed out at the top
everything else you don't need to
install unless you need those features
so if you need 3d then install that if
you need HDMI audio and install the HDMI
audio driver so now's the part to
disable the telemetry we want to go to
the bottom left corner here and type in
task scheduler and then you want to
left-click on that open that up once
you're in here you can left-click on
task scheduler library and then there
should be a heap of things that pop up
here you want to focus on env TMP Mon
env TMP
envy TMP rep on logon now what these
will do is these are the telemetry files
so we just right click on them and go to
disable and then go to the next one
disable that and then disable the last
one so these three should be disabled
once you've done that we're ready for
the next step now for this next part you
can do this two different ways you can
go into MS config and disable these
services from here or you can type in
the left corner here the bottom left
corner services.msc and once you're in
here this should bring up all the
services that are on your computer that
get loaded up and then what we want to
go to is Nvidia streaming network
service and then you right click on that
and you go to properties and then you
click on stop and then you can click on
disable and once you've disabled that
you can go down to in video streamer
service just below that and do the same
thing properties stop and then disabled
but if you're using a shield device then
you may wish to ignore this part but if
you're not using a shield device then
get rid of those services now we're on
to the second part so after you've done
that you can restart your machine and
then we're going to install the GeForce
experienced version 2 that's if you need
or want shadowplay now the next part
here I have to give credit to a person
on reddit called underwear please so for
this part we go to the bottom left-hand
corner and type in regedit now once you
guys to open this up and once we're
inside here we can go over to H key
local machine and expand that and then
go down to software expand that and then
go to a folder called Nvidia Corporation
and then go expand global and then down
to gf experience and this is the GeForce
experience folder now there should be a
folder called update if there isn't and
I want you to also to close the GeForce
experience down if you've got it open
make sure it's closed even if you've
installed version 2 I want you to then
make this key so I'll just actually do a
for you here I'll delete the one I got
remake it so make new make new key and
call it update with a capital u and now
once we're inside here we want to right
click on update and we want to go to
permissions so now once we're inside
permissions you will then have to go
left click on advanced and this can get
a little bit tricky so just bear with me
here so
once you're inside here you should see
your username if you're the
administrator of the computer you can
see there the second one down I'm
administrator Thunder Adamas but if you
do have a username then you that's
separate from the administrator then you
will have to left click on add and
manually add that username in and then
after you've added that username in you
will then want to go and left click on
disable inheritance and don't click on
the first one but you want to click on
the second one there remove all
inherited permissions from this object
so let's click on that click OK and then
click apply so make sure that's been
applied and then once you're back in the
folder you go back to the update folder
and then go back and make sure there are
no files in that registry key so you
should see update here as you can see
with mine there is no keys in there but
if there are I want you to delete
anything in that folder and then after
that all you have to do is restart your
computer and you will now have a
crapless install of the NVIDIA GeForce
experience so there we have a geyser
crapless install of the Nvidia driver
set not only did we get rid of the
telemetry but we also made the GeForce
experience much better by having it
instantly recall without popping out a
message and also having no performance
drop by just having the option enabled
and also you don't have to log in to the
GeForce experience anymore to use it so
that's a pretty cool thing and let me
know in the comment section below guys
what do you think of this install I
thought it's a lot better I can actually
also record YouTube and fullscreen again
I guess that was something that they
nerfed in the 3.0 driver said we'd love
to hear your thoughts and opinions in
the comment section as always and don't
forget to hit that like button and I'll
catch you in another tech video very
soon peace out for now bye
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