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How To Make Your Own EPIC Budget $20 2.1 Speaker System (VLOG)

so today I thought I'd do a little bit of an off project with you guys this is me building a dirty 2.1 setup for my computer so as you can see here in my computer don't look at my desktop though it's really messy but I've got 2.0 speakers here these were uncurse speakers that I picked up for about $20 for the pair of them this was at some used parts place now they're being powered by the x7 and now the thing about the x7 with the combo there x7 speakers the e/m use well they are really good but they were just a 2.0 setup they weren't a 2.1 setup and I kind of wanted a bit of base and so this is going to bring me to my next little friend went down to my favorite use parts place I saw this I was like wow okay it's a it looks okay it's a sub and it's pretty much an amplifier in one kind of like like most two point one speakers to set up so this was only 15 dollars and it's got 35 watts output at 6 ohms so that's going to be perfect for the onkyo speakers and yeah so we're just going to unbox this thing and hook it up and see if we can make a decent 2.1 system for only $35 as we can see here it kind of looks brand-new which was surprising I mean I paid only $15 for it it's not the best looking thing I mean the color scheme is really weird we've got like oak wood silver and black but uh I mean the controller looks a little bit faded but I guess that's just been sitting in the box for a long time so we're going to boot it up plug it in and see if it works ok so I plugged everything in and now the rear of the audio out but I'm going to use a headphone splitter and now what this will allow me to do is get two connections out of one and the good thing is is that when I'm using my headphones I just turned my 2.1 system off and vice versa using the two-point-one system then I can just turn the volume straight all the way down on the headphone receiver there that's this little thing here so we've got some trouble in paradise here the onkyo speakers when I check them they're actually four ohm speakers and now this is a bit of a problem because generally with amplifiers you don't want to run under the Pacific own so for instance this two point one system I've got here is rated at 6 ohms output and so generally you can go the other way like you can go higher impedance is fine but lower impedance is generally a big no-no this is from memory however that's not a problem we've got some three dollar Sony junk speakers here which are rated at 8 ohms so I'm going to wire these up and see if we can then get this thing working properly brothers the moment you have all been waiting for I am going to turn on the I don't even know what to call this thing I might call it the Majesta because it's like magic hopefully anyway let's turn it on so we plugged it all in it's all good to go and I think it's working like I hear the speakers pop and I'll try this remote see if there yeah there we go the remote works as well I'll just see yep turns off oh wow cool so it's got memory as well so it remembers that I put it on auxilary as well so let's turn on some beats and see how honestly though see how this $20.00 combo will go because I am coupling it with the Sony speakers which were a lot cheaper than the onkyo so technically it is a $20 2.1 system so anyway moment of truth how do these how does it sound I'm just going to put on a track now I'll just use that song I used in my 6600 K benchmarks because it's on my desktop and you know YouTube won't take it down from copyright so let's just turn that on and see how hard this thing goes okay so it's working you guys can be the judge with me so here's my standard tone of my voice is how it okay drop the microphone that happens when you're vlogging okay so I drop the mic sorry so we got it working now and it is on 35 the volume so let's crack this baby up and this is like this is my normal voice so this is how I speak in all my reviews and stuff so whoa damn this thing can go so hard like I was only up to 60 and the floor was starting to shake so go floor shaking bass and the sony sound wicked ladies and gentlemen let's tie this up and do some cable management quickly clean this baby up and we'll go to a conclusion so after a bit of cable management and vacuum cleaning I was then set to enjoy my now $20 2.1 sound system and I got to tell you guys straight up for the money this thing is ridiculously good and I can highly recommend this route unlike my $40 PC which kind of I had a lot of trouble with this thing on the other hand I can highly recommend I was so surprised by how good the bass and the mids were on a cheap system like this and one thing to keep in mind is if you're building a budget system you should always try to overpower your speakers so generally if you're under powering your speakers they sound terrible I don't know how many times people have messaged me saying Brian why don't my high impedance expensive hard to drive headphones sound good what are you powering them from my onboard audio there you go so in this case I think they're 20 watt speakers and they're getting fed 35 amps of power from the amp which makes them sound ridiculously good I was surprised I didn't think $3 speakers could sound that good now keep in mind I did waste $20 on the onkyo speakers because I thought hey they're more expensive they're going to sound better but the Sony's the $3 junk Sony speakers that I found and this $15 amp that I found together makes a great combo and I can highly recommend it to someone on a budget even to someone who wants some good sound and good value for money sound like Wow anyway so guys you love to see these little vlogs that I do and this is one that is just an absolute epic win and I even tidied up my mousepad while I was at it so I've managed to save another few years off buying another mousepad so I don't know I don't know why I enjoy these things but I just do so arrey guys if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and I will be testing back old motherboards in the $40 pills that didn't boil how great s that for you guys and let you know before us anyway if you have any questions please leave a comment in the comment section below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can and hit that like button and stay subscribed because there's more tech news reviews and juicy content coming to you guys bye
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