How To Spot a Dead CPU Water Cooler (My Asetek Water Pump Failed)
How To Spot a Dead CPU Water Cooler (My Asetek Water Pump Failed)
hey YouTube welcome back to tech yes it
is brown easy coming back to you guys
today with a quick video on how to spot
a dead water cooler so this is a sip
absolute 290 now it's an ace tech sort
of base model water cooler it is a small
block mortal and I've only been using
this for 14 months so I'll show you guys
how to basically you know my computer
was running at 4.2 gigs and all the
sudden I just cut off so the I didn't
even know I was playing a game and they
say the thermal protection thing from
the Intel CPU kicked in and just cut off
and then I default I put it back to
default clocks and when I booted up my
machine this is what happened I'll show
you so you can see here I'll show you
the temps before we get into Windows 27
degrees ambient in here so it's not too
hot I mean it's not like I'm sweating my
ass off but I'll show you guys here yeah
like it won't even boot so that's you
see there won't even but it'll just shut
off so that's a dead cooler right there
anyway that's pretty dangerous I
shouldn't be doing this anymore but
that's yet how to spot a dead water
cooler so you just fill the radiator and
the radiator should be pretty damn hot
as well which is exactly what's
happening so I'm going to change this
cooler now to the default Intel heatsink
just for now anyway until I fix this
okay so I've put the stock intel heat
sink fan back on and as you can see it's
all running fine you have to be very
careful like I mean see how my chip cut
out on you guys saw that on video you
know every time that happens you can
risk breaking your chip so be very
careful I'm very lucky that my chip is
still alive like you know there so you
can see at 27 degrees ambient again and
you know real temps this is with a stock
heatsink fan so it's idling it you know
35 38 37 it's fine basically the you
know the Intel stock heatsink fan is
better than this broken piece of crap
here so yeah guys if you have any
questions about this video please let me
know comments comment in the comment
section below but yeah if you like this
video please give it a thumbs up and be
careful with these water coolers this is
only 14 months and it's dead
so I mean 14 months is a joke so
I was really you know not to mention you
risk damaging your components so that's
the worst part
you know xxx this is a $30 cooler but I
thought from sis that would have been a
good you know product but obviously not
so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this
video I'm a bit sad you know 14 months
damn so I think I might just stick to
either make a custom water cooling loop
which I can't in Japan because no one
sells the parts or just stick to a
normal heat sink fan not this one but
like you know something like maybe an
hour max tea for tea or something
I'm a bit sad and still a little bit
sick but we guys hope you enjoyed this
video and peace out for now wait
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