How far can an Intel Stock HSF Go? Test at 4GHZ (i5-4670K)
How far can an Intel Stock HSF Go? Test at 4GHZ (i5-4670K)
hey YouTube welcome back to tech isuzu
Randy's coming back to you guys today
with a quick video addressing the
question of how far can an Intel stock
heatsink fan clock up to now as you guys
know my water coolers died and so I'm in
the process of deciding what and my next
cooler should be but I meant in the
meantime I've got this back on and yeah
it's a little a little tiny beast I mean
yeah it is crap but anyway I'm probably
the only guy in the world who is running
a deleted chip with a stock intel heat
sink fan when probably one of the many
few so I've just booted this up now and
we are at OB hopefully you guys can see
that 25 degrees ambience and let's get
on to the overclock so we'll just get
onto the overclocks here so I want to
start showing you guys what clocks we
can get so I'll just move the camera in
a little bit closer so you guys can see
and we'll see how far we can take this
bad boy so we'll load up real temp and
prime95 so this is at 4 gigs so I've
decided to put this up to 4 gigahertz
and we'll see how idles at 25 degrees so
you can see there it's at 50 degrees I
have deleted the chip but also something
else to remember is that I am using the
stock Intel heatsink paste so this is
just an idea of what your off lis can
expect I mean my dealer chip should be
cool a little bit cooler than other
chips but not by much I mean I am using
the stock Intel heatsink paste so that's
something to remember
so I'll just pull that up for you guys
here so you can see the temp so I'm
going to start a prime95 bench now I'm
not going to push it to 4.2 so this is
at 4 gigs so there's our four gigs at
the moment and I wouldn't push it past
this honestly if you guys are trying to
push your stock heatsink fan to 4.2 I'd
probably only recommend it in the winter
and even then maybe put some good
heatsink a paste on the heat spreader so
this is at 4.2 and you can see that it's
already reaching set
degrees I mean 75 so I think this would
probably go up to 80 yeah so it's really
not this is a four gig so if I took this
to 4.2 it would probably be even worse
so I'm not going to recommend it but yet
how if I can intel heat sink fan go I'd
yeah and ultimately I'd say 4.2 max I
mean even then I'd only recommend it in
the winter in the summer I'd only go for
gigs but even then if you guys are
buying the enthusiast chips I mean you
can get a cooler master 212 Evo or an
anti max t44 like $25 $30 these are the
chips that you guys should be getting I
mean sorry the coolers that you guys
should be getting if you decide to go
with these chips they're pretty good
value for money and they offer you know
they're only twenty thirty dollars as I
said before and they offer a great I'm
going to get one probably soon I think
I'm thinking I'm getting the Animax T 40
so I'll do a review on it and I'll show
you guys the temps and I'll also compare
that to my previous water cooler as well
so here we see 80 degrees is already
reaching 80 degrees which is pretty damn
high I would you know for me
80 degrees is like my maximum if
something goes above 80 degrees in prime
I'm not comfortable running that clock
at 24/7 speeds so that's just my sort of
upper limit as you know I like to have
sort of resale ability resale ability in
my chips when I sell them you know a
year or two years down the track so I
don't like them to degrade yes hope you
enjoyed this video so yeah that's just
the Intel heat sink fan it's it's a
piece of crap it idles 25 degrees
roughly 25 degrees above ambience and
it's load is ruffle roughly whoa 55
degrees above ambient sat for gigs so
this is at four gigs too and this is a
dealership so keep in mind that if you
haven't deleted your chip your temps
will probably maybe run up to about 85
now 86 87 so yeah four gigs in summer
even though even in summer I mean you
can get thirty degrees it will run up
even hotter so my advice ultimately in
conclusion is to say some are probably
three point eight if it's a thirty
degree day 25 degrees in vents for
okay in winter when it gets to 15
degrees 4.2 is probably going to be okay
so my guys hope you enjoyed this video
if you did please give it a thumbs up if
you have any questions about the intel
junk heat sink fan please leave it in
the comments section below
I thought I'd just test this for you
guys for a bit of fun while I'm in the
process of getting a new cooler and our
main the other one which I'll probably
just sell on eBay or something because
yeah I'm going to say that you know I'm
going to come out with a video saying
that water cool is you know I don't
recommend there I'm not going to I'm
going to start recommending these kit
coolers so if you want to go through
water cooling you either go all out and
get custom water pumps and all that or
get say you know get to just get an air
cooler because you know 14 months is
horrible but you know my chip is you
guys saw that previous video my chip
could have easily blew up so not blew up
but I mean it could've easily failed
that's you know that's just the safety
margin I hit so guys I'm going to go and
I'm going to get a new heat sink fan
soon and when I do I will come back to
you guys with a awesome review of what
cooler I get and I'll show you guys the
temps so guys I hope you enjoyed this
video and if you haven't resub what are
you doing
let's get on to the awesome source let's
get some awesome source on our computers
and not fry them at the same time so
yeah my computer has been through a
beating I would take it up to 4.2 if my
computer if my chip hasn't cut out in
the past but it has cut out already so
I'm going to give it a bit of a break
since I've deleted it a lot as well with
all the paste tests and stuff you guys
rambled on enough this is bro I'm just
rambling on but I want to in the
meantime show you that this is sort of
where it's capping at 82 degrees so they
have it four gig four gig overclock is
what I recommend as a max overclock for
the heat sink fan and four point two in
the winter if the ambience are pretty
cold like 15 degrees so you guys peace
out for now brandies bye
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