How to BUILD A GAMING PC in 2018 & Get Windows 10 For $12!
How to BUILD A GAMING PC in 2018 & Get Windows 10 For $12!
getting into PC gaming especially if
it's your first time building a PC can
be quite a daunting task and people like
me we overclocked our machines and go
into all these intricate settings that
may confuse you but today is gonna be a
very simple and easy guide on how you
can build your first PC what we've got
on the table here is a mid-range gaming
PC and four new parts is actually some
of the best value for money you can get
running through the list here we've got
a one terabyte hard drive from Seagate
eh 310 and motherboard from a Zeus an
a380 108 gigabytes dual channel ddr3 kit
vs 450 power supply from corsair Galax
gtx 1060 and a spec ofor case from
corsair and now not only in today's
guide will I take you through a
step-by-step process on how you can
build your PC I'll also post time links
in the description below for each step
in the way and on top of that I will
show you how you can get a cheap Windows
10 key and install that on today's
machine - thanks to today's video
sponsor SCD keys so what are we waiting
for let's build this thing
so first things first you're going to
want to put all your PC parts here on
the table laid out and know what you're
working with for this you'll also need a
screwdriver and a pair of scissors I
recommend those tools as well and then
the first thing we're going to do is
we're gonna move across to the
motherboard here and as the name
suggests this is the mother of the whole
build host your cpu host your memory
also hosts your graphics card and your
hard drives plug into these solder
connectors here so let's start putting
this together so the first thing we're
going to do is put the CPU in so we just
get this lever here push it down and
then pull to your right and then it
should come up like that and so we get
our CPU from the package here and we
just installed that in the socket so we
have to be very careful so we put it in
like that
there should be little dimples on the
side of the CPU and also an arrow to
indicate where it goes incorrectly and
after we've done that we can then push
the lever down and make sure it's under
this little screw here and then we can
push this side lever down with our right
hand and this plastic clip should pop
off as well so now it's time to install
our CPU cooler so as we do for this is
line up the little four holes here with
the motherboard and then we push
diagonally down and diagonally down
and so now our CPU cooler is installed
and also we have to do to is then now
plug this four pin connector to the top
of the motherboard like that and we
don't have to worry about any thermal
paste because this cooler actually has
thermal paste already pre applied and
now it's time to install our ddr4 system
memory so we just grab these two clips
on the DIMM slots here push them
outwards and then grab the memory and
then simply match that up like that and
push it in on both of the edges and do
the exact same thing for your next stick
of memory bang done some do prep the
build as I call it so we're going to
take this side panel off here on
Corsair case and then we're going to
install our power supply and also our
SSD and hard drives - so now installing
the power supply first we simply have
the orientation like this where since
there is breathable space in the bottom
of the case we have the fan facing down
and so here we just put it in like that
and then we can simply just screw it off
to the rear heel and as Warcraft three
peasants would say jobs done install our
SSD and hard drive so we can just take
out these two trays here and you'll also
notice there is a little box with this
tray as well this is simply for our
screws to install later on with the
motherboard so we put that aside for now
and also it will have our screws to
install our drives to so first off here
we have the hard drive and this doesn't
generally need any screws all we do is
we line up these three little holes here
with the side of the hard drive and we
install it like so and that's all you
have to do and then you can put that
back in the system and then we can get
on now to our SSD and here we're going
to install the SSD this time we will
need screws there is for SSD screws
included with that previous box that we
pulled out of the drive tray and we just
simply screw off all four ends and job's
I'm to install the motherboard and also
the input/output shields that's that
little metal shield that's included with
the motherboard so once you simply put
it in here from the inside of the case
and just push that on all four corners
until it's clicked in the next step here
is to install the motherboard and we
simply place it down over the alignment
of screws and also underneath our i/o
shield just like that and now it's time
to screw it in and the screws for this
will be the motherboard screws included
with the box and I'll quickly show them
on camera for you so you know which
screws they are and then we just simply
screw off the motherboard into the case
so after installing the motherboard I
sometimes depending on the orientation
for simplicity purposes we're just going
to install the graphics card first so we
take out these two side PCIe brackets
here and also at the rear of the case
there is an extra bracket that we take
off so we can install our graphics card
now with the graphics card we can
install it in the top PCIe slot here so
we lined that up like so and that should
click in place and slot in then after
that we now screw the graphics card back
into the side slot here with the two
screws they're already used to take off
the PCIe protection brackets so now that
we've completed the most difficult part
of building the PC it's time to hook up
all these cables all the front panel
cables and also the hard drives to
everywhere they need to go so the first
thing I like to do is remove the rear
panel so now there should be two SATA
cables included with your motherboard
box so we want to actually hook these up
to the drives themselves just like that
there should be 2 SATA connection points
and then simply route them through the
rear hole here in the case so now once
you've routed them through you can
simply plug them into the motherboard
like so and now we can work on getting
our front cables which is this right
here installed to the motherboard as
so this here is your USB 3 cable this
will go into the USB 3 slot on the
motherboard right here and now you have
your audio cable which will go over to
the right of the build right here and
that's your front panel microphone and
headphone jacks and then you've got the
rest of these little cables here they
are your power and lights for your front
panel so they will get hooked up to the
bottom of the case usually on the right
of the motherboard here
Prinze knowing the data cables it's time
to route our power cables to the rear of
the case and then we're going to do also
a little bit of cable management in this
build too since we do get four included
zip ties so untangle all your cables
like so and we will need our 24 pin
motherboard connector and we just pull
that through the underneath here on the
bottom hole and also our CPU eight pin
we can pull that through the rear of the
case like so and then do the same for a
6 pin PCI a VGA connector which will be
this one here
and then lastly you'll need some SATA
power connectors so pull those through
as well start routing these power cables
each to where they need to go our solder
cables will simply plug in the rear of
our hard drives like so and then that is
now finished and also while we're here
we can quickly zip tie off these cables
that we won't need and also insert them
like so so we've also done a little bit
of cable management to make things look
a little bit cleaner and while we're at
it since there is our front panel fan
connector here we'll also untie that and
route that through the bottom of the
case where our SATA cables came through
to now our next step is to route through
the motherboard connector here so
that'll go on the middle slot like so
and also while we're at it we can route
through our PCIe connection which will
go in the one just below that and also
our CPU eight pin connect
which can go through the top here the
front of the case we can start plugging
in the cables to where they need to go
24 pin will go on the right of the
motherboard here and you just simply
line that up now we've got the PCIe
connection here that'll just go since
it's a six pin we only need the 6 pin
portion of it we can then just simply
plug that in like so so now the top of
the case since we only need a four pin
connection up here we can then separate
the four pin and plug that in here like
so now the final cable to hook up is the
fan on the front panel and since there
is only two fan headers on this
motherboard we actually have to install
the front top fan header here and put
the front panel fan to this header up
here like so and then reroute this one
to the back right header here like that
now the build technically is complete we
could fire this up and everything should
boot absolutely fine however you notice
that all these cables are really messy
and they're really ugly so since we do
have three zip ties left we'll now just
clean up the cables on both the front of
the case and on the rear of the case in
a couple of minutes
and now that we've completed the build
it is time to install Windows 10 and
it's a very easy process all you need is
an 8 gigabyte or larger USB flash drive
simply plug that in and in the link in
the description below it'll take you
directly to today's video sponsor s CD
keys where you can get a legitimate x64
Windows 10 Pro license for as little as
12 dollars after you use the tackiest
city coupon code which is also in the
description below so just click the link
add that to your cart and then you can
apply the coupon code or of course you
can get Windows 10 wherever you wish to
but this is a very cheap method it's
very safe as well as this website does
accept various forms of payment I always
prefer to use PayPal that way I don't
have to give away my credit card details
over the Internet PayPal is extremely
safe too and so after you've done this
you can buy the key and it'll give it to
you and you can go to the Windows 10
website enter the key and then you can
create with our USB flash drive a
bootable Windows 10 Pro which we can
then after we've created this disk
insert into the new PC simply boot it up
and then it'll launch into the Windows
installation and we insert that key that
we used from our CD keys put that in and
we're now ready to install windows and
we're good to go now that Windows 10 is
finally installed it is time to start
playing games but of course I do
recommend going to invidious website if
you're using a gtx 1060 like I did today
getting the latest graphics card drivers
and also if you have time I do recommend
optimizing windows to make it that
little bit faster I do have an
optimization guide which I'll put the
link in the description below or I'll
put a little link up here that you can
click in the video itself and after all
is said and done it is now time for you
to start playing games on your brand-new
PC I hope you enjoy the PC gaming
experience and that's pretty much it
when it comes to building a PC it really
is that simple it's not that difficult
of a task though if you do have any
questions or comments then be sure to
drop a comment in the comment section
below and also if you enjoyed this
tutorial then be sure to hit that like
button too but what we got here now is a
very quiet gaming PC that uses under 40
on the desktop also when we're playing
titles it was going up to a hundred and
ninety watts usage in project cars to
which is a very demanding title but also
shows you how efficient this build is
here too so if you want to build
something similar to this then I'll put
the links in the description for all the
parts that I used and also if you want
to get a cheap Windows 10 Pro cd-key
64-bit then I'll put the link in the
description below for that too you can
get a discount if you use the tech yes
City coupon code too and with that said
I'll catch you guys in another tech
video very soon
peace out for now bye
and that should click in place and slot
in then after that we now screw the
graphics card back into the side slot
here with the two screws and then the
last cable we're going to do is install
that fan that we previously routed
through and we actually have to actually
actually actually actually actually
actually actually and then actually
should be two SATA cables included with
your motherboard box and so we want to
hook these up to the SATA connection
points right here and here
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