How to SELL A Gaming PC In 2018 | Should You Sell Your PC Gear BEFORE a Launch?
How to SELL A Gaming PC In 2018 | Should You Sell Your PC Gear BEFORE a Launch?
so from time to time I do get asked
questions on how do I sell pcs
personally are there any tips and tricks
that you can use just besides taking a
photo and putting it up for sale and yes
there are a few things that you can do
to help you flip those pcs a lot easier
and of course stand out from your
competition but also going to be
addressing another question today and
that is should you sell your gear before
a heavily room at launch let's discuss
welcome back to take your city and first
things first when you go to sell a PC
make sure your photos aren't bad
presentation is everything and now
generally when you're selling pcs from
$100 to $1000 you just want a simple
plain background on a desk with a nice
decent shot the better the lighting of
course the better the shots gonna turn
out however this can be a detriment as
well if the photo looks too good
especially for example on a $500 PC if
you've got like a hardware connect shot
then people will be wondering what's
going on here is this too good to be
true so photos and presentation although
it's everything it's everything in that
how you apply that to the particular
thing you're trying to sell so generally
you do want to make it all relative to
what you're selling generally from $100
to $1000 I'll try and put the pcs in a
simple background if it gets more
expensive than that I'll try and take
some fancy shots with the lighting also
some close-up shots of the product just
to make people feel like they're
actually getting more especially when
they are paying more so just keep that
in mind when you're going to sell the
biggest nono of course is to have a PC
on the carpet with cat hair and dirty
rubbish in the shot that'll really
detract away from pretty much anyone
wanting to buy that PC a lot of people
who come to buy pcs off me they tell me
oh wow you're not some kid selling this
out of his bedroom where they walk into
the room and they'll tell me they just
walk straight out of the room if they
see a PC on carpet that hasn't been
taken care of so it's a big thing when
you're presenting a product make sure
you're presenting it in a simple and
cared-for manner if people can see that
in the photo and they're generally going
to want to buy that over someone else
who doesn't look like they've taken care
of their PC even if they have taken care
of their PC now the description another
big thing when you go to sell a PC you
want to add as much value into that
listing as possible a lot of sellers
will list their pcs and they'll just say
me me me III this is what I've done on
the PC remember when you're selling a PC
guys it's all about the customer or you
so if you're in my descriptions always
put you you can get this FPS at this
resolution you'll expect this out of
these pcs you can expect a smooth expiry
it's so it's all about you you you and
less me me me III so when you're selling
a PC make sure you do those tips and you
should have a better time flipping those
pcs now since I've done that last five
PC parts hustle
I have flipped all those pcs and that's
pretty much speaking for itself so
really getting into it it's a lot of fun
it's definitely a good side also another
thing to keep in mind is when you're
going to sell that PC in the description
make sure you don't go into too much
details to confuse the buyer because
generally a lot of people buying pcs
whether they're new or secondhand and
they're all complete systems they
generally don't know a whole lot about
computers even how to build it
themselves so they just want to know the
simple details how many cause what's the
graphics card and what performance they
can expect if you're going into details
like all the memory timings of this
there's this they'll probably just read
it and be like what is that so you don't
want to confuse your buyer as well so
keep that in mind and also another thing
is don't go into too many options
remember if you're listening to many
options in your listing that can confuse
a buyer and actually detract away from
them buying that PC so for instance if
you went to an ice cream store and they
had 50 different flavors you may end up
not even buying an ice cream at all
because of the choices there's just too
many and you can't make a decision as
opposed I'm just having five flavors
you'll generally pick the one that you
want or the one that you think best
suits you so now another question is
when should you sell your hardware
when's the best time and generally
before a launch is always a good time to
sell your hardware especially if you
want to upgrade to the latest and
however for CPUs is not always a good
thing to sell before launches as we've
seen with ddr4 prices they've gone
through the roof so people who bought
x99 and a 5820k for example if they sold
that before the broad welly launch I
think they would have been in at a
detriment especially since that ddr4 Ram
was so cheap when it was first released
as opposed to the new rise and launch
I'm not really going to say too much on
that of course if you've read the rumors
then you can get a strong opinion of
your own
so CPUs are a gamble if you're going to
sell before launch hoping that the
prices would have dropped and you would
have picked up some money had you
otherwise hung on to it and sold it
after that launch one thing I will say
though is GPUs
or graphics cards video cards they are
generally a always recommended sell
before a launch if you know there's a
rumor of a graphics card generation
coming out soon and you've got your old
graphics card and you can sell it now
for pretty good money
then I'd heavily recommend doing that
right before the launch an example of
this was when I had a GTX 780 and I sold
that for $500 right before the GTX 970
came out now after the 970 came out
those gtx 780 s went down to literally
$300 across the board so had I'd kept
that after the launch I would have lost
money about $200 really because that's
$200 that you're not going to get back
and since a lot of you guys out there
have an open mind you can apply some of
these tips and tricks for yourself and
help yourself get ahead in life always
love reading in the comments when
someone's been flipping pcs that made a
bit of a profit and also on that note
they're helping out people in the
community who would have otherwise been
ripped off from a computer store that
charges too much for their pre built
systems whether they're used or new so
something that can be taken out of this
is in general yes flippin pcs some
people despise it but it if you're
making someone happy and you're giving
them value that they otherwise thought
they wouldn't have got from someone else
then in my opinion you're doing a good
thing for the community and you're also
making a bit of money on the side and
also on the flip side of things if
you've got hardware that's on its way
out and you know it's on its way out for
instance if caps are really big and
they're bulging and then you know
they're ready to go don't put that in a
PC and sell it it's really just a bad
karma thing and also we'll come back to
you where people will spread word of
mouth don't buy a PC of him because he
sold me a bad part for me if I know
aparts bad or I know it's on the way out
I won't put it in a PC I'll just simply
chuck it in the garbage because you are
going to incur some losses when you do
hustle in the used parts market there's
always going to be some bad buyers but a
lot of the time you're gonna pick up
some really good deals and of course I
feel sorry for the people who are just
getting into it and I do cop these
messages on Twitter they're just getting
in to use PC parts and they get a bad
deal and it deters them from doing
anything else I really feel sorry for
you guys we just keep going I mean I've
been hosed numerous times when it comes
to buying used PC parts however on the
flip side I
have got a lot of really extremely good
deals in the past sue so so basically
with your hustle keep on comer is a real
thing you do good by people they're
gonna spread a good word about you
you're gonna have people coming back to
buy PCs off you and so that's really all
my experiences and that's the things I
can tell you with hints on selling PC
gear used PC gear especially and also
selling before launches CPUs and
everything else is a bit of a gamble
GPUs in my opinion definitely recommend
flipping them before a launch and if you
guys hope you enjoyed this video if you
did then be sure to hit that like button
let me know in the comments section
below if you have any tips and tricks of
your own that can help out other people
love really thoughts and opinions as
always and I'll catch you in another
tech video very soon peace out for now
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