How to Use a Heatgun to fix (MANY) dead Graphics Cards...
How to Use a Heatgun to fix (MANY) dead Graphics Cards...
before we start this vlog off the heat
gun method can indeed work and it does
work in my opinion a lot better than the
oven method so if you guys want to do
this then I've got the two thousand watt
heat gun here it's got two variable
speeds and I set this to about
two-thirds of the way up on the dial and
that ensures that it's not putting out
too much heat to actually cause
permanent damage to your PCB in the
graphics card but it does put out enough
heat to potentially bring a faulty GPU
back to life and now in this vlog I have
brought one of those GPUs back to life
using this method and of course there is
some science behind it there is another
youtuber who I looked at before this
video who has a pretty detailed guide he
uses temp senses and does pretty
specific times in how he uses the heat
gun but for me I found the only card
that I got back to life 100%
I used the Luke Skywalker method and
that is I was just using the force and
then I stopped after about five minutes
so if you want to use this the
temperatures that I've got here
two-thirds of the way up on a 2001 heat
gun and I did it for about five minutes
by circling the heat gun clockwise and
yeah the card came back to life with
that aside let's get back to the vlog
here on the desk we have seven gravis
cards and these ones starting from the
right to the left we've got a 7970 a
seventy nine fifty seventy eight seventy
an RX five seventy and a GTX 650 but
these two on the end we're gonna talk
about these a little bit later because
there's sort of like a thing going on
where I think that the the BIOS update
on these cards may have been the reason
while they both died and this is the
weird thing one of them got techie assed
loving the other has not got tackiest
loving and they died in the exact same
fashion in that I was running him in a
PC and after about a day was like pew
and then the whole PC went off and the
cod was essentially not giving out a
signal after that but regardless I have
heard of a solution and he's right here
the heat gun now people are saying this
is a much better method to repair
graphics cards if they can be repaired
via this method as opposed to putting
them in the oven safer answers now in
the past I have had success with the
oven method but keep in mind it wasn't
that big of a hit ratio like if anything
I'd say around in my experience is maybe
20% or so but as opposed to this people
say this method is better not just
because you can direct the heat to the
section where the GPU D is but also you
won't be stinking out your whole house
with fumes and that's one area where I
will definitely agree that putting these
things in the oven and especially if
you're gonna eat in that oven after
you're done with these cards is not a
good thing I mean some of these things
will have chemicals on them solder mask
whatnot you just do not want to be
breathing that stuff in let alone eating
it so what we're gonna do here is we're
gonna give these ones a quick phase one
tech s love and that's where we get some
alcohol wipes clean them down see if we
can get a quick signal out of them
before we attempt to put the heat gun on
them and then if they don't work after
that I'm pretty much going to just put
them aside if someone out in the
audience wants to grab them locally I'll
be happy to give these things away but
keep in mind that I recently did a video
put the link up here where I took these
things over to Taiwan some graphics
cards that were faulty that's a GTX
also temperature TA and the gtx 960 and
I got them all fixed but in the case of
the msi 960 since it was out of warranty
i had to pay $25 for that and so you can
see with some of these cards here
especially a GTX 650 I would not even
bother paying $25 to fix this thing lit
alone put it in a suitcase take it all
the way to Taiwan and then bring it back
for that price so we're starting to
venture up I think the 7970 would be
starting to venture up into that area if
it would be worth it same with the rx
570 but whether or not these would be
fixable especially in the case of this
one since it's a no-name branded RX 570
from a Chinese OEM that I don't even
know the name like I literally don't
even know the name of this card guess
that some of the repair centers wouldn't
take these in and in the case of this
one right on the end here this is a
sapphire I believe and I don't even know
where the repair center for that is in
Taiwan there we go let's see I'll begin
so the 7970 that actually gives out a
signal it looks like it's working
absolutely fine so I'm really shocked
but the phase one tech is lovin that's
just the alcohol wipes we did notice
like right around here and I'll pull up
the conspiracy cam for you guys did this
thermal paste was like weed there was
like some thermal paste stock over this
area here and so we cleaned that off and
if that was capacitive or conductive
that definitely could have caused the
so our first candidate here the 7950
this was actually booting after we put
the heat gun on it but it has a problem
that I've never seen before and that is
when we get to Windows Windows just
literally starts locking up and freezing
so although we have it to boot it just
doesn't function properly with inside
windows and we tried this a couple of
times we've got another graphics card
installed at the moment windows working
absolutely fine so this one's a bizarre
fix at the moment and after doing this
once my curiosity is aroused to the
point where we're gonna keep going
through the rest of them and seeing what
magic can happen
so this one here it's still completely
gone not giving out a signal so that's
kind of two for two where we've got all
kind of one and a half for two because
this one kind of half came back to life
so we're now gonna try this one next
this is a gtx 1650 a little bit simpler
but maybe a little bit of an easier fix
so now this GTX 650 is a success it is
now with us in spirit and body so this
one got a new form of tech yes loving
and it's working absolutely fine problem
is we took this outside to film-like cuz
it stunk the studio up I'm filming like
right out here now I'll just quickly get
the light on there so I'm doing this
whole thing outside now because yeah it
just reeks in here so yeah we're doing
the whole heat gun thing outside and I'm
sort of like working on my technique
still so that is I'm gonna probably try
and redo these after I try a couple of
these out but this is a legit success
story I'm glad about that
this one here is the Sapphire card which
we're gonna have to talk about after I'd
give it a smoking session because I
think this one like these two Sapphire
cards I just think they've gone is
that's all
that needs a drummer thing Oh
oh that's not a good sound I said how's
your computer that was not a good sound
holy that's not a good sound for
computer part to make that was that
how's that how's the audience is the
audio monitor oh I guess I just crashed
and played a solid time yeah which is if
it does boot up again I mean dependence
so this RX 570 here it lasted all of two
minutes before it made a really weird
sound and just crashed out with a blue
screen so I'm not entirely sure what
part of this GPU is faulty but it
doesn't want to reboot back up so yeah
this was probably one of the shortest
relived graphics cards I've ever seen
actually I think it is the shortest real
live graphics card but well that said we
do have this car which I'm going to give
another session to and then we'll talk
about the heat gun method but also the
BIOS trolls and what happened to these
Sapphire cards
so now we're at the conclusion here the
next day and the GTX 650 that came back
to life that's looking like it's going
to have a bit of life left in it I will
be testing it though in a gaming rig if
I do decide to sell it and make sure
that it's running stress tests
absolutely fine of course if you do sell
something like this you do want to
guarantee the PC making sure that person
who buys it doesn't get hosed in any way
shape or form but now we've got the 7970
here and this just needed some tech yes
loving him that came back to life I was
really surprised that's a really good
win out of this whole situation
but then we got the RX 570 this one came
back to life momentarily I was kind of
hoping that it would stay alive but nope
I got that on camera too it pretty much
just gave a blue screen cut out and then
we had the 7950 doing the same thing
where it gave out a signal but then it
pretty much froze the computer and those
were two chances at reviving but it
didn't work out and then this one here
just gave out absolutely no signal
whatsoever beforehand and then after it
did the exact same thing so something is
seriously faulty on that card
these Sapphire cards we're going to move
over now to a conclusion and talk about
the V biased rolls which is the reason
why I think these two are x5 70s I had
here are now not working anymore but
basically the heat gun it can work it's
a lot better than the oven method in my
opinion because of course you're not
going to ruin your oven with all these
bad smells and you've got a bit more
control over the time it takes to do it
and you can quickly do it with ease as
opposed to the oven you've got to put
things inside and it just it really is
tedious compared to the heat gun method
and it'd be honest my hit ratio is about
the same as the oven but anyway what
happened with these our x5 70s from
sapphire I got two of these from a
massive mining deal in the past and
there are the only two cards that I've
flashed with av BIOS and then they've
died in the exact same fashion over
pretty much the same time period now I
used this one in a build where I gave it
some tech yest loving everything was
working really good the temperatures
were good but after I did that build I
started stress testing it
because that's what I do before I sell a
computer and the computers cut off like
I was in the room at the time and it
just cut off and then I decided okay
maybe I'd messed up like maybe something
happened when I was putting the card
back together because there are a lot of
screws it is a different design and the
back plate is kind of reliant upon
having the cooler stuck to it and
getting forced that way but no sure
enough I decided to give the next card
just a quick data vac and not change any
of the thermal paste over and then I
updated the boss from the previous
mining boss and it just died in the
exact same fashion
a day later so I knew something was up
with the V bios that I used after the
second card had died in the exact same
way and that was this one I'll stress
testing the card it just cut the whole
machine off and then the card wouldn't
work after that so one thing that came
out of this was if manufacturers could
upload the original V bios to their
websites that would be amazing because
yeah getting a mining card like this and
then going on techpowerup they just
provide pretty much a service of
reuploading the V biases from other
individual users and so in this case I
believe someone may have programmed the
V files in a way that spiked a
particular voltage and that caused the
component to pretty much hit the hay and
never come back but then of course
there's the incentive for the original
manufacturers not to upload the original
V bios since these are mining cards and
when they're resold on the used market
there's pretty much no profit going to
sapphire for example and in fact it's
probably costing them a sale so it might
not be in their best interest to upload
the original v bosse but it's just
something that would give me peace of
mind when i'm flashing some of these
cards back from those previous mining
biases where the person hasn't saved the
original v bios but no guys in closing
out the heat gun it can work really well
as I said in the intro I'm just doing
the Luke Skywalker method just get that
thing at a certain temperature make sure
it's not too hot to the point where
it'll sizzle a PCB where over in Japan I
did put one in the oven way back in the
day it was a real old potato that was my
first time doing the oven bake method
and I pretty much had that PCB like it
put it on that hot so if you do get the
temperatures too hot you can fry the PCB
and are permanently damaged the
components but that was actually a
really funny experience I did take some
b-roll of it but I'm not sure if I still
have that on hand other than that I've
got some gratis cards that are now
working again
so I'm pretty happy and this method is
definitely a lot easier to the point
where I'll start collecting dead GPUs
and then put them in a stack and maybe
update and do these videos every so
often for you guys just to overtime get
a proper hit rate on the actual
percentages of these GPUs that are
coming back to life but in the meantime
I can recommend this method it is a last
resort of course what have you got to
not a whole lot and in the case of the
GPUs here if I wanted to I could stash
them and bring them back to Taiwan but
keep in mind does cost about 25 USD over
there to get them fixed so you want to
have cards that are worth that 25 USD to
get repaired but it does kind of suck
that the GTX 650 the cheapest GPU and
the stack here was the one that came
back to life I would have liked the 79
50 or maybe the rx 5 70 or something
like that to be working again but that's
just sometimes the way it goes but with
that aside I hope you guys enjoyed
today's video if you did be sure to hit
that like button also let us know in the
comments section below
have you fixed the GPU in a similar
fashion do you like the oven method or
do you like a heat gun method better
love reading your thoughts and opinions
as always and I'll catch you in another
tech video very soon peace out for now
I know I know you guys are probably
thinking there's another reason he got a
heat gun and you're right on the money
and as always if you want to just have a
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