hello and sorry guys I haven't made a
video in a while I've been busy with
stuff IRL Brown jr. etc etc but as you
can see we are now on a green screen
with a fancy background so I hope you
enjoy this video today I have got a
Brian easy request guys so this is a new
thing I'm going to be doing it's a ber
or bow Brian easy request and basically
you guys request something you want to
know you want to want me to talk about
and share information and help you guys
with let me know and I'll do a video on
it and today I got asked about a week
ago sorry I've been so slow to do this
but I got asked about our teaching in
japan and you know can you can I give
some advice on getting a job teaching
english in japan well today I'm going to
answer those questions and let's start
off with basically getting into Japan
itself okay so if you want to teach
English in Japan guys there's things
there's four different ways you can do
it okay the first is a working holiday
now you have to be aged between 18 years
old and 30 years old well at least in
Australia so I don't knowingly about
America and England and other countries
that in Australia get a working holiday
but this is the first option it's not
that good you can only work a maximum
set of hours every week and you get
taxed twenty-five percent of your income
so you basically you don't earn enough
in my opinion to really enjoy yourself
the second option if you come over here
is the working visa now this is what I
currently have the working visa guys
will let you get into Japan and will let
you work like an ordinary Japanese
person you'll get taxed pretty low which
is something like over there
Samsung is the tax here is really low
for income tax and so to get this visa
you need an undergraduate degree or
higher so master's degree or something
so yeah if you have an undergraduate
degree and you want to get a working
visa you can you know i'll talk about
that after but yet the third option guys
to get into Japan is the one that is
probably the most efficient if you
already have a japanese wife and that's
a marriage visa or permanent residency
visa so if your wife is Japanese you can
get in and get a permanent residency
visa and then you can work just like a
Japanese person Cannon as well and the
last option is the fourth option and
that involves you guys getting a sponsor
so you basically you make a company and
you sort of like sponsor your own visa
now I don't know too much about this
visa but it is very difficult and you do
have to speak pretty good Japanese if
you want to do this he also I don't know
if you need an undergraduate degree but
it is an option that yeah most people
who come to work here to teach English
and do it pretty seriously either option
number two option number three so you
know they then learn Japanese and you
know I do know someone who has made
their own english school so yeah you can
do that obviously now for me my job is
you know I've now this is what you're
going to do when you come over to Japan
guys the first thing if you want to
teach English you have to get a job and
to do that there are many different what
they call a Kiowa which is English
conversation schools now these English
conversation school schools you they're
basically like the starter out jobs so
the pay is average it's you know it's
not bad but it's obviously not the best
you can get better pay if you do these
jobs for a few years get a bit of
experience under your belt and then
obviously after that you move up to a
better job so I used to work with a
company called peppy kids club they'll
call et Japan they're really good the
working girls are really easy you can
in there you know you go to work
probably I worked about four hours a day
on average I probably got about three
grand a month in salary but then he had
to pay rent with that and so that job
was you know pretty good so basically
there's different companies if you want
to get a job starting out there's
interact don't know they're really
popular there's Eddie Japan the company
I worked for which is specifically
teaching kids there's another one I
think there's like Shane's English
they're really popular at the moment
there's still Nova Nova are still up and
going there's a LS American language
school so there's lots of different a
close guys little hire foreigners now
being a native English speech speaker is
very important so if you're not a native
English speaker then they generally tend
to not you know prefer you over someone
who is a native English speaker as you
are teaching English which is very
important so my sort of like after
you've come to Japan and you've got a
job teaching english to move up I think
the next step you'd want to do is meet
people so with me from me going from an
a climate to a private contract it was
about what not what I knew but who are
you so my friend introduced me to this
job and that easy really good job a lot
better in my opinion than my' hey khlo a
job sorry to my uncle that yeah you know
I'm basically i had a lot better of a
job now than I did before so basically
to get my job I just knew someone who
got me in with the job and obviously me
having a few years of experience got me
the job also so if I had absolutely no
experience they wouldn't have hired me
so that's something to remember as well
now with now there is a program called
the jet program this is probably the
sort of i've heard good and bad about a
bit in general I think it's like the
best thing for a beginner is the pay is
pretty good plus it's a very well it
goes well on your regiment so if you
work with the jet program guys you can
probably get a good job after you've
years on jet so the jet program is
basically for people who finish their
degrees in America or Australia you know
finished her undergraduate degree and
you want to teach English in Japan so I
don't know what much about but you can
go to the jet website and get more
information about that so those are guys
all in all in summary if you want to
teach English in Japan it's really good
I do recommend it it's a lot of fun to
get into Japan you I recommend having a
degree or a japanese wife otherwise you
will have a tough time the salary and
get in by a day to day not to mention
now working holidays if you've got if
you've saved up a lot of money and you
just want to come from working holiday
for one year then yeah the web holiday
is great you know if you just want to
don't really care about making money
this person enjoying yourself here and
working all that is a good thing as well
ok so in summary yeah that's what I've
done and that is my advice to you guys
on how to get an english teaching job
here or a job teaching english here and
so if you've got any questions guys let
me know in the comments section below
and of course subscribe to keep the
brian easy go on from here on guys we're
going to be getting better videos better
quality bringing it to you a lot better
than we used to and guys if you've got a
br request or a Brian easy request guys
a bird let me know and I'll do a video
for you alright guys peace out today
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