How to get more performance out of ANY Haswell CPU (even non-k models)
How to get more performance out of ANY Haswell CPU (even non-k models)
you guys Brian here from Tokyo City this
is just a quick guide for any Haswell
CPU on any motherboard whether it be
overclockable on anton non overclockable
and it's just the tweak that allows you
to extract a little bit of performance
especially in those cpu intensive games
so when it reviewed my g 30 to 20 people
ask me about this tweak i was talking
about and this is the tweak here you
essentially go over to overclock Tweaker
or on a different bias it may be a
different name so this is the asrock
boss but on the gigabyte or the Zeus
bias or the MSI boss it might be a
different name and I want you guys to go
down to CPU cache ratio and I want you
guys to change this to a hundred
megahertz lower than your CPU speed so
as you can see I've got a twenty nine
this is a three gigahertz CPU which will
essentially run at thirty four three
gigahertz now I want you to put this 100
megahertz lower and then save and exit
so once we've done that we can just go
Save Changes and exit and your computer
should now be a little bit faster
hope you enjoyed this guide if you did
please give it a thumbs up if you have
any questions please leave a comment
section below
peace out for now bye
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