How to make Cheap Green Screen That ACTUALLY WORKS / How to get a good Chroma Key
How to make Cheap Green Screen That ACTUALLY WORKS / How to get a good Chroma Key
hello youtube and welcome today I'm
going to do a tutorial on how to make a
cheap green screen that actually works
due to - so you do it so many times and
as you can see this works really well
why does it work really well well I'm
gonna tell you right now hey it works
really well because the green in the
background is very consistent B it works
really well because the lighting on the
background is really good and C it works
really well because there is no shadows
being cast on this green screen so I'm
standing a good meter and 20 away from
the screen and also my face my front of
my body is all did pretty well so let's
show you guys now what we paid to get
this green screen working okay sir there
is two BOTS they were five dollars each
guys five dollars each okay now they had
two bottles of paint and one bottle each
so that was five dollars each for the
bottles of paint and five dollars each
for the boards so that's a total cost of
$20 now the lights they were 13 dollars
for the set this part here as I said
before lights my face in the front of my
body as I'm standing directly underneath
it here in the center
this part here lights the green-screen
guys so that makes overall for a nice
perfect setup on the on the cheap so
overall everything cost me $33 guys and
I'm living in Japan so it'd probably be
more expensive here if you live in the
state's at probably even cheaper so yeah
I'm standing here where my foot is and
as you can see I'm a good meter 20 from
the green screen to cast no shadows on
it now there is a video I will link in
my description which has really good
hints for green screening it is the
video that I used before I made this
green screen now why Kaaba wood is not a
good choice for a green screen okay
so lastly I'm going to show you why
basically if we look here guys there is
no color is very consistent in my boards
so if you're using cardboard guys you I
mean if you're very if you've got very
delicate hands cobble it may be a good
option I'm not I'm not I'm not saying
you can't do it I'm just not
recommending it and this is why because
cardboard will crease which will cause
artifacting in your king when you're
keying out the green also cardboard if
you join it with clear tape it will
camel can reflect light back into the
camera which will artifact as well now
lastly with the carboy well you may be
thinking well Ryan I'm using a duct tape
which is green and if you're using duct
tape that is green it may be a different
green to your key green on your cobble
and this will basically if you're gonna
keep that green you're gonna be keying
out too much and that'll get to the
point where your hands will start keying
out and stuff on your face will start
keying out and it'll just look pretty
bad in general
so overall guys I built this cheap green
screen I highly recommend it everything
was $33 lighting is crucial guys
remember that lighting and actual
consistency of green is crucial and
obviously I have a pretty good camera so
this camera I got it's my Sony camera I
use it for photography and yeah it
basically the large lens the large
aperture allows me to blend out the
background so guys I hope this helped
you and obviously please subscribe to
help Brian easier I appreciate it a lot
and also if you got any comments guys
leave them in the comment section below
and I'll reply as soon as I can also
guys have you got a request for a video
I do answer requests for videos and I do
post our videos regularly so I hope this
helped you guys peace out
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