I got $144 Worth of USED PC Parts in Taiwan.... (May's USED PC Parts Hunt)
I got $144 Worth of USED PC Parts in Taiwan.... (May's USED PC Parts Hunt)
- Last night jumped on a
plane, flew into Taiwan,
and that is not going to
stop me from today going out
in the land of Taiwan in Taipei city
and looking for those used deals.
We're talking graphics
cards, motherboards, anything
of value that is a good deal of course.
I'm not looking for that mediocre stuff.
Anything that's a good deal,
I'm going to be bargaining
for it, but with that said,
let's get this show on the road.
(upbeat music)
This is the first store
I'm stopping off at,
it's called Senheng and
if you guys remember
from last year's hunt, I
did come to this exact store
and the reason I'm coming back
is because I got a deal here
last time, so were going to
check out what they've got,
but also another strat going
into today is I do have
a little side mission and
that is that I do want
to pick up two 24 inch used
monitors as well that I'm going
to need to edit videos
faster than ever for Computex
and the reason being is because
I love a two monitor setup
when it comes to editing
videos and if I can pick up
the 24 inch monitors cheap
enough, then it's going
to make for great content.
(upbeat music)
Just got out of that store,
had to rush to the bus stop
to get to the next location,
but we ended up getting
a H61 motherboard from
Gigabyte and they wanted 800 NT
but I quickly thought in
memory, 600 which is about
18 or 19 USD so they
accepted and that's the first
deal in the kitty, might have
overpaid a little bit for it,
but as with the parts hunts,
the first deal I always like
to get something because that always keeps
the momentum going, it's
always good to do that
and I'm joined by Marco
as well, he's speaking
the local Chinese lingo here.
- Of course.
- He's coming along, we're also meeting up
with fellow Aussie YouTubers
who want to see the deals hunt
in action, but with that
said, we've already got one
that's going in the
backpack, let's go check
out some more deals.
(upbeat music)
That 500 NT just got us some tech gear.
(upbeat music)
We just finished up at the second store.
They were called computer
repair and the owners
are really nice people,
if you guys didn't know,
they were featured in
the last year's Computex
parts hunt as well and
the awesome news to hear
about that was since this
time last year they've picked
up their business a lot, so
that was really good to hear,
but also on top of that
note they gave me two
really good deals, I got
a one terabyte hard drive
for $250 NTD, so I think that's
a little bit under $10 USD
and then I also got a B85
motherboard with four DIMM slots
for 500 NTD so that's I
think $18 USD or $17 USD
so really good deals so
far, but with that said,
I'm also joined by some fellow YouTubers.
They're called the Gear
Seekers and they've come along
for the parts hunt so
we're going to now continue
the parts hunt with a bit
more company because they want
to see behind the scenes, the
authentic Tech Yes experience,
so maybe they'll upload behind
the scenes to their channel.
I said they're welcome to, it's awesome,
the more the merrier, but with that said,
let's continue the hunt
now and move along.
(upbeat music)
We just left the place called
3C and we went there last year
as well and they had one
motherboard which ended up
being a B75, we got that for
600 NT, confirmed working.
It's a bit of a trend here,
we've got three motherboards
from three of the sames stores
and that's all they had,
but good news is we've got a
new store right here behind us
that we haven't seen yet and
I'm promised that they've got
some good parts inside so
we're going to head on in
and see what we can bargain.
(upbeat music)
I just got out of that place and picked up
three graphics cards for 1,000 NTD.
There was a GTX 660, also
a 750 TI and an R7 270
or it might be an R9 270,
I forgot what it was.
It was a pretty decent card
and that brings the total
in at $30 USD I think which
makes it unbelievable.
For three cards that is confirmed working,
that's like $10 a card, so
I've put that in the backpack
and we're ready to
continue this parts hunt
because it is already looking
like it's unbelievable.
(upbeat music)
We're at this last place
and just finished up.
It's called MicroPro, went
inside and it was a bit weird.
They had a board and I was
interested in it, then we checked
it out and that ended up
being DOA, so it didn't work
at all, we tried posting
it, different memory slots
still gave out no signal what
so ever and then they had
some graphics cards, they
actually went outside
to another place,
brought back three cards.
Two of them were potatoes,
one was a GTX 650,
the other was a 7770, so pretty old.
I tried to barter them for
like 10 Aussie dollars each
or $8 USD each, they said
no, I'm like, you know what,
they still gotta carry risk of
those cards being really old,
they're really dirty, they
may blow out any day now,
but they had a GTX 760 inside and this is
a really cool card, I actually
liked the design of this.
I've never seen it before and
what I did was I tested it,
booted it up, and then
we went back and forth
for literally 10 minutes of
just bartering and talking
and talking and I finally
got it for $1,200 NTD
which was a pretty good deal.
It's not the best deal,
not the worst deal,
but I did, like I said before,
like the look of this card.
There was something about
it, I want to use it
in a mini ITX build and it does check out.
That's pretty much it
for the deals hunt here.
We are good to go and I gotta
get back to the hotel now
and check out what we've
got in the backpack here.
(upbeat music)
Last night I ended up going
out, having a good time,
celebrating that awesome
deals hunt, but Marco also
on the way back to his place
stopped by and picked up
a 22 inch monitor for us for
$400 NTD, so I think that's
a little over $10 USD, but
the edges of the screen
do have a little bit of
bleeding, but that's okay
because it's going to be a
secondary monitor for me editing
for Computex, but other
than that, the whole tally
that we had here was an absolute score.
When I did the whole tally
up in New Taiwan Dollars
and then converted it to
USD and also Aussie dollars,
it ended up being $144.50 and
also in Aussie dollars $209
Aussie for a B85 motherboard,
a B75 motherboard,
an H61 motherboard, one
terabyte hard drive,
three graphics card combo
where we got a GTX 750 TI,
RN 270 and a GTX 660 and
then below that we've got
a GTX 760 ITX and we
got that for $1,200 NTD
and then lastly of course
the monitor for 400.
Some of these deals were
just absolute bargains.
I'd say the worst deal would
probably be that GTX 760
and I kind of new that,
but at the same time,
I've never seen that
version of the 760 before
so it was like a little ITX
build that I can see myself
doing a used mini ITX
system and I want to see
how it performs and what price performance
I can put that together for,
maybe something under $200
mini ITX system that
can play games at 1080p.
That'd be pretty cool
because I still think the 760
does have a little bit
of juice left in it,
but also on that note,
the Facebook Marketplace
was looking pretty good for
getting some used deals as well,
so it seems like in
Taiwan, at least in Taipei,
you can use the marketplace to
snag up some good enthusiast
tech parts, but I did
limit myself to using
the Facebook marketplace as
I'm not too happy with it.
If you guys didn't
know, I did make a video
where recently I got Zucked
as you guys pointed out
in the comments and
there was no explanation
and since then people have been telling me
on Twitter they've been
frustrated with it too.
There's no way of really
knowing what you did wrong
until after the fact
and even then you've got
to play guess work with
it, but regardless of that,
I am in need of two monitors.
I've already got one
monitor off this deal,
then Marco's also loaning
me another monitor
so I can get this two
monitor setup for editing
Computex videos ready because it's going
to be absolutely crazy this
week, all these announcements
coming out, I can't wait to
deliver that news to you guys.
However, besides this used
video today, we've also got
another one or two videos coming.
Definitely got another video coming
on repairing broken
graphics cards in Taiwan,
so stay tuned for that,
it's going to be really good
where I've brought some cards
that won't give out a signal
from Australia over to
here because in Australia,
I have no luck of fixing them.
These are beyond the
Tech YES loving phase.
They need some extra loving
care, so hopefully they can
put new parts on or find
out what's at stake.
If it's faulty memory
banks, they can replace them
on the GBU, hopefully get
these things working again.
That's going to be a really
cool vlog for you guys,
but also later today
I'm going to check out
a used recycling center.
If it's any good, I'll be
making a whole dedicated video
towards that because I've
never been there before
and I've got a lot of time
today so we're going to go out
of the city, it's quite
far away, and we're going
to check that place out and
see if it's got any good deals,
but if the parts don't
work or they're not tested
then I'm probably not
going to pick them up
because my suitcase is
already getting packed out
with all the deals that
I've got here today.
And that's about it for May's
used parts hunt of the month.
If you guys enjoyed this one,
then you know what to do.
Smash that like button
for us, also let us know
in the comments section below,
what was you favorite deal
in today's video, also if
you've got any other things
you want me to check out in Taiwan,
then let us know in the comments.
Also a big thanks to
Marco for helping us out
with this month's parts
hunt, he speaks the lingo,
he knows all those little inside places.
Without him, I don't think
it would be anywhere near
as good so make sure
you show him some love
in the comments section
below too and I'll catch you
in another tech video
very soon, but if you want
to see them the moment they drop, be sure
to hit that sub button,
ring that bell notification.
Also if you want to get that inside scoop,
Instagram's right there, TechYESCity
and I'll see you guys in the next one.
Peace out for now, bye.
(upbeat music)
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