
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

International TECH DEALS Weekly - 3rd Dec 2016

I hear everybody from all over the world wants some deals on tech well if you live on planet earth then this is the video for you so getting on with the first deal here we have a Q next QX 27-10 led-backlit IPS 1440p monitor now if you guys are into gaming or you're even remotely into gaming then do yourself a favor get one of these because it's going to be not only beautiful it's going to have a low input lag great for competitive gaming and not only that great for watching movies on great for just being your companion at your desk and for 210 us double this thing is an absolute no-brainer none of that that recent 1440p use pcr build this would couple up perfectly with that computer to just make one awesome gaming machine next up here on the international deals we have here the g7 from Panasonic this is a fork a DSLR camera now this is the camera that I actually used to film all my videos on and this one comes with the lens and a heap of accessories all for 500 us now the international posters isn't that much it's a freaking deal you're going to love this if you're getting into film and I'm getting in photography as well this thing will take care of you deal and the next deal we have here is the LG 34 inch 21 by nine high resolution wide qhd display now this thing is IPS backlit it's amazing if you missed out on the black friday sale then this thing is going for 589 USD it's funny because the postage international isn't actually that much it's free if you're in the US though even if your international it's still not too expensive for what this monitor is and the next deal is going to take care of people who are in those countries where graphics cards are just ridiculously expensive i can think of places like Brazil or Mexico for example and if that's the case then here is a 750 ti for you guys going out for a hundred dollars plus twenty eight dollars shipping so it is a fix if you're in a pinch and you're looking for a graphics card to build a new gaming pc with now moving on to those folks in the US we've got a corsair vengeance k60 510 keyless mechanical gaming keyboard now it's got cherry MX red switches in there but the best about this is it's gone from ninety dollars all the way to fifty dollars friggin deal for a keyboard of this caliber then for the next deal we're going all the way over to the UK with the Z 906 5.1 surround sound setup this thing is an absolute monster of a sound system it'll do house parties no no that'll do movies even desktop gaming absolute beast and it's come down from 349 quid all the way to 217 quid mate and then the next deal we have up here is the logitech g400 to hyperion gaming mouse going from 50 pound a 35-pound it's actually funny because the Jeep 400 was one of my favorite mice of all time this is certainly not going to disappoint and getting a savings of thirty percent there is certainly going to help out with your wallet and last but certainly not least for my fellow Ozzy's we've got here the road NT studio microphone this thing comes with a stand and a pop filter as well going for a hundred and sixty-eight australian dollars so if you're looking to up your game for audio recordings and this is definitely going to be the microphone for you anyway guys that's it for this week's episode of international tech deals let me know in the description below do you like this format where I'm trying to take care of everybody from all over the world love to hear your thoughts and comments as always and I'll catch you on the next tech video very soon peace out for now Bay
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