welcome to tech city this is brian
coming to you guys today with the 380
dollar wild lesion pc now this thing
absolutely crushes games at 1080p and
it's also special for two reasons the
first being is my last bill before I
leave Japan and the second being that
I'm mixing this time around you and use
parts together to create something that
is just quite simply epic though without
wasting any more of your time let's get
on with the prices of these parts the
build and then the benchmarks
okay all right let's see if this bad boy
boots up
all right everything sounds completely
normal so far I'm expecting good results
because the guy did buy it off he said
he pulled it off a working computer the
motherboard so there we go yet all right
so there we have it the benchmark scores
are in and this thing absolutely killed
overwatch and wild lesion with ultra and
maxed out settings on both games they're
going well into the mid 100's and really
not even dipping below 100 FPS which was
very impressive considering this thing
only costs three hundred and eighty
dollars to build also the fire strike
scores s 13,000 on the graphics core and
also nine and a half thousand on the
physics core and that's something that
I'm going to stop right there and talk
about because people say that some of
these used builds are trash and it's
ironic because that CPU that I put there
and for fifty five dollars gets a better
physics score and fire strike than my
6600 K which only goes to 4.2 gigahertz
so people call these use price
performance pcs trash I think they need
to come and take a look at this video
and revisit the word trash because this
build is phenomenal not only for the
price performance but also the
performance at 1080p and you're also
probably wondering why only tested two
games and that's actually due to the
fact that I'm at a hotel and I've only
got a data film this and the wireless
connection only allowed me to get this
done otherwise I wouldn't have been able
to test anything that being said though
this thing will destroy any of those
other titles like doom and also GTA v
eternity peace and not to worry though
let's talk about the overclocks a little
bit with that Xeon x-- 3470 very
impressive I actually managed to get it
to boot at 4.5 gigahertz which was
shockingly good though the temperatures
were really bad even at 4 gigahertz I
mean this thing was creeping into 90
degrees and that was due to the fact
that they used a really cheap cooler a
five-dollar cooler if I had a better
motherboard and a better CPU cooler then
this Zeeland could really shine though
the good thing about the X 3470 is that
does have that high multiplier they're
going up to 24 and that allows me to
take the strain off the motherboard and
put it more on the CPU which with the H
55 multiple for $25 is a really good
thing though wasn't all bells and
whistles with this build I did come into
a problem with the p55 multiple that I
initially got I cleaned it up it worked
perfectly except the fact that it didn't
have enough options for overclocking so
I decided to update the BIOS to try and
get some more options there and there
was only another BIOS for
similar motherboard since this was an
OEM board and trusting the internet that
said it would work I tried doing it and
it didn't work so that was unfortunate
though happens as you guys know
though everything else would this build
those new and used parts just mended
together to make one epic PC that is not
going to have problems and another
reason why I use the new hard drive is
because I'm selling this to a friend
who's had a lot of computer problems in
the past and so I want to make sure that
he's okay and he's not going to have any
problems for a few years while hopefully
and so a hard drive is kind of like one
of those things that I don't want to
take a gamble with for him as well as
the fact that the newer hard drives are
generally a lot faster than really old
250 gigabyte hard drives and also the
new gtx 1060 coming in around $200 is a
really good deal too I couldn't find any
used deals on GTX 970 s or r9 390 s here
so I decided just to pulled the trigger
on that 1060 and it was a really good
experience the zotac mini even though
it's a small cooler I managed to get
almost 200 megahertz on the core next
150 mega Hertz on the memory and the
temperatures were still really good
maxing out at like 73 degrees anyway
that's enough for me I'm gonna go sell
this PC to my best friend now for cost
price and he actually took my job as
well so he's a really good friend and
he's going to enjoy this PC a lot and if
you guys enjoyed this build to be sure
to hit that like button also let me know
in the comment section below
what do you think of the new and used
part smash together I really liked it
and I thought it was a big success
personally but I'd love to hear your
thoughts and comments in the comment
section below and I'll catch you in
another tech video very soon peace out
for now bye
some of those options in the age 55 bias
were pretty weird I mean 1.6 voltage for
default on the memory hmm kind of weird
the 24 multiply though that was really
epic epic always gonna be my little done
anyways that's it for the finale in
Japan I hope you guys enjoyed this last
PC build and thank you so much for the
support the safar I'll be moving out of
here like tomorrow so I have to actually
pack up all my computer stuff and the
builds actually not finish like I'll be
doing this build once I get to the hotel
and find a case for it and I'll be doing
it on the road vlog as well so we're
kind of going to be going back in time
with this part and then going into the
future that makes any sense but also
here's the downstairs area where the red
walls used to be put up I actually put
them up over this filthy white
background this house is actually really
old but I get it I got it for free
anyway with my job package so that's all
done guys this place is all cleaned up
I'm ready to move out and yeah move on
with life and I mean people like damn
why are you leaving Japan it's just too
hard for me man like it's too hard for
me with what's happened and gone down
here and it's just affecting my mental
health like literally so I want to get
back home fresh start new life you know
save myself first if you guys learn
anything from my situation that is don't
be a sucker you know fight the good
fight anyway guys I'll catch you in
another tech video very soon peace out
for now bye
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