
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

NEW & USED Market PC Price Trends - (PPP #001)

okay I think we are live this is a new episode of PC parts and the prices and the trends that are going on the transit will be happening and I don't know like I thought well this is interesting stuff we're seeing sort of market shift in different ways some of these things are happening out there at the moment and we can take a look at it especially with the deals hunt that just happened we can talk about what's going on in the market also chat hope your crack and hope your pop and let us know if the audios good because I have not livestream in a long time so I do not know if this is gonna work that well so do let us know straight away if the if there are some problems with the livestream but hopefully this is a thing that you guys enjoy hopefully is the thing that we can continue but with that said let's get into the first topic here and that is a new parts around we're gonna talk about use parts but also new parts in this stream where I'm seeing some things happening and I'm seeing some videos out there as well where they're sort of like contradicting opinions and that is like we've got people saying don't build a gaming PC right now then there's people saying like scatter vault for example he made a really good video talking about why it's a really good time to build a gaming pc right now I'm gonna sort of be advocating on that and sort of talking about the trends which the numbers here are showing that it is pretty much one of the best times to be building yourself a gaming PC ladies and gentlemen and that's because we'll start off with DDR I mean ddr3 but we also got ddr4 Ram prices these are the lowest we have ever seen these in like literally like history of ddr4 Ram prices so when you've got this line like run and screening out hover the mouse over it it's the lowest it's ever been so if you're hanging out for Rison 3000 series then a smart move would be to even get all your other components ready and except the motherboard and the CPUs because there are some rumors floating around that some boards might not even support the new 3000 CPUs so if that's the if that room is true then yeah you might need a new motherboard so you don't want to go out and buy one now if you do it in anticipation of the new rising cities but we see a ddr4 train process Louis never been absolutely incredible time to be picking that up especially if we can contrast it to last year where men a lot of people didn't want to build a gaming PC because these prices were out of control and that was coupled with the GPUs as well when we had the cryptocurrency mining boom that was just like going out of control as well so we had those two factors and just people weren't building gaming pcs there was the rise of used parts tech ES City to channel here had a massive boost because of the cryptocurrency mining situation also the ddr4 Ram process people were just going to use price performance wherever you looked you look laughs gaily damn someone building to use PC look right so I'm building to use PC look straight in front of you now there's someone building a new PC so we look at some other prices as well CPUs risin 526 hundred a good thing that I'm going to talk about with this CPU is that a lot of things have been happening here and that is because the word of Rison itself like AMD had a bad history with the FX CPUs people will sort of like new sort of weary to go with a three build but if we look at a Verizon five build for example that's easily one of the most popular builds at the moment like if I'm flipping a PC at the moment and I'm talking rising five 2600 C score in there people kind of know what it is people want that like people aren't afraid to take AMD now I haven't had really any questions of people like being worried about going with an AMD CPU so the good word of rise in CPUs and their value on those CPUs is starting to get around and so that is influencing purchasing decisions and that stigma of not going AMD is sort of starting to go away at least on the CPU side this is sort of like real hustle from the streets guys and that's how I like to do it with my channel you know out on the pods Hans people meet up with isn't like I'm at stake here so you don't like yeah dude I'm just a normal dude you know doing the hustle straight to your door with the with the cash in hand that's how it works sometimes so we got the request for Zeon's as well we're gonna talk about that after rosen 3000 comes out we're gonna have a lot of zeon content but in the meantime is it a good to build a new PC the answer is definitely yes and another reason we're gonna go on to this is also Nathan thanks for the Nathaniel here's a baller thanks for the donation Brella also shame you couldn't make the Avengers tonight so yeah I'm gonna go see The Avengers later tonight so no spoilers in the comments this is like one of those movies where you just don't do spoilers because like you can spoil Star Wars and all that stuff because like the tangent the Star Wars is going on but this Avengers man who I can't wait for it just like hanging out for us like what better to do a livestream before then your Avengers and we'll go see that but cheers for the donation brother hope are you having a good weekend will you're gonna start to have a good weekend but back to this new PC price a little bit new PC prices and we got the lowest the prices have ever been so risin 526 hundreds are so cheap at the moment we've got ddr4 SSD prices way we look at SSD storage lowest it's ever been so 128 gigabytes look at that line the line is like we zoom in on that look at that line right there it's the lowest it's ever been we are at just a amazing time where all the components are just suggesting for you to build a new PC now there's gonna be that argument of oh wait for the rise in 3000 CPUs because they're gonna they could be so much better they could be but the thing is if you're just a game are looking to get into PC gaming even if the rise in 3000 CPUs are so much better then how's that gonna lift your GPU performance like your graphics cards still gonna be the part that is going to be given you a good gaming experience and if you're on a mid-range graphics card like say for instance you go for an RX 570 or you go for an RTI X 2060 if you've got a bit more budget Rison 520 600 currently handles those grabs cuts absolutely fine and I mean by the time you're ready to upgrade this gear it's kind of like like yeah are you gonna be like oh I'm gonna save for three more years I'm just gonna build a PC now build a PC now enjoy it and there's lots of these arguments going around where people are like oh just wait just wait and so like me as a pure me as a PC gamer man I always wanted to play the games now and I remember the one time I had I did the whole white thing you know like you buy a PC and you sort of wait with components for the other PC components to come out before the GTX 670 came out right here's a real story I sold all my PC before that and anticipation of the gtx $600 but those two weeks that i had to play on intel HD graphics man that was torture like I just man my hair was falling out because like I tried to play World of Warcraft and I was getting like 12 FPS on the absolute lowest settings and I remember that stage I was like yeah man this graphics card better come out soon I mean maybe it was a good thing because I finally went outside a little bit more than I was used to going outside but yeah there's the story there about waiting for PC you know components around the corner now on top of that we're gonna talk about the Navi series as well because that's a big thing going around people like wait for the rising 3,000 CPUs wait for the Radeon the new Navi GPUs and it's like man you cannot I want to tell you guys you're not gonna get a better deal like Navi is not gonna beat $86 like I'm in Australia so the shipping costs are gonna be like through the roof because it is on but you're not gonna get a better deal then um sorry guys a Jody ball with enjoy hand game with a chop-chop man how did you know I love Choctaw sorry I just gotta stop this dude Chuck tops are so good man I'm definitely getting one thanks I might like thanks for the donation brother I'm gonna get two of them now this is I just love Choctaw bye screams but going back to here with the rx 570 we've got $86 you asked for one of these cars shorts used the hounds Navi gonna beat that in price performance it ain't gonna beat it in price performance and another thing is when we look at 1080p gaming I mean do you need to game on ultra settings I mean this card will do 1080p medium and high settings of practically every game out there it is a really good price performance card I remember when I started picking these things up in droves from minors I was just like wow this is such good value-for-money now we just finished doing the giveaway for the it's actually for kids and I gave one of the PCs to the school we just finished that and it was so good like they all got our x5 70's all got 4th gen Intel's RGB bling so stay tuned for that video that's coming but um I also got a request to show you my thumb it's actually coming along really nicely so there's my thumb there and it's like the scars actually healing slowly but it'd be a couple of years before it's like absolutely a hundred percent PC for one night says house I've been I've been really good things have been going really good around tag guest City don't worry about that I was like how can we make things better do a livestream for you guys when we talk about PC price trends as well so you know the rs5 70s at the moment is easily the hottest card in the use market as well as what looks like the new market we go over to here 130 dollars new now the gtx 1650 just came out and this is the crazy thing about it because people are talking about all gtx 16 fifties terrible value for money it's look when i'm gonna say it's a disappointment in that with you look at the 1050 TI - the 750 Ti that came out with double the vram and you had a big chunk extra performance for that no 6 pin requirement the 1650 it doesn't deliver much over the 1050 Ti that's my biggest thing without even looking at it yet I've got one here but I just know like honestly I just haven't even been bothered to test it yet galux are sending over another one too so I was like you know 1650 is probably only worth one video at best so I was like yeah I'll just make one video and that's it for that I kind of don't want to make any videos more videos on it because it doesn't look like it's good price performance at all and we're gonna talk about that om situation because yeah you know there's the argument of ok you can whack a 1650 in an OEM and it's gonna be glorious it's gonna be magical times and it's like I think the meta is shifting away from that where if you get a om most likely you're gonna just gut the thing and take all the goodness out of it and put it in a nice new case with a decent power supply so there's a lot of like the metas are shifting away from that and even then you could face the problem of the 1650 not even being supported on that particular motherboard I've got to talk to bit where but I mean he did a video I recently looked at his video is really good but he was really lucky that there was a BIOS update that actually worked to allow his 1650 to work because I've seen boards I've seen so many boards in the past with OEMs they just don't boot with proper graphics cards and after that you just stuck with a board that's essentially a dud you can use it with like a GTX 580 because that'll support like legacy and all that secure boot options and suffer but the thing is there's no CSM options in the bias there's no secure boot so those boards are essentially useless but getting back to here we've got here right here brand new RX 5 seventies 130 bucks I mean brand-new 1650 150 bucks if you just look at a price performance this one's a no-brainer the 1066 gigabytes 1050 T is use market there's still a good pickup I mean in my last previous parts hunt I mean I pro put the link in the description off the live streams over I picked up one for like a hundred Aussie dollars tempered ETI it's an adduced model really good it's like 70 USD so that's a really good buy 1066 gigabyte I go on for 180 Aussie which is like hundred twenty-six USD really good buy - I do like the 1066 gigabyte still a pretty hard card especially we can get a good for a good price some of these prices here on eBay obviously there's a Buy It Now prices if you couldn't be bothered 160 bucks a little bit too steep I mean you'd like to see that round about 140 and then that'd be a decent pickup but looking at the 1650 man you can write that thing off especially when the 1660 which offers so much more performance is only another like 50 $60 you want to be getting that because that is actually a decent card so in terms of the in terms of our poor little friend here he ain't looking so good in terms of price performance but also when our AMD's actually going really hard on the RX 570 so there's this other argument we're gonna go into the price trends right because people are like in astray if you're in Australia I've noticed one thing as well we talked about our TX 20 70s and 20 60 days I've gone up slightly in price I was picking these up for around a hundred I think it was like a hundred seven hundred dollars you dollars now even on eBay sales you're getting him a bit cheaper oh man this sites so bad apparently they're redoing it um close that down but okay RTX 20 70s they're gone for about 700 retail now they're up to about 720 so I that time when I made that eBay video was a really good time to buy new parts especially those higher-end parts I mean we had our TX 20 80s going in ours for like eight hundred sixty dollars I picked one of them up such a good buy at those prices but in terms of innovation and there's this argument before we move on with prices and trends and stuff like that right especially with graphics cards video cards will go over here to video cards analyze this for you guys there's this trend with you know in video releasing our TX 2070 2060s and all this and like hey they're stagnated and there's people who say look AMD is not providing enough competition in the graphs card market look at what they did in the CPU market intel responded very valid argument but there's also the argument of if AMD doesn't provide the competition then people are going to go away and like Nvidia is gonna grab the ball and just run with it and say hey we can charge whatever we want and that's like that argument would be valid if good old friends at Intel were coming into the GPU market that's what I've said in the past whenever there's too much of an opportunity to make money you're gonna see a bigger fish come in to the Forte and that's exactly what Intel is doing next year obviously they've weighed up that cost analysis and they're like hey great time to get into graphics cards and that's what's gonna happen next year now one thing that does worry me about this whole seeing right and we see like guys like ad or TV doing some analysis man they're going hard on it but one thing they don't talk about is that they're doing like a lot of its technical analysis now technical analysis shouldn't be a predictor of future performance and so we're seeing with graphics cards in the past when we look at the 9 Series to the 10 series massive jump but now we've seen the 10 series to the the 20 series and there isn't that massive jump so like you can see already that the falsies I should you've waited to buy a 20 series guard if you got a 10 series card the answer is no if you got a 10 series guard you're on top of the world even to this date you got some good value there even if you bought it new off the shelves so what I'm we're really worried about with the GPU market is stagnation just like the CPU market where we saw that a Sandy Bridge came out and then ever since Sandy Bridge it was just like whoa what going on here we didn't get a whole lot of innovation and now we're sort of seeing more cause and more threads but we've really come to a brick wall when it comes to IPC and also single core performance which are still so damn important to this day so that's a sort of like the trends going on now now news market news market we got to talk about the use markers there's some people who are emailing me and they're like Brian man I can't sell my gaming PC and this is from guys from Scotland UK I've got guys in the US so I am seeing some trends there's a lot more people trying to sell use pcs get into the hustle it's funny because a lot of these pcs we're creating a new market in itself right it's a growing market but at the same time there's more competition I'd say exponentially more competition coming in then there are buyers so there's more sellers than there are buyers and that's growing and growing right and so a lot of these PCs are coming in and that would otherwise honestly just go into the tip and get melted down for materials or that'd be off the market they're now coming back into the market via a gaming PC so you've got this big flood of competition now where I'm from especially this is the pinnacle of the world southeast Queensland this place we've got to address this because those guys just spamming gaming pcs left right and centre you don't get gum tree type in gaming PC boom man you're gone actually we might as well do it actually now we'll leave it off because I don't want to show any personal details and stuff like that get on Facebook gaming PC's same thing boom spam absolute flood so if you can't sell your gaming PC's and you've done the whole checklist you've gone through the whole checklist of yep good photos good description you're offering a warranty whether it even if it's three months you you've got everything looking schmick and you can't sell it still that's because it's just it's a it's generally it's a tough market now man there's a lot of competition out there but also at the same time there's arm I think this is like going into economics a little bit guys with trans a but since this is the episode of trends we'll talk about it I believe we're starting to go into a global recession and that could that's a scary thing so who knows anyway that's it from this episode guys if you are enjoying this we can go more in depth this is all gonna come from you guys the topics I love talking about this stuff I love talking about the market building pcs everything involved you prices new trends sort of we want to kind of be the trendsetters here you guys in the audience have great minds you always telling me some of these dealers I've got some really good matters coming I'm just waiting on it to come in from Aliexpress there's a really good bill coming in and I can't wait to give you guys that it's gonna be special but waiting on men some of these all the expressed sellers dude like it's not Aliexpress actually eBay sells too I've ordered these as connectors right and if it was meant to be like male to female audio converters and they're sending me the opposite ones four times in a row so I've got like 40 of these connectors that are useless and I don't need them and it's like eBay is like oh yeah I do refund it I'm thinking yeah I'll do a refund the whole amount I don't need this crap cuz it's not what I ordered anyway that's all so we got anyway we're gonna address the comments this the biggest one I see is like Peter Jordan and his go on YouTube reviewers a bias because of all the free cards they get yeah man you obviously haven't been watching this channel long enough dude I mean take a look at MSI's laptop that came through I did a review as good friends with you love the msi rap do you think that was a good review for them no i reviewed that thing through and through you know why my viewers the core audience who don't just stick around right crappy comments like yours actually stick around for a long time and know that i don't put bias or any of that crap in the word review and a lot of other techtube is out there are the same man we don't really care about spinning bias we care about our viewers and our loyalty and we care about doing the right thing so yeah you can spin that crap in the comment section there mr. jordan but that ain't gonna go down well not around tokyo city anyway any other questions guys you want to address then we shall address them because I'm gearing up for we're gonna have an epic feed very soon and then go see the Avengers and game man I can't wait so I'm MSA man something I can't comment on that burro so is a try okay so we're gonna get a live we gotta go to the comments now just answer a few comments then I'm gonna scoot on out of here I'm gonna put my sponsored corset hoodie on and yeah jump on out of here it's actually funny speaking of the corset right the h15 I RGB platinum there's an example right of a review that I got that product in and people like oh man you're chill and no I just love the H 115 i RGB platinum cooler and it's funny because all the people have bought it I even had one guy in the comments on that videos like man I bought this thing it was just blown away by it and it's like yeah that's my initial reaction to it was a really good cooler sure it's expensive and I said that in the video but that's how it goes man that's how reviews go so what happened to my thumb as well I was working on a Alienware PC case and I you know like I see things around here man this is the problem with tech yes City sometimes I'm always looking for the most efficient way to do things like yesterday from 1 p.m. we did banged out 5 pcs so quickly there's for the giveaway but I just worked so quickly man I got my automatic screwdriver I've got my all these tools that just save time now and the efficiencies just through the roof but the problem is when the efficiencies through the roof you sometimes have a slip-up and yeah I cut my finger on this PCIe bracket when I should have used a pair of pliers I'll just like yeah I rip it out but I obviously applied too much strength and yeah man that was the worst I've ever had it like that's out of building pcs that's easily the worst accident I've ever done it could have been a lot worse man so that's you know sometimes that's how it goes I'm just grateful I still got my thumb so the screwdriver itself will do a shameless plug for Bunnings since I do love this screwdriver it's the O's ito but I've got a custom extended head on it so I just bought that for 5 bucks and it's saving so much time that and the data vac man they're they're just like two tools that I couldn't live without now because they save so much time as well as the chemicals we've got you know the multi-purpose spray the brake cleaner brake clean is not getting used as much as I'd like to but alcohol wipes I just through the roof good as well man I'm out actually out of alcohol wipes and I got to go buy some more like a few few bottles of mint so you know go do some alcohol wipes they're super important as well so maybe if you guys want to see an updated tech yes cleanse list I can do that for you guys make that happen sure thing and you know just the cleanliness you know cleanliness is a godliness so you gotta be hygienic man you gotta take care of those use pcs as well they've got feelings so they got feelings if you don't take care of them they're gonna they're gonna haunt you so anyway chat any other juicy questions anything you really need answered and I'll get out out of here another five minutes of chat then I'm gonna scoot so do you think it'd be worth putting a rise in 3000 CPUs and be 350 motherboard concern that I won't get full performance out the chip we don't know man I don't know like I'm sure it will be a good thing like I'm sure dropping around in 3006 core whatever that'll be a good combination since they are gonna go down to 7 nanometre gonna be way more power efficient so that will be obviously a better thing on the motherboard mother wall it's got less stress but how high they clock everyone's waiting for these details man I'm gonna be at Computex on that showroom floor telling you guys the deets day one so but we can't see some trends with it and the trends are like we look at rise in 2000 rise in 1000 we look at CPUs like Intel CPUs with the 99th gen series we can see with the overclockable chips chips that are overclockable are already reaching their sort of maximum peak in terms of what they can do on air and water now you can't extract a whole lot more performance that's what I'm finding like 9900 K out of the box goes to 4.7 gigahertz but you'll be lucky to get them above 5 gigahertz same with the rise and I the was at 2700 X right you get them they go up to I think I like the 4 gigahertz out-of-the-box getting in past 4.2 is pretty difficult so you can see that those margins are coming down but if we look at an old-school i7 920 I saw like that man those things overclocked like 50 percent so see some trends coming in what you see from AMD at Computex it's gonna be current at close to what you can edge out on these chips that's just my feeling so I'm looking forward to those announcements more than anything so well quickly answer some more questions for you guys do you use wd-40 on my hair man that's that's actually a good idea I'm gonna try that out and I'll maybe post up a quick vid on Instagram or something like that try out some wd-40 on the hair if it's good enough I'll even put it in the videos so we'll get on some other questions so those $1 LED strips sell on my pcs left and right actly man I'm like you know this is the thing right some of these tips that I give you guys on the channel man it's all real I got nothing to hide you know if I can't make any more money out of this gig bro move on to something else like not afraid to do line marking I've got a mate who does that I got people who take care of this man it's a good world you know just spread the good vibes keep on hustling keep doing what you're doing best so this is what it's all about this channel I want to keep it more community orientated especially since I go back from the USA I was like damn you know like I need to focus on you know everyone's just talking about then no one talks about the new stuff to me everyone talks about the use price-performance how they're building pcs and I'm like yeah that's where the channels got to go more of a focus than any than ever before sure we'll look at some new parts but the new parts are gonna exist to compare about how good the use market should be and where the use market should be at so we always they balance each other out though I'm just the I'm just the what would you call it the I like to be the guy on the the dark side or the light side what would you call the use side because I think this is sort of like this is factions you know I think we're on the youth side here so yeah molex connectors on the LED strips the good thing at like be surprised like people hate molex but like molex connections are really good so yeah they're just easy to build like on cheap builds right so you just put your LED strip down plug it in a molex you don't have to do anything else for cable management anything like it saves a lot of time so that's why I kind of like it Sode is even better but anyway I'm gonna scoot on out of here guys if you've got more questions as well just be sure to drop a comment after the live stream goes like video archive mode and I'll get back to you guys in the comments so lots of cool questions thanks for joining in on this live stream guys let us know if you enjoy it and we'll keep it going once a month just after the parts hunt because one thing I've realized with the parts aren't once a month you guys are loving that I think it's a good balance I kind of wanted a live stream as well just to connect with you guys a little bit more get back on the live streaming as I haven't live stream for so long it's been ancient and people like every time I get a co-host they either just you know they do a ghostie on us or arm or they they're too busy or one week it's not consistent enough so I'm layer I would a livestream once a month where I just do you know do it myself and that way it's gonna be consistent so who knows anyway love each and every one of you guys if you enjoyed this one be sure to tap that like button and no spoilers no endgame spoilers I'm gonna go see it soon and I'll catch you guys later thanks for tuning in this is the PC parts prices Triple P purchasing parody price okay that's like kind of what I wanted to get at you know the international thing and this is what its gonna kind of resemble but for PC parts alright guys catch up in the next one peace out for now bye
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