NEW Vs. USED Gaming PC Showdown - G4560 Vs. X3470 Ft. RX-470
NEW Vs. USED Gaming PC Showdown - G4560 Vs. X3470 Ft. RX-470
recently on the channel I've completed
two builds that are around the same
money one features used
price-performance parts like the ex 3470
which is a fork or a threaded Zeon and
is overclockable and on the other end
we've got a brand new G 4560 which is
the latest budget killer from Intel so
let's compare these builds head-to-head
with the exact same graphics card to see
who comes out on top welcome back to
tech city this is brian coming to you
guys today with that video comparing
these two builds even those who used pc
parts in this build are not anywhere
near the best value for money i can get
there still readily available so we'll
give you a good idea on how use price
performance can be but anyways that said
let's compare these two rigs
head-to-head with each other and i'll
throw down the specs of them first then
we'll talk about both pcs more in depth
and I'll go through some problems that I
had especially with the youth PC
so now as the benchmarks have done and
dusted it's time to talk about the new
rig which is kind of straightforward you
go out buy the parts you've got warranty
very easy to put together you're going
to have no problems at all and the RX
470 is well couple on both these builds
is they really awesome graphics card by
the way I managed to get both these
cards ironically up to around about the
same speed of thirteen hundred and
thirty megahertz on the core the memory
on one of them did go a little bit
higher than the other but overall there
are really different cards for the money
so now it's time to talk about the used
PC which honestly gave me quite a few
headaches especially when it came to
overclocking there were a few people in
the comment section the last video I did
that said that other people were getting
these up to around about 4 gigahertz and
3.8 and indeed I did go around and I did
check and there were people getting
those overclocks
and after seeing that it just comes down
to the silicon lottery guys I
unfortunately lost on two fronts here
one in that the overclocking is severely
limited on this motherboard you don't
have things like qpi adjustments or
voltages to change or you don't have
things like the Encore ratio and you
can't change the voltages for that
either so you are extremely limited in
overclocking in that you can't take the
CPU any higher if those other variables
can't go higher as well you can't adjust
them or slow them down to get a higher
clock speed and another big factor on
this motherboard which I usually take
into account with the H 55 is that I get
that Xeon x34 70 with the higher
multiplier and that allows me to
overclock the CPU higher so that I don't
have to rely on the motherboard as much
however unfortunately on this
motherboard it could not take the X 3472
the 24 times multiplier could only go up
to 22 times on all cores and now in the
past I have tested an MSI H 55
motherboard and that did get it on the
24 x multiplier which enabled me to go
over 4 gigahertz so unfortunately this
motherboard did have limited options
also had a type on there which was
pretty funny but besides that I did try
and tweak it as best as I could and I
could get it up to around three point
seven two gigahertz stable that was the
max I got and also on that note the 24
speed multiply with a certain heap of
different settings did manage to go up
to 24 times but it was like the weirdest
thing I've ever seen the during the
stability test it was dropping down to
23 times 22
and then going back up and down I've
never seen anything like it before
so with all that talking aside I'll try
and put this into context for you guys
and basically with the G 4560 it's the
latest IPC but it's only two cores and
four threads and even coupled with
twenty four hundred megahertz ddr4
memory is still lost in the majority of
titles to the ex 3470 however it does
have things like USB 3 and solder 3
onboard as well so it is newer in that
aspect though now the x34 70 which I
would prefer since it has more potential
and especially in my case I got really
unlucky both in the overclocking
department and that BIOS department
where I couldn't unlock that extra
multiplier so on that note I would
probably recommend going with a
different multiple what I know on
Aliexpress there'll be a Zeus up there
for an extra five dollars and if that
enables you to unlock that turbo
multiplier then you're going to be home
and hose and you'll probably get around
an extra 10 percent overclock guaranteed
and that's even with the worst case
scenario like I was put in in this
situation but even at 3.72 gigahertz
it was kicking a lot of ass and that
memory is well from aliexpress was
pretty good and the motherboard
temperatures and all the temperatures
here were very controlled I did have a
lot of extra Headroom on both the
voltages and the temperatures too and
this is also tested in pretty hot
ambience too and also on that note if
you are getting into use price
performance then I do strongly recommend
looking for those local deals where you
can pick up some really good bargains as
this is kind of like the fast food of
use price performance it's decent but
it's nowhere near the best you can get
there guys if you enjoyed this video
then be sure to hit that like button and
let me know in the comment section below
what you think of both these rigs which
one's your favorite and why would love
to hear thoughts and opinions as always
and I'll catch you guys in another tech
blog soon I'm go on coming in to work
and also another bill coming some March
to stay tuned for that and I'll peace
out for now bye
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