Nvidia Control Panel Settings Explained - How to Use Manage 3D Settings
Nvidia Control Panel Settings Explained - How to Use Manage 3D Settings
surprisingly enough people have asked me
to talk about the settings in the Nvidia
control panel so today I'm going to be
going through every setting in the
Nvidia control panel and telling you
guys my thoughts and what it means and
what I used personally also quickly look
at the GeForce experience and just tell
you how I use it myself
let's get on with it
welcome back to Tokyo city ladies and
gentlemen this is brian coming back to
you guys today with a video explaining
all the nvidia control settings in the
panel and what they do and what you
should turn on and what you should turn
off so without further ado let's get on
with it and just right click on the
desktop there you can left-click on the
Nvidia control panel bring that up as
you can see here it's perfectly fitting
the 1080p area that I've set out for it
so you guys will be able to see this in
all its 1080p glory so it does take them
for some odd reason is is kind of laggy
so if that you know it feels laggy on
your computer don't be concerned it's
lagging on my computer I'm telling you
now I've got no viruses on this thing it
runs perfectly fine so this is the
adjust image settings with previews the
first panel here and we can see it all
you want to do it this is just use
advanced 3d image settings right because
if you're going to use applications and
use particular settings in those
applications and in the control panel
then you just want to use this setting
and let you know the settings do this
the talking so basically if you want
though you can put it on to full quality
that's either the to but I just used
custom settings on certain games so I
have this use advanced three image
settings so anyway that being said let's
go down now to manage 3d settings and
now this is probably the most important
part of this whole video as I guess this
is where all the chunk of the questions
that I got about the Nvidia control
panel come from so ambient occlusion
this is essentially a very taxing
setting that I've found with a lot of
games I like to leave it off though if
you have a beast set up you can put it
on quality or performance it's up to you
I find just it just taxes your frame
rates way too much so I prefer to leave
it off as it is an SEO tropical turing
this is one that you know depends on the
game but I usually like to set this to
16 times or 16 speed you know and that's
actually one setting that I do like to
manually change to 16 speed because
pretty much all my games look better
with 16 speed now fine for some reason
it doesn't actually tax your graphics
card to March this setting in a lot of
games anti-aliasing moving down here to
FX AAA this setting is just trash I hate
it completely I think FX AAA
horrible even at 1080p or at 1440p I
just don't like it at all for some
reason it just makes my games look all
every game look horrible that I've tried
it on I don't know why anti-aliasing
gamma correction that's up to you you
can actually try and turn it off if you
want to it's up to you I personally just
leave it on so I just leave it on you
know that affects like the brightness of
the actual anti-aliasing itself so I
just leave it on it works I have no
problems I've tried it on and off I
haven't really noticed much of a
difference to be honest maybe if I'm
playing an RPG and I'm really getting
into it I'd like to leave that off but
whatever what it's worth it's not a
biggie it doesn't affect your
performance in any way well that I
benchmarked anyway so anti-aliasing mode
this one we can just leave it on
application controlled because you've
got your different anti-aliasing modes
in games for instance some games have MS
AAA some games have SMA and me
personally I'd like to use both these
forms of anti-aliasing though if they're
not available in the game for instance
world of warcraft came out i would like
you know when when the warlords of
draenor came out didn't have both of
these as anti-aliasing modes so i just
controlled in the application so it
depends on the game but for what it's
worth I'd leave that on application
controlled next here we've got
anti-aliasing transparency just leave
that to off you know on to play with
that CUDA cores on your GPU yeah you
always want this on alright because you
want your graphics card working to its
full potential
DSR factors this is actually a very very
interesting setting and if you're on for
instance a 27 inch 1080p monitor I would
actually recommend setting this to 2 I'm
actually on 1440p monitors at the moment
so I don't need to play around with this
though I have tried it on a 1080p
monitor and it does make a 1080p monitor
look better in my opinion to 2 times
there but it it will tax your graphics
card a lot so keep that in mind just for
actual desktop editing and stuff if you
guys editing videos especially 1080p
videos on a 1080p monitor turning this
on to 2 times there that'll just help
you so much with your productivity so
this is why it's a really good thing I
recommend it so I leave it off as I said
before because I got 1440p monitors but
if you're on a 1080p monitor you
I want to give this a shot especially
for productivity I even go to 4k if you
if you dare do that but anyway next
setting here maximum pre-rendered frames
so leave this to one
I honestly I'd leave this to one I hate
input lag and I don't recommend turning
this to any other setting though if
you've got a really bad computer and you
just want to enjoy your game somewhat
you may want to set this to four there
for what it's worth I always put this on
one as for instance some games like
Crysis 3 if I put this to four man can I
fill the input lag so that's I
definitely like that on one multiframe
mfa this is Nvidia's new anti-aliasing
technology i personally haven't used
this yet i would like to get into it in
bench market though the games that
support it I don't know like I've
actually got to look into this setting
more apparently it's a better MSAA it's
half as taxing though for what it's
worth I don't have my MSAA turned up too
high anyway I have it either to speed or
for speed most the times of 1440p it's
only to speed anyhow so mfa a benefits
for me aren't really that big so I
haven't bothered playing with it yet
admittedly let's move down down now to
multi display mixed GPU acceleration
here so since I do have two displays I
do have 1440 to 1440p monitors I like
this leave this just on multi display
performance mode there for what it's
worth it doesn't make a difference
really if you're on a single monitor and
just set it to single if you're on like
multiple and set it to multiple and then
power management mode I'd leave this on
adaptive I don't recommend putting it on
maximum performance because your
graphics card on idle will just chew
more power so it's actually you know in
games those games are going to be
constantly processing frames it's not a
problem it's your GP is not going to
ramp down magically in games unless the
game is really crap so I just leave this
on adaptive and get some power savings
there especially like now I'm recording
on the desktop my graphics card isn't
working so hard so that's helping save
some power so I'd recommend leaving this
on adaptive unless you've got some weird
problems going on and even if you do
have weird problems you might want to
just reinstall your OS and fix those
problems up so shada case leave this
don't touch
adding texture filtering you can leave
this as well these settings I generally
don't play with them but if you want to
I leave that on clamp though if you want
to you can change these settings except
for I think it is tray linear
optimization yeah that's one that I
actually do leave on it can help with
certain games but for whatever it's
worth these settings you shouldn't
really play it sorry I shouldn't really
play around with these settings here you
know they can mess up your games a
little bit though if what it's worth
just leave them how they are threaded
optimization leave that on auto as well
triple buffering leave that off vertical
sync use the 3d application though this
is a very interesting setting because if
you're on games like Skyrim then I would
turn this off and usually I do turn this
off actually do I don't know why I
actually recently actually that's why I
recently updated my drivers and so it
had vsync on so that's that I'll turn
that off then so once you've done that
you can press apply also virtually
virtual reality pre-rendered frames
that's just the setting for VR headsets
it has no bearing for your 2d experience
so don't worry about that
I just leave that for one for what it's
worth anyway so let's move it on now to
configure surround so this is Nvidia
surround you can see here I'm using both
my DVI ports it's just giving you all
your settings there you've also got your
physics settings there if you want to
use a GPU to process physics or your CPU
I just leave it on auto does a fine job
and then you can span displays with
surround so you've got some interesting
settings there I like it how it tells
you all the information you need to know
there moving on now to change resolution
another very interesting setting here so
you can see here I've got a custom
refresh rate here 63 Hertz more hurts
the better that's generally how it is in
the PC gaming world so my monitors I one
of them can go to this one here can
actually go to 67 but I run them both at
63 Hertz for what it's worth since this
one's my main gaming one with better
blacks I have that 263 Hertz as well so
if you want to make a custom resolution
to overclock your monitor but keep in
mind you can only overclock monitors
that have no built-in scaler in other
words the gray
the graphics processor is directly
connecting to the monitor and pushing
out the frames it's not going through
any scalar there so if you've got a
graph sky like mine see friends I mean
so if you've got a monitor like mine a
Korean monitor then you can just go to
customize here and then you can set up a
custom resolution there so you can see
here I've actually set up and you can
overclock your monitor so 63 Hertz and
then you go to CVT reduced blank I find
that can help you get a few more frames
out of your monitor depending on few
more cycles at your monitor depending on
what monitor it is so CBG reduce blank
and then you can go as high as you can
on the particular monitor as I said
before my can only go to 63 Hertz so
then I set both of them to 63 Hertz so
it's really cool you can overclock your
monitors there if you guys want me to do
an overclocking tutorial for monitors I
can do that but I pretty much explain
just explain the gist of it there so
it's very easy to do next setting here
is a just desktop color and color
settings this is if you want to yeah
make your desktop look crazy I mean I
generally I mean you can actually do
some creative things to it for instance
make your screen um actually this is not
the monitor that see I got to set this
model this is the mono recording off so
if I do that I can make it grey I can
over saturate everything which just
looks stupid but I just leave that on
default there you can be creative with
that same with the hue settings there
but yeah this for some reason these
settings just don't work like if I go
using video settings here and I change
this it just reverts back so you know
that's that's pretty interesting I think
it's because I got flux on so that's
probably why but other applications
control color settings so I think that's
just explains how flux works I mean you
can technically have flux from this
panel if you don't want to use a program
but anyway that being said let's move
down now to rotate display here so now
we've got here choose your landscape
orientations here if you want to have
portrait if you want have landscape
flipped I've never used flip before that
you know portraits definitely a good
setting there if you want to have your
vertically so you can do that on both
monitors you got a lot to choose from
here now view HD CP this is basically
high digital content protection some you
see if you get rent a DVD sometimes it
requires a monitor to be compatible with
that now both my graphics card and my
monitor are compatible so this will just
tell you the status of both these
monitors and if they can support this
mode which both of them do moving down
now to set up digital audio and then
let's try and didn't they didn't think I
changed anything there was it asked me
to change stuff but anyway set up
digital audio there well the colors just
went crazy what you guys are seeing some
live stuff here flux just flux just had
it there we go what was that on 18 I
don't know anyway that's weird I'm going
to apply that and leave that as it is so
that's weird it was really weird anyway
let's keep moving on so set up digital
audio basically this is the if you're
running a DisplayPort or if you're
running HDMI cable you can run audio
over that cable to add a camp or
whatever this is where you can set it up
here for surround surround and whatnot I
not using it at the moment but if you
are you can definitely take advantage of
that panel there adjust desktop size and
position now this isn't actually another
interesting setting especially if you're
over VGA port though personally I just
use no scaling on both of these though
if you're running at your native
resolution which I am now it doesn't
make a difference and I've actually test
this for input lag it does make one bit
of a difference so but for as well you
can just leave it at no scaling because
when even when I get my monitor for a
game that scales down to 1080p for my
benchmarking I use no scaling so in
other words it'll just shrink the whole
thing so it still looks good to my eyes
so I like that I like leaving it on no
scaling actually because it looks better
in my opinion as well instead of
stretching out the 1080p picture to a
1440p picture anyway let's move on now
to set up multiple displays here so this
is a really good control panel this is
why I do like invidious control panel
because again you can just select which
one's your primary and which one's your
secondary and you can switch those
monitors around you know you can do
whatever you want so it's really cool
I really like this you can set up your
monitors the way you want them me
personally that's how I had it before so
I'm switching over to my different
monitors like that this is my primary
even oughts number two this is number
one here which has almost soft wearing
stuff on it so and I play games on
number two which is my primary so that's
how I have that set up you can
definitely set up multiple displays very
easy with this control panel anyway that
being said let's move on now to the next
setting here so I don't know again I'm
just going to say no because it'll set
up the way I liked it before but a video
just video color settings so this is
again if you're using like VLC media
player or something like that
you know it can have options there to
code from the graphics card and so you
can use in video settings here you can
just use the video player settings but
for what it's worth my monitors are
already calibrated so I don't need to
play with these settings if you're on
saying for instance a really for
instance a dying CRT and you want watch
movies then you can just smash the
brightness you know why you're watching
movies and you'll be able to see those
movies perfectly reasonably okay still
so same with this you know just your
other settings here so yeah there's
nothing I don't really touch these
settings again because movies already
look gorgeous
on my video player on them on my
monitors so that's it for the actual
Nvidia control panel now we'll actually
hop across now to the NVIDIA GeForce
experience so again you can see here
it's a little bit laggy this thing but
we'll open up the GeForce experience so
let's move on now to the GeForce
experience and oddly enough I had to cut
my Camtasia to do desktop recording
software because I had to turn off
shadow play there's some weird problem
where I actually couldn't record this
panel here with shadow play honors it
conflicted with my Camtasia Studio 8
recording software so anyway now it's
that that's turned off I can record
properly and for some odd reason when I
record in microphone audio into shadow
play it just comes out really bad so I
have to use my Camtasia Studio 8 to
record it Sony for games what we've got
here with GeForce experience is what you
can have this panel do is scan your
games and then recommend settings for
you graphics settings so this is
great if you've got low npc mid and PC
or even high-end PC though personally I
do like to tweak the games for how I
visually experience in them and so it
does usually differ from what these
settings recommend I have tried this in
the past and I do like to change certain
things around to give me a better
experience generally pretty much every
game so though it is useful for you and
it does actually do a pretty good job of
recommending settings so that's
something you might want to check out if
you are a beginner on the PC but then
I'm moving on now to drivers here we
have a check for updates which you can
just check for updates manually I like
to do that once a month or when a game
has been released as you can see here my
driver is up to date to the latest
I generally haven't had any problems
with Nvidia drivers ever since I got my
GTX 670 though I hear that some people
do have drivers so driver problems and
they have to revert back to older
drivers so you can do that by
downloading drivers from their website
anyway onto my rig here so there's my
alias for my computer stationary e it
was an ad name that I've had ever since
I started PC gaming so that's something
you probably didn't know about me but
anyway GPU gtx 970 overclocked to 1600
megahertz we got the CPU overclock to
4.2 gigahertz so oddly enough it doesn't
display overclocks probably here I guess
it's just pulling that from system
information and putting a black
background on it same with the custom
resolution which is not showing there 16
gigabytes of ddr4 as well and the drive
version and windows 8.1 pro so you've
got some more settings down here as well
like a control panel down here which is
kind of up here anyway moving on now to
shield if you've got one of those
devices the glorious shield I don't have
one I don't need one then you can use
play around with the settings here
moving on now to preferences you've got
shadow play here it's currently it's
turned off current so currently it's
turned off for me and I usually have it
turned on and I usually have it I will
go over to game sorry see usually have
it hot keyed to f8 so we'll quickly go
down to shadow play here and go over the
settings I use I allow desktop capture
usually I usually turn camera
off in this and so it's usually I can't
actually turn it on because I'm
recording at the moment unfortunately
with a different program though here's
your games you can do the same as you
did here you can scan for them and
change the preferences here as I've
turned this off as I said before I don't
use this panel and just in general here
I've got English United Kingdom and
automatically download drivers all that
stuff's checked off as I don't like
anything running in the background it's
how it's always been since I started
using a PC in general so a game stream
this is another setting here if you've
got a game stream to flash so that about
wraps it up for the nvidia geforce
experience let's quickly move on now to
a conclusion for you guys sony that's
about it for today guys i hope you
enjoyed this video if you did then
please drop a big fat like on that like
button and also if you have any
questions or comments about the settings
discuss the day as well then be sure to
drop a comment in the comment section
below and i'll get back to you as soon
as i can and also don't forget to
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peace out for now bye
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