Prime95 Vs. Aida64 - Why I use Prime95 for CPU Stress testing.
Prime95 Vs. Aida64 - Why I use Prime95 for CPU Stress testing.
hey YouTube but welcome back to tech s
it is brain is coming back to you guys
with a video on why I use prime95 as my
main stress tester for testing temps on
CPUs see here 4.2 gigs
rendering a video with Camtasia Studio
look at those maximum temperatures 60 to
60 to 61 now it is 29 degrees in here so
it is pretty hot but keep in mind you
know I have deleted my chip so I will
run cooler then on a standard you know
chip but let's look at this so once we
finish this rendered video will see he
will pull up prime95
and we'll see what temps we get for you
guys so prime95 run let's go here
options torture test and we'll get
maximum heat so we get maximum heat this
is the test that we're looking for doing
maximum heat here we'll just close down
Camtasia in place large FFTs let's hit
that now let's go back to real town so
I'm not cutting the video at all I'm
just doing this live showing you guys
why prime95 is pretty damn good
now you saw that rendered video max was
62 now we're going to prime 95 same
ambient tense probably only going to get
a little bit hotter if anything because
I've got no windows open in this room
but see here it's going 63 64 it'll
probably hit maybe 65 66 so prime95 is
kind of to me is indicative of what your
CPU could theoretically hit not
theoretically but actually realistically
hit in real-world conditions
so you see here my calls are just
jumping around kind of hitting yet 64 65
maybe but you see that it's only 3
degrees roughly 3 degrees hotter than
what Camtasia Studio was actually doing
at that so this is why I like prime95 as
it's stress tester especially for max
temps it's a really good indicator of
what your CPU can you know actually
realistically hit in terms of max
temperatures so guys I hope you enjoyed
this video if you did please give it a
thumbs up it's just a quick video as to
you know show people why I use prime95 I
like it it's especially since it's free
it's also a free program as well doesn't
cost you anything
so it's also a good benefit of it so
it's mainly yes it's mainly my main
program for stress testing overclocks
and getting those maximum temperature
levels so you guys hope you enjoyed this
video if you did please give it a thumbs
up and and before we go why not why the
hell not
29 degrees in here let's get that up
there for you guys 29 degrees and let's
do I 264 so you guys saw before Camtasia
took it at 62 let's see what either 64
will take so we've got here all the
scenes you can see that stress CPU
stress f4u it's all done let's hit start
let's see what we're going to get in
real temp so I 264 is looking kind of 55
56 degrees now yes so it's important to
note this is why use prime95 prime
notice what reported a higher
temperature maximum than my rendering
you know when I was rendering then when
I was rendering a video I 264 on the
other hand isn't reporting a higher
temperature you can see that it's maxing
out at 59 degrees so it's actually
reporting a lower temperature than being
actually doing a real-world task so for
me this is why I use prime95
you know if you guys in I'm not going to
say anything I'm not going to hate on I
264 anything like that if you guys are
happy using out of 64 then use it but
for me I personally this is why I use
anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this
video please give it a big thumbs up if
you did and if you have any questions or
comments please leave a comment in the
comment section below and I will catch
you guys soon in a video it's not it's
not giving me higher maximum temperature
than Camtasia goddammit give me that
high temperature now
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