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QFP/002 - External NIC (PCIex Intel 9301CT) Vs. Onboard NIC (Killer e2200) (Frame Latency Testing)

hey YouTube welcome back to tech acid is Barone's coming back to you guys today with episode 2 of quest for perfection and last week you guys would love in the series I was getting a lot of positive responses from you guys thank you a lot I'm loving it too I'm doing all this research I'm finding out which is better for what and it's really fun so I'm doing frame latency testing with this stuff and this week we're coming back with a PCI Express ni C from Intel the CT 9301 and we're going to be putting that against MSI motherboards killer NAC so this is the onboard lan control from msi now it's a new generation from msi they're putting out these killer NoCs so i want to find out how good they actually are and also want to find out how good the Intel is so I put these together I've also also one more thing is I'm going to test it with them without the software because I want to find out if it makes a difference also a few people wanted to find out if it makes a difference to now I'm going to be testing this across three different games the first two games which are black ops 2 and here is a new earth these two will be done at 120 Hertz and the third game will be Neverwinter which would be done at 60 Hertz because some rod reason it doesn't support 120 Hertz or does but it's buggy so these three games all load GPU settings and shadows off this puts a least amount of strain on the CPU and GPU because I want to find out if there is a difference between the NSCs I want to find out where it is and this will definitely help show it so the let's get on with the results anyway so I'll show you guys the results now and I hope you enjoy so the first part is the speed test and last week when I did the speed test I was like I was really impressed with the rout of us no rather I got a 0 millisecond pang I was just like yeah it doesn't get much better than this baby 89 1:04 megabits per second 70 megabits upload but then I did the speed test with the Intel and I see and my god 171 megabits per second this was just insane when I saw this pop up on my screen I was like oh my god god damn this thing delivers so this Intel and IC delivers on its promise of its speeds it is a fast and IC so kudos there to Intel now another thing to note is if you guys are thinking no but that's just a speed test you won't get that in real-world conditions have a look at this learning Counter Strike global Offensive the next day look at those megabytes per second that's megabytes not megabits 22 point 4 megabytes per second so if you were to put that into megabits per second probably like 180 so these speeds are legit and the Intel does the liver so that's a win for Intel there but let's move on to the excel results okay so let's look at the results that we got in Excel now this is if you guys are fi that these graphs don't be this is frame Lancie testing where I'm pretty much using a program called fraps and I'm doing in this time in this term around I'm doing 82nd runs basically what I'm doing is recording every single frame and then I'm getting an average for those frames and then I'm putting that average against every individual frame and any frames that deviate from the mean will stand out in the graphs basically what that means is that it could be if it's if the difference is too much and it stands out say above 20 milliseconds it's considered a slight mic rest honor anything above 50 milliseconds is generally considered a noticeable micro stutter yeah let's get onto the results here we had the killer this is black ops 2 120 Hertz and the killer with no software on performed really well I mean there was no noticeable micro stuttering here so kudos to the killer with no software did really well the worst frame was 12 milliseconds I believe which is an impressive result moving on to the killer West software I must admit that I did notice these two little deviations here they were noticeable when I was playing black ops 2 ever so slightly so but nonetheless it was a pretty decent result all around with this software on I thought the no software off produced a better result than having the software on if it's anything to go by and the worst frame was 13 milliseconds and that happened two times so interesting to note there so these these two graphs almost look identical but they're not so anyway let's move on to the Intel now so the Intel performed really well in my opinion it produced a solid result I did not notice any of this micro stuttering here and even though even though it did produce a 13 millisecond frame the other frames were relatively scarce there wasn't many of deviating from the mean so I actually did not notice that when I was doing the test the other results here is you can see here there are these the frames that deviate from the mean in with the no software on and the Intel there's scarce so better we leave this win to both no software and the Intel I'm going to say probably the software on probably lost this just ever so slightly and again please keep in mind that this is online games there is just variants it's I can't you know ascertain my results and say conclusive evidence when it's online games because there's just variants involved so yeah that's something to keep in mind but what I will look for is inconsistencies so let's move on now to heroes and us 120 Hertz this time the killer with no software did pretty impressive I thought that this there was some times where it did have these little micro stutters this time here I did notice this one in test number three I didn't remember noticing that one the other test though I didn't really notice the the other spikes that went up to 18 and I mean again this is just an absolutely amazing result none of the frames here are going the whole time I'm playing this even on the frame latency spectrum with no software on it didn't go below 60 frames per second like with the worst frame lenses the killer was software on the worst frame here this did go up to 42 milliseconds so this I did notice this one as well I did put it on when I was playing the game I did notice this it was a slight micro stutter and I noticed it and I was like hmm okay I'm going to look at the test results and yeah this did pop up so that was probably a loss for the software versus the no software in here as a new earth as well so the rest of the experience though was pretty smooth and the antenna and I see it performs solid it was just a solid performer as you see here there was no real you know big stutters sticking out so it was it did really well as well so I'd say the victory here again goes to killer with no software and the Intel ni C let's move on to the last test this is Neverwinter and now I could only do this test at 60 frames per second when I tried to put on 120 Hertz even though it's supposedly supported the feature it just didn't work it went back to 60 frames per second so something that never went to have to fix or video with their drivers either one but nonetheless they thought it'd be good for the unit 60 Hertz gamers out there to have a look at how this game performs with the killer and the NAC and the Intel and I see so the no software from killer did produce this time around did produce the worst frame at 42 milliseconds so that was the worst out of the whole group I think I think also the software on bridges 242 as well so it was a tie there but now interestingly enough the software on this is where things get really interesting with Neverwinter as you guys know the killer n IC software is supposed to prioritize the gaming packets and now interestingly enough with Neverwinter is when you're playing the game at downloads patch files and it patches the game while you're playing and so I noticed when the software was on with the killer the patch files were downloading very slowly and this is why it produced this smoother result I believe because it was just downloading this patch file slowly it was actually working so I will give kudos to a killer and say that their software legitimately works so if you're the casual gamer who just downloads a lot of stuff and plays games and you want to you know still have a good ping then leave this software on and definitely never went to Knights have proved that it works I'm sorry Neverwinter as I never went to Knights but yeah the Intel ni C and last we move on to the Intel and I see it produced an amazing result it was again a solid performer none of the frames were going over 40 milliseconds which was impressive and the rest of the frames are pretty tight so it did produce a good result I will say in this case I thought the software on possibly won this test would never winter due to its shooter the software actually working so let's move on to the conclusion now okay so in conclusion basically yeah if you're a gamer and you've got the killer and I see you do not have to go out and buy an Intel and I see it really isn't worth the money there wasn't much of a difference I mean this is online games it was there wasn't you know none of the killer and I see and with deer software off against the Intel and I see there was no there was no standout differ says I couldn't really pinpoint and say which one was better I will say that the software on in 120 Hertz games I thought it did a little bit worse than the software off so if you guys are wondering turn the software off if you're not downloading anything while you're playing games turn the software off that's the that's my recommendation with the killer if if you are the type of person who downloads stuff while you're playing games then this software does legitimately work so we'll say that so it's up to you guys the choice is yours the software's there I will say though lastly in regards to the N I see it does have the legit one gigabit throughput speed it was an amazing experience when I got that 170 megabytes per second download did you see that me downloading counter-strike go that twenty two point six megabytes per second freaking hell so the Intel NAC definitely delivers in terms of its bandwidth and throughput speeds I think the killer Odyssey does as well but has a problem where it only negotiates at 100 megabits per second on my computer I've tried to get it to a gigabit but it doesn't do it the Intel and I see definitely delivers on its speeds the millisecond response times was zero on both and I will say though lastly with the NAC for what it's worth I will say when I was playing black ops 2 it felt like when I was on the Intel LOC it felt like every single bullet I was firing was registering when I had you know when I play with the especially with the z77 extreme for the Broadcom it felt like sometimes the bullets were missing and with the killer and I see it felt like once in a while a bullet would miss I'll be like I'm shooting this guy won't never what that bullet miss that's the kind of a with United with the Intel and I see I did not get that experience once so for what it's worth I will say if you're a hardcore FPS guy a really competitive then go out and buy a net I see that's if you're a PC like top of the line player it might make it it might make that difference in competition but you guys probably review our competitive FPS player you probably already have an external PCI Express MSE so anyway all in all the killer and IC from MSI is an amazing onboard LAN controller I will give it a thumbs up I will give the Intel and I see a thumbs up as well they both work and they both work extremely well sorry guys I hope you enjoyed this please give it a thumbs up if you did and if you haven't already subscribed attack your city and next week I will be back with the sound card I'm going to comparing a PCI Express sound come from a Zeus and I'll be pitting that against the onboard Realtek ALC 11:50 so stay tuned for that I'm going to be doing a number of tests going to be doing FPS tests frame latency tests I'm going to also be doing my own ears I'm going to put these things on my ears to you guys with my ATH Pro let's pull these up here and put these on these are awesome headphones let me tell you guys which in my opinion sounds better across a variety of music genres and a variety of games I'll tell you which was is the overall winner and also that's about it if you guys want to see the review of the Intel and I see I'll put it in the description below guys that's about it peace out for now if you have any comments or questions please put it please blue comment the conversation below anyway peace out for now bye
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