Shenanigans VLOG - Luke from LTT, Yvonna Returns, HL3 Confirmed
Shenanigans VLOG - Luke from LTT, Yvonna Returns, HL3 Confirmed
how do you like gaming on this NCIX pc
i'm loving it super sleek super sweet
like I want to kind of take it home but
we'll see haha you never know I might
just now snake it out for you awesome i
would love that we should talk outside
so I'm joined here by Luke from Linus
tech tips how you go man I'm good man
I'm good I'm sick but other than that
i'm good got a new cameraman on
yesterday Nick didn't hit the record
button so i couldn't get it on the vlog
but uh you guys are going absolutely ham
at this event yeah yeah yeah so so far i
filmed i think this was my fourth or
fifth video and Linus has done two
videos in a panel and a wine show with
nerd fusion you guys would have some
insanely incredible good throat lozenges
then I've had I think in the last hour
four of them yeah dan like if I'm gonna
start getting like a high off of
whatever chemicals are in throat
lozenges we'll see how that goes well in
Seattle you don't know what's in those
lollies that's very they start turning
green once you get into the middle all
right at least they might help you sleep
better yeah any words for the enthusiast
tech scene out there take a city uh well
keep watching this guy keep helping em
grow because you've grown pretty fast in
the last little while yeah yeah that's
awesome and like I guess if you want you
can watch our channel I don't know well
I think everyone does so hopefully
you'll like the hot you'll like the hive
and then we're all like the little zig
zag lling starcraft references hell yeah
my brother used to cast starcraft games
yeah yeah yeah he was a caster in canada
for a while you got a brother I didn't
even know that yeah I know I my
brother's awesome he's here actually
along with like my dad and all the rest
my friends anyways they probably don't
care is he as tall as you know my
brothers built completely opposite to me
he was like a fullback in American
football if you seen that he's he's
shorter and like wide and beefy when we
were like 18 19 he could pick me up and
throw me across the room so he used to
win the brawls oh yes yes all the time
oh yes although he was a nice guy so
it's fun never got any serious so that
beautiful face heals never go here still
maintain guys I have you enjoyed this
little vlog with a luke from a lot of
tech tips and I mean hopefully we get
Linus on himself that'd be awesome yeah
yeah check out he's at a razor panel
right now but it should be the intel
booth later thanks a lot man oh
hopefully hopefully we can do a collab
as well in the future and a lot of you
guys want to see me go head-to-head with
Linus and Luke for
scrapyard Wars and I'd love to see them
come down under we can only hope guys
get on they get on get on that Linus
tech tips this channel and request it
make it happen I can put these guys up
for free you know i can host them for
free no problems alright alright wants
to see how that goes there's no current
plans to scrap yard worries at all but
there will be another one at some point
so yeah let us know I put them on the
spot i'm a douche bag it's good it's so
good talking there we go so we've got by
popular request ivana is coming back on
from dex racer do you want to do the
hair thing again yeah I'll tell you what
happened this morning I woke up and I
couldn't open my eyes and I don't have
allergies right and I was talking to one
of the other exhibitors before they open
and I was doing this a lot and she goes
you know what happened is it's basically
packs plague but for your eyes because I
do this with my hair with my us getting
my bangs out of my face I said oh I need
to learn the dicaprio
good I think a lot of people wanted to
know more about the girth and frame size
okay i was going of me these guys were
going at it in the comments so what it's
like what is your girth in frame size
well or of the frame size that I would
prefer I got it well the girth and frame
size are important but it's how it moves
that's what's really really important
does the chair go back and forth the way
you want to does it lock into place at
the certain right time or does it get
released at the right time those are all
things that need to be I think you're
gonna get that out of the day x-ray so
yeah that's exactly what you're gonna
get out of the deck Sosa also there was
another thing you had going on with the
was it the gamer girls saying ya know
about that I do I would love to because
you're from Down Under right yeah so I
would actually love to have some guys
and girls that are gamers because i have
an agency that's comprised solely of
video gamers and cosplayers it's called
charisma + 2 and we go and we work the
oh oh so that's thanks man ok so yes
it's a so charisma + 2 is my agency is
comprised solely of video gamers and
cosplayers there we go video gamers and
cosplayers and we go and we work the
video gaming and tech conventions so
whenever you see people there and you
actually aren't horrified that they
don't know anything about it but they
actually do game and actually know what
they're talking about there's a good
chance they're my people and I love to
find new ones yes i'll put the link in
the description for that in this yeah
anyone who wants check it out you guys
know if people who are gamer chicks or
even gamer guys I guess they got to be
ripped your built or that's not early
general no not necessarily I'm surprised
but like if you want to get if you want
to be you know one of the characters and
cosplay or something sometimes they'll
want someone who's a little bit more
yeah well I'm definitely on my way up
there i'm trying to get ripped you not i
mean sir okay thank you for thank you
very much thank you I appreciate it
anything to say to the viewers lot one
last call me or anything day they just
lay the absolutely loved you in the deck
really love you guys so come say hi to
me I'm Yvonne the Lynn hit me up on
Facebook Instagram it's always just my
name my twitch is c plus 24 krishna plus
2 but everything else is yvonne the lynn
okay well we're definitely i'm gonna be
following you on twitter so yeah you got
a new follower and I sure all the boys
in the audience they're gonna be
following on Twitter to thank you for
thank you very much
go Joe Joe Joe get in man
I said guys I said there is the Metro
Wolverine over there yeah we're going
new age baby got some cool costumes over
there also got a wizard having a smoke
hell yeah right on brother got some
overwatch cosplay over here too I think
I think that's the eng guy I think it is
cool story there's another tracer I see
it guys going yeah what's your packs
like so far is this a minecraft ammo is
it like associated with minecraft or not
associated similar ok awesome nice i
love the hair have you guys ever heard
of the Thunder Down Under yes what do
you how do you feel about that ok I
haven't experienced it why don't you
guys experience it someday so i'm here
with panza from tradeChat how you doing
awesome we just filming the intel event
yeah so so fun are you having fun a pad
I'm having a lot of fun and I also just
sear into wow what a walk-off i am i'm
in a world of warcraft a little bit like
a tiny small amount yeah absolutely love
world of warcraft I don't know Elysian
sounding really good yeah yeah it's but
it's pretty great it reminds me a lot of
wrath of the lich king yeah wrath was
like the last real good expansion before
lesion I I mean I don't disagree but you
said it not me so yeah like after that I
just quit his life just went down the
toilet you know I mean down the toilet
up the ladder tomato tomahto that good
drug cold water Warcraft can we expect
to see you on a lot more or the game
yeah yeah that's pretty much the
majority of my channel is for the
Warcraft and I also do some overwatch
stuff I like to talk about like the lore
and like theories about things we don't
know like tin foil hat kind of stuff so
mostly Blizzard stuff definitely okay
guys if you want to check out pans out
I'll put a channel link in the
description below go check it out world
of warcraft absolutely love it and the
music stopped but doesn't matter because
the this mike just doesn't pick up much
background noise is your
that's my two is this an awesome con
what's your con experience like pretty
good I'm just no never does your first
time so you're spoiled this is a really
good time like I'm a little on the side
of con jaded and the last one I did with
San Diego comic-con and they swish you
in there like sardines and like
everywhere you go your shoulder to
shoulder there's no breathing room and
hear everybody's so well managed and
like there's so much space and everybody
so calm not rowdy it's a great con what
a good first gun I absolutely love it I
mean I'm just blown away the whole
experience there's just everything and
everything here just yeah this is this
is a really fun one you're talking a
little bit about you should swing by the
booth they have a gorgeous booth what
they're giving away pins and they've
really six systems you can like try the
game out on just saying you might like
it I'm definitely going to check that
out and pANSA thank you for coming on
just my shenanigans vlog and I were
shaking hands we're shaking him I'm a
very manly handshake right yeah it's
pretty good I might give her an arm
wrestle light up sucks dad told me when
I was a little kid that no one would
ever take you seriously if you shook
hands like a wet fish that's it like six
with a death grip awesome I mean I guess
everyone in the audience likes a woman
who can take control right I mean if
that's what you're into yeah we don't
kink shame here well yes that's the new
age thing so thank you very much all
yeah have fun at the gun my guys lookin
pretty good there man oh thank you man I
don't be shy nuh trying to soak up the
Sun light the LED lights and everything
you know you reckon CLE days of the
making you look good oh yeah I do
absolutely one hundred percent I just
thought it was all natural one hundred
percent bola it's ninety-nine percent
natural but then one percent led yo
so we just finished playing Final
Fantasy 15 and I thought it was actually
really positive like it's got that story
that single player campaign thing going
on where you're just going to get
immersed in it the combat felt good one
thing I will critique those 30 FPS was
noticeable on the ps4 there so there is
word that it is coming out on pc though
a little bit later than the ps4 so I'm
bleeding for it on the pc and hopefully
we'll get 60 FPS plus and it'll be just
amazing so I can't wait for that it's
definitely one of those games it's going
to hit the market hard I'm looking
forward to it oh my god oh yeah well the
sushi joint Ed's enjoying the sushi
sagar rose enjoying the sushi I'm
enjoying this issue too so I'm gonna put
the camera down now lanyons everywhere
everyone's just dropping them they just
quit in packs hello this is Grace she's
missing baseboards and we got a big idea
here yet did you did you wake up in this
thing no I wish I did but now I know
when all the rap songs are all about so
I'm all up there yeah well hopefully me
and you will wake up in this thing one
someday that's the dream I wish this is
awesome have you played this game I had
a little bit rockers weekend a teammate
tactical strategy MMO they're hoping for
a free to play a lot free to play launch
next year and the demo the beta will be
coming out in December awesome so there
are these spaceballs guys you heard it
from grace that's awesome I'm looking
forward to having a game as well and I
wonder if he's going to make a channel
called dr source and feel again
Laxus finished his boys hey
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