Steam VS. EPIC Games in 2019 - Is this The BEGINNING of the END for VALVE...?!
Steam VS. EPIC Games in 2019 - Is this The BEGINNING of the END for VALVE...?!
valve a company that was founded by Gabe
Newell August 24 1996 is famous for its
popular online distribution gaming
platform known as steam and in 2017
amassed an estimated 4.3 billion dollars
in game sales on Steam alone which would
make gaben who owns over 50% of the
company worth billions of dollars though
where do these billions come from well
just like online distribution platforms
and marketplaces it comes from taking a
percentage of those that choose to host
their products or in this case video
games on the steam platform those being
the game developers that you either love
or hate
for example Bethesda IO Interactive
Square Enix blue hold and for a games
well actually scratch that last one
because recently the developers of the
popular title Metro Exodus and their
publisher Deep Silver who previously
made Metro 2033 Metro last light and
Redux packages available on Steam have
recently made a controversial move to
pull their game completely from the
steam platform so why is this and why
are people so angry about it let's
so two weeks before the release of Metro
Exodus which was February 15th of this
year for a games made the decision to go
exclusively with Epic Games to
distribute that PC title this caused a
lot of uproar in the PC gaming community
where most people have a lot of their
current games library on Steam and since
gamers were originally promised the
title on Steam and having even had the
original Steam logos printed on the box
copies of Metro Exodus the frustration
was understandable as changing to a new
platform would mean that one would have
to install yet another one of many game
launches to a popular PC title and if
you guys didn't know there are currently
a heap of these around
already like ubisoft's you play launcher
EA's origin games GOG blizzard steam and
now epic and the thing is these
platforms usually on popular titles like
to go with exclusivity especially
blizzard for example so if you're an
avid PC gamer you most likely have more
than just one of these platforms
currently installed on your computer
honestly though it gets even worse when
you have to benchmark many different PC
titles for new graphics card releases
for example though frustrations aside
epic games however is very interesting
to me personally because they are
changing the game and charging the game
developers only 12% to distribute their
games on their platform this is a
massive saving in the incentive to the
game developers themselves versus steams
current model which has been recently
rare mended to where steam currently
takes a 30% cut on the first 10 million
dollars of sales which then drops to 25%
for the next 40 million and then after
that 50 million dollars in sales it
drops to 20 percent basically the
argument is twofold with steams current
model having both foreign against which
is generally considered an industry
standard the 30% cut that is though
others consider it a license to print
money off of trees though in steams
defense they do provide game developers
various tools like for instance key code
generation anti-cheat services cloud
saves developer tools online service
support for multiplayer gaming and also
of course access to their popular
platform with over 150 million
registered users that could readily
purchase and install the game with ease
though here's the crux and
why I'm honestly surprised people are at
the worst threatening to boycott for a
games I feel it's a little too much
especially since it is a single-player
focus title and for a won't really get
the full benefits out of the same
subscription just because steam have
garnered themselves as being the most
popular platform on PC and everyone
likes to have all their games neatly
tucked into one folder I think it does
not mean that they can get away with the
industry standards forever by charging
game developers 30% all the time to sell
their games some could say that it makes
the online video games marketplace less
competitive especially when game
developers can get more out of the deal
with Steam than others may get though a
30% cut also means that we can in turn
expect to basically end up paying more
for our video games
I mean honestly who hasn't gone to some
cd-key site or some third-party online
marketplace to buy a CD keycode cheaper
than what they otherwise could have paid
retail so charging game developers 30%
ultimately means that we will just end
up paying more for these titles all
other things equal hey I love paying 80%
more money than I have to just so I can
keep my library of games neat and tidy
games that I don't even actually own
that is something I have heard no one
say ever period so personally as an avid
PC gamer I welcome the rise of epic
games and their 12% take first steams
initial 30% regardless of what the
industry standard is competition is
always a good thing in my eyes an
enthusiast tech for example people
constantly complain about companies like
Nvidia charging more for graphics cards
as the years go on simply because of
decreased competition from the
competitor in this case AMD's Radeon
graphics well at least with the RTS
grabs cards you get a larger piece of
silicon on your gravis card with near
worthless features on your card like ray
tracing and DL SS for example in
relation to having Metro Exodus on Steam
verse epic
it just means for a games loses 18
percent per sale extra to Steam versus
epic games and to be frank as steams
economy of scales grows and grows the
rates they charge per se retaining to
the theory of economies of scale should
decrease yet it doesn't and as the PC
gaming community only grows and grows
itself and with it the potential money
to be made does
so should competition and that is
exactly what is now happening with the
sudden sway of Epic Games though I do
wonder with all that money being made in
recent years on Valve's behalf where is
half-life 3 I mean the rumor has it that
the script is locked away somewhere in a
vault and some Boggan got a trolley from
Woolworths and put the vault on a
trolley and then that trolley is still
rolling down an abandoned road to this
date that's the rumor
let us know down in the comments if you
have heard differently they lastly
regardless of what the industry standard
is as an individual imagine selling
something on eBay
and having eBay take a 30% cut of your
item sale you'd probably just sell the
thing locally for half the price to
avoid any hassles or in the case of a
competitor look for somewhere else that
simply didn't charge as much in this
case 12% the alternative still having
very strong market reach I can almost
certainly guarantee you I know which
site I'd be selling my used on so epic
games coming in with a 1288 split
automatically makes themselves a top
choice for game developers who wish to
distribute their games online epic
however on the negative does mostly
require title exclusivity whether it be
the first 12 months or other agreements
made so that means your game a lot of
the time won't be available on other
platforms though one might wonder since
epic is a newcomer in the scene one
would think they could be muscled by
other companies like valve and EA for
example without having as strong as an
established infrastructure though this
would be very inaccurate to think so
fortnight used the epic games launcher
and grew to be the most popular played
title on PC a move that not many saw
coming at all and with this epics rise
to the top has come very quickly
surprising all the competitors by storm
also 40% of the epic games company is
owned by the publicly traded Tencent
holdings which is one of the fifth
largest companies in the world
absolutely trumping that of valve and
steam in terms of capital available the
other 60% is privately owned by the
founders of epic games and as such with
the funding available from a massive
conglomerate like $0.10 they have the
resources available to make the platform
polish and ensure it works properly over
different operating systems like Windows
10 Android Mac
and Linux for example personally I've
only used this platform to benchmark
fortnight and now Metro Exodus though
I've never had a problem with it and
copping games is similar in fashion to
that of origin that is it isn't that
hard to use they also haven't presented
any headaches for me personally however
where do things go from here
well this ladies and gentlemen is the
nature of competition and not welcoming
it would be in my opinion hypocritical
especially if someone were to complain
about high prices on graphics cards and
games in general and then turn around
and expect companies to pay valve 30
percent cut though I believe for a games
in their Metro Exodus title is only a
beginning of a huge trend that will take
the online PC gaming world by storm epic
games have already established
themselves with massive market
penetration and also another thing worth
mentioning is that fortnight has a huge
user base on smartphones to whom if they
were to port to PC will probably install
the epic launcher to play for tonight
the moment that PC boots up so it is
gaining traction very quickly a snowball
mixed in with a freight train would be
the best way to describe epic games at
the moment and that snow train only
continues to run away on the tracks with
the developers of the division 2 also
having recently made the decision to
sign with epic partially exclusivity as
well and sales are already six-fold that
of the original which was on Steam other
exclusives also include ashen and
journey and epic also has free giveaways
every two weeks and is basically going
all-in against Steam even offering
developers that use the Unreal Engine 4
which inherently has a 5% royalty fee
cut to the developers to come off epics
own 12% cut in other words game
developers that use the Unreal Engine 4
and sell their PC titles with epic games
still get an 88% revenue split as
opposed to valve steam which would then
adjust the split to allow the game
developers to receive 65% 12% take
versus 35% take if I had the choice to
pay one tax rate over the other I
certainly know which rate I would be
paying but what about the boycott power
of the people for me personally I don't
really care what platform the game is on
a good PC title will always speak for
itself I've never been one who has been
really interested in politics and all
that other bullshit
he say she say and from here I see
either of two things happening the first
we have a domino effect against steam
one in favor of Epic Games where
developers in mass with Triple A titles
start to sign with epic or steam
radically changed their pricing
structure and start to become much more
either way game developers in our
wallets ultimately end up winning
because of this how should you call it
steamy epic battle though to further
complicate things another newcomer into
the market also has been creating noise
and that is the popular video gaming
chat application called discord having a
universal game launcher and now a store
of its own to which they have a nitro
subscription service for $10 a month
giving access to currently over 60 games
promises to bring its own competition to
the market though in the meantime one
thing for sure is is that 2019 is going
to get much more competitive in terms of
online PC game distribution so buckle up
and enjoy the ride though speaking of
enjoyment if you guys enjoyed this one -
be sure to hit that like button and let
us know what you think of the steam
verse epic game battle is this the
beginning of a big change or something
else let us know down below in the
comments love reading your thoughts and
opinions as always and if you want to
see the videos the moment they drop sub
buttons down there somewhere if you
click it make sure you hit that Bell
notification you get the videos as soon
as they drop and also if you on that
inside scoop Instagram check yes City
and I'll catch you in another tech video
very soon
peace out for now bye
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