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TechTalk 009 - PS4 specs, Xbox 720 specs & Console vs PC gaming

hey YouTube what's up welcome to tech yes city this is bryan easy and you're probably already thinking what the hell hey there's a new name coming and I figured tech yes yes yes city yes all things got a big yes from me I hope they get a big yes from you and a thumbs up if that's cool the day my guys let's go tech talk episode name we're going to be talking about consoles the console industry the ps4 the xbox 720 I'm going to be talking about is the console industry dying is the pc industry dying or it growing what not let's have a look first off we've got the ps4 spec so i pull these up for you guys it's rumored to have an AMD we're pretty much certain to have an AMD Jaguar eight core cpu with 1.8 for teraflops of processing power so basically my gtx 670 already has almost double that i'm pretty sure and yeah I mean people people are going to say like or a PC is already huge it's ready way better and that's that's okay but quite remember this thing is actually almost 10 times more powerful than a ps3 so it's going to play games and it's going to play games really well because you don't remember consoles they're dedicated to playing games otherwise you know PCs are not dedicated for playing games they have to go through windows OS and different API is like directx and so they are a little bit inefficient when you compare them to console so console gaming is still good and its really good I enjoy playing games on my we still so I think now we're getting to the stage where gameplay definitely starts to matter a lot more than graphics and I'm 41 I love in obviously a love game play on my pc games which is why I play PC games obviously I want the graphics there but also want the gameplay and so you know the graphics is not a negative thing this is going to be a huge it's going to be play games phenomenally well it's going to be fine and it's going to be obviously it's going to be priced I think they should price it around four hundred dollars I think 500 even 600 is too expensive definitely 600 is getting a bit expensive so this is rumored to at least be launching at the end of 2013 in one country so this is an article here I honestly I don't know I probably think maybe quarter one quarter to 2014 is when we can see a ps4 do to sort of all these delays getting delayed in the x86 market since it is an x86 processor and so yeah a reason I think you will expect the ps4 before the xbox 720 and I'll talk about that soon but let's have a look at the xbox 720 this is the rumors going around and there's a rumor that's going to be called the xbox infinity or the xbox loop and I don't think so I mean they're not going to call it if anything look at the wii u okay look how bad that's doing they're not going to name it a similar naming system to the wii u they're either going to call the microsoft infinity well they're going to call the xbox 720 that's just my thinking if they call the xbox infinity it's stupid stupid naming system anyway the it's river to have a dual GPU configuration as opposed to the eight core sort of shared a pu and the ps4 it's room to have two GPUs in it that are going to work like some new hybrid crossfire things so it looks very interesting the xbox 720 obviously hasn't got anything solid yet as opposed to the ps4 which is kind of more sort of solid and not as much rumor and so I'm looking forward to seeing what the xbox 720 does and I think this is going to be released after the ps4 and the reason why is because of this I'll pull this up for you guys here okay this is the this was this is what happened the first time around the xbox 360 came out before the ps3 and so it created a big massive debate on which one had better graphics and since the ps3 was released a bit later it had more maximum theoretical gflops and to be honest my brother he had both an xbox 360 and a ps3 and I honestly from objectively looking at them both on a 42 inch screen I thought the ps3 looked a bit more a prettier so that was just my thinking that's just me as a guy who doesn't play much console looking at it again so that's what I thought the ps3 looked a bit better what do you guys think did you think the xbox looked better or the peace ps3 so I don't know this time around Xbox would have definitely taken that into consideration merciful to take that in consideration and they would have said okay we're going to wait for ps4 to be released now if anything this is another thing I'm going to go into sales console sales let's look at the total sales here 95 million on almost ninety six million wees have been sold since in their lifetime ok this is fifty percent more than the xbox 360 and the ps3 ok so both consoles the wii is the biggest standout among those three consoles ok there they dominated they had a very unique thing ok they had obviously they had their we only titles saying with ps3 and same with xboxes juices which I've gone to later but they had such a new unique thing and that was the whole movement thing you know using your body having different controllers I liked what they did with the way it was fantastic I've got a wii as well so I've got a week downstairs I love the Zelda titles and I love that I can play with my wife these easy sort of easy to pick up learn there's yeah the learning curve is like easy as so I can pick it up straightaway so there's pretty much no learning curve there on the wii games and so yeah that's what i like about the week and so i think this time around you know sony let's look at so we'll just go back to sony's first this is another reason why i think the xbox would be coming out after is because sony have pressure ok let's look at their balance sheet sony is under immense pressure to get this X this ps4 out because look their profits are down four point six percent as a company they have to start pulling out things ok they have to start giving things to the market because their stocks are doing pretty bad okay let's have a look at these numbers dr. equity is okay they're not in any financial trouble they're point zero five five which is not I saw point five five to one which is not too bad that's reasonable but the basic chart if we look at the stock price is over five years you'll see that it's pretty bad you know this stock has just gone from you know what fifty dollars to fifth $14 it's over you know it has gone down over the years so the market is sort of saying hey Sony is not going with the trends they're not doing well they're getting competition from Samsung and stuff like that so they're not doing as well as they could have been doing and that's because I just guess Samsung are really cutting in on their business especially with TVs and so yeah that's only as a company they're basically in a nutshell they're performing they're going to perform well in the next few years and they got pressure on them so they have to get the ps4 out Microsoft on the other hand if you look at them as a company man twenty one percent profits they are just cruising along they no pressure obviously their you know their server market they've got their software it's just huge the xbox is doing well they got xbox live they charge for that you know they've got all these subscriptions they got all these licenses all this stuff they make good profits okay there are no that debt to equity is like point 19 which is very low they're a healthy very healthy company same with the stock prices over the last five years you can check it out I mean they've really the market sees Microsoft as a pretty good choice i mean a pretty healthy company that's how the market that's our market sees Microsoft so Microsoft are basically just sitting back and going we're going to see what ps4 does and then we're going to do the same strategy that Sony did to us and we're just going to make a better system and so we can have those bragging rights and definitely that's smart strata like that I think Microsoft can do it they're in a position to do that so that's what we're going to expect from Microsoft but anyway let's move on to the next debate and that is whether so you know you saw the we had the most yet even though this is the thing that we had the least amount of sales so I pulled this article next to this one even though the we had the least I mean so at the most amount of sales it was the least sort of graphic or it had the least amount of grunt it meaning that the graphics was the poorest of the three consoles and this just goes to show that gameplay and sort of features are a lot more important than just raw power and you know I like the fact that we did that and they got the most sales it proves that you know a lot of casual gamers want gameplay and so that we offered that and i think this so where am i going to get back on topic it okay basically we had a lot of casual gamers pick it up because it was unique it had good gameplay had fun games now this is going to get obviously a lot of competition now from tablets okay so when you talk about the console industry as a whole dying I think it's safe to say that we in Pacific specifically the wii is in the most danger because tablet sales are just going crazy I have a tablet you know everyone I know pretty much has a tablet or wants to buy one tablets you know casual gamers are going to be saying hey I don't need to wear you I've got my why do i need this controller with a touchscreen I've already got a tablet with a touchscreen so i think the wii u is specifically and we as vulnerable to tablet sales because they're built around casual gamers more so than enthusiasts and so this when you see the tablets I see we're getting hit the hardest okay and so basically this is going to be obviously it's affecting all console markets i think the ps3 and the xbox will be affected by the growth in tablets but i don't think it will be a hit as hard as the we will nintendo will because nintendo have a massive amount of casual gamers that don't really play online as opposed to the ps3 and the xbox so I see these tablet sales obviously branching into all the consoles and and you know competing with them especially with a lot of independent games or indie games so they're going to be competing with the Xbox all these so they're going to be taking that casual market share which is a massive amount okay the casual gamer makes up a majority of the people who buy games and consoles in my opinion this is probably going to lead you to ask why is the wii u doing so bad so if you guys didn't know it's actually doing pretty bad compared to the original way which sold three hundred and forty-eight thousand units in the same time period where the wii u only sold 46,000 so that is HUGE layers a big difference okay that wii u is pretty much I mean it's pretty bad okay the wii u and the reason why you know people probably wondering why it is the way you doing so bad and i think it has to do with obviously a big and i'm going to talk about this a little bit more later but it's to do with two things we you who the hell calls their company our wii u so we're going to go into the analogy now yeah you don't call something a wii u you call it the nintendo you or the nintendo multi they should have called it something unique god damn we to even would have been better than wii u wii u is just hopeless I mean this is going to be this week's analogy this is the Nintendo boardroom hey guys are you know no pressure we did so well you know that we did really well why should we call our next gen console and let's call it the wii u okay so let's go home it's gonna be the wii u easy ok no problems so that's what they probably did is probably a five-minute meaning what should we call the next-gen console the Wii U okay you have no problems absolute stupidity they should have called it the Nintendo again I thought the Nintendo multi or something something original and something that stresses and goes with trends okay and this is another thing when I my friend brought his wii u over it was so much fun okay it's really fun to play at land okay with four or five friends it's really unique thing it's got a lot going for it but i think the implementation is a bad thing in that they you know look at the trends okay league of legends world of warcraft black ops 2 all these games starcraft 2 all these games are so popular because they have lobbies like lobby games where you can just join quickly pick up multiplayer matchmaking systems and you can play against other people it pretty much instantaneous on the way you can't really do that it's stupid at the moment they've got this stupid area where you run around and you gotta you see all these other people in like a little city and it's just really it's sort of designed upon japanese sort of social networks it's not actually designed for gamers and that's where they flopped instead if they made like a lot of lobby games like where you just jump in matchmake they would do a lot better and i think this is where the xbox 720 and the ps4 really have to focus they have to make a lot of lobby games i don't know i'm just going to call lobby games where you can just join matchmake play people competitively that's where they have to i'm not even not competitively we just play people at the same skill level as you and i think that is a very important fact or they have to do that this is the trend okay people I for one want to play other people my skill level and I want to play competitively on PC that's why i love pc and the black ops 2 currently caters for that heroes newest really does that you job with that those two games starcraft 2 as well there's three games completely you know i get competitive i love it as fun so i think they need to do that they need to catch on the trends and a lot of people like that so we use stuffed up in their name and the fact that they're not really focusing on lobbying games another thing that have to do to so you know this leads onto is console gaming you know dying and I don't like I agree with this article it's not dying okay you know it's in decline because obviously game you know games are being price of fifty or sixty dollars when there's free to play games out there on the pc i think they're losing market share but they're never going to die like as long as there's a TV in the household a console gaming will or console unit will always be a viable option so in all honesty yeah this is a big article it goes on a lot of points here and they say you know like basically you know it's not going to die they've in a nutshell so yeah rise of cheap social gamers talking before you know fifty sixty dollar games yes i'm going to die it don't worry about that but they really have to focus on you know making cheaper games making free-to-play games even that's what these guys go on about and so you may watch to read this but yeah console gaming is definitely in decline that is obvious and they have to obviously another thing i'm going to bring onto they have to make really good tight alone like console only game so that we did that was elders elders like my favorite RPG of all time they needed to bring back secret of mana which I just love that game I don't know if you guys know that but on the Super Nintendo there was a game called secret of mana it was just so much fun I was always like where the hell is secret amount of two coming out they should have bring it out there should have brung out a wii version or wii u version and it's an epic game as an epic RPG but let's move on to the next part of the talk so you know xbox 360 only games you've got halo a eric title i love that play that my brother's xbox is a lot of fun they even though I'm not too good at controller FPS it's like for me it's just like damn I want to use a mouse I can't damn this controller yeah yeah that's what I think when i use it about playstation 3 obviously you got gran turismo freaking epic Racing Car Title I remember gran turismo 1d if you guys ever played that it was just amazing i loved gran turismo the original and it was like one of the best games of like its time especially for racing car games so yeah they need title only games and they need to really focus that as well i'd love to play a good our beach RPG or a good like gran turismo which had like a kind of RPG racer was really cool so they need to do unique things and make really good console only titles and this things onto the pc gaming verse console gaming now so this is a big debate here you know this guy says console gaming Joel Gregory says that you know it's cheap affordable it's reasonable as simple and that's true this is why console game is not going to die it's so simple a pc gaming on the other hand is a bit complicated you have to build your own pc generally if you want to get good frames or you have to buy an expensive computer if it's a premade and that's true so that it's going to be sheep it's simple it's easier it's always going to cater for people especially for mums who want to buy that kids something easy done console games you know and especially for people who don't know anything about computers there's gonna be like look I want to play video games on a Sunday with my friends or online I'm going to get a console that's always going to be market for that okay and I think pc gaming now you know this guy argues that it's more competitive and they're two different markets honestly and I think pc gaming honestly is more competitive and this is my opinion and PC gaming will continue to grow and why will it continue to grow because of eSports okay back in back 12 years ago like I said in one of my other videos eSports was so small now eSports is huge okay it's AIT's absolutely massive it's going to keep growing it's PC gaming dominant you know dominant dominantly pc gaming and it's going to keep growing because of eSports and it's because it's going you know I think the most competitive games are played on the pc that is my opinion and you know i think it's going to keep supporting that so pc gaming is going to be in on the increase in my opinion plus the fact that i love my pc i can build my own pc and its unique to me it's kind of like a like a you know modified sports car i like the fact that i can do that obviously with the xbox and the ps3 you can modify it yourself and do what you want but not as much as a pc so anyway let's have a look now guys so PC game sales up two hundred thirty percent console game sales down twenty-eight percent this just shows that pc gaming is on the increase and console gaming is on the decline however it's only you know this is because of the economy I believe yeah I think once the ps4 comes out and the xbox 720 come out console game is going to be revived it's going to get a big boost so yeah but definitely one thing to note is that pc gaming is going to increase its going to continue to increase because of the competitive scene i think anyway this is another look pc gaming is huge 2.8 million copies of pc only games were sold like world of warcraft and blizzard and i'm going to actually address blizzard i'm going to say blizzard are one single handedly the reason for pc gaming and why it grew so much this is my thinking if it wasn't for blizzard I don't think pc gaming would be anywhere near as big as it is today they've just they make these killer games starcraft brood wars especially was a massive competitive online game and you know they made a lot of other games World of Warcraft they may just these killer titles and it's one of the reasons why I gravitated towards pc gaming and so Blizzard are you know awesome so I really love blizzard obviously they got some huge sales and it shows you how big the pc gaming community is obviously 6.5 million one day sales of modern warfare 3 is a massive number as well but that's spread across xbox 360 pc and the ps4 ps3 xbox p.m. so it's script spread across three platforms so it goes to show that they're all pretty equal i think at the moment but if they go by 40 million steam accounts that'll give you an idea of how many pc players there are so obviously the markets pretty much as big as the ps3 or the xbox so that's something to think about now lastly i'm going to talk about the GPUs and they're basically in a nutshell there was a hundred million GPUs sold in 2012 discrete GPUs not AP use and not I GPUs discrete GPUs now obviously a lot of these are going to go to companies and whatnot but in a nutshell it goes to show that you know discrete GPU sales are there people are buying PCs and people would bind discrete GPUs and there's a lot of sales there as opposed to the client in console sales which was pretty mean you know was wasn't impressive so we saw some pretty you know what yeah c- main console down for three percent down timpson down 18.5 then it's just yeah that was 2,000 pounds of us 2012 so you can see that it's yeah the console market was in decline anyway guys basically in a nutshell yeah pc gaming i can i can see it is going to continue to go up obviously the steam box is rumored to come out the video remember to bring out a console I think they're pretty far away so I'm not going to talk about them today too many rumors going on but another reason would be yeah steam obviously steam is awesome they you know provide cheap games and they sell games for like five to ten dollars that as well as another reason why casual gamers themselves are getting into pc gaming so PC gaming in general I don't see it get being affected by tablets so much as it's a competitive scene I see consoles being affected by tablets a lot more than PC gaming and also see a lot of P console enthusiasts going towards pc gaming because you can connect a controller to the pc so ultimately yet console game is not going to die but it is on decline I do think the ps4 is going to be awesome and also the xbox 720 will they both will be phenomenal okay they're both going to be good okay I can't wait to see what they offer I'm not even buy one if they're that good but a wii u is on my to-buy list because it offers something that my PC doesn't offer and that's awesome epic land party games so if you guys looking for played land get a wii u so many guys in closing I hope you enjoyed this lesson of sir this not less in this episode of tech talk episode 9 sorry it's in a bit of a hurry as you can see i'm still in my work gear but i wanted to get you guys an episode and obviously this is probably the most rumor ish episode i've ever done there's so much like this is everything's for rumors nothing is really solid at the moment and i hope you guys enjoyed it and what do you think of my new channel take ya city baby you guys like it i like it so i hope you guys like it anyway so i'm going to go from me event sky's the limit keep pushing i'm gonna get my budget builds out i got a lot to do so i'm going to power them on the weekend and if you guys have any questions let me know in the comment section below and if you haven't already hit if you're a yes man or a yes woman hit that sub button because hey we're all gonna grow from here it's a big city baby so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed it peace out for now brandy bye
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