TechTawk 29 - R9-390x Rumors / 980ti Rumors / Broadwell-K vs Skylake Rumors + More RUMORS!
TechTawk 29 - R9-390x Rumors / 980ti Rumors / Broadwell-K vs Skylake Rumors + More RUMORS!
oh man a 93 90 x gone completely
obliterate than on ATP I oh no wait minh
anh anh 398 skinny empower drop by the
980 TI we want to freaking know until
they both come out
welcome back to episode 29 of tech talk
and today we're going to be talking
about a few rumors I'll give you guys my
two cents and I'll let you know what's
out there at the moment also a big
question of should I wait for the r9 390
X and I'll address that I did address it
in my life though the live kind of had a
lot of technical problems and I'm sorry
about that again but anyway let's move
on today we'll talk about hacks we'll
talk about everything a bit of Intel
nvidia Andy all that good stuff but
let's get on with the first thing and
that is the UH 93 90 x Captain Jack
rumor here that we've got going on so
apparently there was a benchmark
released on C soft sandra a benchmarking
program and it did a benchmark with the
unknown graphics card and apparently the
performance figures were really really
impressive so this is anything to go by
the UH 93 90 x should will is looking
like it's going to be one impressive
card so a lot of people ask me should i
wait out for the online 3 90 x and the
question is kind of like i usually don't
recommend waiting out for graphics cards
but this time i may recommend waiting
out for grabs constantly because the
newer mega drivers have been released
and apparently they're really good and
as i said in my live as well i'm like
scratching my head hit myself on the
head because i tested the r9 290 pretty
much right before I gave it like a good
couple of weeks gaming and I tested that
right before the Omega drivers came out
and I was like oh why couldn't the Omega
drive to just come out a bit earlier
that would have been great for me I
could have given you guys more
impressions on that but anyway the new
drivers coupled with a shrink in the
node apparently they go on with 14
nanometer so that coupled with the
family of new drivers we got a new
architecture on this graphics card it's
going to be I think one hell of a
graphics card and one great graphics
card to wait out for that's just my
opinion I'm going to definitely be
getting one of these things through and
I'll be testing it for you guys given
you guys reviews comparing it to
whatever NVIDIA has out at the time so
don't worry about that but I am looking
for this is one of the AMD graphs guys
that I'm actually really really looking
forward to so the power consumption
figures look really good the performance
looks really good i mean but honestly
guys seriously take these benchmarks
with a grain of salt i mean i I didn't
even think I've heard of see soft Sandra
all these rumors even came out right
everyone's like see soft Sandra I was
asleep scratching my head walk what see
soft Sandra so anyway just take take it
with a grain of salt anyway but
apparently yeah they're going to be
using a couple of new technologies
they're going with Samsung apparently
for the 14 nanometer FinFET node which I
mean seriously there's a rumors that it
can't be on that note but then there's
rumors that it is coming out of the node
and this is what we know AMD have not
released the graphics card yet on the 28
nanometer node like they haven't
released a revamped graphics card before
Christmas so if they were going to do
that in my opinion they would have
released it before Christmas like they
did with the r9 290x r9 290 they would
have released at all before Christmas
because Christmas is a huge selling
season so if they didn't then they
missed out on a huge selling opportunity
in my opinion so what they're doing is I
think they're going to wait for this die
string they're going to implement the
new architecture they got the new
drivers there they're going to come out
with a bang and that's what I want to
see him do and I hope they do that and
they'll be really impressive to have
them come back on top I'd love to see
that so anyway is it going to happen I
don't know let's see what happens i hope
it comes out i mean when's a release
date it looks like around maybe summer
of next year so 2015 so summer of 2015
and also it's apparently it's going to
have h BM which is high bandwidth memory
basically they're stacking the memory on
top of each other increases the band
with a lot so i'm looking forward to
that as well so that should be really
good especially for 4k gaming i think
that's the main focus or going to be one
of the main focuses with the captain
jack so anyway continuing on from the r9
390 x is that apparently they've signed
on with samsung for 40 nanometers so
this sort of further supports the fact
that they are going with this node
shrink with everything pretty much with
maybe zen with their AP use with also
their GPUs so I'm really looking forward
to what a.m. do you have to offer i mean
the pressure is on AMD as we all know
the pressure and the onus is on AMD to
perform so i'm hoping they do perform
and i'm hoping they do get us this
really kick-ass
graphics cards and CPUs out as soon as
they can anyway let's say I have a look
here so the performance figures of the
new drivers let's talk about the amiga
drivers i got asked about the amiga
drivers and now yes i've got an arm own
290 here it's actually I've already
kitted it out fully built it on nearly
46 70k rig so I might do some I might
boot up some games on that and run some
tests for you guys and see how it goes
but as far as it goes the Omega drivers
are looking pretty good right you're
getting extra performance apparently it
smooths out video playback and helps
with stuttering as well so these only
these drivers can only be a win in my
opinion they fix bugs they help with the
smoothly help improve smoothness they
help give you better frames so what's
there not to like about the Omega
drivers I think it's a good idea and I
think it's a great thing that AMD just
released it as disappointed as I am with
myself for not waiting out I love it
when companies do this they just release
things and it's like deal with it so I
really I'm really i really liked him
move that they did with the omega driver
to say the least I really think it was a
cool thing so anyway what I think of the
mega drivers I think it's a good thing
more frames more everything better
what's there not to like about it so
anyway apparently the GTX 980 TI so
we're moving on to the nvidia side of
things now they've got the apparently
they're going for a node shrink to 16
nanometer with TSMC and apparently
that's delayed until 2016 so i don't
know what we're going to see from Team
Green here but it looks pretty
interesting I mean obviously you guys
know that the 970 and the 980 are pretty
kick-ass for what they are and we know
that NVIDIA has this architecture ready
to go the big brother to the 980 and the
970 we know they have that ready to go
it's just if are they waiting for a die
shrink or they just going to release it
on 28 nanometer and I honestly think
they'll probably just beefed it up to
the max and release it on 28 nanometer
because I don't think in videos I don't
think they want to slip behind AMD I
think that's something they personally
as a company I feel they want to stay in
front of AMD
every turn weather and we all know they
charge for it too but especially when
the Titan was first released right but
so I thing to tighten too I mean I I
don't know what exactly is going on here
but if they're waiting for a die shrink
apparently the rumor is is that they're
going to have to wait longer for the
dice shrink so or the node shrink that's
apparently what they gotta wait for so
who knows Big Kepler and as you can see
here yes so big capital was pretty much
almost twice the size as the gk104 so
big brother is going to be pretty big so
the 980 TI or the titan to whatever
they're going to call it when it's
released it's going to be big we already
know that so when it's going to be
released is kind of a anyone's guess but
if they're releasing it on 16 animated
apparently there's a delay there so take
it as you will i'm looking forward to
both these graphs cards from both camps
and i can't wait to see these much much
awaited node shrinks is like hurry up
and get it done we've been on
28-nanometer too long so anyway let's
move on out abroad well things i'm going
to ask like this is a question i got
asked and i've been wondering too when
though when is broad well I wanted to
swear there sorry but when is broad well
coming out I mean it's been so long I
thought it was going to be released in
September I thought it was actually
going to be released just slightly after
haswell-e but apparently they have
having problems with the yields so let
me explain that you're like what does
this mean what does this mean brain it
means that they can't get the majority
of their chips at a certain speed so for
instance now that they've got the 47 90k
or the fourth say for instance the 47
70k that's comes out at 3.5 gigs if they
can't get their fork or eight threaded
chips out at 3.5 gigs all their chips
running at these speeds then and they
can only get them for instance at 3.3
gigs or 3.2 then they can't release them
because you're going to have a previous
generation out of the box running faster
than the new generation of chips and so
what they have to do they're forced to
get these same speeds at least as the
previous generation otherwise they're
not going to sell right so basically
they're having problems with the yields
on the
jibbs and so I think I mean they're
obviously they're brought out as people
have mentioned they bring out the mobile
chips and that's because mobile chips
don't run as fast as the desktop chips
so I don't see that being a problem for
them I think that's where they want to
get a lot of sales from so they've
released the laptop chips but apparently
they're working on the desktop chips you
know they're going to release them next
year 2015 and this is a problem I have
and like Intel do not do it do not
release the broadwell k desktop chips
the same time as you're releasing the
sky lake non k desktop chips you'll
seriously especially from me and I'm
sure most other tech enthusiasts there
will be a huge backlash why do we as
tech enthusiasts the guys who pay extra
money for your motherboard's the guys at
pax your money for your chips why do we
get shunned why do we get a kick in the
face don't do it because I will
seriously will not buy another Intel
product I mean I thought you guys have
been doing some wonderful things with
the G 3258 I thought that was awesome I
thought the 58 20k that was good as well
I liked what you did with those two CPUs
keep it up don't just don't for the love
of God do not how men do not release
broadwell k the same time as you're
releasing skylake desktop chips it's
basically just a big kick in the mouth
for all US tech enthusiasts so seriously
don't do it just forget about bra okay
if you don't really skylight desktop
chips just release us the sky like k
versions the same time as the sky like
non k and we'll be happy that's all even
if it is a new platform i mean every cpu
that's been released lately from intel's
required a new platform so I'm a little
bit disappointed with that as well so
anyway who knows with broad well but
it's delayed and it's delayed because
they're legitimately having problems
with the nodes so that's the news on
broad well when when it comes out now I
don't know I didn't know 14 sees them to
have a problem with our yield problem
with these chips so I guess that's not
foreseen so now the release date I don't
know when it is anyone's guess Broadwell
k anyway so let's move on now to other
an intact they sold they sold the
company everyone's wondering how much
did they sell it for those are those are
pretty closed door figures my guess
would be millions anyway I'm not going
to really talk about it that you know
the guys built up an end that's his name
is built up the company since he was 14
so he deserves everything man he
deserves every single cent he's earned
it congratulations if you I mean
probably doesn't even know know about
tech yes city but if he's watching man
like congratulations you definitely
deserve it you've worked really hard I
think the site's been amazing for what
it is though now who knows what and ends
going to do hope he gets back into tach
because I missed his opinions every time
he made a conclusion my thinking would
be spot-on with his or it would be very
close to what he was thinking is I
really enjoyed reading an antec and I
think that's why it grew so well because
it was just an honest straight down the
line opinion also very educated as well
so let's move on now to the
controversial topic of the Pirate Bay
they've been shut down Swedish police
have raided the joint it's finished
finito but there's this whole thing
about is pirating bad and that comes up
recently I mean there's other torrent
sites you can go to if you need you if
you need a torrent things but it's
pirating bad yeah like I mean if you
part a movie I think it hurts the movie
industry the most out of any industry
really hurts the movie industry so they
try not to pirate movies if you can but
it doesn't hurt the games industry I
think that's a very controversial topic
because I think that it doesn't hurt the
games industry I think it doesn't hurt
the games industry because yeah if a
young kids got no money he can't afford
to buy your game anyway so if he plays
the game and he really likes it and for
instance it's got a really good
multiplayer that might give him
motivation to go out and earn some money
and buy your game as well as the fact
that i mean i used to be i mean i was
against pirating games but lately I'm
kind of my thinking's change with some
of the disgusting crap that's been going
on in the gaming industry paying off
reviewers for certain games and then i
buy them and they're complete trash
I mean that has got to stop really does
like lately it's been sickening what's
been going on in the gaming industry
some of the games like mean shadows
immortal I thought it was crap I'm sorry
to say I just thought the game was
that's just my thinking of shadows
mortal I thought it was his glorified
crap game that I just played and I
didn't enjoy some tough guy with broad
shoulders who looked like a probably a
panty IRL anyway you know that's your
character and it's like you know this
yeah this is my game I just got ripped
off thank you so anyway with some of the
games that have been coming out lately
start giving trials for your games like
seriously start giving a trial out and
that's the best way to go about if you
want to stop pirating in the gaming
industry start letting people trial your
game whether it's the first level get
them into it that's what games used to
be all about I mean Blizzard always gave
trials for their games and I've always
tried the trials and be like yeah I want
to play more I want to play more bye bye
bye and I think that's what the gaming
industry needs to start doing again is
giving people trials of their games so
anyway that's enough with pirating I
mean it does hurt the movie industry it
does hurt the music industry as well so
I mean seriously try not to pirate
movies or music but it's for games are
you know I've been disgusted with some
of the games what the gaming industry
has been doing lately anyway so anyway
that's that so next topic here we're
going to move on to his sony Sony got
hacked so this was a big topic recently
where the apparently north korea did it
but now this controversy that north
korea didn't do it and there was a movie
called the interview where the leader of
North Korea was apparently assassinated
or something like that and I mean I
haven't seen the movie but apparently
they had to not release it otherwise
some terrorist activity would happen and
I mean should they stopped the movie
from being released I mean
if it stops one life from being lost
than yes that's the sad thing I mean
should we pacify free speech with this
kind of thing no but I mean still if
that was your kid or if that was your
loved one who got killed because the
movie was released then that's you know
the world would be almost over probably
over for you so isn't you know is it
Sony did a right thing by pulling the
movie for now yes definitely for now I
mean who knows but the fact is that
their company got hacked you know and
that's their problem so them not
releasing the movie is their own fault
for not having the right security setup
at their company so honestly I mean Sony
really have to get on their ball and get
some no actually pay IT people to get
way more sophisticated are you know
firewalls up there and block out hackers
so yeah I mean anyway that's up to them
to do that was the onus is on Sony
Sony's but as a company not releasing
the movie I think it was the right
decision so anyway that's my two cents i
agree with sony I'm not releasing it
because you know you know life is worth
a price you know so that's just anyway
that's just my thinking it's a touchy
subject anyway so but there's yeah
there's there's there's doubts cast on
who hacked them and now I really I mean
that the bottom line is they don't even
exactly know who hacked Sony because
they don't know who exactly yet so
whether it was North Korea or not that
depends i mean if the lid naught leader
of north korea was killed in the movie
then I do think North Korea have
something to do with the hack I'm pretty
sure about that but anyway that's that
you know a lot of hackings been going on
lately there's another one apparently
Xbox Live and PlayStation Network got
hacked as well apparently amazon got
hacked as well so i think there's a lot
of hacking going on lately and they have
to fix these holes man i mean that's
part of your budget when you make a
company right i mean there's a lot a lot
of these companies are very profitable
you don't really hear about Google
getting hacked that much which is an
interesting thing but certainly all
these a lot of these
other companies getting hacked so they
got to step up the game oh that's enough
on hacking and the say anything is a
touchy subject a little bit anyway but
let's talk about the paki start menu
quickly oh I've been I did a guide where
I recommended pakistan- and it was
awesome paki was awesome but they went
and shot themselves in the foot by
making it not a start menu anymore so
for people who or the developers of
pocky what did you do to the program it
was working awesome the way it was when
i uninstalled it i left a big thing in
caps like you just you know a
completely normal program why in all
caps so I recommend you guys do the same
but if you're looking for an alternative
start menu x is a really good
alternative that's I mean there's also
others out there everyone's got their
own personal choice this classic
shelters start menu ate this start is
back there's so many out there go try
them they're all I mean a lot of them
are free anyway I'm just using start
menu axles I need really is my start
button my favorite programs in there and
my search my run and my shot down
options that's why I needed my start
menu that's all I need so it gives me
that so anyway that's it for now guys I
hope you enjoyed this tack talk it was a
little bit touchy as I hope you enjoyed
all the rumors and juicy talk in there I
will listen to your comments so sound
off in the comments all listened to your
feedback as well let me know what you
want me to talk about in the next sector
as well because I want to talk about
more tech related things I love talking
about the enthusiast kind of check
anyway I don't know what's going on
anyway I got a haircut fresh haircut and
all that life's good I hope you guys had
an awesome christmas as well New Year's
is just on the horizon 2 so anyways I
will catch you with another tech video
very soon and peace it off for now and
if you like this video please give it a
thumbs up yeah and if you haven't
already subscribe to take your city
where you can get more of the talc tech
talc and yeah that's about it peace out
for now bye
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