TechWorldTV #003 - Intel Faces 10nm Delays? Possible Leapfrog from AMD, DDR4 Price Fixing & More
TechWorldTV #003 - Intel Faces 10nm Delays? Possible Leapfrog from AMD, DDR4 Price Fixing & More
okay we should be loved on the scene
here hopefully everything's good okay
welcome back to another episode of tech
world TV and I am joined by care from
tech showdown how you doing man I'm
doing great Bryant it's been really fun
lately doing a lot to rise into
showdowns and lots of other things how
about yourself
I've just been busy man busy busy busy
all this stuff that has to get reviewed
and all the backlog of videos and the
promises they're getting fulfilled to
the viewers lovin it people love in
those six core showdowns with the
old-school Zeon and I guess every video
I probably get a little mention of X 56
75 even a youtuber called coalition
gaming just tweeted recently on Twitter
his video where he picked up an X 58
motherboard really cheap and he got some
really good value out of that platform
recently as well got sent the risin 520
609 X and the non 2700 9 X 2700 so it
came to put them to the test against the
X series give you guys a video on the
you know the X versus the non X and go a
little bit more in depth and detail and
see what really makes it tick because
someone in the comments did make a valid
point with that lower TDP rating the 27
might be better in a mini ITX build so
well yeah it's definitely cooler running
that's for sure um the 2700 was
bizarrely though my 2700 overclock
better than the 2700 X and Steve had the
same thing with this 2600 overclock
better than his 2600 X so yeah I'm not
sure what's going on there but um the
bid they are good they're very cool
running though the 2700 and the 2600 boy
they run really cool with an aftermarket
like even just a 120 millimeter hair
color very very cool running so possibly
better for overclocking I yeah it might
be like last generation I think in the
sense of that that pretty much wasn't
anything in it between the X and 9x ones
that you would on average get about the
same overclocking out of them
but there's definitely a huge return on
overclockers is a huge difference
between the 2700 X and the 2700 at stock
speeds I mean your 2700 X will hold on
all cause about 4 gigahertz most of the
time the 2700 goes down to like three
point four five so that's pretty
colossal there you noticed a big time in
the productivity okay yeah we've got
here so we'll roll the intro and this
episode's brought you guys by jar jar
so well we'll quickly roll the intro and
then we'll get back to some goodness
because we do have an announcement as
well both Kevin and I will be at an
event in a couple of days so I'll
quickly roll the intro for you guys
okay so what we got here is I am Sydney
2018 so it's gonna be on I believe
Friday sorry Friday and Saturday Friday
Saturday Sunday yeah so I'm gonna be
there for Friday and Saturday so if you
guys want to come and say hello and I'll
just be there filming for Intel so did
you see us go there's a big pro
tournament there it's gonna be
absolutely crazy because they've set the
whole stadium up it's gonna be really
good if you want to get tickets you
still can I think you still can get
tickets I believe so yeah yeah so
there's there's that there's also this
schedule so there's a schedule there I
also look forward to doing maybe on
Saturday we can have lunch with your
viewers my viewers if they're at IEM
Sydney we can have a cool lunch get
together be a lot of fun so that'll be
yeah I'll be flying down there for
Friday and Saturday and filming so this
is looking forward to covering this
event it's gonna be awesome
I've heard some really good things about
these in the past as well so tickets are
still on sale so secure your seats if
you want to but uh speaking of Intel big
story we've got up here first massive
story delays to the mass production of
ten nanometer CPUs so what do you what
would you what's your initial thoughts
on this well it's just they've been on
40 nanometer now since 2014 like
seriously how long does it take the fact
that AMD got to 12 nanometer before
Intel is unbelievable that I never would
have thought that four years ago
but yeah if it's gonna take this long I
just don't know what's going on with
Intel right now because they really it's
like they've just fallen asleep they
really need to wake up because AMD as
we'll talk about later with the seven
nanometer stuff they're just gonna get
lifted and dust at us right I mean we
always thought like you know like that
it's yeah Oh Intel and AMD and our aim
DS the underdog but I think that whole
mindset is
change in the future not in terms of the
market share because Intel obviously you
know dominates laptops and servers and
other things but in terms of what's
actually bitter I mean right now with my
showdowns that I've been doing it's
pretty you know it can be very close
between Intel and AMD it's very you know
competitive now but I think Amy's gonna
have to stop leaving until in the dust
after they get on seven nanometer did
they're having this much trouble Intel
with 10 nanometers it's gonna be a
yeah that's I mean I spoke to the guys
at AMD over in Thailand the event I've
got a lot of information out of them
actually a very very good team of people
if their CPU division is on fire and
then like people have said especially
with what they're doing with what Rd
they have men they've thrown some Hail
Marys already Rison was incredible Rison
second-generation the ribs n+ i'm i like
it i think it's a really good
improvement people are saying oh it's
just a refresh blah blah blah but it's a
solid refresh at least one year later
you're getting something that's improved
and it's got some improvements and
they're giving even better value than
the previous generation so you've got
that there and then you've got now seven
nanometer is on roadmap and that's
they've already got the samples working
apparently and they're telling me it's
it's on track it's on schedule to come
out mass production in 2019 so that's
something that enthusiasts have to look
forward to and of course there's the
belugas maybe we'll look at a Cinebench
score single threaded multi-threaded
performance we're not looking at a big
difference now between Intel and of
course there's so much more to just like
for instance especially gaming which
I've gone down a rabbit hole and I've
found some and preliminary findings with
gaming and Intel versus MD but I'm gonna
do a lot more research on that before I
present the video because I did make a
video but it wasn't it just wasn't ready
in my opinion like mmm I have found some
very big discrepancies and why I think
until does better in gaming especially
at lower clock speeds but I'm gonna save
that secure the 1000 FPS camera baby I
told you I was going down I told you
guys I was going down this tangent man
there's no coming back and I'll say it
in the video like I've been infected
with Roach itust you're not Roach
artists is nah okay there's a guy if you
which input lag there was a guy on the
forums he's a he's a mystery now I want
to know where he is nowadays a Miss
Roach and who just go on about input lag
input like everything he could notice
legend has it Roach could notice the
difference between one millisecond and
two milliseconds Wow right that's right
so I've been infected with the same
disease so we're going down that tangent
it's gonna be interesting because I
didn't see anyone else covering it as
well so I'm gonna go down that tangent
bit when we look at rise in the Zen plus
and then we compare it to their next
generation rising to that's gonna be
huge because we've got seven nanometer
which is a big drop from 12 and 14 yeah
and so is that gonna
I'd say naturally I'd assume that's
gonna give them an IPC boost but it'd be
fair to say at least 5% so with that
they'll already be ahead of intel on
their current 14 nanometer yeah it will
bring it pretty much like with rise into
or is in plus it's broader I mean that
that gave about three percent three to
four percent IPC gain and then obviously
the clock speed clock speeds getting
bumped up has also helped I think the
biggest thing with going to 7 nanometre
from everything I've been reading will
be the fact that the clock speeds will
be that the clock speeds are where AMD
is kind of getting kneecapped right now
a little bit things like the 8700 K and
a 600 K for example have those long legs
you know being able to go up to 5
gigahertz 5.1 5.2 potentially and that's
where I see the big gain being for AMD
going to seven nanometer
it's not you know beyond anything to say
that I think the seventh or so the rise
in three or is in two CPUs will be in
the neighborhood of five gigahertz
that's what I think will be having
everything I've been reading leads me to
Andy's gonna be getting up like 4.8 4.9
5 gigahertz hopefully and I think that's
gonna be huge so the IPC game
we'll be there but it will be mainly the
clock speed is weird they'll really be
looking for the big gains because that's
really Intel's only thing they've got
over rising still is the clock speed
advantage just 8700 K you know getting
up to 5 gigahertz 5.1 it's very very
powerful because of that but if AMD you
know finally gets over that hurdle of
clock speed then it's gonna be huge but
it's gonna be very interesting to come
out and it's very impressive by AMD that
they win you know if they're gonna go 40
nanometer then to 12 then to seven
within three years
I mean Intel's had four years to go from
14 to 10 and they haven't managed to do
that so yeah so we can ask chat I mean
we could go into conspiracy theory right
now if you want to now we've got two
choices for conspiracy theory we can go
into chromosome 2 or we can go into
intelligence P recei theory it's your
choice I'm kinda hoping we'll go into
chromosome 2 yeah well I mean will gasps
were chat later
what do they want to go into see this
week's conspiracy theory you guys have
two choices so that's up to you guys
yeah and people were saying that Global
anticipate there will be 40% improvement
going to rise going to Xen to 7
nanometer and I would say that's yeah I
would probably agree with that maybe
that's maybe on the very very top in but
you'll see probably 30 to 40 and I think
the main chunk of that will be the clock
speed advantage they're going going up
quite a bit well it's yeah I mean if
they can get a massive clock see if they
can legit get 5 gigahertz on a core 16
threads that's in itself is gonna be a
huge gain plus that node shrink plus if
they can make some even further rock
architectural improvements we'll be
looking at a really solid CPU possibly
beating intel on all fronts so it's not
that impossible that's the thing I mean
we had the 95 90 and that was 5
gigahertz out of the box it's just you
got to do it without using 220 have
a 220 watt TDP yes so you know that's
gonna be the thing that if the five
gigahertz will be achievable it's just
whether or not you know how much power
is that gonna be using doing that and
you know how grunty of a call I mean the
ninety five ninety was just like a
nuclear reactor so it was like setting V
RMS on fire and stuff so the it is very
possible but you got to see how wide so
there's a big thing now so they face
these delays yields aren't good enough
so basically with yields what this means
is they can't get the clock speeds high
enough the actual samples that are
coming out from the factory just aren't
indicative of what if they would have
mass-produced this how many they could
sell with you know of course an
improvement over their previous
generation now we've already seen this
with one CPU from Intel I believe was it
abroad well mainstream CPUs now they
went in laptops because laptops don't
need as higher clock speeds they're more
built for power efficiency but when we
look at the enthusiasts desktop chips
those broad wells just got swept under a
rug and that's hence why you saw there
has well refresh the 4790k and they made
a big focus on that because they're
already normal Intel's not new to these
delays they've already dealt with them
in the past and so is it possible that
there may be their manufacturing node
and their way of making these nodes is
just not as good as TSM C or the other
companies that are getting on their game
I mean tsmc is apparently got five
nanometer in in production already like
getting ready the preliminary production
so it's it's a worry when Intel can't
get the gains if the competitors can get
and yeah I mean going forward I am
concerned because hey if Intel falls off
then we're gonna have AMD in the CPU is
a possibility of course we'd only theory
crafting here but there are there's no
chance of that happening with their
revenue there's just no way they're
making sway too much money of the
enterprise systems I know but record
record revenues and whatnot bit yeah we
what we've seen with Verizon versus
Intel at the very least is incredible
competition with that consumers win a
lot eighty seven hundred case for
nominal value for money for a high-end
his chip same with the risin 720 700 X
you've got absolutely phenomenal value
going into consumers pockets and that's
I guess that's what's coming out of it
so I want to see until get on their game
because we know risin is gonna be on
that game next year so I really want to
see what Intel can pull off if they can
pull off a 10 nanometer 8 core C 20
threaded chip I'm sorry ain't cool 16
threaded Joe Joe what did you do to me
this morning yeah so if they can get
that in the works then we've got some
really good competition set for next
year but of course with it being delayed
it's actually quite worrisome because
even broad well e if you remember broad
well e that was not good man like really
broad well he was not good in my opinion
it was it was really nothing over the
5820k the 6800 K was just nothing
because the the IBC improvement
mitigated the clock speed disadvantage
so if broad oily was better on the
higher end like the 69 hundred K and
stuff was very good but the fact there
yeah the 68 50k in 6800 K I don't think
were what people were expecting that's
for sure but yeah it's wood that there
was one of the best things they did when
they went you know the 7900 X is still
for if you need a very very powerful CPU
it is extremely powerful but yeah it's
those ones are kind of difficult to say
but if they go up to eight eight core 16
threads like the eighty nine hundred K
or whatever it'll be called you know
something like that that would be very
very good for Intel um but they got to
get this heat thing under control
because even I mean in 8700 K that's not
deleted which you really shouldn't be
having to do D letting if you're paying
that much for a CPU anyway um it's just
way too hot I mean my 8700 K is just
such a hot CPU it's very difficult to
keep it cool which is just not an issue
with the rise and even rise into the
2700 XO that 105 watt TDP still yeah
easier to call them that 8700 K so yeah
it's ridiculous
yeah well this is the new news now we've
got the next article that ties in with
all this on the same date so then 26th
of April they announced to investors on
a conference call that they announced
that they were having problems with the
yields bryant conant announced it and
now on the 26th of April that same day
they're announcing that Jim Keller is
coming over from Tesla to Intel to help
on the silicon engineering that is
incredible news because what we already
know what we already know with Jim
Keller is he is brilliant now some of
course some people are out there like ok
I know I've read some reddit I've gone
through a little bit of read it forms
and like Jim Gale is not the guy who
designs all the nooks and crannies in
the CPU is just the guy who leads the
projects he's a visionary yes he is and
when I spoke to AMD in Thailand they
said he's amazing he's brilliant because
he put together all the talent gave them
the direction they needed to go on and
set them realistic goals everything in
order to make Rison what it was he did
that and the proofs in the pudding he
did an amazing job he did a phenomenal
job he pulled AMD out of the out of the
much got the dead zone put them back on
to this I don't know the successful
smooth running train track and now we're
seeing is just healthy competition so
he's definitely got a lot of experience
he's brilliant he's talented and now
until want that same talent over on
their team and of course with the
massive R&D budget behind them what is
this gonna spell yeah well this will be
it for sure that it's gonna be good for
Intel and yeah let's hope that he can
come up with something I'm not really
sure do you think that Intel needs to
change the architecture like is it like
with the ring bus one of the big
advantages aim D has is you know with
the CC X and C C X's and that they're
infinity fabric by design it's quite
good that they can
it's just a very what the right word is
just efficient way a modular way to make
CPU so and that's I think being part of
the problem for Intel so do you see them
changing that well they have the mesh
architecture already on sky like ax I
think going forward they'll probably
really get Jim Keller on border to fine
tune and tweak the mesh architecture
because I guess that is the Future Forum
yeah see what they can do with that but
of course for gaming of course the
ring-toss is so relevant and this is an
interesting thing if they go mesh on
even mainstream how is that gonna pan
out for him because at least with the
research I've got now I'm really gonna
say anything's I don't want people going
off and copying my video on all this
stuff I'm gonna save it for the video
but yeah ring boss is fantastic for
gaming that's all I'm gonna say least
with my luminary findings you know and
so yeah I gotta wait until I see get
more evidence gain more evidence because
I really want to make a solid video on
it beer hit piece is actually for me
it's fascinating I don't know for most
people that wouldn't really care but
channels never really been about you
know just appeasing the masses has
always been a nice channel take a city
you know niche audience people who are
open minded want to hear new use yeah so
there's that and I mean Jim Keller's
definitely got the backing behind him so
I think he is going to be capable of
turning things around when I even turned
me around but just making Intel put any
on the next level I mean that's he does
make it happen so looking forward to
seeing what he does yeah of course I'm
looking forward to seeing what entailed
us with getting on getting back on track
for 2019 that's the I guess that's the
biggest thing going forward yeah of
course Andy they have this 7 nanometre
ready we already know this 7 nanometre
ready to go next year and it's actually
a huge drop they're very impressed with
it with their results that they've sort
of been touting behind the scenes and I
guess a lot of enthusiasts are looking
forward to this plus they're again
they're soldiering they're adding value
into the CPU AMD are really on their
game so Intel really have to step up
their game for their next generation
they know this now they enough to they
couldn't be yeah with broad I think with
broad well
they they had a pause because what was
out at the time the FX 8320 FX 8350 I
mean until didn't have to do anything I
could just let the 4770k just keep
rolling and sales would have kept
rolling they had the advantage and so
but now it's it's a different feel it's
a different time
things are changing up things are very
different now so what are you going to
see in this market nothing that's really
I love it I love it I love it when you
don't know what's going to happen that's
what makes life so fun you know yeah
it's it's quite good right now the
standout thing for me that's interesting
is that it looks like AMD's gonna be
going with TSM see Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Company when previously
they've been mainly going with Global
Foundries so that's interesting change
there but mm-hmm
yeah the seven enemy just going to be
huge and I think for all the people that
were on Rison one right now that we may
be looking at rise ensue and thinking
well you know this there's a few gains
there but it doesn't really seem that
worth it to me
which is probably what I would say if
you're on raisin one already I wouldn't
really unless there's a reason why you
need to go up to more cores or something
I wouldn't really see a reason to go to
rise into at least in a you know one for
one thing if you go to six core rise in
one going to a six core rising to I just
it just wouldn't be worth it
you'd be much better off waiting for the
seven enemy two CPUs to come out because
that really will be a huge step and
that'll be a massive upgrade for you but
because they've also committed to
staying on the same a m4 platform
painful plus platform I think you know
it's gonna make it slightly more
difficult for them in terms of how crazy
they can go especially with how much
power the CPUs are going to use if
people are going to be wanting to chuck
them saying in x4 70 at the time I mean
it could be a good sign though with the
x4 70s the one so the two I've had a
look at so far and a lot of the other
ones they seem to be
really overkill in terms of the vrm and
also cpu power you see most of them come
with like an 8 pin a 4 pin some of them
coming with joep and cpu power
connectors which is overkill for what it
is right now unless you're going crazy
with overclocking but that may be
because they've got something you know
crazy in the future with 7 nanometer and
this is just in preparation for that so
it's overkill for the current generation
but when those ones come out when rise
and 3 comes out you're gonna that might
be necessary so that could be one of the
reasons they've done that that's just a
theory of mine it's nothing I've heard
from AMD or anything but just that's
kind of like being my thinking because a
lot of these X 470 motherboards the ones
I've had a look at anyway are really
overkill for our you know like even a
2700 X unless you're trying to like take
that thing to the moon without a lean-to
or something it's just really I should
kill well that's what people do I mean
that's essentially they do take it to
the moon with ln2 and so I think a lot
of them are fighting for that bragging
right because hey like for instance I
know for a fact of Zeus motherboards
they're practically used by every
professional overclocker especially in
tournaments when I went to the
tournament for Galax in Thailand
everyone had an soos motherboard like I
think someone had a backup gigabyte
board that was only one person there was
no MSI asura boards there to be found so
I guess when that speaks lengths for all
the professional overclockers that
trickles down into the enthusiast sector
whether it be water or air overclock or
enthusiasts so I mean I think with this
round this time around if you've got
guys who have got 4 plus 8 in CPU
connectors on their motherboards it says
a statement hey we're the best sort of
thing and if the other competitors the
competitors not doing it they're gonna
lose sales men naturally like we looked
at the end or two heat sinks for example
they're bringing them out and they're
working I mean MSI previously released
an m2 shield which was useless actually
increase the temperatures yeah so I
think I don't even know I haven't even
seen one of their motherboards have you
have you go to next 470 MSI motherboard
yeah I got to the gaming Pro carbon and
I've also tested the the one you got the
or ass gaming seven okay which one have
the light metal uh I've only briefly
been using the MSI but I'd say I don't
know they're about the same to me really
it's not there's not a huge difference I
mean the as far as power connectors go
the MSI is Joe eight pins where the
gigabyte was eight pin 4 pin but in
really matter cuz I just use a single a
pin anyway and that just isn't a problem
it's to overkill standard rating for an
eight pins like 230 watts isn't it
that's like the standard right yes so
it's like a lot more power through that
as well
well me that's why I good connectors
well you Betty 700 K as well and so do i
and that's on our z3 70s and that's
usually for a single a pen and once you
overclock that thing up to like 5
gigahertz 5.1 5.2 you're drawing a lot
of power then so if it's still well this
is well under an eight pin well under
that yeah yeah still under but it does
draw quite a bit so but the other thing
that they could be doing is because
they've only release up to the 2700 X I
mean there's no it's not confirmed that
that's gonna be the highest for right
now for risin to and II could just be
sitting on their hands maybe in the
future six months I don't think this
will be the case but it could be the
case and they released at in core you
know rise into CPU like the 2800 X or
something like that and that could also
be the reason why that the motherboards
are quite overkill because they have
plans to maybe go up a bit higher than
they don't need to just stay to eight
core on the mainstream but I don't see
that being the case because then it
starts eating into their thread repair
territory which you've obviously want
good sales on that because they make
quite good money on the thread Ripper
stuff so people don't say that'll be the
cable of said they could be planning a
six core 12 thread I'm sorry where am I
going with this 12 core 24 thread on 7
nanometre for mainstream that's a
possibility if they redesigned the c CX
modules for the 7 now yeah so it could
be possible but that would be pretty
like wow for the mainstream I mean the
other thing people often forget it's not
just about the
all count when you go up to the
enthusiast platform which will be say X
499 when that comes out or X 399 which
is currently what's out with thread
refer this is all the other platform
differences that people buy them for you
know the workstation stuff like the PCIe
lanes just the quad channel memory and
lots of other things it's not just about
the core count but it's so there's a lot
of things there as well but I don't
think they'll go up beyond eight core
four rise ensue but I see it probably
being the case with rising three that
they may go up a bit higher than that
we'll just have to see I think mainly
the seven animator stuff that will
surprise everyone will be the clock
speed so then and that'll be the nail in
the coffin for Intel unless they can get
something out then a core on the
mainstream platform that can also do
five gigahertz but yep the CPUs are
gonna get crazy man like it's it's
already getting crazy and it's it's
gonna get more crazy I think I'll still
it was even three years ago like even
two-and-a-half years ago man oh it was
so stale and now it's just crazy it's
like we got too many choices that's
great like I love competition
it makes things exciting but we got here
next on the rumor mill until retires the
cabbie like X process design I don't
know what I clicked on the link to try
and take me to Intel's site but does
this look like a fake news story because
it says it's launched doesn't say
discontinued like they're saying it's
discontinued or end of life but when
look at the next 56 75 which we know was
look at these two pages I mean there's
still yeah I know I'm just trying to
figure out where it says its end-of-life
tall ready so you might not have updated
it yet because another site had said
that they were retiring the KB like X's
as well yeah so I mean ultimately though
like when we look at it right yes the
cabby like X CPUs were bad I mean I'm
sure is a disaster
what a disaster the only person I see
buying one of those was just someone who
wanted to have a bit of fun and I didn't
even know man I don't even know who
bought the CPU like no way was it wasn't
motherboard problems as well where like
you couldn't even use some of the RAM
slots or something or if you did it yeah
you can did they only limited it Jill so
in your ex $2.99 you could only use dual
channel memory with them
it basically negated all the benefits of
the enthusiast platform or X 299 you
couldn't use quad channel memory they
didn't have all the crazy lanes there's
you know you just they're just stupid
like that it made no sense the
motherboards cost way more than the CPUs
which is never against it 100 100 euro
donation whoa whoa
I read that in chat that's using thanks
dude as that that's a massive donation I
know that was huge whoa sorry I didn't
oh it's rupee man that's indeed so he
bought Ruby's awesome so well I did I do
plan to go to India so ash case says I
bought two GTX 1082 eyes and sorry for
200 AUD it was a gigabyte water force I
even checked it by opening the CPU in a
raw real deal searching XQ and chat ok
I'll check that out late a bit if you
got to 1080 t is for 200 Australian
dollars man that's a really good deal
what Mike if you man
wind force but yeah that is probably the
deal of a century if you got to 1080 P I
don't know who would have sold you that
man but yeah you should be as yeah Jeff
Lee yeah that's a that's an insane deal
I mean if it works are you just talking
about the water coolers themselves and
I'm guessing if you're just talking
about the water cools is I just don't
know anyone who would sell a 1080 ti4
not even a single one for 200 little own
two of them only yeah jeez Oh down else
maybe that was a hundred euro I was one
day I'm gonna get cashed up today yeah
cuz there's some good deals on at the
moment like I'll be making a did eat
video d do a DiDio about eBay deals and
all that stuff cuz I got some really
good deals in the pipework so I'm gonna
say that for a video probably release it
tomorrow the next day but yeah the whole
market is shifting and I love it like
new parts is so awesome and everyone who
loves use parts of course they love new
parts and they hope that new parts get
more competitive
because when they do we see things like
a low prices on the youth segment so
anyway this story here kind of like a
bit of a I don't know at the moment I'm
not really gonna say if they've
end-of-life dit but it still says it's
launched on the website so who knows I
don't know what this site is doing here
so revenues for Samsung hynek's and
micron doubled between quarter 1 2016
and quarter 3 2017 with a 47% increase
in 2017 so what we're looking at here is
price fixing and they say they've got
proof so there's a class-action lawsuit
now going on in the US and since these
guys control apparently 96 to 98 percent
of the global DRAM market it's
absolutely stupid how much they control
so we've got an open bottle gobbly is
that oligopoly and it looks like it's
controlled by Hynek Samsung a micron
they're all like parently they've all
agreed to price fix so and I it looks
legit right when you look at those
prices of DRAM and they way too
absolutely absurd the prices of ddr4
memory yeah it's shocking Samsung has
been in trouble for this before so it's
not really that surprising but I don't
think anybody's shocked by the fact that
they're making record profits and the
fact that their price fixing I don't
think a single person is shocked but no
not exactly so the good thing is you've
really seen Ram prices are coming down a
little bit like I saw a Ram kid up on
Amazon for like 80 bucks for 8 gigabytes
so the premium isn't a whole lot I mean
we got $70 I think it was so 16 gigabyte
memory kits all the $70 well actually
that's nothing that's insanely good
value for money but you see that now is
like yeah 170 bucks so the difference
between memory pricing has just gone
stupid it's not even like I could
understand like this is the thing with
memory I could understand if they were
just going in for a little you know a
little snake a little chunk you know I
mean you just up up it like a 10 or 15
bucks here and there and you make up
some excuse but going over the top and
over double the prices
what you expect you don't expect to get
a class-action lawsuit like come on you
don't expect the companies that I'm
especially buying purchasing like
thousands of sticks of memory you don't
expect them to be livid over this yeah I
mean average consumer it's like hey
we're paying like an extra 30 40 50
bucks we can't do anything is not even
worth our time to go see a solicitor
over 50 bucks but there are companies
out there that will say hey this is
absolute BS let's go to town on micron
Samsung and good old hynix and see what
they can cough up for us and so I hope
these companies do cough up big time
because this is many people ramp on
about GPP and stuff this is miles isn't
another park compared to GPP this is
yeah this is really affecting consumers
besides a um a gaming logo or something
so this is just terrible it's disgusting
really so I mean let us know in the
comments what you think about this price
fixing it's it's horrible and it
shouldn't be happening in 2018
especially with the laws in place I hope
they really get a big one for this they
really cop it hard yeah I think they
will I mean I would say solution he said
he said he said sup Teddy how is Teddy
anyway man yeah he's been good it's just
been partying a bit hard lately eh
is he coming to Sydney probably not I
think people would find me dude Teddy's
got to come to Sydney man come on bring
him to Sydney yeah I'll see he's gonna
Computex bringing all the way to Taiwan
Eamon but am Ian how long you and
Computex four by the way I don't I I mom
I still get a workout so I've Stewart of
workout with the UM with who wants booth
coverage and whatnot um so it looks like
them yeah it looks like Oh we'll be
looks like I'll be thanked session is
donate more man Cheers and so it looks
like at the moment I've got a few
different like coarser of course on
number one they're getting like because
they're amazing to work with so I lined
them up booth coverage and stuff so
lining up I've actually in the myths of
bartering with companies instead of you
know charging a 4k video production for
something for their booth I just said
look I'll cover your booth for some ddr4
memory and one company's already agreed
and I'm like woo
so just bartering ddr4 memory for booth
coverage means the way to go yeah I'll
join you over some parts if I can if I
can when I see you it I am but uh we'll
see how I go yeah I mean I've never been
in combat export so it'll be exciting
for me to be able to check it out
ddr4 memory is it's a currency now
that's what it is yeah I got I've got to
lots of to sixteen gigabyte ddr3 kits
which I just have no use for and then
I've got to spare lots of ddr4 this is
some corsair dominator platinum the real
premium stuff and I've also got a hyper
X kit somewhere as well some ddr4
another 16 gigabyte kit so I've been
fortunate in that I actually stocked up
on it a lot before so I've been
completely unaffected by the price
increase yeah I mean we've got more good
sticks coming down to 83 bucks again I
think that's the cheapest I've seen ddr4
in a while especially a gig kids they're
very popular so there you go like 83
bucks for a kid of RAM it's not too bad
the speeds are pretty good as well
I do remember like this is crazy right I
remember it when I was in the States in
2016 near the end of 2016 I remember I
picked up like that sixth though it's 32
gig kit of ddr4 memory for like a
hundred and fifteen us like that's how
cheap ddr4 memory used to be
that's how cheap it used to be so if
they can make a profit selling it at
that price imagine selling a 32 gigabyte
kit of memory for 330 dollars it's like
just pure profit in the back pocket the
amount of money that made off these kits
is absolutely insane so this is like
yeah this is the biggest one so far I
mean I hope these prices come down more
and I hope we can get some normal DDR
even if it's like again even I said you
know you're going for those little
Snipes even who is $10 $20 above average
whatever I show people a lot of people
don't care but it's when you start
really gouging and going for those you
know massive greedy plays that's when
people start to get really ticked off so
anyway that's about it for this week's
articles guys we're gonna move over to
chat now see what's cracking in the live
stream chat and if you guys have some
questions for either tech showdown
mister keV or myself then go ahead in
the comment section now also yeah both
Kevin I will be again will say we will
be at I am Sydney so if you guys are
ready they're all three days guys so
I'll be there on the Friday this
Saturday in the Sunday although I'm not
sure if I'll be I may be only that
they've been briefly on the fryer just
have to see healthy my agenda goes okay
so oh yes sorry Alonso yeah I will meant
I I did see you send a message on the
forums I'm gonna I've got your email
I'll contact you directly after the show
finishes sorry about that we'll get some
live chat viewer as well so bring out
the live chat actually live so there
okay cool so now we can ask how's your
sex appeal sensitive glass ok so Sean us
how's my I don't know man I haven't been
out in the wall I haven't actually gone
out on the town with the glasses on yet
brother so I can't find out if it's
given out the sex appeal or not so yeah
there's that but apparently people say I
look younger
do I look younger with the glasses like
someone said do do you like got
vampire's blood or something that was a
funny comment you know you just look
younger with the glasses on look in in
coming months when I'm on top like when
I'm a hundred percent on top of my
health game when everything's done the
backlogs are all cleared the super busy
season gets through I'll be making the
tech yes City guide to 110% health and
glory and victory would you guys like to
see that like how you can be a healthy
hermit you know I mean healthy hermit
play video games eight hours a day eat
bad food but still be fit it's good I
mean I think a lot of people have always
liked there's been other ones you know
the Gamo type thing you see with some of
the CS guys exhibition
the biggest thing is to cut bread out of
your diet like flour especially like
white bread that's the biggest one if
you're just eating white bread that is
so bad for you apparently there's a kid
who ate nothing but chips and white
bread and you know the funny thing is
this kid went blind or something like
that I read this news article I was
shocked went blind bro so what you eat
is so important of course don't eat crap
fast food don't go out eating I'm not
gonna name any names that I want to get
in trouble but when you go out like I
eat sushi if I go out I'll eat this
sushi down the takeaway Center salmon
avocado rice healthy as and it's still
fast food so there's so many good
options out there nowadays drink water
drink cups of tea I don't drink coke I
don't drink whatever you know Fantas and
all that stuff
sugars yeah sugars the killer - so you
just down the ain't me gonna be hyped up
there's some other supplements I take as
well the guide will come out and you
guys hopefully should love it the man
you know change your life it'll change
your life
that's what I'll do for you yeah okay so
yeah chips and white bread so that's
what I mean people like guys know chips
and white bread so cut that out
I mean potato chips are okay baked in
the oven but so and try an Indian accent
for used parts huh mmm pizza and
birthday Peter be sponsor yeah like when
you wake up she'll be drinking like get
a blender put a banana Apple all that
stuff mix it up fruit smoothie bang
there's your breakfast supercharge your
day so what happened to technicals well
tech deals is hiatus this week he has a
lot of work to do he just got signed up
on floatplane with Linus tech tips so
that was a huge thing for him so he's
just super busy and again I can't eat
into his schedule it's up to him I've
been thankful that he's came on the last
two weeks as well before this but of
course we got I am as well Kevin I will
get both got to go to Sydney for I am
and Jack as well Jack's a patron he said
man you've got a stream it's his
birthday today so happy birthday jack so
sir yeah anyway no I didn't I didn't I
mean takers didn't sell out to LTT I
mean the end of the day like with all
the sponsors and stuff like that as long
as you you can do whatever you want on
your channel put in sponsors
take sponsor deals but when you come
when you put review in the title of your
video if you're putting review in the
title your video as long as you're doing
a review I got no quarrels with your
channel you're not I mean mmm but if you
put a showcase as a review then that's a
different story so you know you put it
like my product reviews are always going
to be product reviews I'm gonna say look
is this product bad or is it good would
I go out and buy this thing that's
that's a product review you know I mean
but yeah if you're passing off a bad
product as a good product and that's
just terrible it shouldn't happen so I
don't know detective he hasn't done that
once I've watched a lot of these videos
he hasn't passed off any bad products as
good products so I don't quite he hasn't
he's not a sellout so in terms I mean
what's your opinion on that
what's he think he's a sellout at all
okay he seems pretty I mean it does very
long-form reviews which his fans really
love so good on him and you know I think
he goes and they're incredible amounts
of detail so for the people that are
wanting very there are quite long
detailed reviews he's definitely that's
his bread and butter and that's what he
likes to do and I've haven't watched any
of his reviews that I thought were
seemed bias or anything he just tells it
how it is I mean that's the thing right
we're all gonna have different opinions
on products yeah as long as your opinion
based on your personality I mean I guess
that's a stupid thing to say because
your personality could be a sale but I
mean as long as it's you doing the
review and your views who know what I
mean yeah men sellouts have come and
gone sellouts that do they come and go
men and their channels die like dead in
the water so I think yeah you can
usually because like they say cries into
for example we all the reviews on it we
test different games we do different you
know ways of testing so we're always
going to get slightly different results
but if you watch say 10 Rison 2,700 X
reviews and you should get the general
idea from all of them they should all be
telling you similar things for the most
part if the review is a good
that will have differences of opinions
in some areas but more or less they're
all point you in the same direction but
if you have someone that just goes in
completely the other direction unless
there's something they know that you
don't then that's when you can maybe
look into it but that's not the thing
you should really just be looking for
yeah that's I mean that's another reason
I don't go too much into this like I
mean it's the only NVIDIA GPA and all
these like stories but um I mean I just
like now I've realized for me look when
it comes to AMD Intel and NVIDIA as long
as they're not doing this price fixing
crap you know that that is terrible this
is DDI for price fixing is horrible
this is really affecting consumers I
don't know about GBP I haven't really
looked bothered looking at it because it
doesn't of course it's affecting
consumer choice but it's not affecting
your wallet at the end of the day I
don't think so I haven't really I
haven't bought into the hype a lot of
people have just covered it and bashed
in video to death but when it comes down
to it man I'm only interested really in
reviewing Intel AMD and NVIDIA SPRO
ducks and how they apply to my audience
the end of the day you know if Nvidia
CEO has you know whatever he's doing all
this crazy stuff in his personal life
it's got nothing to do with me if he's
delivering a phenomenal product at the
end of the day then that's all I want to
review where he's delivering a crap
product I want to tell people to stay
away from it so I think they were doing
something I might actually take a look
at that when they doing something dodgy
with the GG 1030 though I yeah there was
something to do with that account
remember off to tell my head but I think
what you're saying is what most take
review is I think a lot of you guys
think that a lot of the viewers some of
the viewers think that I'll we're in bed
with certain companies but honestly we
don't we all the tech reviewers I speak
to and are friends with will don't
really care about the companies beyond
the products like Intel AMD we're really
like they're just like they're just a
company you know we test the products
yeah and if the products are cool then
we give them a good review we don't like
them then we give them a bad review but
it's not like we it's anything beyond
that we just sort of want to see good
products because I mean
as much as we like reviewing them we
like running this stuff ourselves as
well I mean we like powerful CPUs and
GPUs just like you guys do so when they
bring out something cool we're just like
sweet you know put it in the personal
rig or something but that's what it
comes down to a lot of the time and it's
nothing really beyond that in my
experience that's what main dude if I
like I wouldn't be doing fight if
someone said do this sell out route I
wouldn't do YouTube man I'll be working
just a normal everyday 24/7 night
whatever I'll just be working something
normal IRL because I you know I couldn't
sleep at night this is when you selling
out misleading people's disgusting man
you put yourself in other people's shoes
yes yeah yeah it's it's I think as long
as you're getting the comments that like
I do that are 5050 so I get some that
say okay you're so bias towards Intel
then I get some of this so oh you're so
biased towards AMT so as long as it's
5050 people like all your games like you
might see be user reviews I got like a
couple of comments or your game choice
is questionable it's like well tell me
the game what games you want tested you
know I didn't see one Far Cry five
people that test Far Cry 5 apparently
it's better on AMD CPUs I actually got
it right now and bought it so I'll be
putting it in some future reviews but I
test when it comes down to a CPU review
I test first and foremost competitive
multiplayer titles because that's where
a CPU is really gonna make a difference
even if it's a small difference a
difference is still a difference you
know testing a game like which three I
don't even know I have I have a copy of
Witcher 3 just buried in some other
platform like gee lots of g-man games or
and I just I don't bother testing that
game because I don't hey it's too much
of a hassle to install on my computer's
it's not on the Steam I wish I got it on
Steam B it's like does anyone play that
competitively like is there a
competitive following behind it yeah so
when it comes down to competitive games
I straightaway think of fortnight pop G
you've got csgo
dota 2 these are the games where people
need that edge that bleeding level edge
if they're in a tournament whatnot so
they're the games that are gonna get
priority and
in the CPU reviews so and I just yeah
that's just how I test mainly that's the
first focus of course I'll test some
later titles as well but GTA 5 as well
it's still very popular in the online so
that game is absolutely insane yeah so
yeah I've been testing that as well
still test that so there's this sort of
like the workings maybe if you guys want
to see a behind the scenes sort of how I
benchmark and how I do things
I can maybe release that video get asked
a lot about sort of a behind the scenes
stuff how do you keep the channel going
how do you keep it alive so yeah Rainbow
six siege that's a good one I've kept
that and my testing for yeah since the
game launched I've just kept it in there
because everyone loves it that I did I
keep benchmarking it yeah but yeah
you're exactly right and I think the
other thing is that a lot of viewers see
see it as if you do a advertisement in a
video for something completely unrelated
to tech sites for I don't know whatever
type of service a browser extension or
whatever a website that's got nothing to
do with tick I mean we do that guys or
for a mobile game as is quite common now
that you do that because it helps
support the channel for one but also
getting that money means that we can get
better equipment we can sometimes we
need to buy the products because
companies want to send them to us or you
know whatever it's difficult to get them
so all that that really helps with the
channel and if it's got nothing to do
with tech then what's the problem there
I just don't see it being an issue at
all you know I think that's with you
know advertisement issues on YouTube
with D monetization and that um I think
that's gonna be a more regular thing
you're gonna see and it doesn't really
hurt anybody so I don't see an issue
with it at all you may not like the game
you may not be interested in it or
whatever if it's a mobile game I saw
that a lot on one of Steve's videos but
you know whatever it's no one's forcing
you to do anything and it's helpful for
the channel so I think that's all it
comes down to at the end of the days
yeah there's that it's yes still using
the eBay chair this is just for the
stream oh man this chairs good like all
the chairs I've reviewed all the chairs
that I talked about they're all good
I like the eBay Chas easily the best
value for money be bitch
Jezz still kicking hard yeah you've got
a gaming chair
hey hey you like yeah my a K racing one
okay I'm just going to yes yeah okay
writing that one yeah they were because
I did the dxracer chair differences
video which got crazy views is my most
popular video it's like 900 800
something thousand views now it's crazy
I was like whoa um and it wasn't even my
idea to do the video so the nak racing
asked me to do it and then I got to try
but that the chairs out there dxracer
and a K racing I decided to go with this
one but yeah so but it's good nice man
like if she gaming does it uh does it
make you like FPS go up and stuff yeah
man through the roof okay those are the
only the only promise my cat Frank he
keeps tearing up it's like the fake
leather on it and he keeps jumping on it
with this clothes out and then it puts
big holes in the seat okay
take a few more questions from chat
what's your what's what's price for your
internet connection okay so I'm paying
like eighty strain dollars a month fifty
down twenty up unlimited downloads so
it's actually been really good so far I
haven't had one hiccup with his internet
I'd rather not say the names I don't
want people jumping on the internet
provider that I'm on and then the
bandwidth that's still expensive what
you're getting it's miles bet on what I
used to have I used to have ten down one
up and I'll spent like over 100 bucks
for a month it was disgusting but she
says hey I'm happy with eighteenth man
I'm happy with eighty month
yeah I'm living at downloads and limited
uploads really happy with it so that's
my internet connection at the moment
we'll take a few more questions as well
GTX 970 for 140 USD yeah it's it's
decent it's about rounded my max
threshold I'd pay for a 970 providing
some decent model is a reference model
I'd probably stay clear of it personally
I'd won something like a gigabyte g1 970
but yeah not so many around that
prospect breed say hey would you take
you know just slap a little bit off he's
probably if he's asking 140 you probably
get it down for about 120
that's probably he's hoping for and you
know he's got a hundred bucks in the
wallet 20 bucks to go out and get dinner
that's probably his thinking behind that
guy selling the 978 Brian do you have
any experience with Aliexpress disputes
I actually do have one I think and I did
get refunded the money so it was this
Aliexpress are really good with their
dispute process so if you have a problem
you put it in and you'll get fixed up
straight away
ken kingston valueram be overclockable
if you want to answer some of these
questions to Kevin go for it but king
kingston valueram be overclocked yeah of
course any ramp can be overclocked on an
overclockable motherboard that doesn't
have a limit best budget cooler to take
an X 56 72 4.5 gig it's this is tricky
because of course you need you've got
different variances in your Z on some
Zeon's like the s50 675 goes up to 4.5 5
gig outside say a lot of those chips do
as temps are of a cooler you're gonna
want to get a really good cooler now
budget coolers the vtg 5 actually have
to test it because I think I've got 4
point 4 gigahertz on the VT g5 before
that's a really good value cooler I've
got the cool if you're in Australia that
Coolermaster 620 p is really good value
for my 70 straining dollars which would
be like 50 USD but it's a twin tower 2
fans you've even got the RGB bling and
it was pretty putting out some
impressive numbers too that's a really
good cooler in Australia I school amaz
only want you selling this end of
America for 50 bucks being absolute hit
so I'm waiting on their response for
that but that cool is actually really
good value for money too I'd be gone for
that because of course you've got the
upgrade ability to aim for support or
whatever platform that comes out you
probably have support for it with that
coolermaster kit so best recommendations
for a budget em ATX case would be the
cool master light 3.1 as well that's
just out off the top of my head what
about you keV I'm just shocked at these
internet prices bro these guys in the
States so getting this is just sort of
unbelievable people playing how much
they do for what they get it's shocking
I pay 200 a month maybe down oh no no
we're gonna figure question
every now ok 980ti price off the top of
my head you pay about 250 USD that be
around about what you want to get one
for max 300 USD Oh question round
there's just so many questions that came
in and I lost them okay okay yeah deep
cool guy max 400 for 16 US dollars 16 US
dollars is a really good deal grab that
because it's a really good cooler for a
budget outfit four cores eight threads
especially in x40 3470 that cpu and that
cooler is a perfect combination on the
budget even an ex 3440 with age 55
motherboard you get 500 up and 500 down
that's awesome man it I know that dude
that's really good ash k you flex and
brother you're flexing in the comments
75 us for 20 down so it's pretty bad
$169 for the rise in 2700 X at PC case Q
you know I even really checked right her
prices in astray at the moment it seems
a little bit overpriced off the top of
my head for the 2700 X what mid tower
case would you recommend don't mind
price too much om air 540 fi40 any day
of the week
Corsair 540 is like it you know the
white case it looks so nice to it we've
got the white fans on it bang out of the
box bling-bling airflow to go absolute
breeze to install stuff in that's the
case to go for if anyone wants to argue
with me about the air 540 let's do it
okay Tex showdown per month or per year
what's his 400 the internet here now you
can get a thousand down 500 up for 130
New Zealand dollars
yep so that's pretty okay you go to
these guys X 50 X FX FX X 58 I have you
tried this nope don't want to try it
I generally stick you know especially in
the x58 era
I'd be going if you can go for an
inducible go for and Azusa board as rock
boards weren't too bad gigabyte boards
weren't too bad MSI boards X 58 and
really hit and miss especially their
lower end boards they just weren't
equipped in my opinion to run the six
core 12 threads like the pro and stuff
like that
how much would you pay for a risin 1600
oh now like tech deals said last week I
probably pay 130 US dollars for one and
dude we do per month there's no ash k
it's so actually it's per month brother
per month we always do per month
oh dude per year for Internet 2600 X
better price and performance then 2,700
X I want you factor in all your PC costs
or your power supply everything like
that I would go with the 2,700 X
especially when you get a cooler in in
it you can sell the cooler make a bit of
bang back i5i is 3200 us for a 59 30k
it's actually a pretty decent price yes
x 99 boards will be on sale pretty cheap
problem is ddr4 memory always expensive
I'd be hunting the ddr4 memory and the
super pick up the CPU CPU so good price
but of course you're gonna find the
other 2 variants for a pretty good price
to Brian keeps skipping my question I'll
catch it man let me know your question
what do you think of the 49 60 X year
really nice CPU depends on how much you
can pick it up for every 4770k for 120
us yeah yeah that's pretty decent deal
I'd go for 110 us just a little snap off
the top man 10 bucks in your back pocket
always better and no money in your back
pocket ok so now we got a question
round-robin I'll wait for the last
question as well he said I keep scooping
this question
give me a question I won't skip it this
time RJ Ray and then we'll wind up the
show after that and we'll get these
other questions have we met in real life
before keV no we haven't we're gonna
meet in I am for the first time IRL it's
gonna be fun there's gonna be fireworks
isn't there keV there's gonna be
chemistry isn't there Teddy ma I only
could imagine that could happen give a
shout-out to your viewers in the
Philippines this is Joe by the way okay
viewers in the Philippines thanks for
watching guys
love y'all can't wait to do a part on
the Philippines - I just hope destiny
brings me there one day
can I run the 7700 K on a z3 7000 I
haven't tried that that's actually a
good question but I think you can yeah
you can't Caillou I don't think I think
the pin layout was different wasn't it
I'm not too sure oh yeah that might have
been the case yeah sure remember
okay RJ ray you got to tell me what a
zoo rampage motherboard it is I is it a
rampage three were like fourth
generation the Generation X 58 X 79 let
me know keV is gonna be all shaven and
are you you're gonna be a dunno they
used to have like a big beard on you
Conor McGregor I shaved over four I
can't go to Ozzy because they'll be too
hot otherwise yeah it's like getting
cold Nance you're really good at the
the weather's perfect man whether it's
absolutely perfect okay so sorry
question round robins going picked up a
Quadro 683 2012 34 a yes very good deal
that cpu is amazing 4 cores 8 threads
really good power consumption to x58
board rampage 3 that's actually I mean
in mint condition I think people are
selling them for as high as 300 bucks
you probably sell that for 200 bucks
easy and snap it up and get money for it
instantly so yeah ok the right way to
use 7700 K by the way with the Z 370
you're right
ok ok it's not your competitor like a
rampage through was only came yeah sorry
I just I look a tramp I didn't follow
the rampage series a whole lot so I just
when you say x58 rampage 3 I think I've
got one here but it's missing the
heatsinks make-a-wish the zealand
ok ok makes 5650 only hits 3.4 gig it's
what i do i can't believe that send that
x 56 50 over to me I'll get that thing
to at least four point two men I can't
believe it we go to three point four
that's just that does not make any sense
unless it's been abused and it's on its
way out like unless it's like literally
on the verge of death selling a PC with
a high-five 2500 four gigabytes around
10-30 price I put another 4 gigabytes of
RAM if you can no one would really want
to buy it with 4 gigabytes of RAM 1030
will sell that PC to someone who wants
to play fortnight I charge around maybe
300 us if you can get that
anyway I have a 56 90 coming in male I
paid 90 USD yeah that's awesome answer
oh ok what to do there we go question
round robin yes if you go questions I'll
be in chat as well I'll stick around and
chat after we close out the stream and
yeah so you're ready to go - I am Sydney
as well got to record another video I've
tested the are
580 from asrock - and it's pretty good I
go that's gonna be a good review man
that's gonna be a good review because as
ro there's a lot as rocks there's a few
little improvements of course they
haven't just made it perfect but they've
got the formula right I mean they're
ready to step in for the 6th generation
and when people ask like oh this is like
some people ask like why did as rock
release rx 580 why would they do it so
late in the cycle I think it's a
brilliant choice because they can get
all the feedback and then make their
sixth series launch perfect I think
that's that's what's gonna come out of
the five series launch and I like what
they're doing the graphics card performs
really well a few little things I'd like
to see added to it but I wasn't last
nice card so yeah guys I'm gonna be
joining you in chat and also keV the
link to his channels in the description
below if you want to go check out tax
showdown thanks for joining us if you
are in Sydney do that keyboards
obnoxiously loud if you want if you want
to go to if you're in Sydney or if
you're coming to I am hopefully we can
see you there I'll be there Friday and
Saturday filming and getting a vlog done
as well it's gonna be awesome
and hopefully if you guys if you want to
stay up to date follow us on Twitter
slash tech es city I'll be announcing a
lunch on Saturday so it won't be at the
venue so if you don't want to buy a
tickets but you just want to meet up
then definitely just follow us on
Twitter be around lunchtime and we'll
just go meet up all the viewers we can
have a lunch in Sydney be awesome have a
bit of fun so yes stay tuned on Twitter
is there any closing things you want to
say keV before we jump on out of you
know man that'll be great I look forward
to hanging out with you in a few days I
am and yeah let's have fun let's do a
lunch or something hopefully I'll try my
best to join you guys
yeah very really good oh praise Jah Jah
Jah Jah yeah thank you so much Joe Jaffa
be bringing Jah Jah not a mug bro you
know the death of Jojo okay all right
guys thank you so much for tuning in I'm
gonna join you guys in comments as well
just answering some questions so if
you've got dying questions I'll be there
thank you guys so much for tuning in
love you all and catch you in the next
week peace out for now do you wanna say
- peace out for now bye peace out for
now guys see next
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