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The $1230 Aussie Gaming "Thunder Down Under" PC

strawberry milk what up wife beater what up oh yeah a 1230 dollar gaming pc for the awesome Ozzy's down under welcome back to take a city this is brownies you coming back to you guys in Australia with a PC pop picker to twelve hundred and thirty dollar budget build 4 jun 2014 now tell me if it what do you guys think we've been going with you might for so many months now let me know your thing with pc papa anyway this month we have a basically just a huge build i mean for 1230 dollars it is damn quick it's going to play all the latest games at ample fine this is the first part of the build of the intel i5 Haswell refreshed now don't be alarmed it is the best value added out there at the moment in australia mean we get ripped off on everything but i guess if you had to pick the best rip off this cpu is it so you got four cores clocked at three point two gigs and that also when we go with this cpu we save fifty dollars because we don't need to get a case EP but also we save money because we don't need to get a cpu cooler and we don't need to get a motherboard so I like a z97 motherboard so we're literally saving I think it's like almost two hundred dollars i mean overclocking damn like costs 200 bucks overclocker cpu nowadays that's the premium your pan back in the day it used to cost nothing so goddamn intel and trying and trying to take it to the bank but I say don't let them so anyway there's motherboards find some micro ATX it's got the bottom chopped off it's got one graphics pci express to i believe for the gtx 780 which will be ample fine you've got two slots of memory they're fake you bytes of ram got the cpu slot there you've got your onboard audio as well and that's yeah for gaming get your NRC what more do you need so $62 if you want to spend a bit of extra money and go with the h87 performance from asrock that's packed with features as well you got a better on-board audio solution better and i see better this better that but it's your call this thing would be ample fine for this budget anyway let's get on the next bottle to build the g.skill sniper so we're getting two sticks of four gigabytes this stuff also looks good but it's also pretty much priced around about where memory is priced in oz at the moment I'm its ninety-eight dollars for two sticks it's ridiculously expensive I mean you can probably find it for $90 but this stuff honestly it's tight timings your cl9 memory at 1.5 volts you just whack in those XMP profiles and Haswell will love this stuff if you can find ya again if you can find that a memory for a better price than by all means do it but this stuff looks pretty tight it looks pretty decent so I would go with this next part of the build is the ssdnow v300 242 I ssdnow SSDs are not just cheap in the states in the UK they're pretty cheap in Australia as well 145 dollars is pretty damn good value for a 240gb SSD i paid like 180 for mine in japan so that was a few months ago so they have it bang this is not good like get an SSD this month like its edge cheap man you'll be like you and ball and rolling baby with a torn 40 gb SSD you'll be just smoking man your friend alas chelate look I've got a 12 hundred dollar AMD PC or a twelve hundred dollar dell intel dell pc that I bought and he's like he's trying to push this piece ceiling on you and you're like nah man I went to tech a city got the best PC 1222 old pc it comes with an SSD gtx 780 and you're just going to literally romp his pc if you do benchmarks side by side and he's gonna be like oh my god never take this deal back but $1,500 del sack of and that's that so yeah anyway that's the value you get out of these pcs anyway next by the build gtx 780 windfalls edition now this thing for five hundred sixty dollars I was like damn okay put in a gtx 770 that was like four hundred dollars that was the r9 290x i was like three hundred ninety eighty dollars i was like damn man you just go for a gtx 780 for five hundred sixty dollars be done with it this thing is huge I've got one in my rig at the moment man they smoke games but if you go with this pc literally you're going to need at least a 1440p $300 ebay special or 120 hertz monitor to take advantage of this thing because it is a beast of a graphics card the sweet spot for these graphics cards though i believe are the 1440p monitors they're really good good value for money there too I've got one at the moment the Korean specials the IPS monitors they are beautiful anyway next part of built so this is the k2 80 ATX mid tower case from coolermaster as you guys can see there's pretty much no photos on PC part picker but it's $52 and here we go some dudes actually put a build log here which is actually really cool this case is pretty much featured here so I'll just pull up a picture we can see here so yeah it'll have room for those extra long graphics cards there you've got enough bees there for a DVD Drive and a hard drive in an SSD and you got to cut out there at the bottom for the power supply so it looks pretty good to go here it is here's a better case like this is a full-size ATX board you've got a lot of extra room there for the graphics card the wind for sedition match Lee may not fit the wind for sedition is a very very long graphics card so I actually got to be careful with that I mean if you don't mind just getting out of pair of pliers and just ripping out this pit here if your graphics card doesn't fit that'll be fine as well that's what I'd do right save some money get oh look at this man look at these headphones I ripped these two pieces these are the ghetto houses and man they sound freaking amazing right Do It Yourself baby for the win oh yeah so anyway if you're worried about it though if you're really worried about it go by like a seventy dollar case with a super extra long freaking cut out for the graphics card but yeah one of these things I would make it fit anyway so next by the build is the animax 650 watt bronze certified semi modular like look at all this marketing going on in the title here but anyway it's not just marketing though it actually as useful semi modular means that the essential cables are going to be hard wired but then the plugs that you generally like extra SATA cables and stuff you are able to detach so I actually really like semi modular like you can see here so you should just get away with using the main power point here but 651 as well like it's bronze rated it looks like it's good to go it'll be ample fine for the gtx 780 and the non overclocked I five so literally you probably be pulling about 350 watts from the wall the beam bronze rated it looks pretty I'm is $75 damn and it's pretty good way for money not so I'd be going with this cpu I mean this power supply sorry it looks good on a semi modular bronze 75 bucks he's not referred to what year what more could you ask for so anyway Next life by the build is a DVD burner if you have one of these things save yourself 23 bucks if you don't have one then you're generally going to need one around the house so get one for the ice installs from DVDs or backing up yeah is knit on the dvds and that leaves the whole total to twelve hundred and twenty three dollars aud that's inclusive I think GST inclusive as well so yeah and as always you can go to msy you might find the best prices again get the best price baby but this build is hot man its work its frickin sizzlin so if your latest bill please give it a thumbs up if you haven't raised to hit that sub button yeah whoa I'm feeling it like today I'm feeling it yeah and I'll just roll the intro and catch you guys with another tech video soon peace out for now bye oh yeah and tell that friend if he's got a dell sack of just tell him look man get on my level you
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