welcome back to tokyo city this is brian
coming to you guys there with my new but
old benchmarking rig and the whole
purpose of this build is to sort of
showcase a good cpu with sort of those
upcoming mid-range graphics cards gonna
be getting at gtx 1070 and also getting
an RX 480 in i'm going to be testing
that with the 3930k or in this case the
e5 1650 which is a 39 K equivalent Xeon
which is overclockable now I did do a
recent vlog on this CPU and
unfortunately didn't overclock as high
as I'd like it to however with the
upcoming benchmarks I think that's
probably a good thing since I want to
keep it more real world and sort of what
everyone can expect to get out of these
CPUs and whatnot
so with that being said let's get on
with what we've got involved in the
build the prices of these parts and then
I'll also get onto some quick
benchmarking in games and talk a little
bit more about this system
so then we have it the benchmarks do all
the talking and the GTX 780 is
surprisingly still a really good card at
1080p all those latest titles like doom
maxed out or near maxed out was giving
really good frame rates I didn't have
any problems or any hiccups or any
stuttering for that matter playing games
at 1080p one thing I will say about the
780 though is it sort of calmed down a
lot in price I mean I managed to pick
mine up although it was a gamble for
around about a hundred and thirty
dollars and at this price it represents
phenomenal value for money and with the
RX 480 to be released really soon I
think a gratis card like the GTX 780
will be a great pickup for people
looking for second-hand parts I'd
imagine you'd expect to get one of these
for around about 150 dollars or even
cheaper ones that are X 480 drops on the
market but what about the e5 1650 well
that CPU still to this day is absolutely
amazing I was surprised at how snappy it
was it's a really responsive CPU and
also over clocks and it will do well not
only in games but also productivity if
you throw the tasks at it I was actually
impressed but the value for money that
the CPU has to offer the one thing to
keep in mind with some of these Sandy
Bridge bargain CPUs is that the
motherboard the x79 boards are still
very expensive I mean I picked mine up
for around about 150 dollars and that is
pretty damn expensive when you compare
it to something like a be 85 or
something that's even latest and
greatest it's only around about $50 so
all in all the benchmark band it was a
lot of success in my opinion just goes
to show that how like three and four
year old Hardware can still absolutely
kick ass to this date and that you
really don't need to upgrade even if you
want to play some of the latest titles
and I mean 1080p is a very popular
resolution still I don't really see the
need to have to go to 1440p or 4k for
that matter especially if you're on a
budget they're also some last-minute
things I did run into some little
problems with this build like that CUDA
sake is you go case it just wouldn't fit
the motherboard in there so I had to use
a different case that I had sitting
around here and I'm quite glad that did
because this is pretty much going to be
a build that I'm just going to use for
benchmarking it's not really a showcase
build or anything like that so anyways
that's about it for me today if you
enjoyed this build to be sure to drop a
below and hit that like button and I
will catch you in another tech video
very soon peace out for now bye
everybody in
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