in today's video we're going to talk
about a different topic that I've never
really talked about in the past and I'm
also going to give a lot of examples
because one thing that I do come across
is other reviewers who make their
recommendations and they do differ to
mine and it's especially when we come to
things like peripherals and also other
tech products in the field certain types
of products do incorporate a lot more
subjectivity in my opinion so today I'm
hopefully going to establish some
baselines in what to look for in that
particular product category as well as
giving you guys some really good
examples for instance the first example
I can throw at you guys is it a good
friend here on the Gold Coast rocketjump
ninja he reviews mice and he does a
fantastic job whenever I need to look at
a mouse I'll just go to raka John ninjas
channel see if he has a review on it
we'll see if he's in the works or if
he's tried it before and ask him his
opinion on it because he's really
experienced in that field but then when
he came to my studio and checked out my
keyboard he saw that I was using the
creative ko8 and in the past he's taken
a look at it I've taken a look at it he
didn't like it and I actually love this
keyboard it's one of my favorite
keyboards I've ever used and sort of
that God was both thinking like okay
what did you like about it what didn't
you like about it but we both came to an
understanding that the baseline for that
keyboard was pretty good it had
mechanical switches it had low input lag
it had media features on board and the
consistency of those keys the way
they've implemented them was quite good
what about some other products in the
field let's dig a little deeper
welcome back to tech yes City I'm we're
gonna move on to headphones because I
recently did the world of warcraft build
where I got triple monitors surround
setup and a lot of people were sort of
for it and against it as well some
people didn't like the bezels some
people didn't mind the bezels like
myself but there was one sort of thing
that came out of that video and that was
there was people who really liked it
people who didn't like it and there
wasn't really an in-between there and I
guess that again comes down to the
individual so while we're on the topic
of monitors I guess we'll start there
and talk about the best things to look
for when it comes to purchasing a
monitor especially for gaming and the
first thing of course is faster response
times the faster these are that's the
pixel to pixel transition the better it
will be for your eyes in the long run
also the higher the refresh rate in
general this is considered a better
thing to and the lower the input lag the
better it is for competitive gaming but
also for your reaction of seeing things
come out on the screen which will
naturally make it feel better and more
raw in terms of its reaction spots of
what's coming out to computer but we'll
quickly talk about the vo-tech monitor
that came in recently and I gave it a
negative review and now actually was a
solid monitor in its specs it had a VA
panel was pretty good high refresh rate
slow input lag but the response times
really let it down big time and that was
my biggest sort of problem with that
monitor and especially coupling that
with the fact that they advertised it as
a gaming monitor was what led me to the
outcome of giving it a negative review
but also the build quality was a little
bit lackluster too next up here we've
got headphones and headsets and when I
did the battle for Azeroth gaming PC I
actually tried these HS seventies out
and I was blown away the comfort was
really good which is one thing you
should look for how comfortable are the
headphones and also the sound coming
album was surprisingly really good as
well now when you're looking for sound
this is where things get ridiculously
subjective what my ears like might be
different to what someone else's ears
will like however on that note there are
still things you should definitely look
for when you're buying a set of
headphones and more importantly if they
have their own receiver and whether it
has its own built-in DAC an amp solution
which in this case the HS 70s
you have and so it's important to see
the frequency response curve and measure
that for any real big spikes for
instance these here you're looking more
civically at the two kilohertz and seven
kilohertz range a lot of cheap DAC and
ant solutions will spike these levels
not because they intend to because the
components they're using just aren't
that good and so they create real big
peaks at these levels and they can
actually damage your ears in the long
term I'm happy to report with HS 70s for
example the one kilohertz frequency was
actually a bit louder than the two
kilohertz frequency and the eight
kilohertz frequency was actually quite a
bit louder than the seven kilohertz
frequency so it means that there didn't
use cheap components in the making of
these headphones but also on that note
when we look at the 8 kilohertz
frequency this is a very popular level
they're companies like to artificially
bump it gives the music and also the
headphones a more clearer sound and also
companies that record tracks will
actually boost these frequencies in the
EQ artificially higher too though for
the mic quality on the headset itself
should look for the noise and also how
warm the sound coming in of course this
mic is not going to sound anywhere good
as $100 dedicated mic but for a headset
and if you want your mates just to hear
you while you're playing games
this is gonna be ample fine think of it
as one of those tinny mics that does its
job ok next up we've got mice and this
is another field that's very very
subjective because you've got a lot of
different grips within mice themselves
I'm more of a fingertip grip of however
I do like to use palm grip when I'm
playing games that are FPS based however
when I'm video editing
I'd like to use my fingertip grip just
like I'm playing RTS or MOBAs for
example but when it comes to this field
you're looking for things again like low
input lag does it have any input like I
know from experience Logitech usually
have the best input lag in the game and
some mice even in 2018 will implement up
to 10 milliseconds of input lag where if
you're a competitive gamer this could be
the difference between a win and a loss
if you're in a clutch situation should
also look at sense of performance what
sense are they using does it have angles
snapping which is generally not
considered a good thing unless you're
doing graphic design work and you've
also got things like lift off distance
and built-in Mouse acceleration me
personally I actually like a bit of
mouse excel
raishin believe it or not it's a weird
thing that I got used to when I first
started using pcs so your mileage may
vary with that some people absolutely
hate it I don't mind it at all of course
when it comes to mice keyboards and
headsets always looking for someone
who's had a lot of experience in the
field definitely does make their opinion
carry more weight for instance
rocketjump ninja who I mentioned in the
intro does fantastic mice reviews and
he's been doing them for a very long
time now so he knows all the ins and
outs he knows what to look for when it
comes to making a good decision next up
we're going to go to the main channel
steam and that is enthusiast tech things
like CPUs gravis cards and also
motherboards for example these carry a
lot more objectivity than subjectivity
I'd say the subjectivity portion of
these products is mainly the aesthetics
when it comes to a motherboard for
example does it look good does the RGB
function well but for me personally in a
lot of other reviews that I know that
look at these products that really
doesn't carry anywhere near the weight
as the main function itself for instance
is the vrm implementation is that good
does it get too hot especially when
we're testing for instance a 32 core
rise in CPU that was recently released
when we look at Intel site does that
motherboard provide the features in the
BIOS enabling you to get a better
overclock and then going back to the CPU
itself the numbers are very simple we'd
run benchmarks and those benchmarks give
us numbers that we can compare against
other CPUs and then compare against the
price point itself and tell you guys if
you're getting good value for money you
can also test them in games with things
like point 1% 1% lows an average FPS and
tell you if this CPU is going to hold up
at 1080p high refresh rate gaming which
is on CPUs itself why a lot of reviewers
will drop the settings to low and it's a
very important thing that I do believe
in personally because we want to see how
the CPU in a CPU review the forms we
don't want the graphics card introducing
any sort of bottleneck whatsoever when
we're doing that CPU review and then
last up we go gravis cards and just like
CPUs we get the numbers and they're very
objective in nature so what kind of FPS
will be getting but also we can look at
the cooler implementations introduced
from the board partners and see whether
they're keeping the noise low and also
if they're keeping the heat under
but I was glad to see that practically
everyone that I know in the review scene
didn't really give the r-tx mm high
rating scores that's because for the
money it was a very expensive purchase
especially the r-tx 20 atti
and then when it came to the r-tx 2080
that didn't really perform any better
than the 1080 TI and the new features
that weren't implemented properly are
yet to really add any value to the 2000
series cards but when it all boils down
to it certain products in certain
categories in the whole tech review
space definitely carry a lot more
subjectivity than others and I know when
we've got differences between different
reviewers especially when it comes to
headphones our example we have to look
at what that reviewer likes for insta
the headphones I love a nice warm sound
I love my bass and mids coming through
and then not a whole lot of treble and
if it is treble then I don't like it to
be overpowering especially compared to
the bass in the mids certain other
reviewers may like a lot more treble and
that's just up to that individual but
ultimately there's some recommendations
I'm gonna make within this video itself
and that is if you can always try out a
product before you buy it
but if you're buying online also don't
be afraid to buy from a place like
Amazon or Ebay where if you really don't
like the product and it doesn't give you
what you intended then don't be afraid
to return it as well I know in the past
I've bought some things where the
information is said it can do this it's
going to be so good for this and then
when I bought it it just didn't do that
at all when I was left really
disappointed and instead of saying okay
person X may have recommended this
product I don't really care about person
X this product is not doing what I want
it to do so I want to return it and get
my money back and find something
different but ultimately you will know
what's best for you and if you don't you
can always just ask a question in the
comments section below either myself
especially around Tokyo city or the
great viewers will be more than happy to
give you a hand and if you enjoyed
today's video then be sure to hit that
like button and on that note of
questions to get any questions about
today's video especially things like the
testing and the methods I use and be
sure to drop a question in the comment
section below and I'll catch you in
another tech video very soon
peace out for now bye
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