The Tech Lounge #001 - GTX 1070 Micron Issue, EVGA's Overheating VRM, Nintendo Switch
The Tech Lounge #001 - GTX 1070 Micron Issue, EVGA's Overheating VRM, Nintendo Switch
welcome back to tech city and we've got
that you show the tech lounge and i'm
joined by kev from tech showdown how you
doing man I'm doing great brown hair so
really fantastic to be here today and I
really fun to start this and you show
with you I'm really looking forward to
it well yeah a lot of people have been
asking for a live tech show and I
thought what better than to get the man
from New Zealand he's got a Down Under
he's technically down under yes and yes
so basically guys this stream will be in
720p today because I've only got a look
at what is it like 2 megabits per second
uploads terrible but we can still get
the stream done and I'll try and get it
in 1080p now you know the funny thing is
I'll streaming to twitch to do a test
stream now I could actually stream to
twitch 1080p at 20 frames per second
with 2200 kilobits per second now that
was a solid stream that was really good
like that was good quality but youtube
they only allow 30 frames per second or
60 frames per second so you're going to
lose a little bit of quality there but
why not we're going to work with that
we're going to get around that and today
topics topics topics topics we've got
micron memory issue a lot of people
wanted me to talk about the GTX 10 70s
getting a quick switch and back you know
bait and switch right there saying okay
we're going to release these graphs
cards with a with Samsung memory and
then we're going to pull a little
switcheroonie on you and put micron it
and the problem is with the micron
memory is I guess it's just not Bend as
well as the Samsung stuff right it can't
some of this memory is coming out on
these graphs cards and it can't even run
at a gigabits per second so just yeah so
what we're seeing here is problems or I
was a legit problems some people are
getting artifacting and whatnot just out
of the box settings right so it's just
shocking hey like this this just seems
for NVIDIA with their you know like the
970 issue you think they would have
learned well or being more strict about
it because
they wouldn't want to have a repeat
issue here now the 970 was very
blatantly on NVIDIA so you can point the
finger straight at them however with the
tents M&E it seems more like it was the
board partners rather than nvidia
themselves listen these are exactly
right i mean exactly that you can't
really point the finger so much at them
but it still just it's just Nvidia and
memory type issues it's like it just
keep it's like a meme that just keeps on
giving just like can you guys just
finally get it together because i
haven't heard if I mean I can't even
remember when AMD had a memory type
issue with a graphics card even going
back to well the older ones no I can't
really remember um so but coming at
video needle hand to a boy well with
these grubs cards right they're allowed
to change up the reference design spec
we see them putting in different MOSFETs
different chokes what not now memory i'm
sure falls into that category right
we've got now them using micron memory
and this as we said before right that
micro memory is just not as good as the
samsung stuff so what we're seeing is
gravis cars coming out and now the fix
for it apparently there's the fix and
that's a bios update itch which i mean
i'm sure a little yet I mean a if you if
you're the kind of guys got this gravis
card and you're having problems what's
gonna happen here oh yeah I like you
probably don't even know how to do a vga
bios update it's not easy stuff and
updating that through windows of all
things is risky in itself right so it is
a little bit of a problem here and I
mean yes and i'm going to say like you
said before I it it's not really
invidious fault this time around you
can't really do okay nvidia did this no
it's actually the lulu sauce that cheap
micro memory it's that fall yeah it's a
to be feared they could have I think um
I mean it's hard to say I don't actually
know how how it works on their end but
maybe they could have told the board
partners to you know maybe they'd been
like very strict and said maybe sauce
only from this company or something like
that to maybe get around it but but
honestly I don't think this was
something they could foresee whereas the
970 the drama with the memory there was
something that really they should have
known about which is why a lot of people
got very upset and it was the class
action lawsuit and everything like that
was because nvidia didn't know better
and they stoped at it anyway yeah yeah
well it's all about money at the end of
the day right sir yeah well that was the
thing it was a lot of people that the
joke was you know then they had 3.5 gigs
instead of forking swear technically
that's not correct it was it was still a
forged gravity are the 970 it was just
that the last half a gig was at a lower
memory speed than the other foot three
and a half gigs which was at 7,000 and
in the last three last half gig was at a
lower speed so yeah that was basically
where there was a bit of controversy but
there was more in the marketing people
getting upset because I was saying it
was for gigs at 7,000 negatives when
typically it was three and a half at
7,000 and then the last bit was a bit
lower so and but I mean yeah it's not
really on a video this time but I would
it's just yeah it's not gonna do good
for their reputation with memory type
fishing yes yeah but like I said I'm
what we're seeing here really it's kind
of like it's kind of a face palm because
it's always seems to be that value card
that gets hit as well like the 970 now
we got the 1070 which the 1070 is really
good value for money if you can beat
that thing out for 400 bucks sometimes
even a little bit cheaper it does
represent solid value for money and in
itself that was a card that brought down
the price of the 980 TI which is a
behemoth right that card yeah is you
know go on running right now man these
things are legitimately big you know the
slight you've just gone to the gym and
pumped up your muscles that's what a 980
TI is like it's got the raw power there
plus it doesn't use that new a memory
compression which you know how far how
many times can you compress the memory
or but compress the picture before you
start to see a reduced amount of detail
so yeah yes sir yeah so the 1070 is a
shame to see the 1030 now I didn't even
know about this issue until people like
just telling
Brian what's up because my car's I got
two gtx ten 70s here ah you know and
they both got samsung memory on it so i
didn't even know about this issue to
begin with you know and i bought one of
them one of them to review sample that's
this one the msi wanted not really nice
card and same with the the one the my
hybrid sis gigabyte one that i've gotten
the mini ITX rig that is it is it is its
if or is it it's if mates if ya like i
just can't say sighs it'sit's to annoy
you it's too troublesome yeah because i
saw a lot of people were a little bit
upset with the print that you
pronouncing it that way in a lot of
people get are you doing to get a bit of
a rise out of ya i just thought i just
say it's AI always have it like just
like a I just one of those bad habits so
just don't kick you know so yeah you
know it's like I used to say sly a lot
you know it's just easier to say yeah
and why I copped actually a cop way more
hate for saying a slide than ever for
sis cuz I guess people like sis so I
guess yeah people like this people don't
like being sly so so so we've yeah with
this memory issue here we got the fixes
out so the they're addressing this
memory issue with the 1070 cards and
they're applying vga BIOS updates which
as I said before is you know it's never
a guaranteed fix right it's risky people
could update these things in while
they're updating for any you know weird
reason the power cuts off or whatever
bang cards Britain you know in a lot of
these models arguably a lot of these
models don't have the dual BIOS to like
that I guess they're putting the micron
memory on the cheaper cards yeah yeah
yeah so I mean we should say as well
that this isn't all 10 70s by the way
it's only a certain of the UM bullet
partners yeah I believe dare I say it
seems to be affecting Europe Europe like
a lot of people message me from Europe
like saying oh man in a 1070 it's got
micron memory you know
k is I mean I haven't yeah like I said I
was oblivious to this before the last
week where it came up and it's coming
out of the woodworks so yeah if you've
got one of these cards with micron
memory now the solution is to just
download gpu-z and you can actually
check within that so you can just check
with that program you don't have to pull
your graphics card apart just yet now
check with TV you see if it's got micron
memory then you may wish to go to your
manufacturer's website get the bios
update I'll put some links in the
description below for you guys and um
you know you guys can check it out if
you got updated buys but apparently EVGA
game would and PAL a little parlay
palette how do you say how do you say
that one I I don't know I've never
actually tested one of those GPU so I
have absolutely no idea i guess it's
palais it's gonna be the highlight it's
gonna be but he'll it's a little bit it
has to be but I yet it's quite
interesting because um gigabyte has
actually released the 10 70s with both
types of memory but they're saying they
haven't had any complaints of issues so
gigabyte doesn't actually have an update
yet yeah so that's quite interesting
also that the EVGA and the other
companies are getting onto it with
gigabytes actually sort of taking a step
back and being like hey we don't
actually think there's an issue here so
you ever was interesting to see what
comes of that yeah so it is interesting
I mean is that the actual memory just
can't run at the rated a key bits per
second some of it you know that's the I
guess that's the biggest question out
there at the moment because i know it
some people complaining all doesn't
overclock at all like I'm getting like
this and that out of my micron memory so
I guess it's just not been as well maybe
it's 7.8 gigabits per second memory so
you get the blast fix and you're like
hey I lost some performance awesome yeah
yeah so that's what that's it that's an
interesting thing in one of the comments
on one of the articles was saying that
and I don't know how true this is but it
could be true is there saying that
Nvidia does this by running bitter
memory samsung memory on
the launch cards say the founders and
stuff like that so then you know when
reviewers get them they ever taught them
they tell them how good it is and then
as the cards go along and their lifespan
they tend to downgrade not downgrade
might be too harsh or work I'll say
change you gotta say revised that's the
word revise revise their being pc ah
they revise it as it goes along and well
maybe not in video this time but the
board partners and and so as it goes a
lot hoping no one would notice maybe
that's that may not be true at all but
I'm just putting out there as a
hypothetical so you know dvj you can
calm down it's it's just a hypothetical
thing that they could be doing na it has
happened before with other products I've
seen and since I started doing tech
reviews I've seen companies you know
downgrade uh well they I think that
because one well I think the biggest one
was the be 85 s from gigabyte where they
actually downgraded the vrm and they
call it a revision now that's not a
revision that should be a completely new
model of motherboard because people are
now like I reviewed the motherboard I
bought one off the shelves too i bought
a BF i was like hey this thing's really
good with the pentium geeth you know
3258 it overclocks well it's a pretty
solid combo then people are messaging me
like dude they've downgraded the V RMS
it's terrible i could somebody with you
could actually use that be 85 the
original version 1.0 you could use that
with an i7 or a knife you could actually
overclock those really yeah you could
overclock the bigger for cause and then
when that revision came out it was like
fat like over loving the four cores you
know you you even like even on stock
settings out of the box you were getting
thermal throttling on the cpu so there's
something of the vrm does something like
that you're getting like the actual
throttling out of the box without even
overclocking so it was a major downgrade
to the vrm that not to say downgrades or
whatnot this is a big issue as well the
EVGA for the wind I think it's a 1070
and the 1080
not just the 1070 both guards have been
affected by this now yeah I was looking
around everywhere and I couldn't get a
photo of this plate here being lifted
off because apparently it's got to do
with the thermal pads not touching the
plate but no that's not true that
actually is thermal pads under there
those MOSFETs are actually touching that
plate the problem is is that they can't
breathe there is like a sarcophagus for
the V around now I literally like I did
it it was I think this Tom's article
it's I know it's in German maybe it's
not i don't know it's in another
language and there's a really good
article because they're looking at the
they got the temp sensors out and
they're looking and see how hot the vrm
gets like a hundred and seven degrees
when the torture test yes so beta the
GPUs sitting at 76 degrees but the vrm
is going all the way to 107 degrees now
that is insane like it's yeah you know
like no wonder people are having these
cards blow out on them because you know
you VRMs generally aren't designed to
run at 177 degrees for just hours on end
yeah yeah something's gonna give and
especially in a 30 degree environment
what if you're in a 35 degree
environment cheese you know there's a ya
know it's not ideal and I mean this is
and it's so so I I have two questions at
vs how did this get you know past
basically when they were doing testing
that and you would think they would have
picked something like this up and what
you would hope so the other question is
whenever it came when I first saw the
first EVGA FTW card I always wondered
you know when did I know they they brand
it is for the wind but of course there's
the other meaning and at the time that's
what i thought it was and I was pretty
shocked to like see that on you know the
graphics guy well they might have to
channel that I might have to change it
to an L for the last ah the FTL but yeah
sir this is
1080 here it's going 170 grees now we
contrast that to what we've got here
there's another article they've got the
Hall of Fame for instance now that's via
that vrm in the same test at 75 degrees
so you can see there that's like 32
degrees difference on the vrm yeah yeah
you know even the mini I think even the
gigabyte many or something like that was
going to a 97 so you can see you can see
there's that unhealthy buffer there on
the obj uh you know model and so it's
got to do with you know I'd sure if you
took that plate off and drilled a few
holes in it and let the VR and breathe a
little bit it might be okay you know yes
I don't know what going maybe they use
lower quality MOSFETs I haven't done the
sit sit there on that theorem but it's
just getting too hot 107 degrees is way
too hot so yeah it's it's it's just it's
quite funny because it actually reminds
me cussing back in terms of another mess
up not by EVGA but by hey Zeus back when
the 200 series am be 200 series large
the 290 and 290x and what they did were
there I direct si tu culo was they
lifted it straight off you might
remember back to this they lifted it
straight off the 780 which was a much
different ship you know in terms of the
die design um and they chucked it
straight on the 290x and the problem was
is that the heat pipes they had I think
I believe five heat pipes running
through and the because the hawaii GPU
and the 290 and 290x were smaller it was
only touching the middle three heat
pipes and the two outside heat pipes
just went completely by without touching
anything and so people getting these
horrendous temps with it like it you
know remember the reference 290 and 290x
were like a hair dryer and headed you
know that the reference cooler was just
not up the job would run up to 95
degrees yeah yeah and I see a membrane
DC law is perfectly fine did you pee LOL
a classic or easier it's it's it's fine
and technically it was because I ran a
reference to 90 for like six months and
the guy I bought it off use it for
Bitcoin mining and and they'd say it was
a slight max the whole time so and it
went fine I mean there was probably the
most reliable graphs gotta ever owned
but the problem was is that the thermal
throttling was real and the asus card
they sit in their marketing that it had
a lower temps and when I tested it it
actually was just the same as reference
um pretty much no difference it went up
to 94 95 degrees so that's the only time
I can remember back to the company just
messing up maybe on testing or not
really testing the card thoroughly
enough to figure these things out
although in that case it should have
been more obvious than with this but
they still EVGA should have picked us up
this oh yeah there's no real excuse me
another thing I've been doing lately is
I've been you know using a lot of after
my calls on my gpu's and I'm gonna keep
doing it the results are phenomenal yeah
like the overclocks before I put the
aftermarket coolers on and then after
it's just nine day like the overall so
much better know that you've got those
heat sinks you have these little one
dollar heat sinks from ebay and you know
they're directly touching the circuits
rather than using a thermal pad now
thermal pads are pretty bad this is like
just no in fact you know thermal pads
are just not as good as having direct
metal contacting whatever your cooling
yet so yeah notice my you know
everything's just been running amazingly
well when I especially this big arctic
cooler I've got here on the 980 TI this
thing just doesn't even poke over 50
degrees now I've got this little gold
heat sinks on the memory the memory just
overclocks like huge I'm gonna go for 50
on the memory or something like that and
it's just yeah it's a night and day
difference so I mean obviously the board
partners aren't going to do that because
you know in shipping they'll have all
their little heat sinks falling off the
chips but yeah it's something to think
about if you're an enthusiast and you
know you want your card to last for a
long time especially the way they're
pushing graphics cards nowadays because
back in the day you just never used to
even have heat sinks on memory or vrm it
was just like a little
law slapped on the die and that was it
yeah yeah so now that they're pushing so
much power through these gravis cars
it's like you're running into problems
like this so yeah yeah so I just want to
address a comments on was saying is the
business for Apple 10 70s it's depending
on the board partner so some companies
are using both such as gigabyte go ahead
use micron and Samsung so as Brian said
before you can go into GPU see which is
a good little utility to use anyways and
it's good for keeping an eye on things
then you can check it out there and but
it's maybe not going to be an issue for
everybody out there that's what
gigabytes saying they haven't had any
complaints so far so this will just be
something to see where it goes i suppose
so be interesting it like i'd love to
get my hands on one of these for the
winds and really just you know drill
holes in that play like see what you
could do to drop the vrm temps because i
do have a thermal done even though it's
not as good as thermal imaging still
have a thermal gun you can still you
know get some statistics there so yeah
interesting interesting in nintendo
switch we're gonna switch the topic
we're gonna switch to the nintendo
switch now when i first saw the ad i
thought the ad was over the top it was
like come on you know they go like
people all just like slightly just had a
shower and they're ready to go hit the
town and it's not actually i'm not gonna
go out I'm not gonna go I just gonna
play with my Nintendo switch yeah I
thought is just overdone you know like
it was just way too much and then we're
starting to see the specs now apparently
this thing's going to be weaker than a
playstation 4 and yeah and I mean that's
something that has been the trend with
Nintendo for a while I remember people
were saying similar things when the we
came out and Nintendo has never been
about having the most powerful console
compared to Microsoft and Sony it's been
more about coming up with new ways to
enjoy the games which was very evident
with the way when that came out how that
basically one that generation in terms
of amount of a console sold so yeah
it'll be it be interesting in that sense
but with the screen being 720p so it's a
6.2 inch 720p multi-touch screen I'm I
think a lot of people actually a little
bit disappointed in that because even
now some people get disappointed when
newer smartphones are featuring 1080p
screens everyone saying oh it should be
1440p at least on the high end ones so
to go down to 720p it's this this you
know they probably have a good reason
for it battery life I'm imagining is
going to be one of the main things they
would have been going for but so if I
say is three years still after what is
it three years after these consoles are
released now you know it does not gonna
have more power that's a big concern
it's it's also gonna run on you know a
RM RM CPU now interesting because is
means the game's gonna have a hard time
being ported to this console because
yeah it's gonna be a lot of triple-a
titles out there and so I'm very curious
to see how this thing's going to sell
now as always Nintendo have to well they
should have learned by now the titles
are everything if they want to sell the
console they have to have hard-hitting
exclusives Zelda being one of those you
know they didn't hit the way you would
Zelda like it was just like where's when
Zelda coming you know so I didn't even
have a reason to buy a nintendo wii u
like there was just no reason at all and
you know my friend brought it around and
it was cool is like a little party trick
console but besides that it wasn't that
was it yeah this is definitely that side
of it i think in terms of sales it will
sell extremely well in japan just like
always um the japanese really love
nintendo so i think it would do very
well there however outside of japan
that'll be interesting I'm seeing from
their advertisement they made it
definitely looks like they're gonna try
heavily market it to young adults but
both genders and really try ahead at
home as that Nintendo has always had the
problem of being associated as
sort of kids and console or you know the
one made for children yep that they've
been had a very hard time shaking a lot
of that is self-imposed because a lot of
the games they allowed for it in the
early days where they would change to
make them I'm thinking way back to the
old consoles at the game the game is
awesome though the thing was like the
old days they were good but compared to
the sega mega drive or genesis for
people in north america that they would
take the same game and then take out all
the blood or take out all the gore and
things like that to make it you know say
good for the kids so I'm safer for the
kids so they that sort of association as
being you know for children has sort of
carried on and that's something I think
they need to try shake with the switch
to get a bit of market share whereas the
pit Playstations and xboxes have never
had that problem being associated with
that you know they've just been made
sort of for everybody especially the
PlayStation is always being there had
that reputation as the the real game is
tied one ever since the ps1 came out
well that's what I mean I mean we're
looking at this console right i mean if
it's on android or whatever it is it
going to be able to run android to like
the native OS you know that's what i'm
curious because i actually need a tablet
so i'll just use mice which is a tablet
if i get one that's one question that i
need to be answered at the moment is it
going to run like an android OS but same
at the same time right people are gonna
think well I've already got an awesome
tablet what is this just a tablet with
the joystick and some exclusive titles
that cost you know quite a lot of money
so yeah that's a concern as well or is
it just the PSP with a hdmi out you know
so there's a lot of concerns there I
mean Nintendo you know with the 64 they
did hit hard with some good launch
titles oh yeah you know I'd like to see
that again but the same time man yeah
all deny that came up whoa man ripple
sir the industry yeah that was it was
insane oh so good fit then at the same
time you had the 64 sales it kind of
went down in PlayStation people started
to go back to PlayStation because they
just kept having the titles coming out
like hit after hit
and so you know even though it was a
less powerful you know console it had
the titles and so I guess Nintendo have
to realize that you know they can have
all the fancy marketing they want they
can have these ads where you've got
these pop culture you know guys who
instead of hitting out you know going
out on the town drinking with their
friends they're just going to stay home
and play with this switch you know they
can have that mole advertising thing
hidden going out there hard but if they
don't have the titles yeah it's not
going to hit I mean that that's that's
exactly a in this the main thing I think
that held back the Nintendo 64 is the
fact that PlayStation had already gone
to using cds which was back then you
know considered quite a jumper whereas
the 64 story using cartridges which a
lot of people associated with being bold
you know and CD to let the new thing so
yeah I think it struggled maybe slightly
there as well but it definitely did have
on some fantastic games so yeah so the
big question is are you gonna buy one of
these things huh I don't know I mean the
thing is I'd rather wait that the whole
thing that they put out was very looks
like the advertisement was very specific
scenarios for um for using it in and i
think i like to wait until i see videos
of people actually using it it's a good
tape because i think the the whole
mobile gaming industry in terms of the
nintendo ds's and the sony PS PS i think
that is actually coming to sort of like
a close and this is Nintendo's way of
trying to bridge that gap and because
mobile gaming now I mean why really
would the lot of people don't see the
point in getting something like a PSP
when you can just play games on your
smartphone exert it really have just one
device so I see it as Nintendo trying to
maybe bridge that gap um you know to try
and maybe make up a new market better if
like so like a portal yeah but i think
i'm worried if there's no bridge to you
know no one wants to cross the realm
wants to be on the bridge you know this
thing so yeah so that's what we will
find out yeah they are they're taking
their two monitors here
I've got my hardcore gaming system I got
my smartphone my smartphone just sits
there and the user for like Twitter and
taking some photos and whatever when I'm
out about I don't play games on it so I
think you're rather you know I don't
know is there anyone out there who is a
hard core tech enthusiasts who plays
like hardcore PC games and then they
play hardcore like Tabler they they're
like on their tablet but I'd love to see
you in the comments like say I'm a
switcher so maybe didn't intend Oh
switch will be for you you know I want
to find this person because yeah just I
don't really see like I don't know
that's why I guess investors are really
concerned about what they're doing with
the switch you know I wanted to see a
hard-hitting console I wanted to see
something that was more powerful than
the ps4 something that was more powerful
than the xbox one and then they had
these amazing titles coming out you're
like oh my god and you know funny things
about the news elder as well like people
are fanboying the out of it like
absolutely fanboying the out of it
like you know my friend he's a big zelda
fan he's like oh man I love this news i
was gonna be so good it's like a
contrast in between the animated and the
polygon you know Zelda I'm like and for
me I love the polygon aided Zelda that's
my favorite I I was not a fan of the
animated at all so I was like get that
animated crap out of my zelda so I'm
kind of on the fence with this new Zelda
yeah yeah we're very interesting to see
ya so amazed yeah that's just opinions
so yeah I'm kind of worried anyway but
Nintendo switched let me know in the
comments guys what are you getting one
I'm on the fence i'm going to be waiting
to see the reviews of the new zelda
before i do buy one if it's out of the
if it's out of this world good then yeah
I probably get in switch but if it's
like a mediocre Zelda I'll be like an
forget about the switch Zelda's my
selling point that's for me at the
moment so we got Cabul a cabbie lake and
use here we go so cabbie lake is hitting
laptops and now we've got more in depth
on this slide here so we're looking at
twelve percent right when they do the
7th gen graphs now they're actually
giving us a bit more info I think so
we've got an i7 6500 you compared to the
i7 7500 you now we're sitting up to 3.1
gigahertz then we're seeing up to 3.5
gigahertz on the i7 7500 you so is
that where the productivity is coming
from the increased productivity because
I hope not because that means we're not
getting really any IPC gains here with
cavy lake right even though it's the
last year and even though it's the
laptop variants and whatnot it still
gives cause for concern I mean this is
something that no one should be
surprised about by the fact that Intel
almost has like a monopoly right now I
say almost because aim d is hanging on
by their fingertips especially in the
mobile area um but but on the desktop as
well I mean so few people actually run
md cpus anymore a lot of people still
run the AP use but um yeah that it's
just I just wish there was a bit more
competition that it would help bring
down the prices because I think a lot of
the Intel CPUs especially on the
desktops I think they're been creaming
it for quite a while now and they'd
really well I moved like I'm running a
58 20k I've got a 6800 k just sitting
there like my 50 a 20k overclocks a
little bit better than CC 800 k now 50 a
20k was released new was a couple of
years ago when was it yeah yeah no that
was the CPU to get if you're still on a
58 20k that bad boy is just hitting so
hard was the 300 old cpu six cores 12
threads overclocks like the clap is it's
pretty good you know that's the CPU to
get and I think I'd exact anywhere that
was just awesome if you'll buying you a
new cpu new mobo and you can pick up
some of those x99 boards for pretty
cheap you know cheap enough you can
probably pick him up around one hundred
fifty dollars if you look around so you
know that was my pick the 58 20k was my
pick it's an amazing CPU I love it I
think that's the Super you to get and
then of course if you're on a budget you
go with those old-school fork or a
threaded Zeon's or even the six core 12
threaded you know 56 70s or whatever
yeah it's amazing pics on the Intel side
and I think that's why there's I mean
I'm gonna say like you know AMD doesn't
have much of a you know advantage got
like even the old 5670 it beats out the
you know 8350 by a long shot in pretty
we think you know yeah so that's it and
that's kind of like the worry out there
at the moment aimed he has to get Zen
out and they have to get it out soon so
I mean I guess yeah well I mean with
Cabul a gravel I guess we'll move on
from cabbie legals it was was there got
some hardware decoding as well which
anyone who you know is into video
editing and whatnot or decoding probably
have their own dedicated stuff any
weapon day you can do it on a laptop you
can decode 4k video on a laptop if
that's your thing that's with the heavy
lake yeah so we got here we'll move on
to them because this is kind of a little
bit more worrying because we'll expect
to see at quarter one 2017 now we look
at these statement here from Lisa soo
and she's like okay well it's coming out
but then the high-end motherboards and
summit ridge cpus are expected to be a
little later that's what worries me yeah
I mean it's going to be the main thing I
think a lot of people are looking
forward to aim defense on with Zen is
more the chipset upgrades going to the
am for platform um but at the same time
yeah having a lot of people I talked to
in the industry are pretty concerned
about Zen in terms of how it's actually
going to do with them coming out to
that's my big lens is coming out yeah as
that as well but but I think I I'd
rather them take a bit longer maybe
delay it and make sure everything's
really good then release it too quickly
and have run into some kind of problems
because hanged he just really that would
be so sad for the to happen to them so I
would really really like to see AMD
really hit it out of the park was in and
go until a big kick up the backside
because they really do need it because
until it's but just being on cruise
control as far as their desktop CPUs for
quite a while now well yeah I mean
there's that there's that mmm but at the
same time I will still want to see an
engineering sample like a cherry picked
engineering sample I just want to see
some benchmarks I just want to see
something yeah because here I am you
know you're there you're just sitting
there on your own i'm sitting in do but
everyone's just waiting for then it's
like okay one of the benchmarks coming
what's going to be like in games what's
it going to be like in you know
Cinebench r15 you know these benchmarks
that really just see that how good the
CPU can perform you know for us real
world enthusiasts that's what we want
want to see that yeah and that the the
thing I found troubling was that they
did show some of the performance out of
their eight core 16 thread ship they put
it up against a intel 6900 k I believe
and I you know showed that it was did
quite well against that the difference
was as they set the clocks speak for
both of them at three gigahertz which I
have a funny feeling is going to be
maybe kind of on the upper end for that
aim the ECP you where that's actually an
under clot 6900 k and we get we so yeah
most most 6900 case will be hover around
the 4 gigahertz mac and with
overclocking like my 1 i've got a 4.2 so
I that's what I was concerned about
because we've seen this before from Ames
II where they'll do very specific um
testing you know the show next nice
slides yeah I'm thinking about the 480
and showing it in very very good light
and then when independent reviewers have
done similar testing they haven't had
the same experience invidious done this
as well but to mean everyone said oh
yeah everyone's guilty up but at the
same time it AMD have been I'd say the
most guilty of doing that where they're
hyping up products before release
in-house benchmarks and then it gets out
there and it's like oh okay this is not
as good as I thought it would be you
know there was that does that does that
have a benchmark to when they were
hyping up this was like way before the
RX 480 was released they had it like
comparing it to a 750 ti or something
wrong what was it again they're like oh
low power consumption but then the demo
that they were showing didn't even have
the same effects happening and it was
like how could you even let you don't
compare something to something and then
have like an apples to orange camaro
szon you know I thought that was yeah
exactly yeah no no there's been
a lot of that we if you remember back to
everyone go crazy when nvidia first
showed off the gtx 1080 and at that show
and everyone was going like wow it's
overclocked to like 2000 like 100
megahertz or something and it was only
running it like 60 degrees celsius and
all that and yeah and then no one
realized that it was you know they had
it you know basically like in an ice
cooler pretty much with a fan at one
hundred percent so they all the
companies they do this to a certain
degree that's why I tell you guys always
just take this sort of stuff with a
grain of salt because just our own man
just like a show i'm a big believer in
just putting things out there in the
wild just release it yes it's like this
shows like now we're just gonna release
this all the sudden is who's gonna hit
the channel i just love that you know i
don't want to hear any more hype i just
want to see the product out there in the
wild so yeah that's what Zen I you know
it's delayed now quarter one might not
even be a realistic expectation quarter
to maybe when you start seeing tea
enthusiasts stuff coming out which is
yeah that's now it's like okay what's
another six months now you know is it's
just keeps dragging on and on and on
yeah yeah ok so anyway let's let's cheer
up let's get someone to some good news
here that'll cheer us up vessel is
closing down oh boy yeah so this is
actually quite I got the email the other
day as I was on vessel and basically all
it said was there was a very short email
as well basically said vessels closing
down um any deal basically we've made
with you is now Boyd and it's all over
and you know basically GG so I was quite
surprised and that yeah all of a sudden
sort of way a little bit you actually
yes you got an email I just lated my
account I ragequit vessel like after I
die they'll die Cartman you got to come
to vessel you've got to come you've got
to like upload content stuff like that
so here I am like spending all these
extra time working on the vessel channel
and then I look at my videos like two
likes you know 10 views it's like why
would you didn't get high
a nose was it was a very small audience
of seeing I think my best video I had on
there one of my yep showdowns one of my
1070 showdown or something I think that
was the best video ever got on there got
like maybe 250 views oh and I was like
wow there must have gone on the front
page because what other one's got like
only like 30 or 40 views so um yeah it
was very disappointing considering how
they hyped it up to me in terms of um
just in every way they really really
hyped it up and then you know for it to
harden I they took it in a strange
direction i think it was good at it in
when it first started but i think it
sort of rolled a bit downhill as it went
along and a lot of creators got quite a
frustrated with it with the company for
that reason the platform itself was
quite decent in terms of uploading
videos and everything else like that it
was actually quite nice but it was a
nice platform it was but the problem is
i think the smaller channels like you
and I and a lot of other channels that
weren't went to vessel to sort of
support it they just treated us like
crap like I remember my channel is just
like buried right down the very bottom
of vessel is like you have to switch it
up you know at least YouTube does give
us channels love from time to time some
of our videos will get featured on the
front page this and that you know but
for vessel is just like okay this is
just an avenue for you know big channels
to get extra money and sort of bridge
people over from youtube I mean if
vessel really wanted to succeed they
have to have exclusive content not
release it a week later because people
were just like okay well you know I'll
just watch it a week later on YouTube
for free yeah so they really had to just
say no this is content that you're only
going to see on vessel and I actually
had to pull people away from a bit and
of course I mean I don't know it was
just yeah like from the very beginning I
had this eerie feeling about it was
going to fail it just did work yeah I
mean it was it was alright when it was
going but I think the other thing was
that a lot of times um with YouTube
videos is that you'll get someone will
search something on Google and then your
video will come up in the look up I
don't know they look up 1070 review some
or something else
and then they'll find your video and
thus your channel from that but that was
just never the case were vessel it was
never up there so you idea this barrier
200 views gets you weren't you ain't
getting many views on it so I think it
was just something that happened that
yeah what's going to happen eventually
yeah five cents yeah all that time
that's like me I in the end I just rage
quit I just like you just there's no
point like you know we could we don't
get taken care of the small channel so
on that news we do have vine is shutting
down to Twitter's vine which kind of
like this is more relevant though I
think vine is this kind of more sad a
news because people actually use vine
like I remember those really popular
vine videos going out there some of them
were quite funny I used to laugh at some
of them you know ya know exactly I think
this one is sort of upset a lot of
people vine definitely sort of had like
its own community had a lot of people
using the platform it was very popular
it through the Twitter integration that
really sort of but before that it it was
starting game popularity but as soon as
that happen it just went crazy well the
vine add those men the vine cat videos
Iceland yeah and then the lot of things
like that so that did very very well so
it's a quite sad although what I what I
would assume a lot of your favorite and
creators over on client will do is I'll
probably compile all their videos
together and then upload them on YouTube
all they would do it individually below
that would be no problem facebook i mean
i think you got to hit although just put
on facebook or something like that right
so i think if you think they're just
going to go away completely they weren't
but they're not going anywhere I think
it is yeah I'd imagine they with their
still keep going but yeah it's it's
still quite said it's it's kind of funny
you know with vine and this was going
down at the same time what my noticing
twitter twitter now has updated their
platform so that you don't get people's
names included in the character limit
now so you know when you're late
replying to a lot of people and then
you've only like five letters now that's
the other way you get 160 you or not now
so it's good yeah they updated twitter
for the better so I mean I love Twitter
hopefully Twitter doesn't go on door
so I don't think then laughing was not
apparent that is not that profitable so
that's kind of a concern you know when
things aren't profitable they just get
sold off and dumped and whatnot so
that's sad to see fine going I mean yeah
vessel it has no bearing whatsoever in
my life so I mean if no I don't think
people will be this the vessels going on
because I mean pretty much every creator
that had a vessel account also had a
YouTube so yeah as wine that's that's
going to be lesser of the case i would
assume but yeah so so quite sad but
you'll still be able to find your
favorite um people from vine growing up
well pop up somewhere yeah there'll be
something kid take care of you cat
lovers out there like myself our final
fantasy 15 Final Fantasy 15 release
dates so we're good looking at end of
november for the consoles i think it is
and pc is going to be followed after
that now I when I was there I spoke to
the developers like a pax you know that
were pretty confident that pc is coming
soon after consoles so it's not gonna be
like you're gonna wait another year or
something it should be a few months
hopefully so i just i guess they're not
confirming anything because you know you
seen the cycle with these popular
console games they want to sell them on
the consoles because it's easy money and
then when they hit the pcs is caught
it's kind of more competition people
just don't a go and spend i want to look
for the best deal on these games you
know wait for it to come down to 60
fifty dollars so i think they kind of
want to milk the console sales if
anything you look at GTA 5 whatever any
other game you know you've wanted milk
console sales as a business i think
that's a natural given now the problem
is is that you know when's it coming on
pc people want to release date and so
when I spoke to them at PAX it was like
they were going to delay it a little bit
then I think that one like hinting of a
delay then and you know there's probably
some big bugs that they've got to fix so
if they don't fix the bugs you know you
can have a problem so I'd rather than
they do delay it fix the bugs and then
get it out of PC as well so yeah I'm
looking forward to this it was really
fun like I played the first whatever 20
minutes of it was
it was good you know they've got a new
combat system it's looking good the
graphics are good it's going to hit hard
it's going to be an awesome game it's
probably the final fantasy game that
you've been waiting for if you're a
final fantasy fan especially if you love
the RPG element of the single player
this is going to be the one for you yeah
yeah now that we really good for the
fence now i'm sure a lot of people can
really yeah i like it No so we've got
that Final Fantasy 15 and then we got
red dead redemption making its way onto
the news here so red red redemption to
and will there be a pc version available
this has been causing waves something I
wanted to talk about to but does look I
loved GTA 5 men like in ways you know
it's like okay they did make their money
off the consoles and whatnot but they
released a top-tier title on the pc i
absolutely loved it playing that game of
4k with some headphones they're out
there she had the V motors on and it was
just it was gold and the sound the music
the story the gameplay everything was
just on point with GTA 5 so it was like
rockstar take however long you want to
take to release an awesome game that's
just my opinion on this matter like I
mean but there is there is because
there's concern they write red dead
redemption Juan did not come out on pc
officially maybe I think you can do
simulation crap and get a working but
you know number two might not hit it as
well I think that's a big possibility
that it upset a lot of people if they
did that yeah I mean yes and no I mean
yeah it will set a lot of people
especially off the GTA 5 it was like wow
you guys are making games this good we
want another fix right in red dead
redemption to I'm sure will be that fix
yeah you know then GTA 6 off though yeah
you know like the possibilities are
endless but yeah I think people want to
see this hit PC because of how good GTA
5 was I mean me too I definitely I
definitely want to see this thing hit pc
now so I want another ax I want another
rock star fix you know give me that fix
that's me they've done a good job I mean
like the jumps between every GTA game
have been very impressive you know each
game has been significantly better than
the previous ones so that's arguable
you I think I bt5 was the best but you
know I would have preferred like san
andreas 24 like I thought for wasn't
that big of a deal so they thought it
was a huge I've like tall um yeah but
like you say that without upgrading I
kind of I thought that disagree like I
thought you know then oh yeah I five
just blew everything out of the water
that's you know yeah yeah that did yeah
that was really really good so I think
looking back at the more classic GTA
games i would probably say vice city was
my baby i really enjoyed by city
especially the vice city radio was
probably the funniest of all them it
just had so much so many funny things on
the Vice City Public Radio thing so
whereas he did get that on GTA four or
five but vice city was definitely the
funniest but there was a good game i
really enjoyed playing out vice city a
lot i had a lot of fun that game plus i
played it on PSP of all things so that
was quite good also well the comments
the comments people in the comments that
say in gta4 yeah well sport a game ever
liked it dislike so i kind of i could
agree i didn't really enjoy gta4 that
much i didn't even finish it so really i
thought was I really like to but GTA 5
ways way we've been is that that was
just tremendous yeah guys so that's
about it for the topics we are round
winding this bad boy up um yeah so that
was the first we had to talk about some
of these things I mean especially the
gtx 1070 and then for the win addition
and whatnot there's a lot of people who
wanted us to talk about these topics so
this is the tech lounge and I hope you
guys enjoyed this first part but we're
gonna go to the comments will go to the
comments like a good 10 minutes and some
of your questions so start rolling in
the QA and hopefully you guys got some
questions for keV you know kevs been
excited to do this show you know when I
busted up with Joker you know I messaged
around I was looking for a new life show
host and first person I went to was kept
you know he's reliable we've gotten
along very well off cam and at the end
of the day I'm looking for someone who
more important with that's the most
important thing you know like you gave a
friends IRL I love that yeah it's like
okay cuz whatever happens on cam is not
going to matter it's just it's just
so yeah it's also you know the fact i'm
in new zealand and Kiwis and Australian
sort of get along pretty good at it when
we're playing sports against each other
um because the All Blacks always win and
they get grumpy but I they yeah so um
but ya know it is really good and I
think it's really fun to be able to do
this my channel has been going about two
years in our text showdown um it's been
very fun doing it I've really enjoyed it
we're still growing quite quickly
although it's still a bit more on the
smaller side especially compared to
brains but the channel does punch well
above its weight in terms of views
because I put out a lot of GPU videos so
if you're someone who really really
likes a GPU videos and definitely check
out my channel also I do a lot of
comparisons between models of GPU soul
do 1070 versus 1070 and maybe we'll look
at the gigabyte and the thesis or
something like that and so I've done
that quite a bit as well with Church be
around people quite like yeah so see ya
it's gonna cook it well there will hit
the clinic now so we will hit the
comments and see what's cracking up and
so yeah how does a multi-monitor setup
affect demands of a GPU it depends if
you're running all those games on the
Montana business yeah so if you've only
got one might if you got three monitors
and just one of those is running the
game's not really gonna do anything if
you've got of course you know i think
it's the tula if you've got a triple
setup and you're running all games on it
isn't it like sixty-six percent of the
power on the second like they don't run
a hundred percent like they're kind of
warping out yeah yeah so it's not
actually like you can expect it to be
like 2.3 times the power required what
am I know that's off the top mad because
I don't run triple triple monitor setups
I've never really been interested in it
for me just one big ass 27 inch monitor
right in front of me is so good so yeah
I found that that just a just I found
this coming on your channel Brian off
I'll send it through to you yeah maybe
you read it out for further very run
watching I think this person was quite
offended by one of your you know you can
just read it out you just read it you do
the honors you do the I I think I think
you've got that radio voice going on man
I think I think it would cross Scott
good okay well i'm just going to be
putting you up like hold on so this
offends me as a vegan transgender hips
the Native American indo-chinese hybrid
alien agnostic atheist German engineer
who vapes fair trade organic
decaffeinated compressed and hydrated
extra protein C breast milk on the
regular and does Hindi kamasutra naked
CrossFit yoga for the week i'm also a
non-binary try gender gender queer male
feminist and identify myself as a what
past affair in pansexual gender-fluid a
pack helicopter dog of mega dude this is
just too much for me man what I I don't
know what is this comment doing I it's
just someone that was offended you know
everyone these days when you get up to
that you're a gender-fluid Apache
helicopter dog of mega multi Alpha Beta
Gamma Delta Omega combo God of fiber
death who's in a polygamous Pollock poly
amorous relationship it to the Chihuahua
which help me cross the border of Mexico
because Donald Trump my dog also walked
me to the park and doggie styles me if
you find that weird you're an ignorant
arrogant homophobic gender assuming
global phobic bloodthirsty gun-loving
cisgender pansexual vco success reassess
incestuous just like oh my god ok so do
in Melbourne no I live on the Gold Coast
someone else I live in Melbourne I love
Melbourne though Melvin's probably like
one of the other favorite city in
australia Oh debate yeah GTX 1070 will
it work with an i5 6400 I mean it work
fine it's just some games you will like
you play GTA 5 with that I'd say you
would be getting cpu-bound I mean 10 7
is a very powerful card I 56 400 what is
it clock up to in games like three point
units yeah it's not it's not the highest
clock yes doesn't view upper but it
should be fine I mean a lot of these
people that ask about CP bottle making
and stuff I i wish the there should be
more people covering it actually article
views out there talking more videos on
it because it is actually something and
yet that doesn't get covered as much as
it should but yeah I would imagine it
would be just fine for a majority
especially if you're feeling sort of
1080p stuff we got our side Brian what
do you think of the lower wattage for
80s that have been found in the wild i
mean j su since had an RX for idea that
uses 50 watt less than stock I mean Jay
gets sent a lot of I would say golden
apples and he knows that he knows that
he actually mentions it is a lot of his
videos too there's you know these are
golden samples I mean getting one of
those in the wild like I've had to RS 4
80's now they don't even go anywhere
near I think it's like 1370 well
something around that level you know and
then yeah apparently lately though the
word on the street is the RX 480 is
coming out like fresh right now are
easily hitting over 1.4 gigahertz that's
the word on the street so if someone's
bought a retail sample recently and the
batch number is like the latest let me
know how o'clock I'd love to hear that
you know cuz ya i mean it's common
practice for yes it is common practice
now for a tech review to get sent a
golden sample GPU yeah you know so and
if they come and honestly if the company
wasn't doing it you'd kind of be like
you would look at it and say well what
are you doing you know what i mean you
know you want to represent your best
product so get a business standpoint it
makes sense to send out golden samples
so yeah yeah there's a there's a reason
for it so someone's given some was going
to cherry pick me yeah will this be a
consistent show weekly yeah yeah that's
we're playing on it yes so that's going
to be so to me that this time so if
you're in new zealand it will be twelve
o'clock if it's if you're in australia
it will be nine a.m. if you're on the
east coast of the USA it's
seven o'clock and if you're on the west
coast it's four o'clock if you're in the
UK will be like midnight I believe yeah
we figured this would be like kinda the
best time would hit anyone without
conflicting with other tech tech
channels and whatnot what they're doing
so you know plus you know it's it's a
good time like monday it's a good way to
start the week with a live show I think
that's awesome yeah yeah yeah anyway
guys look if that's about it we're gonna
wrap this showdown for the first time so
big thumbs up for the Tech lounge I hope
you guys enjoyed it we got the new
co-host cab we're going to try get some
special guests on as well I am working
on Wendell though that is I mean he's
gone through a lot like you know there's
a lot as you guys probably know already
he's gone through a lot so I wish him
well yeah and that's for jokes
woodiwoodi be a special guest you know I
told Joker he's got a one-year cool down
by yeah he's on a one-year cool down you
know he'd burned up his ultimate so he's
got a one-year cool down maybe in a
year's time so I think window will be
quite interesting I mean a lot of people
don't know he was born in the same
country as me when it was born in New
Zealand so yeah that'll be quite cool
but of course there's it's a complicated
sort of situation he's in so until that
I supposed resolved yeah might be a
little bit on the more difficult side
but it would be quite an interesting the
top well he's is awesome and I remember
him having him on the show was just we
went to Zeon talk and that's a little
viewers want a cz on talk I want to do Z
on Turk Wendell wants the doozy on talk
don't worry want to give that to you
guys as soon as possible but yeah you
guys in the standing a lot of people
talking about Trump in the comments to
yeah like um oh man I just like I gotta
say man I gotta say on that all's we
hear about like it's actually on the
Australian used now all's we're hearing
about Trump's said this Trump said that
I'm getting sick of it like you know
okay Trump's choice I mean Trump's done
some shady but look at what
Hilary's done to like yeah does why is
not not online news i think i saw a tape
the other day of her like openly saying
rigged this election in Palestine or
something like I was like how does this
not make it on the news like that since
the scare this there's a lot o I think
it's sort of crazy right now in the
world on
with all the things I mean Ozzy says its
fair share our sort of funny business as
well been going on but I mean down here
in good old New Zealand we're being the
bastion of stability having the same
Prime Minister for nine years and you'll
probably do another three so yeah and
you know that's where I think most Kiwis
down here just like all thank goodness
credibility is so good exactly right i
mean a Japan's a shipwreck man you look
at their politics do the change of
presidents let you change underwear do
it is it's so bad like yeah you know
they've got no idea what they're doing
for politics in Japan so if you thought
America was bad go take a look at Japan
I think it's the worst in the world the
politics is they don't do anything they
just rip up the same patch of Road every
year make it look like they're doing
something like literally that's what
they do yeah I noticed when I was in
Japan they got so many public workers
like but there's no open it amount don't
do anything I mean they will make fun of
road workers here you'll understand oh
we need 30 guys to do a job that only 10
guys could doing to a certain degree
they are somewhat correct but they but
it's nowhere near on the scale of Japan
I saw so many people just working jobs
that just didn't really I think it's to
keep their unemployment rate very very
low so it looks really good I don't
actually low right yeah it's they've
just they're just putting people in
positions that they could basically they
could cut a lot of the fat there and it
with best yeah I'm pretty sure you've
got a guy who watches people taking a
smoke break like I saw that guy is just
like sitting there like you having a
smoker you know I still turn up your
tent and he's getting paid for it I'm
like yeah yeah so this this there's a
bit like that but um yeah to be
interesting but I mean hopefully I mean
what's your selections and why the
living day so but after that you guys
should know it'll probably calm down a
lot over the next few months and then
probably you know in about six months
time no one will be talking about it
much I mean there's more sort of drama
going on but it's definitely been a
crazy time in the world with a lot of
the things going on I think yeah a lot
of people are just going to be happy
stability i think is going to be the
main thing a lot of people's minds oh
yes so now well that's what means oh
we're gonna probably win down the show
it's hit about a one-hour mark so that's
about how long this show we intend to do
it from here on in we're gonna have the
topics the hot topics you guys in the
comments tell us what you want to talk
about like if you want some sort of
weren't talking not just about the hot
news topics we want to talk about other
things as well you know not just the hot
news topics go into some discussion
about other tech things as well so drop
comments in the conversation below as
always we always want to talk about
these hot issues things that you guys
are concerned with as well so this shows
all about you guys viewers you know
without you guys I wouldn't be here
Kevin wouldn't be sitting where he is
too so you know from here on in this is
my full-time job essentially so I'm
gonna give it a gonna give it a go I'm
gonna give it my all and you guys hit
those comments just tell us what you
don't stew talk about and we're gonna be
talking about it on these live shows
it's going to hit every week on a Monday
in Australia 9am if you didn't catch it
in America it'll be 7 p.m. on a sunday
in the east and time I think pacific
time is like 4pm so the check lounge
baby episode 1 I hope you guys enjoyed
it if you did then here the thumbs down
hit the thumbs down the phone now hit
the different sums up yep that's good
download either thumbs up so all right
guys we're gonna wind this down and we
will catch you in the next one peace out
for now it's also getting some
moderators in the chat that will be
coming to there will be moderators
coming in the chat don't worry I just
got to set all that up so message me if
you want to become a mod and if I
recognize you then I will make you a lot
yeah yeah that's us going in and check
out my channel tech showdown if you
haven't already if you like GPU videos
so put out a lot of graphics card videos
and also do a lot of laptop reviews yeah
of course not obviously that'll be yeah
i'll be doing anything i'll be putting
kevs link in the description below for
you guys so make sure you check that out
as well he's gonna be the new co-host
care from tech so down I'm gonna call
him keV showdown I think that's a good
name for him yeah sure ok you're right
look at this Bangkok man Bangkok oh
these suits cotton Bangkok look at these
wares nice man look at these where's
that oh yeah Oh rad giggity giggity all
right guys we'll catch you in the next
one and peace out for now bye see you
I I just wait the streams go to stop I
hit the hot key okay
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