The Tech Lounge #013 - Kaby Lake-X i5 Incoming? More Details on Ryzen & A Teased Benchmark?
The Tech Lounge #013 - Kaby Lake-X i5 Incoming? More Details on Ryzen & A Teased Benchmark?
I've been
welcome back to the tech lounge episode
13 and I am joined by kev from tech
showdown how you doing man don't good
Brian I'm glad we got all this audio
sorted hopefully now after all the
trouble we've been having lately seems
like we've got it all sorted though so
that's good yeah so buddies of all
having were having a lot of issues over
the last I guess yeah last decade with
gives audiosurf so we are he went and
got he returned the blue Yeti and went
and got a razor is it a razor siren /
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah so good
now so yeah and we've just been sending
it up because we were having problems so
I was aware of it and obviously you know
I wasn't too happy about it yeah other
words Brian so hopefully it's all sort
of now yeah well I mean if people are
tuning in free if people are going to
tune in for an hour to watch a live show
that they deserve a good audio
especially even compared to a video you
know it's like I'd rather have better
audio than video even if you were on a
potato camera I wouldn't care so much so
yeah so yeah and I like what's been
going on man the last week in a bit I'm
not too much it I just been busy with a
few other things but just getting
through the videos who did the predator
17 laptop review and yeah that was quite
interesting the gtx 1070 in it is just
such a huge step up over the 970 m it
gets about double the FPS even though
they were running the same cpu this 6700
HQ so it's just crazy a like it's so
good now
with these new Pascal powered laptops
they're just so powerful yeah now the
gaming laptops are really coming into
their own well they're making that a
trend I think they want people to buy
more laptops yeah yeah also the people
in the chat no we're not competing with
awesome hardware sorry I didn't actually
um yeah we didn't mean to do any of that
basically we just will go into a live
stream on Monday but my internet was out
in the area so there's a company called
Telstra in Australia that they're
renowned for being pretty bad and so the
main then it was out on Sunday it was
out on monday and kev had to disappear
for a couple of days so this is the
earliest time we got to do the show so
unfortunately it does overlap but
there's going to be an archive of course
so yeah when won't hate you for going
off and watching their show yeah let's
go I've just I see you guys saying that
I'm a bit quiet so I've just put up the
volume by another Jenna seems well it's
actually I mean that sound a bit better
yeah well I mean I'd rather him sound
quiet than clip so yes we've been having
the clipping issue in the last few
months but we did try we did check
before the show to make sure that
everything was going correctly so that
we didn't start the show and me having
problems but yeah so you leave that
sounding a bit better now yeah you got
to turn you up a little bit that's what
people are saying too so yeah yeah so
that's good so we turned you up we'll
get you all sorted and that's what we're
gonna get cracking so yeah in the last
week as well we got the benchmark pc
done just got the video out on the
channel hope you guys enjoyed that me
and my dad he's uh he's wanting to have
jokes a lot more and that's the way
that's the way his uh his life is about
you know he was raised as he's a builder
he's all about having a laugh all the
time so you guys are when you know when
he comes on the channel it's just you're
going to be about shenanigans and
laughing and that's definitely rubbed
off on me that's worthy I guess that's
where the yes part of the channel comes
from the old man so that's a you can see
I expect more of that coming on because
he actually is like I want to come on
videos Brian I want to come on your
videos I
alright let's do something so yeah we
did the yes man's overclocking Chamber
of Secrets that was that was real then
we got the benchmark pc so benchmark
pieces here I had this yeah the the 280x
man it's like people like chuck it in
the oven I probably will try that I've
tried it on two different rigs already
so it's just you has the same exhibit
improb llam on another pc as it is on
that one so it can't be the motherboard
or anything like that or the palace by
or anything like that so yeah that card
I got host see that's what people since
what I'm saying about use price it's not
for everyone you know imagine if that
was like you're on a budget this is then
imagine if you're on a budget and that
was your only like you know I mean 110
dollars out of a watt 300 all the budget
and you got hosed you know so that's why
you can understand people buying new
parts so exactly yeah so we're going to
make it Snoop Dogg edition that's here
that's are the same yeah I'm like that
we're gonna smoke it up yeah so yeah any
new hardware coming it now obviously the
new Mike but anything else for me yeah i
just picked up two things from play tic
so give you guys a sneak peek so going
to be testing out this guy since this is
the G 533 from Logitech so compare
headphones and one a lot of people be
excited for is the ducky shine 6 so this
I'll be doing our very soon also and
this will be there I've done every
single ducky shine now yeah well since i
started the channel so pretty crazy
great keyboards absolutely love them
let's see if the shine sixes but they
would watch airy what Jerry switches do
they have ah I believe I've got it with
blues which are my favorite but yeah I
think you can get them with browns and
reds I believe potentially blacks but
I'm not one hundred percent yeah well
that I need to
I think you're gonna I think you they
see a lot more people wanting to source
top race switches on their keyboards now
because they're unbelievable I mean
they're coming into effect their real
you know their real real force they're
just such a good switch so i hope to see
something like that hitting the channel
very soon on maybe a different company
other than a top r a keyboard so home
for one of those keyboards and yeah
other than that we still got to get
through that backlog it's just been
ridiculously hot like even now it's 30
degrees you know that's how bad it is in
here 30 degrees I've got these blinds
just like the wind's coming in so it is
a little bit cool but the blinds are
just like yeah like this is going to be
the worst year for terms of weather and
stuff other than that the next place I
move into it's going to have aircon
going to make sure it's all good and
people can get the best content so it's
just coming back from Japan you know a
bit of a bad situation that I was in
getting set up through the summer is
obviously the hardest time so especially
for tech actually mad men are all like
managing your carrel sus now so that's
good and I saw your addy LED video given
that was that got a lot of views man
people really liked watching that video
is very interesting well thing about
that is is that it's very hot right so
it's extremely hot where I'm at the
moment so when I get the results that I
get it's pretty much guaranteed for
anyone else in the world you know you're
going to get results by deer letting a
chip and thing is you're going to get
them when you reach the max end of the
chip like for me it was you i went from
4.9 to 5.1 stable that's 200 megahertz
game that's pretty damn freaking good
now in winter i'm sure i could have
maybe got five gigahertz without a deal
it because it would have cooled down 15
degrees or whatever but this in the
summer you know that's when you're going
to test the you know the extreme levels
and so i'm getting what max 80 degrees
in summer now on 5.1 gigahertz at 1.39
51.4 volt it's really damn good it's
stable as well doesn't doesn't cut out
doesn't drop out I just benchmarked all
those games at five point one gig arts
in that benchmark video that took me out
as well figuring out what was wrong with
this graphics card I mean is just
problems after problems but that's one
thing that is a
that you can solve I just recommend
getting a proper kit get a deal it kid
make sure you do it properly because
that PCB is so freaking thin on there
like I would I would dare say it see I
don't even know could it even get any
thinner than skylake have they even used
a bit of a cheaper material on the PCB I
don't know but I wouldn't I don't
believe so yeah but yeah but when I when
I deleted that thing you know the
Haswell I remember dear letting the
house wall chips and they got a bit of
weight to them like the PCB has a little
bit of weight this time around the
cabbie late you did those things you
like wow it's freaking like a feather
like that's how much it weighs a feather
so that's how cheap the PCBs got and
then the thermal pace was bad too so I
do because they got it apparently they
got it right apparently they got a ride
in the house will refresh a bit then
they went back to using cheap thermal
paste again night st. computing with me
yeah something's not right here so yeah
d letting that thing I highly recommend
it for anyone who's even remotely
serious about getting the most out of
their CPU whether it be air cooling or
water cooling if you're running 24 70
stable over clocks on cabby lake then
you want to deal with that thing because
you want to get more speeds you want to
get more stable temperatures out of the
CPU the only way you're going to do this
to delete it of course there are risks
associated with it but the tool is
really going to take out the risk now
another thing about there was someone
sent me a forum about some guy using the
same 3d printed tool that I used and
like he put the thing on the wrong way
and busted the back of the caps off the
cpu I'm just so I think the resistance
like I saw that when i was when i was
with the tool initially i saw that with
the tool i'm like no you don't you're
not going to bang that because it's
going to bust the freaking resistors off
like I was like I mean the guy must have
been tired or something i'll give him
the benefit of the doubt but i mean a
fee like look dear you must have just
missed that'll solve it if you looked at
that and you're like okay this is going
to work then you resist this come flying
off then
and then he sold it back on it was like
he said it works like I really doubt
that that would still be working I could
you have you seen the threat i should
have pleaded of it it was just love it
was it was it was bad like i mean if he
got that thing to work again and legit
like he deserves a medal because yeah I
just it's just sad that we're back here
like after Devil's Canyon mmm everyone
was like oh thank god you know cuz
Haswell rain so hot and i recommend do
Devil's Canyon came out there like all
that fixed it and then now it's just
like Intel why you fix this problem
before and now going back to it again
yeah just it's just so self-defeating it
seems well it's I mean do they care
about the desktop market that's it the
other day do they care they've got to
know that we're all social elite is
closed I know an advice you sure does
care yeah but I mean like everyone's so
wired in nowadays got all these forums
you got communities you got YouTube
you've got Twitter yeah facebook I mean
if there's a problem people are going to
know like pretty much within a day or
two days so yeah what what do they
thinking they going to get away with it
I don't know so yeah that was here that
was so that's really the big news is the
deal it'd so we got that done huh we got
some topics up here do we want to move
into the first topic here so aren't
speaking of Intel they are reading
apparently a i777 40k and an i 576 40k
now to tackle rise and shit I don't
understand this article because
apparently it's going to tackle rise and
chips yet it's on the x 2 99 platform
which I mean arguably a motherboard on
that platform is going to cost a heap of
money so yeah so it's
you know this is what's strange yeah the
fact that it's going to be LGA 2066 yep
okay and basically the only main
difference it's the same architecture
there's no change there it's just
they're going to have the high TTP in
higher clock speeds and the clock speeds
aren't going to be dramatically higher
from what it looks like it's just going
to be a bump up um but you know
obviously it's they don't know yet what
how far the bump up will be but yes so
they're supposed to debut alongside this
guy like X processes which a lot of
people actually have been looking
forward to on the X 2 99 platform yeah
but this just I don't know what Intel
syncing with this maybe they're thinking
I don't know maybe it's X 2 99 is that
big of a jump up maybe people will go up
to it even if they're running one of
these I'll say lower and CPUs they'll
jump up just for the platform upgrade
but we've already had Wendell on the
show he's basically said like for a
gamer dual channel memory is all you
need like what channel memory is useless
for anyone gaming at evens hour they
even remote you know people with work
stations and stuff you said what's the
point of quad channel memory i mean the
ex jeff sure there's extra pcie lanes
that from the chipset you're gonna
gather those but i'm trying to see the v
appeal here oh hey we saw we sold it on
we sold it a lot but yeah on that note
on that note of soul during the chip to
the die I would dare say one thing to
come out of deleting is that even verse
soul during if you apply that liquid /
or whatever the metal paste you're using
if you apply that evenly and properly I
would dare say that it actually beats a
soldering job too
so actually asked around about people d
letting sold it on yep ah some people
doing isn't yeah and apparently it is
not widely done but it is done what they
do is they will just overheat the CPU
basically they'll let it run it like 90
degrees for a just 95 degrees 99 degrees
for a while take it straight out of the
rig and then delete it well it's screw
you hot like that and you can I'm not
endorsing this by any means but it seems
that it is doable but yeah for the vast
majority you guys I would not oh yeah
all the risks the risks are far far
greater so yeah at the same time you do
get a stronger PCB you do get a stronger
PCB there so at least when you go
full-on Berserker mode hammering the
thing off and whatever you know can get
these new CPUs it's just Intel right now
seems like they're trying to flood the
market because rumor this is what we
spoke about a few weeks ago with the
Pentiums overlapping now with the i3 and
it being kind of confusing for a lot of
people out there that you have some of
these Pentiums and I threes being very
similar to each other in some ways yeah
um and it seems like Intel's also going
to be overlapping on the top end as well
with these guys with these kb like x
ones so it just seems like they're
trying to flood the market we will speak
later in this episode about risings full
lineup and risin does have a big lineup
so gets huge there for you guys out
there if you're in the market for a cpu
or you're going to be in the market in
the next few months receive you
definitely going to have the biggest
abundance of choice that I've ever seen
and all the time I've been
I don't think at any point we've ever
had this many I'll put new CPUs coming
out consumer consumer grade yet consumer
grade CPUs yeah consumer web yeah it's
crazy there's going to be so much choice
at the mid-tier the lower tier and all
the way up top as well it's just going
to be crazy so yeah for you guys out
there I mean that's a very good thing
for you guys because that's gonna
they're going to be fighting with each
other oh I'm so freaking amazing man
there's gonna be so much fist pumping
going on this gonna be so much
comparison she's gonna sit it's gonna be
real good what's this just may go for
the consumer it's gonna be good for us
guys making content this shouldn't be so
many more question in him he could be a
hell of a time don't mean thanks heaps
to do Seth had characters who kept just
got his new mic to give you those
comparisons with a lot better audio now
yeah snap yeah I said we got the other
next articles oh I'm pretty much done
with that I mean I'm I'm not going to be
and I think I could see myself
recommending it either of these cpus if
they come down so yeah late late last
month AMD so empty filed a lawsuit
against three different companies here
so LG MediaTek's signal wait for
companies sigma designs and visio so
they filed a for different companies
apparently on patent infringement for
their GPU technology so this is actually
a very detailed article but the gist of
it is is that AMD samsung's currently
paying them the licensing fee these guys
aren't and that's not fair man i mean
yeah you got a bit that's what this is
the world we live in right they've got
the IP they've paid for the peyton they
had the idea of they've made the
architecture in ways it's fair like if
they are infringing on their patent and
you can't do it you know like and you
get into any sort of idea someone's made
that idea you have to license it you
have to pay for it you can't just yeah
copy it yeah you're exactly right some
people are calling this aim debate being
a payment role but i don't really see it
in this regard people tend to throw
on that term and you know when it
doesn't actually apply and I don't think
this is a case where it really applies
it's a pretty cut-and-dry thing it's
sophisticated are potentially you know
the average person I have no idea when
it gets down to the core of an
architecture how to design one of those
things I mean this is severe you know
extremely sophisticated tech and
knowledge and yeah you put an IP on that
instead of someone just taking years and
years of work I mean it's different when
we look at the shape of a phone for
example I think that's a completely
different thing someone in preschool can
design a shape of a phone i don't think
that you know for instance i thought
that was a stupid IP the shape of the
phone there's something that apparently
samsung was copying apple for the sheep
or something z I think Peyton's like
that I understand that's stupid and I
see an apple as being a shocker for the
pain and trolling they are yeah they do
troll sometimes with that stuff and
that's it doesn't yeah that's where a
legit patent troll comes into question
this side it's on the other hand it
looks like it's got legit grounds so be
interesting to see how this turns out
and yeah if Samsung I indeed paying the
piper then other company should be
paying the piper too because you know
that comes that floats through into the
final products price right so yeah I
mean this is always going to happen i
think eli mustard at best is like filing
a patent is like getting a lottery
ticket to a lawsuit yeah you know this
is just the amount of times over the
years and the news that you've read
about different tech companies going at
each other dover patent infringement for
some legitimate and others not in many
cases that was Apple Bing you know
trolling with it but it's did this stuff
will never end this and it's only going
to get worse in the future um you can
count on that there's going to be more
and more or less oh yeah you can count
on the guys you can count on it gets
worse and worse apparently there's more
and more fart pains being filed every
year too so yeah it is going to get
worse so let's move on to a risin risin
CPUs apparently we have a bigger
manifesto here with more of the model
numbers the skus the details the deets
everyone wants the D low on the deets
and straight away there's two that
interest me here is true that interests
me here the rise in our five 1500 and
the risin are five pro 1500 so the both
six cores 12 threads are just going to
highlight it that there's the there are
the ones that interests me is apparently
these CPUs are overclockable they're all
overclockable lambda has said they're
not going to lock the CPU side of things
but they will lock possibly the model
bullet side of things with the a320
chipset but with the was at the be 350
that's going to be my pick for the
motherboard and coupled with the six
core 12 threat I really see this hitting
hard if this six core 12 thread you know
the entry level 6 core 12th is
overclockable and the price is pretty
good so apparently it's going to compete
with an i5 7500 so you could expect it
around two hundred and something dollars
which is fantastic I can't wait to get
my hands on something like this there's
a fork or four threads as well which i
think is a lot of people are interested
in as well to rise in our 3 1200 x or
even the r3 pro 1100 the entry level
with the be 350 mother what I think
there's a two CPUs that people are
really getting excited about of course
the fourth read four cores eight threads
it's still up in the air on how AMD's
hyper-threading solution their
competitor will perform in the real
world I think a lot of people want to
see that yeah the artist a right ya know
for sure and it that the fact that
before the show we were doing about that
there's no jus course jaan quad-core
minimum you know there's the four core
four threads yeah which i think is a
fair minimum honestly now nowadays that
should be the minimum by now that should
be the minimum and hopefully that's
coming in at a very competitive price
they're little are three pro 1,100 so
yeah that's very good obviously the fork
or eight threads will be better or
insert and use case scenarios but I
and brains right here the most
interesting one for a lot of people is
the six core 12 thread being that those
ones are looking to really take on the
i5s and that that part of the market is
usually I I would think is quite strong
probably the strongest and the i5s so
could because of their price point
they're coming at and everything else I
may not be correct there but I do know
that's a big one for a lot of people if
this is a lot of people don't need the
ice events and a lot of people want
something a bit more grunty than an i3
so they settle on the 05 and if that's
what they're going after and it turns
out it is very good at going after it
the year these six cores are going to
sell it crazy yeah well that's me if his
six scores 12 threads and the RPC is
good then this thing could potentially
be to 7700 key to so yeah it's coming in
the hundred dollars something cheaper
and you've got more performance and
what's there not to like about that may
keep in mind though a 7700 k for example
the 1i on the benchmark rig I mean
nothing's scoring over 1100 cinebench
that is a pretty damn tough score for a
fork or a threaded CPU so you know that
when people want that single core
perform performance I mean I don't see
that getting challenged too much when
people want the absolute best single
core single thread performance still
remains to be seen of course but still I
think the majority of gamers are going
to take this up especially the guys
buying out our x 47 is buying rs4 80s
GTX 10 70s even that real core group of
value orientated gamers is really going
to take up the six quarts well thread
and a be 350 and yay and can even go
like even if you guys are definitely
jumping on rising if you like look I'm
sold go pick up a cheap piece you know
you sound cards are going to support
pcie I brain I'd much rather run a PCIe
not pcie sorry pci sound card over pcie
so they're more stable they better go
get a DG not the dgx go buy them up
cheap now before the be 350 hits the
shelves so if you just if you're sold on
rise and already get yourself a sound
card for it start with the DG
xonar DG exactly exactly right I think
the first video I will be making just so
you guys know now this is dependent on
what I can get my hands on and I have
already made inquiries to be able to get
my hands on them will be the flagship
the r7 1800 x and i'll be doing a
showdown against my 6900 case that'll be
the 28 course rison a core broadwell e8
who are going up against each other and
obviously we will be doing productivity
and scheming mostly productivity because
they're kind of meant for that more so
than gaming I would say and I think that
would be very interesting but it'll just
depend what I can get my hands on but
that I flew my first video what do you
think Brian which rise in CPU do you
think you just outfit for me it it
honestly it doesn't matter i'm looking
at the the ibc that's what I'm and how
well the hyper threading your forms so
as long as i get a hyper threaded cpu I
don't really care because it's going to
scale like yeah when you're talking
about the max theoretical performance of
CPU you get a fork or a thread if it's
performing such and such then at a
program that supports all those threads
the eight-core 16 is going to perform
pretty much double so it's yet it's up
to really I don't care what I get my
hands on as long as I get my hands on
that with the hype 3 i'd like to test
the hyper threading out to see how well
it performs I mean what they call them
they're hyper-threading technology
anyway uh well hyper threading is
Intel's name but I said most people will
understand what you mean yeah am threat
we just call it a 80 advanced threat
well it's just yeah it's just well you
know hei yeah yeah advanced threading
intuitive yeah it is yeah you're exactly
right with scaling obviously seeing IPC
will be interesting for sure but the
sheer power of having more cause and
more threads is always going to be good
not so much for a gaming home
there are specific games obviously that
utilize the CPU multithreading heavily
but mainly for productivity stuff and
that's why I'm very interested in the
higher end one yeah because yeah if it's
going up against the 6900 k that like
what I run which is a nearly 2,000 new
zealand dollar cpu i think they're they
dropped a little bit but they're still
about eighteen hundred dollars here and
if it's doing that for say a thousand
dollars new zealand's that's going to
undercut it big time even if it is just
a little bit slower I mean is it really
gonna yeah they're going to justify
spinning all that extra money on the
6900 k when you can get these ones and
depending on the overclocking which
we've heard that that flagship will get
over 4 gigahertz which should bring it
quite competitive because a sexy 900 k
will you can get them to 4.3 but boy
after that they're just impossible to
get any higher mine will yes it's to it
yet me too 3 be early but you know they
do not good overclockers broadwell e no
one who's bought broad well II was like
buying it for the overclocking potential
because they know they're bad man 50 a
20k was better to and then you virtually
the same because you get the the IPC
pretty much you gain you lose in the
overclocks on average so it's pretty sad
to see that yeah broadly wasn't good at
all yeah i like i love the 58 20k that
was like bc it still is the CBU to keep
it's an awesome cpu but yet you know
risin coming out people want to see the
IPC they want to see the thread counts i
want to see how the hyper 30 performs
that's going to be hitting the channel
for sure I can't wait to get that and
then from there we can base you know how
been for there you can logically say how
well the price is going to perform for
the money was going to be so can't wait
to do that you know but i'm looking at
i'm really lying out this six score 12
threat it's looking like it's going to
be the be-all and end-all of 2017
so then we've got to leech benchmark
here from wccftech and it's kind of one
of those things that I really I don't
understand like while this someone
leaked a benchmark and it's like crazy
4k and you're looking at the CPU
framerate 74k crazy again why are we
testing 4k settings it's completely it's
just yeah like it's it's more than a
tease that's just dumb you know I've got
here a 47 90 k which is for co a thread
and old as that scoring 63 and a half so
what do they wanted Evers AMD fanboys
posted up the wrong benchmark because if
anything this just if we were to base it
just off this bench market the 40 a core
1216 threat would be terrible you know
just based off this benchmark here so
now all those settings one hundred
percent the same though and I mean
they're not i'm in there sure that
wouldn't be but still is it's just the
dumb benchmark to be throwing our
numbers with y SI porque creation this
is 00 yeah Hey look listen one I mean
yeah it's like basically saying hey look
what that tight next can do okay you
know probably do that when we know the
timings yeah it's going to be the 10 ATT
I will be the same power yeah yeah
that'll that's what can do i think i
just think this is just I don't know
don't I have anything to make of this
what do I mean you made might be able to
take away their saying that it's going
to be going up to full gigahertz on
all-cause 0 again that's good if that's
the max then a 69 head okay we'll beat
it slightly which is kind of
unbelievable to see that the 6900
actually will beat something and
overclocking because it's pathetic
overclocker to begin with yeah yeah I
understand it is I mean yeah I'm not I'm
not being too hard on the 69er okay
because i love the cpu and it's super
powerful this thing does not muck around
and compared to its base its default
speeds that is quite good but now that
we're in the era of 5 gigahertz yeah
it's more what I meaning I'm not picking
on it I'm just saying like completely I
mean 4.52 yeah 4.5 4.6 so 4.5 4.6 enough
it is a little bit on the low side but
of course it's not made for the high
clock speed I am well aware that it's
you know they're made for productivity
as long as it does as long as these cds
are hitting 4 gigahertz though i think
there's at least you know that that'll
be here oh it was still think powerful
yeah majority of game balls hurt some 16
threads yeah so that's nice but yeah I
told kev was gonna pull this article up
he said he wasn't a so we move on now to
Final Fantasy 15 so you guys can get
your questions ready to we will be
answering them about 10 maybe whatever
10 minutes we got some questions from
the forms as well the final photos 15
kept just completely shut down he
doesn't play any final fantasy and I was
like what's up man I never blade 157 so
played it never played final fantasy 7
no I'm quite funny when it comes to
games only so a quite specific tastes
i don't i'm basically stick to hip PS
mostly but um no it's just nothing
that's really interested me how to be
perfectly honest what what did you make
of this article anyways I so basically
you know it's a Final Fantasy 15 this is
it's selling so well that they broke
even for all their rd and money put into
the game in like the first day
apparently so it's a huge success and
this doesn't even hit pc yet and that
was only the first day so bezel is doing
so well you can expect final fantasy 16
to come out i'm sure based on these
numbers and figures great no real world
where no real word official word when
it's hitting the pc yet which is i'm
sure a lot of people are looking for so
i mean what i spoke to the people at pax
they were like yeah it's going to hit
the pc like a couple of months later
like but then they delayed the console
release so now it's words up in here
wednesdays hitting the pc so it must be
some bugs and again this is one of those
things where I would rather than release
a game that's complete then an optimized
piece of trash so yes I agree taking
take as much yet yeah take as much time
as you need because I'd rather buy a
Polish game than a piece of shit so
that's just you know how many times
especially in 2016 we got so many games
it just came out people like oh god this
is bad yeah was it that mafia mafia
three or something that was whatever it
was that was like one of the worst you
know I'm kind of like a build a new
gaming PC I can play this thing mang is
this is just my pc yeah now just the
game don't worry it's just the game yeah
yeah that yeah it says going to hit the
pc hopefully hopefully doesn't get
canceled I mean plays his website down
because it's being bad we got a arc now
a och moving on to our 21 by nine
monitor they going ultra wide 35 inch
and finally they're doing a 200 Hertz so
these are there is one downside to that
and that is a
1080 high in at the 1080p widescreen
resolution on that as opposed to the
1440p widescreen so what would you
rather would you rather the higher
refresh rate lower resolution or the
lower refresh rate higher resolution
that's what is actually my my like sick
like one of my most popular videos ever
made was just me talking about what I
prefer high resolution or higher refresh
rate and I said high resolution because
um I need it for my video editing and
other things it makes my life a lot
easier so yes I was just thinking that
is it pronounced a UH core I always said
I OC I was pronounced elk I mean that's
what when I bought this node people and
yeah I mean yeah when we go too late to
the computer stores and stuff everyone
just says a arc like everyone just says
it that way like went around the coast
or Brisbane I mean look might be just a
cultural thing again these are just
things that develop locally and then
someone tries to correct you and you
like who gives a shit like no I'm just
no I'm just curious are you guys in chat
can you tell us some where you live do
you pronounce it aoc or a our core I
just pronounce a oak hello it's ale you
photos hey hey give it to me give it to
me in the comments cuz I och yeah this
is that the one thing I'll say a RC in
the past I've tested on their value for
money has always been extremely good
usually get a hell of a monitor for your
money and this is looking pretty good so
200 Hertz refresh rate with adaptive
sink that's going to be really good I'd
say this is going to appeal to a lot of
people out there now you might knock it
for being 1080 but obviously you're
going to want the high frame rate to
take advantage of the refresh rate there
that's what I think is the reason behind
it you're definitely going to want
something like a 1070 with this monitor
anyway just so you get those high frames
it's going to be a tough sell I'm going
to say I kind of straight away say it's
going to be tough sell especially with
the response number four milliseconds
versus one like at 200 Hertz it's going
to be a tough sell for this thing I mean
I me personally I'd rather a hundred
Hertz 14w no not double the resolution
but 1440p version for me that would be
the you know i'm using it now i
absolutely love it if I lower the
resolution on this thing I'd be hating
it so even if you've got high refresh
rates I mean 60 Hertz versus 120 Hertz
kind of like a different argument but
going from 100 to 200 damn you can have
some good eyes to see the difference
like or appreciate the difference and
then at the cost of a lower resolution
so let me know let me know in the
comments what you guys would rather
would you rather the hundred Hertz 1440
version 40 40 p version or the 200 Hertz
1080p version I mean first day i love
that hundred Hertz I think it's just a
sweet spot for ultra whites cutie LED
baby oh yeah let me go on oh yeah oh
damn I say that's the a-ok or quantity
yeah I've got here good news for the GPU
market microns new GT da 6 memory will
release later this year so we've got
speeds reported of 16 gigabits per
second twice as fast the state of gddr5
memory twice two times yeah times okay
so we got two times got double there so
you're doubling up hopefully it's comes
in cheaper I mean initially it probably
won't but hopefully over time it comes
in cheaper and this will be a perfect
solution for the mid-range graphics
cards i think you know like your 1070
your for 8470 even your 1060 this is
where it's going to be really hitting
hard because we will see hbm to hitting
those bigger cards definitely and
that'll be a big selling point for those
bigger cards i'm sure for the midranges
is really going to where it's going to
hit hard even maybe a higher-end card
good shit
could for sure utilize this stuff yeah
so I be interesting to see how they do
you would you would say so so I mean
this is because we know that gddr5 X has
in theory has the potential to go up to
16 gigabits per second anyways but we
didn't see that obviously with the GTX
1080 it was set at ten so if this GD GD
are six is a 16 straight off the bat and
then I'm just thinking as a potential
it's going to be 16 so it's back then
that's a good jump up there especially
people coming from a GPU with gddr5 that
is a very big jump up there and GPU
memory speeds matter a lot and through
my testing it's a very important thing
that's often actually quite overlooked
by quite a few people but it wasn't it
wasn't such a big Giles pretty
disappointed in 5x because it wasn't
that big of a job where you have 25 27
seeds 25% they're already dream up yeah
it was a step up for sure but it wasn't
a leak like going from gddr5 to say hbm
you know I mean people fan Boyd the shit
out of 5 X like it God fan Boyd it's go
5 X on yeah and that's a selling point
for the 10 80s like huh they twenty-five
percent faster memory doesn't even make
a difference really well it doesn't make
a difference a big difference bit like
frame times if you were to underclock
you might actually that's a good
benchmark underclocking your ten
eighties memory down to the slow speeds
and then just doing a frame comparison
out of the box because I mean they quite
pretty high you don't get much
overclocks out of them like they clock
on their own they boost up to like two
gigahertz so that'd be a really cool
comparison like down clocking the 5x
memory to like five speeds and then
comparing the two and seeing how much of
a difference it makes did we just did we
all get conned by marketing
did we talk did we get done yes sir yeah
did you get done out of your heart and
kev did you know i like my 1080 it's a
great crowd we want our we want answers
dammit and we want them now so all's you
got to do what you got to do our
proposition this I'll make a proposition
for you just send me over your turn 80
and I'll do the testing yeah okay if you
say so yeah um I just saw this reading
it i'll do the test for anyone to send
me over 1080 i'll do the test for any on
yeah yeah i was just that it's
interesting in the are you watching the
stream bro yeah what's up um can you see
on my webcam i just restarted it there's
a dead pixel on my cam or something okay
we'll work it out we'll work it out
things in summer anything can happen I
just I don't even know how that's
possible on a string to ever well gee it
happens man it happens Deb Kev's got a
dead pixel welcome to the dead pixel
family keV I've got a dead webcam I
think like I dropped it and it's like
got this massive crack like I think it's
got like a dead sector so yeah yeah the
next day the next day gd-r gd-r 6
looking forward to it of course faster
speeds as long as we're not getting
capped as long as I wallets aren't
getting we fix it now yeah well as long
as I as long as I wallets aren't getting
murdered then bring it on I we got here
now this is pretty funny we got fallout
for the hi-res texture pack now for the
people out there because i'm streaming
at low bit rates you're probably not
going to see the difference but this one
i will drop a link in the description
below it is pretty like I just it's as
if someone's just instead of making it a
HD texture packets as if someone's just
gone through with some sharpening filter
and like just said okay we're going to
just sharpen things up a little bit
because I noticed a minuscule amount of
extra sharpening and that's it I you
know I've got a sharpening filter on my
freakin monitor I can just turn the
sharpening up on my monitor if I want
this shit like it says fifty eight
gigabytes or something like that at the
end of days is not even worth it so this
there's just so many examples here where
they just comparing them side by side
and like I'm just looking at I'm like
huh like what it what is the different
what am I looking at here yeah I mean
it's they sing it's fifty eight gigs big
so it can't just be sharpening know this
means it's sharpening my fifty eight
gigs worth of shot me man I just yes
this is a shop in package it's a hectic
texture pack I mean they should have put
the saturation have done some with the
saturation to like you know put in an
s-curve oh now it's got HD are doing the
HDR checking HDR superset supersize
texture pack with some photoshop filters
supply it is it is quite i am just I'm
not noticing through the pictures you
yeah it's very subtle isn't but for me
it just looks like yet again they just
up some sharpening so I'm telling I got
that filter on my monitor so yeah let me
know what you guys think of it in the
comment section below have you pixel
peep this I mean I might get onto pixel
beeping it but again it just doesn't
really warrant a download or a
recommendation as of yet I mean if the
guy did put a lot of work into it yeah I
shouldn't be saying negative things
maybe probably put a lot of work into
that not sure a lot of people appreciate
that but I mean but when you start a
project don't you sort of do a little
bit and then get some feedback right you
know what I mean yeah like I get what
you're saying yeah like to just do like
one little bit of the section and say
hey what do you think somebody I would
have said hey I don't notice much of a
difference main
so now that's fair yeah you're exactly
right here you would just do it Beth and
then see how it goes and then go from
there but yeah I mean maybe yeah maybe
these are just bad examples maybe maybe
something better yeah on to sue my
gaming is that I'm sort of really
careful so pillars of eternity too if
you guys haven't played pillars of
eternity one it's kind of like the I
guess the next line up of games in that
boulders gate to sort of feel and play
for a game like that sort of the city
and sort of turn-based I love it
absolutely love it so they've got
pillars of eternity to is reached the
funding goals in less than 24 hours so
people must have loved it they love that
style of gameplay they're going to be
taking number two now which is awesome
so really can't wait for that that's
pretty cool and if you played pillars of
eternity or no no I my god it also
doesn't maybe seen so much well it
brings back those elements that a lot of
games have seemed to just ignore or take
away like take for example water
Warcraft when that first came out it had
so much customization you were just you
would go to work or whatever on your
lunch breaks or you just be planning out
your character you'd be reading up
builds you'd be reading up how to be the
best cookie cutter power and whatever it
was it brought excitement into the game
that's what it did and then they just
dumped everything down because people
bitched about oh this guy's got this
build and I don't know like oh my god
like I really don't get it like you just
taken that element a way that made video
games fun it made them yeah different
you know like if I want to dumb down
sports I just freakin go out and play
rugby league or whatever you know ah no
bit like you get into this stuff to just
use your brain that's it you're all
you're doing with video games a lot of
time you're using your brain and why
dumb that down why dumb down things that
require you to use your brain okay a
little bit of a rant but
I like we basically bills of eternity
they're not taking that away they're
bringing that back I bring about the
customization they're bringing back
that's that goodness that was in the
original games and so you need to
actually think about how you're going to
plan out your character how you're going
to plan out your build what not it's
awesome stuff so much like heroes in by
like heroes mind-magic I'm a big fan of
that franchise so you know that you plan
out your battlefield you plan out your
turns and your moves and stuff like that
it requires thinking so good stuff so
that'll hit the that'll hit the gaming
scene soon enough be maybe not soon
enough it's obviously to make a whole
new game so that's going to take a while
but guys get your questions ready I am
going to head over to the forums where
some people ask some questions so if you
want to go ask questions guys head over
to taxi DTV / forum sign up there's a
few can't get your questions in on the
live stream then you can certainly chuck
them in on the form and we'll answer
them at the end of the show and there
was yes there's a new episode coming now
that's the last question there so is
there a new episode today yesterday not
one day because internet broke busted
out then we got the first question here
he's a day vb thanks for the question
he's got a wood annex 5650 bottleneck
something like a 980 or any card around
that price point of 200 pounds like I
think he's thinking of iris 470 as well
ours for 80 or should he wait for Vega
and the 5650 that's the Xeon nalem
lineup of CPUs fantastic CPU I mean
especially you didn't say whose
overclocking it but if you're
overclocking that thing especially over
4 gigahertz it's going to be absolutely
fine with a 980 RX for a TRX 470
fantastic cpu for the money I absolutely
love it one of my favorite CPUs that
thing's going to handle those cards even
a GTX 1070 at high you know 1440p you're
not going to experience any problems
really good really good see for you
obviously you want the best performance
you can have to pay you know 7700 cade
max overclocks if you got really high
refresh rates but awesome cpu and then
he said we should get enterprise this is
interesting we should get windows at 10
enterprise for the benchmark rigs
apparently it gets rid of all the awful
apps bundled with it
have you heard of that curve yeah I mean
at the moment I'm optimizing the wind 10
optimizing wind 10 taking away all the
crap and it does make a little bit of a
difference so that's good news but yeah
that's a good question so we've got here
extreme cookie he has an e 526 70 and 70
80 s Li should he go for a 3930k 4930 k
or a used fury and nano x personally the
eve the e 526 70s should be good i mean
if you're just using one I'd probably
change the GPU set up because the 70 80
sl7 adsl is going to be terrible in a
lot of situations so I probably pick up
a fury yeah I'd pick up a fury I mean
Curie it would be just fine yeah that
would be good yeah i think the mm yeah
you're right yeah the fury would be just
fine they you could get the fury x but
honestly those air-cooled Furies are
still great cards and you probably get
it for a lot cheaper so they'd probably
the ticket yeah we got here why is no
one buying HD 5970 s on budget builds
like I said we actually read this from
just before live stream was like isn't
that the dual based card the dual GPU on
one card legacy two GPUs don't you know
it's like it's gone now driver supports
completely gone and then you got to GP
used to deal with so I'd have weed it
personally Ozzy talks hardware actually
did a bilberry used old legacy SLA it
was that's a lie wasn't crossfire cards
but yeah just did perform terribly so
he's sort of like maybe that's video
serves as an example of maybe not to go
with legacy cards in dual GPU config so
also this is where green hand goes in
Sydney okay green hand gaming goes to a
you web again I met with him
at Christmas we actually met up in real
life he's really cool i really get along
Lyrian am he's really awesome we did
have enough time to shoot you think but
we did talk about things so when we do
if we do a collab of the future it's
yeah definitely going to be awesome for
you guys we want to make it sorts green
him he's got Tim
suitably he's got a very high sort of
it's got this what would you call it
like he just every video he makes he
wants it to be perfection and if it's
not then a high standard yeah he's got
really hot and it's really good thing
that's why he's channels got somebody
subscribes that's why every video he
makes has so many views she's got such a
high standard and it's really good I
admire that hey I really do some of my
videos like coming out like oh god I
should have done that so yeah let's move
on to the questions now for you guys
okay so we've got Ashley it's going off
in the chain here so I've sort of my
face is going to be turned this way when
I'm reading a question but I care of you
picked up any questions you want just
another one on the forum post up the top
the that was quite interesting that
guy's a 7950 had a busted killer it
looks like he's cable tight the sum
looks like 120 mill case fans and onto
the cooler oh yes ink oh that's boss's
man yeah so he said uh what should I go
with watch what card should I get to go
with the ex 5650 um yeah I mean if
you're going from a 7950 i would say any
of the like a 1060 would be a good
upgrade for sure RX for ID as well yeah
you're even a few I mean Furies going to
achieve here I'm yeah speaking more if
you wanted to go brand new but you if
you wanted to go something second hand
and a fury would be a good upgrade or
GTX 1089 80 would be quite good also so
yeah here quite a bit of choice there
but yeah that's very
it's quite interesting to see ya so God
asked the question when's Juna chrome
that's common that's comments comments
come it's coming yeah it's not as it's
getting resurrected as coming we're
actually trying to look into doing
something really special like getting
the case fitted with you know custom
decals and all that so and do build
featuring an RX for 60 interesting i was
going to do a video where i did want to
do a bill but also wanted to unlock it
and see how much extra performance you
get from unlocking it so because
apparently i have one of the models that
can be unlocked so if UD lid the 7700 k
next question do you lose your warranty
yes you would lose you lose your
warranty arm yeah yeah this is mine was
a review samples there's no warranty per
se anyway I've actually got to ship it
back I think I'm going to get into
contact just here's a cpu backer but it
came it came pre-bent like i said on
twitter i was replying Linus finally got
one he had to showed a picture of a bent
CPU I got one that was pre-bent like the
corners all the four corners were bent
like someone who ever tested it at their
headquarters you know put too much
pressure on and that's you know this is
the PCB so thin you put a bit of extra
pressure on the even the pins like those
pins on the model boards they're so weak
even the pins are out strength and all
they've got more strength than the PCB
on the freaking on the cpu which is
pretty pathetic so because you know cpu
still worked after I bent it back so
it's pretty pretty shocked day but yeah
you will lose your warranty on your D
lid yeah delusion guarantee yeah so so
with 16 gigs of ram in a gtx 950 and a I
360 100 be good for gaming it would be
okay you don't don't really need sixteen
dollars to rent a 16 year yeah if you
especially if you're putting money into
that over like a 960 versus a 950 yeah
just ate will do
and try get the bitter that CPUs just
fine on but yeah maybe try get a
slightly bitter GPU if you can but keep
in mind keep in mind though 16 will
become the net the new norm like you
know it will yeah it's certainly well I
meaning but for right now you know if
you want to be super future proof than
yet go with 16 but if you're doing a
budget bill then that's probably not the
what you're looking at so yeah something
like that would be fine the okay we're
going in a bit have either of you had
any problems with an i5 2400 and GTA 5
stuttering steve from gamers nexus was
talking about okay uh i tried an i3 550
which would be a weakest cpu than a 95
2,400 now I did get stuttering when I
had four gigabytes of RAM I put in an
extra four gigabytes and there was no
longer any stuttering so how much memory
are using what sort of background apps
have you got open look into optimization
saw that out that I'd be what kind of
stuttering we're talking about we're
talking about very sort of OCD micro
stutter or sumum clearly noticeable
stutter that would be the question to
look out there of course you do get some
weird things going on with different
motherboards and you know maybe you have
to update the microcode on the bias
update that's something to look at to a
few different things I have to look into
it more but again time it all takes time
really takes down yeah so one question
was quite interesting three gig 1060 or
four gig Eric's Freddie's that's a that
is about the question of the century
right now because everybody's debating
that if it was me personally given how
how good the AMD drivers have been in
terms of improvements I would probably
go for the RX 480 I would feel
personally I would feel like that would
be the better what's this for my sis I'm
sorry what's this one if you had to pick
out of a three gig GTX 1060 or a four
gig Eric's already I picked the four gig
now after doing those tests with the
7950 versus the two gigabyte 77 well
it's mainly because of that extra gear
by the vram to be honest that's actually
a huge factor like every three gigabytes
is fine at the moment though what in
another you you're buying a 1060 you
want it to last for probably two three
years right so two years i'm pretty sure
we're going to see that three here but
it's mainly not being enough for high
settings or me even medium settings in
some games which is sad because that
Dishonored 2 for example i don't know if
you saw in the benchmark pc video but
that was starter in like that was it was
insanely bad and the 7 950 breeze
through it on high settings I mean it
wasn't exactly the best experience on
the 1750 but it was world leaps and
bounds ahead of the 770 which only had
two gigabytes of erm so I just say we'll
go with the 480 because it's got that
extra but I should go by there which is
you know the speed wise they're both
relatively the same but it's that extra
gigabyte of vram really is a good
selling point at this stage so yeah yeah
exactly right it's good to get a good
model as well if you can the reference
for 80 is not as doesn't have as better
problems as say the reference to 90 s 2
9 x's I'd still perfect ever it's not
ideal and that's the way I would put it
see it definitely try go non-reference
if you can I'm if you can afford it
because that's going to work out a lot
better but if you cannot it's not the
end of the world the 290 exes we're just
ridiculous with the rep the reference
cooler was just oh boy so yeah try if
you can to get non-reference but if you
can't then the reference will still be
okay but over getting someone's asking
of this monitor zach unix it's the same
panel it's just got a scalar in it so
you can't overclock it i did have the
I've got the Korean monitors which do
these other career monitors their the
ace of replicas but they went up to 66
hurts so I got a ten percent overclock
out of it and that was legit so if
they've got no scalar in them you can
overclock them but if they got a scalar
in them you shit out of luck so for
those monitors and you've also got to
use the right settings too if you don't
the right settings plugged in you'll get
a fake refresh rate coming out it's not
actually real so there's also got asked
a 980 TI or a 1070 now honestly it's not
such a big deal yeah I mean whatever
whatever is if their beef ones with
one's coming in you know for instance
you get a 980 tf300 I saw them go on out
like people were just offloading those
things for like 300 USD when they first
then 1070 came out for like four hundred
and something dollars easily a nine
eight ER in that situation but now as if
the price gap virtually the same there's
not such a massive difference to Maggie
Gowanus yeah I have to I'd have to look
better like it would be a good thing for
me too if it was possible at some point
to do a retest of it but if you are very
curious about a full test that link i
just posted in chat was my showdown
between the 980 TI and the 1070 it's a
good video mine's got about one hundred
and thirteen thousand views and i went
over every sick of you just like doing
my show dance of noise temps they are
the frames everything all the features
and everything else like that and i
basically said that it does come down to
price so that's something you really do
to look at but if you the 1070 is in
your card yeah in every sense all the
new features everything else but the 980
TI put up a hell of a fight in terms of
performance it still did a damn good job
and a lot of the test I mean they were
neck and neck like permeated the eye
strike yeah 3d micro strike at 4k and
we're exactly nick and neck only the 980
TI one by point for FPS and and other
benchmarks followed a similar sort of
thing of them being quite close together
so and this was back when the 1070 that
was very new so the drivers had been
matured at all so i'd say this is
probably become so yeah just just look
whatever yeah if you're someone who just
doesn't care about the features or any
of that stuff and you just care purely
about performance and in that scenario i
would just go with whatever one you can
get cheaper yeah so I someone said what
Canada's dollars about on par with
Australian dollar do I look for deals in
Canada night like I only look for deals
locally usually because of postage and
you get some really good deals i mean i
did get hosed from this r9 280x but if
that guys watching or if someone knows
this guy who sold that on the coasts i'm
coming for you buddy oh I'm coming for
you I'm getting my money back I just I
hate scamming man it's one of the it's
so dodgy why it's a hundred dollars and
you've got to what just swindle someone
out of a hundred bucks now I like for me
it's okay right I can absorb the damage
but what if that was someone who was
building you know they were on a budget
they were strictly on a budget they're
young whatever they're really looking
forward to building a gaming PC and you
say the parts working you're like oh
it's perfectly working and they get a
nigga host I mean it's a joke man it's
really bad you know you can crush
someone's sort of dreams in ways you
so it's terrible i hate that practice I
really despise scamming I think it's
disgusting I might even go to the police
see what they could do but apparently
it's a civil dispute because he can just
said he say she say bullshit but I'm i
did i did screenshot though I did
screenshot the ad so I do have the
wording in the ad so yeah that's just I
hate it man I hate getting scammed but
as for deals if I'm if I'm locally in a
place I will hunt for deals in that
place Japan was a gold mine I love Japan
Australia bake the Gold Coast has been
awesome where i live at the moment been
awesome for deals I really have picked
up some insane deals here that even
better Japan's deals on some things I
and I did over Christmas it sort of
opened my eyes when we went on this trip
I got to make a video on that actually I
got a heap of footage I just got to do
the voiceover but went to New Caledonia
in Vanuatu and Moon vanuatu this is
nothing at all like don't even bother
like if you have to build a pc there you
want to get it imported I don't know the
input laws but new caledonia was sort of
like this French island and they had one
computer store that apparently had tech
but they just closed whenever they want
so that will close them the day when we
were there's like okay cool is we're
going to get a taxi and go all the way
up there is like no they closed I called
them up make sure and like now they
actually closed it out late okay cool
just a random weekday we're just closing
down it's not open today so the state of
tech in some countries is so bad it
makes you feel like we really are
privileged to be in you know even in New
Zealand you'd a bit much better than say
for instance new caledonia so I shipping
on another that the two aren't even
comparable there's like probably I don't
know how long thousands of tips to us
thousands of take me for some in the
same leak you know yeah I was trying to
you know no but you know only only one
country can keep beating you in
be sir oh very good yeah now I saw that
someone was saying they're gonna do
where was okay hello we're gonna wrap up
the show pretty soon cuz uh yeah yeah
yeahs gonna go to ATX okay I'm gonna go
overclock overclocked at the gym bruh so
yeah so thanks for tuning in guys I hope
kevs audio was a lot better this week I
mean I watched the feedback i watched
playback it was pretty unbearable you
know turned up the v-moda stir yeah I'm
sorry guys I really III thought the
settings I was running it at were the
same as we had done previously because
we try to keep it consistent and the
problem was actually it seems to be with
the Yeti itself rather than something I
was doing or something Brian was doing
and obviously changing now to the siren
that should have alleviated the problem
entire this well this still is that echo
in the room that hopefully you can fix
that in due time so that's um yeah now
we're going to get air caves a game on
freeze audio because you guys deserve it
in the audience and we'll catch you guys
next week and be sure to hit up the
forums if you want to ask any questions
during the week just it's easy to sign
up there's a discussion thread here tech
lounge questions for the live show drop
the questions in will read them let's
start at the Q&A every week for you guys
and I hope you enjoy this week's episode
and they'll be more tech videos coming
this week I'll catch you guys next time
check out Cavs channel through links in
description any last words for the
viewers keV uh no just yeah thanks
thanks guys I still love doing all these
shows it's really fun um and yeah i'll
be putting up a power supply unboxing
very soon so if you're i came to see
we'll take power supply because I did
the RGB one the other day and that was
quite an RGB powers I won't be doing
that for you soon yeah yeah it's
becoming a thing now of course she said
everyone you see it's just it's just
just when they're thin will take ring
RGB fans you know the ones they brought
out a little while ago it's just one of
those in the power supply so you
basically would have to run it up for
people to see the RGB but hey you don't
know ok ok cool anyway we'll catch you
guys next week thanks for tuning in p 7
i'll see you guys bye
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