welcome back to episode 14 of the tech
lounge and I'm joined here by kev from
tech show down how you doing man doing
good Brian how are you right yeah pretty
good besides the heat yesterday it was
about 37 degrees in this room so like
that's a anyone's wondering where where
the constant steady stream of content
has been it's just been too damn hot to
work at the moment like really even now
it's 32 degrees in this room arm this
will be the last time it'll happen
because next whatever next summer i'll
make sure i have a concert up I just and
apparently civil about this is one of
the worst summers on hand here so yes
he's you've been reading about today the
Dukes going up to like 40 how has it
gone for you yeah well a yesterday was
like ridiculous like in my room I mean
outside it might have been like 39 or
something but got up to like 37 or
something like on my thermometer yeah it
was just crazy it's crazy I don't want
to do it again yeah you're not doing
this with another summer of this so yeah
like trying to make videos man I just
like even put the graphics card in
there's just wet just pouring down and
you know things like that you'll get
headaches and you you will yeah there
will be a negative consequences for
working in this weather it's just bad
been very bad it's been a bad week
actually so how about yourself I a man
it's it's I mean it's been pretty hot
here as well not not to the same degree
not sort of you know you're going to die
if you go outside sort of heat like you
get over there but uh yeah yeah it's
it's been a bit rough lately but I I
just been cruising a um I will get into
but quite a few more videos tamaris that
cranking out a keyboard a keyboard
review of this ducky and and these
headsets as well so going to be doing
peripherals mainly this week okay yeah
get that done I've got to get through a
heap of content when it hopefully cools
down apparently is meant to be 29 today
that's what my mom told me else is like
it's gonna be 29 I'm like are cool and
it's 32 already that's like nine thirty
in the morning 32 and I'm like really
sweating so yeah hopefully
things get it a little bit cooler soon
just get a bit of a break it's just been
so hard but I'm we got topics up here
guys the AMD risin 1700 x 8 core cpu
benchmarks apparently leaked so on
wccftech so again whatever comes out
here you just take with a little grain
of salt but probably see ya the CPU is
performing on par with what you would
expect from a 6900 k like it's looking
like it's hitting pretty close with the
6900 k yeah yeah no definitely that's
very impressive this is I mean yeah i I
II don't know these Aang we don't know
if these are one hundred percent correct
but it's a good sign anyways yeah so
that's the thing i mean if these numbers
are on point then you can expect the cpu
to kick ass it'll be indeed what the
server market needs and also what gamers
need apparently with what is it the this
is one benchmark that does worry me that
the physics school you've got there sort
of in the share the eight core 16
threats sort of not doing as well as I'd
hoped here so that's sort of like the
one benchmark that does worry me here is
the physics it's so interesting the way
why yeah this is quite interesting what
does it fall down on the physics test
and yet in their first one what was that
a integral math test well I mean it's
got to do the architecture of course but
that's what I that's what I'm saying to
a lot of the viewers like a lot of
people going to read this be sharing it
and saying you know it's going to kick
ass and I'm sure it will be good value
for money there's no doubt about that
but coming out and saying oh it's going
to be just as good as a 6900 k it
remains to be seen in what exact
scenarios like if i get this thing put
it through a rendering test in Premiere
Pro is it going to pull out that same
times at 6,900 k if we put it against
the 7700 k is it going to get the same
frame rates in the games so that's the
real world test that a lot of people are
waiting for you know the cpu past my
schools will CPU mark scores aren't
always the most accurate so that is true
enemy that the point is as well is that
people need to remember that even if
it's a five percent slower than the 6900
k but it comes in at however much lower
in price people aren't gonna go out
there and pay all that extra money for
the 6900 k if they can get this cpu for
you know a third cheaper or quarter
three quarters of the price of the 6900
k yeah currently five percent lower
performance people make that deal every
time and as we said previously on the
show broadwell ecp use in general aren't
the best overclockers but the 6900 k
isn't particularly good so that could be
an advantage that that big risin ship
well as as well yeah i mean that they
might only go to 4 gigahertz to that was
the rumors yeah as well so mean use 7700
k might still be the the gaming duck
schnucks sort of a cpu yeah 5.1 or 5
gigahertz but you still getting those
chips are badly you still going to
delayed the thing which you shouldn't
have to do yeah yeah i mean i'm really
hoping this cpu does kick ass so
especially the 6 quart well thread more
eyes on that so yeah guys what we got
here is apparently cpu that is sort of
time with the 6900 k which is really
good out of the get-go ah though that
the physics school sort of wasn't it off
you know was a bit often was like it
yeah it's nice it's yeah it's a bit
bizarre e but even then if you look at
the physics score I mean it still scores
above the 7700 k but yeah it's quite a
bit lower than even the 6800 k yeah so
but looking forward to what it's going
to bring again so hopefully that becomes
a reality hopefully your reisen is as
good as it looks on these benchmarks and
it is kick ass so it's going to be the
project 381 dollars i mean for a core 16
threads that is
nice to certainly love but again that
pricing in ways is that that that is for
the that is for the eight core 16 threat
I mean I hope AMD is and undercutting
itself because i thought this there you
know I thought their King daddy CPU was
meant to be six hundred dollars but
apparently they've got the rise in 70
1800 x with just five hundred dollars so
yeah yes at the bottom of that article
yet it shows that the pricing with them
so you can see the 1800 x is here coming
in at five hundred dollars but yeah the
1700 x 389 that is very very competitive
well given the relative yeah that's
that's insane that's really really
really good we can have to see the most
interesting thing that I think reviewers
like myself and Brian and others will
really need to show you guys the
consumers is the differences between
these rise and CP users all well and
good to compare them to the Intel chips
which is great but we also need to
compare them to things within their own
line up like what I did with my AMD APU
lineup and then you'll probably be able
to see which ones will be the best in
terms of value for money because you
know there's going to be ones that come
in at a good price point i think the
1700 x is a very good one but also the
six cause the cheapest six cores ryan
has a brian has gone on about plenty of
times that 1500 rise in five 1500 which
is the six score 12 thread i think that
coming in at they're saying coming in at
two hundred and twenty nine dollars I
kind of i'm sort of all got to see that
to believe it 229 I it does perform as
well as it should then that's going to
be a huge win for everyone pc gaming I
mean 229 six o'clock yeah what I'm
confused about is though it's got a
hundred megahertz higher base clock and
then you've got the 1600 x
coming with 30 watts higher TDP that
that's pretty weird I mean usually you
don't get a TDP jump like that just off
100 megahertz and 200 beds boost clock
and that's thirty dollars more expensive
which isn't that much I mean I would
honestly pay the extra 30 bucks if it's
if it is going to be a sorted chip
everything's going to be Bend if there's
just if it's just a free-for-all than
yeah you get you to 29 just overclocked
but yeah yeah there'll be something
going on I mean as you know we don't
know all the details yet be I think I
think one of those I think you're
heading nail and a head that the 1500
with a be 350 motherboard that is going
to be for how much you spend from what
we can see on paper anyways that's going
to look like some pretty damn good value
for money and performance ways that's
going to be a very powerful set up for
not much money so yeah if you were if
people are going to do budget bills with
brand new parts that could be the king
if the performance is really that good
because I mean I don't know how the
little own eyes and a compared to it
anymore could be king demon king ding is
that you saying yeah so there it is
that's the rising line up far so what
we've really got here is diff apparently
like not you know they've got all these
different sku lineups like you've got
this cpu you've got so many different
CPUs but what we're looking at really is
four different models of CPU we've got a
call 16 thread six score 12 threads for
core eight threads and four cores for
threads so that's what you're looking at
you've got four different CPUs in this
lineup in terms of actual unique CPUs
and that's going to hit the shelves so
as it yeah and the Intel's got the same
when you look at it right Intel's got
the exact same thing you've got the dual
core two threads to course for threads
four cores 4 threads for calls 8 threads
on their sort of main consumer z 270
lineup so I no not now Pentiums all have
fiber threading so
the threats that's what it is Brian well
someone pointed out I don't know if you
notice this already I just just noticed
it but the X on the end of it those are
the ones with xfr you remember their
auto overclocking features so it will
treat itself like GPU boost three point
0 or something with the CPU will just
okay just allow will just take itself up
and up and up that's why it says xfr 3.7
gigahertz plus so that means that'll be
like the base like what Nvidia does with
GPU is where it'll be however megahertz
plus and then it'll go up to so say 4
gigahertz by itself so that's what the
exes for the exes are so the x is for if
you're a turbo noob now you've heard
about turbo noobs in games they jump
into the games they've only had a few
hours of gameplay but they think they're
pros and then they end up getting
slaughtered by someone who's played the
game a lot longer basic so far is your
turbo noob setting so you can be a turbo
noob and you can get better over clocks
for doing nothing so yeah I'm sure that
those CPUs were also overclocked better
than the their other counterparts given
that it looks like that 30 what higher
GDP might be able to give it that extra
power it needs it spends on the I really
depends on the node man that
overclocking comes down you know I've
heard rumors you know the 6900 k for
example is 6800 k I've got in my rig at
the moment they're just terrible
overclockers they go to like mine goes
to 4.3 with a ridiculous high amount of
voltage I think even Wendell killed one
of those CPUs running like somewhere in
the 1.3 region not too sure like no like
seriously like this terrible you can't
give them too much faults otherwise they
will die they will just they will just
shoot themselves so you've got to be
careful of the voltage you put through
the broad well II CPUs but at the same
time if this thing's hitting foggy yards
out of the factory then you should
expect it to at least be beating those
6800 KS maybe 4.3 4.4 sort of like it
really scenario but maybe in terms of
five gigahertz they'd have to really
don't have to really mature their
manufacturing line do that so that takes
time yeah I think I think these will be
Bend as well as someone said and the and
chat they I would expect that to be the
case yeah the ex ships will be the ones
they'll feature the xfr and they're also
going to be bend I would I mean you got
to think about it from am deeds
perspective they're going to know that
enthusiasts like you Brian will look at
these and be like I don't care about
that because I'm going to do my own
overclocking so they will all just
gravitate towards the cheaper one yeah
and the 229 rather than the 259 one
because it's worm about whatever and
that would be a very that would be a
very good video for you to do when these
come out is take the non ex and the X
and overclock both of them and see which
one actually goes home because if you
can get way higher on the ex model one
then maybe they opened and then could
then the TDP no dirty deed but that TDP
would make sense then you don't
generally you if you're allowing the CPU
to be unlocked and then you've got a
lower TDP and you've got the 1600 X for
example the 1500 they will take this one
here the rise in 1500 versus the 1600 X
so yeah it's got 30 watt TDP difference
that's because you're just grabbing the
CPU and clocking at higher it's pretty
much an apples to apples thing you've
got essentially there's no bidding
that's what that's indicating yeah
because you got that lower TDP for
instance if we look at the e 50 for 50
vs the X 5460 a very valid comparison
that had a lower TDP but only had a
slightly lower clock like very slightly
long long and when people started
overclocking him they did indeed get
lower temperatures on the e 50 for 50 s
on average so which means that it's Bend
for low power consumption which means it
in herrin tlie it's a better chip so
with that higher GDP figure i'd say that
the same chip I mean you're not going to
Ben you're not going to bend your
cheaper CP used to be better right so
sorry exactly i'm just-just if this is
true if this spec sheet is true then we
can see that I don't think there's any
Benny going on that's just my guess yeah
yeah no that that would be the case so
hopefully um let me know you guys think
in chat always read that stuff that's
good you're not gonna pour yeah it took
that someone said like the stream was
dropping our knob got no drop frames so
this should be stream should be perfect
oh yeah I just shake differences it's
fine now so okay it should be good yeah
so hopefully you know this is had TV
yeah yeah we figured that so yeah I
think I'll try I mean I made inquiries
into this already but i'll probably work
my way from the top down go from the
1800 x down through whatever ones i can
get my hands on but my main thing first
will be i'll probably do a build system
around rising with playtech and then
with that system i'll go down the line
and show the performance difference from
different ones because i'd rather test
them out within their own line up first
and then because everyone's going to be
comparing them to intel yeah so i'll
probably test them internally first
because it's going to be a million
videos that that's like you know it's
1800 x vs 6900 k or 1700 x vs 7700 k and
all those videos will be coming out so
i'll just test them with with each other
and that should be interesting ok well
yeah i can't wait so for me it's really
i'm only really going to be testing
probably two cpus the 1600 x and the
1500 then you can see ok is this going
to be binned is there a massive
difference and you know if my off life
but if the cheaper model overclocks
higher than that's your conclusion just
get i Jes if you're going to go bang it
on a game 350 and call it a day will go
up here they're also releasing their CPU
coolers with it so they've got the high
performance like a rave and they got
their TDP m95 watt TDP 65 or so they've
got three different CPU coolers
with their rising CPUs hitting the
shelves they do look a pretty normal
they look they look good I mean it looks
better than what Intel is spinning out
for so long so these water look
completely hideous in your rig but again
guys these are the wreath color doesn't
holliday TX ok guys the ex model will
probably get the Wraith cool that's what
we're missing out on okay so you're
paying an extra 30 bucks probably for a
school there you go yeah and it'll be
Bend and it'll be have access or might
not be busy I'm guessing it's not been
but you get a wraith cooler so you're
paying 30 bucks for a wraith cool and a
higher clock speed just programmed I
benning's something you'd have to know
are they doing you'd have to get that
confirmation from an employee are they
sorting the chips that's a very good
that's a very good guess though Brian
that is of you I completely agree you've
hit the nail on the head there I would
be very surprised if that's not the case
yeah because of course they want the xfr
to take advantage of low temperatures
it's hot guys are gonna have a mid break
here for a bit of a water otherwise
forget I'll get ahead of cheer extreme
yeah yeah yeahs doing it now not much to
it really you're gonna get you see be
used there I that's what they look like
pretty much and the race will be good
from the sense that it'll allow the xfr
to it won't limit it as much so you're
one hundred percent right there but of
course these aren't going to be the best
you're a lot of people a lot of
enthusiasts obviously be using their own
coolers on them yeah that makes a good
point though are they going to release
Tracy peas as well and how much cheaper
will they be I mean Intel is pretty much
doing it now with their case cpus you
don't even get a cool with them but
they're not passing on the savings which
is annoying yeah rmd going to do
something similar as well just release
the standalone CPUs without calls in
general I think
that's what I'd like to see I mean I
don't really know anyone rocking
overclocks with a stock cooler unless it
was back in the day like unless you're
buying even now you're buying one of
those old-school Intel CPUs and you've
just got one of those massive fat until
coolers laying around those things
actually did a decent job I remember i
clocked like a xeon up good thirty or
forty percent on one of those things and
it'll still holdin up so yeah remains to
be seen I'd like to see a standalone
there we've got the risin though he's
just a man what's up the Rajah kuduro
that's his name I was like how I forgot
his name us or their rajuk story is just
like sitting down looking at his end cpu
which is purple ed from Texas would be
completely he'd have a heart attack
seeing those cables in the background
yeah probably cable management man Roger
where's your cable management bro so
that's like that's what I'm looking at
with that photo so we've got here the
next article though something you
brought up as well Kevin wanted to talk
about this is the Andy reveals another
edge for risin and that's what it will
be small long so chip the chip
pound-for-pound the cpu is going to be
smaller than competitor a with a 20
nanometer CCU enforceable by later yeah
which is just skylights oh cabi like
seattle beer yeah that'll be a 6700 k
which is essentially very similar to the
kb like 7700 Casey this is interesting
the actual area 44 millimeters squared
compared to 49 the main thing I mean a
lot of you guys approach me like or why
do we why does that even matter um it
doesn't particularly but the main thing
is the cash or cash however you want to
say ah the l2 you can see it's double on
sin by comparison um so that's a really
good thing that a lot of guys will
probably notice that that is quite good
what yeah I like the double dl to that
does looking pretty sexy but I mean as
four times with the spell people though
like how would how would you define as
helping it just it just gives the CPU
access to what's got more it's your
fastest got faster memory close yeah the
cause so yeah that's you know that would
be if you were looking at that energy
math for example that would probably be
gained from that that increase in l2 I
mean I'd have to get Wendell on here
knows more about that those specifics
but that would be my guess would be the
L to be giving you those performance
benefits in integer mouth and whatnot
but what I mean I've always been a
believer in having more of that you know
more of the juicy cash cash show if you
want to say ever been a big fan of
having more of it on the cpu I thought
back in the day especially back in the
day I mean nowadays your CP uses so fast
that you're probably not going to see it
so much but I always thought back in the
day it did make a difference like in
terms of how smoothly games came out I
mean it's still dependent of course your
drivers on your video cards are way more
important exciting things like that but
I always used to like back in the day
like I always thought the smoothest
experience was an AMD cpu coupled with a
nvidia graphics card I always thought
that was you know befall the stuttering
became a big thing I always thought that
was the combination to have first yeah
this bloody smooth gameplay but then
again could just all be in my head but
apparently not sometimes it's not an all
in my head because you know but then all
these studies come out and people are
getting like high frame rate cameras and
analyzing it and saying yes this this
and this is true so yeah yet anyway
Palace the CPU snit just a second brain
the assassin chat half the people said
it's strange flying than the other half
people are saying can't load to stream
com okay well it's true health the
stream Health's got a green light man if
the stream health I've got no drop
frames so it would be on youtubes and
like something our money's going on
there yes i'm uploading to the
australian sir absolutely fine
um so yeah up leading to the forms
absolutely fine so yeah and I will I
will plug the forums guys head over to
taxi DTV / forums because you have a
groan we got all the good discussion
going on but here we got risin it's
going to be smaller I mean really what's
that going to do for you guys I don't
know might be more power efficient if
it's a better cpu but none of that
article we got here in video surges
again like fifty percent more than fifty
percent so their revenues up again I
mean these guys are just completely
dominating the market look at this
though nvidia was the best performer on
the sp500 in 2016 that is a feat in
that's our agency out of here Anthony's
on that did the best Wow yeah I mean
that shows you that they've really got a
formula that's huge news the best
company on the S&P for I wonder not only
in the tack I mean look this is heaps of
companies on there but this is a tech
company and I just they're killing it
the guys selling its graphics cards and
well not now I know there's going to be
a lot of people in the comments you know
their drivers yet I agree completely
agree some of the things need
improvement but in terms of being that
business driven making money making that
there's product milking that milking us
the consumers they're doing a great job
of it you know yeah yeah exactly right I
mean some people out there might not
understand I just let explain really
quick SMP is the standard & poor's 500
list so that's a stock market list and
forage you know publicly traded
companies are like nvidia is so that
means if it was the best performer that
means that the stock has risen the most
in terms of its value and that's really
good for any company if your stock
prices continually growing what's an
index to gauge the market like it's an
index they pull 500 companies out
usually what are they met middle these
usually large cap and S&P for i wanted
to think so they pull out 500 companies
and they say okay this is how the market
is performing it's an index it's
we gotta be a now companies come in
companies come out all the time
companies will come on to this index
companies will drop out because of
whatever they'll go liquidate and
whatever things will happen but the S&P
500 is changing and so yeah it's just an
index to give you a price of how the
overall market is doing so to speak so a
lot of people will invest in S&P 500
funds as well so they invest in a fund
that pretty much performs as this index
performs so that's the there's few
reasons for it but yeah and videos doing
the best out of those which is pretty
damn impressive so that's very good so
yeah everything's up on their business
and their automotive business is rising
like apparently 37.6 percent so they've
obviously got into a good venture there
with their especially with tests Tesla
so their automatic driving systems I
mean that's going to be huge if I
imagine this is a growing market to they
could really foresee that so they're
getting into a really profitable market
there and so yeah I mean that's in video
guys they're just dominating the market
milking it so next time you and 500 box
in your wallet you just got to hand it
over to Nvidia that's pretty much it
haha yeah and attendance of a thousand
before your eyes but the one thing i
will give in video and i think a lot of
people in the tech me to give it rather
than intel who has the intel has been
very incremental with its jumps from if
you we look at kb light compared to Sky
lake that is a very small jump where as
you can see that in videos also there is
more competition with the graphics cards
but Nvidia still dominates the market
but the jump to Pascal was fantastic
absolutely phenomenal so that's a really
good thing as well you know like Pascal
was such a leap forward in so many ways
I Pascal was just not really I mean not
really fast
gains they just tweaked the architecture
I mean it would have cost a lot of money
but they liked it so they leave out
anxious it came with the jump and
performance for a lot of the GPS
themselves compared to when I did the
testing yeah the 980 TI and the 1070 had
similar performance but you have to
think that the 1070 also uses much less
power yes a nanometer Binoy that they've
jacked up the compression so I mean it's
like it did yesterday was though there
wasn't really roar any raw performance
gains you know and if you would have the
same compression going on the 980 TI I'd
say the 90 i'll be starting to smoke it
then you know so it's it's okay yeah I
wasn't jump alone was very good
yeah I mean I was a bribe me in the 1070
was a great card and say I'm running one
now great probably like your high-end
sort of value if that's the word to say
value for money card me named he doesn't
have a competitor to it at the moment so
I would like to see AMD released their
RX 490 whatever ASAP to compete with the
gtx 970 but in terms of the gtx 1070
over the 980 I don't know anyone who's
had like any gamer that's got a 980 I
and they went out and bought at 1070 I
just did pretty much the same card and
when you overclock in my nightie I
should you know should be the 1070 at
least in every case that I've seen so
really what you want to look at is yeah
what you're doing is an individual do
you need upgrade I me because there was
980 eyes I saw them going for as low as
300 us that's so cheap for a 90 hei I
thing is a beast at that price and I
mean the 6th gear bike frame before that
thing is huge it's going to be
absolutely fine for 1440p so well even
for k I mean I had no problems playing
games at 4k with that so yeah cool now
it's all up in the air magic it's magic
what was that again ilysm wasn't that
the battlefield thing it's magic okay so
Intel is pouring so next up here until
is going to make factories in Arizona in
the US so they bring in business back
home so apparently building of the
factories 3000 tech
jobs and then you've got 10,000
long-term jobs coming to the US so this
is the seven nanometer manufacturing
process this will be after the three
generations of cannon late to be
introduced so this year later this year
I hopefully will get the I don't know if
it's hopefully maybe not hopefully but
we're going to get Intel's 10 nanometer
line up and that'll be there that'll be
there node shrink then the next year in
2018 we should be getting their
architectural change so we hopefully
should be getting five percent this year
five percent next year IPC gains and
then I at the expense of clock rates I
don't know that's one big thing that
remains to be seen because we've got the
CPUs now up to five gigahertz really a
lot of people are running five gigahertz
on the 7700 KS that's I've read a lot of
the reviews everywhere talked to a lot
of people a lot of people are getting
these things to around five gigahertz so
is canon lake is that going to be
dropping down the clock speeds on
average if so that's really going to
hurt Intel even if they do get their
five percent IPC gains so that's what
I'll say in my review with the arm with
the cabbie lake CP uses that okay we've
got no I pc gains we did get an
impressive overclock which is the saving
grace for cab you late but at the same
time Intel's really raise their own bar
that they have to perform now because
what else are they got they've got to
give us i pc games but at the same time
they put this pressure on themselves
where they have to give you the higher
clock speeds with that so yeah
interesting until and they decrease
their quality of the saml pace yeah that
was a bad they gave you higher clock
speeds with high temps as well yeah
it'll state from heartburn box he's like
you know message mazes like you know I'd
I sent him the kit straight it was like
Lou man go get this thing go get some
self some liquid pro take care yourself
he did the video too he found a huge
difference in temperatures it's huge
like yeah that's it it's the thing I'm
getting an extra 200 megahertz at 20
degrees lower so like I'm getting higher
clock speeds pumping higher voltage to
it and you
i overclock so this time around dear
lettings just that it's crucial you have
to do it you just have to exactly yeah
because I mean these things do overclock
really high but you just have to get the
temps down so he found out the same came
to the same conclusion you just have to
deal with these things at high higher
overclocks so yeah that was pretty cool
yeah yeah no it's good to see these
things and I mean with Tesla's idea
factory the building and Nevada I
believe that's good in the u.s. a lot of
construction going on now a lot of
companies building up big factories in
that which will lower prices for
consumers because you know what's the
name of it called when they make more
something the price gets cheaper we got
the term they use um but yeah that's
basically it there'll be more stuff
getting built by inflation was talking
about just inflation no not inflation
the oh gone blank I can't remember what
it's called you know the saying that
soldiers had a brain fart yeah and there
when you build more or something like
with economy you'll get economies of
scale that's it that's it unlike with
Henry Ford with the Model T you know he
built they built so many of them that he
could bring the price of the car and
second so expensive yeah so that was the
thought the advantage bigger companies
have over little companies years
economies of scale yes less production
yeah yeah yeah just just building stuff
on a huge scale to bring down the prices
so that'll be good as well so and here
we are guys a year later so we moved on
now call of duty is going back to its
roots I mean isn't every year we always
need God we always will we always hear
about cod hype Cod's always going this
this year's gonna be the year for cod
this year is gone it's there man and
this year again is gonna be the year for
cod it's gotten back to its roots but
apparently we're looking at a World War
2 genre I mean they did a survey and I
think that obviously the game would
ready be in production so they like okay
I'd said I want to
see you like a modern like right now
we've got all these cool guns out there
I want to see them in the game now so I
sort of voted for the mid-19th a really
that many good World War one James was
the thing I mean Verdun was about the
only other decent one but the iphoto for
well one world war two and I said
sixty-seven percent of gay agree so that
the day I mean something the bridge
banking on that they probably did a
survey little little survey off the
books and they're like yeah so they
already do everybody got this in
production guys so there it is that
looks like the next cod is going to be a
world war two genre which I'm happy with
I you know world war the past or now I'd
much rather than this future stuff where
you lay running on walls doing backflips
laser cannons it's just a bit too much
like so yeah so I like it I like what
they're doing at least with the
direction but again is it going to sell
as well as black ops 3 did because
infinite warfare didn't do anywhere near
as good as black ops 3 so remains to be
seen remains to be seen good ol cod I
like my Cod Bay yeah everyone liked the
infinite warfare pc there was a good pc
you can't have not yet i know that some
people is gonna be some people in chat
you know they're just gonna rage they
hate cod like with a passion I've never
I mean I've never minded it i mean if
you were a console gamer i probably
could understand i mean i've seen some
of my friends play it on console and
there's just like it's like you're
jumping into this freaking room with
like a there's eight year olds on there
too man you just hear these guys like
they haven't even hit ya know even close
to PVD and it's like this is just like
discussion yeah man can I go killing me
i get a flank you mean like he's just
like what turn that off me ya know
like I think it's been at a judge it
game by game yeah for sure like let you
know it is there there are really good
games within the college any light up
that are big exceptions
to the role that they're all you know
really average or whatever yep black ops
was extremely good as well it's probably
my favorite so I'm watching the live
view account there it looks like there's
something wrong with the servers maybe
in the States or something yes sir looks
like it's the USA only problem because
I've seen like the live numbers just
drop so unfortunate looks like you a
youtube in the u.s. is having problems
because yeah people are messaging UK is
fine so you're interesting I began well
it's fine for you guys as long as the
streams going right then you can watch
the archived version anyways and it will
come up fine if you and so because newsy
AMD's released their relive 17.1 dot to
work all drivers so official drivers
that should work with windows 10 and
they should work perfectly fine now a
lot of people have had problems with
drivers say for instance they've got
their r9 290 or 290x and they're like
okay i installed real I've or relive and
it doesn't work properly anymore so what
you got to do in that case is do a get a
program called ddu direct drive run
installer it does a really good job so
uninstall your drivers first then use
this program to completely uninstall our
the registry and then boot up your pc
again and then do a full clean install
and you shouldn't have any problems
because i didn't have that problem when
i was testing the reliv drivers before
and then Steve hardware box he
recommended me that program because I
before that I used to actually go into
the registry edit and like delete things
and so this program just saves all the
hassle of doing that so it's a really
good program director / uninstaller if
you're having problems with any real if
drivers try that uninstall then used edu
then install relive and see if you've
got any problems after that you
shouldn't but if you do then
unfortunately use the latest driver that
worked for you now some other news here
cab 1 plus 3t you want to talk about
this it's got massive 128 gigabytes of
internal memory and it's available for
pre-order yes so this is the I got an
actual this is a 1 plus 3 here not the
3t but the
the three T is very similar um this is
actually a friend of Mines and they're a
great phone I've been using this just a
little bit just to see what it was like
and it's absolutely fantastic for the
price that's coming in and they're
saying these ones will come in at 479 US
dollars for the hundred twenty eight
gigabyte version which I think's
extremely good vey that's works out to
be six hundred and twenty-five dollars
Australian and about six hundred and
sixty five dollars New Zealand yeah it's
awesome double the point on your
smartphone yeah it was yeah okay thank
you know what else teaching in japan
true when i was teaching in japan true
story true story there'd be these kids
in the last year and that be like Brian
Brian sensei AV AV I'm like what sex
I've never heard of it before when he's
like look at this look at this is just
like quickly gets his smartphone out
shows me porn like I'm limits yeah on
the job like a face like shits like
that's like I'm like how much of that
stuff II got on there and it's just like
flicking through like look at this man
I'm just like that's not bad but
not for real I was like oh that's what i
was thinking inside I'm thinking oh yeah
you can't show that at school night you
know yeah so no now you can be yeah you
got double the storage now and your
smile that's good yeah six gigs of ram
still this is a very good phone very
high-end phone for the price so yeah if
you want out if you're a person out
there looking for a new smartphone and
you're looking for something that's very
you want to spend a bit of money but you
still want very good value then go for
the one plus 3t because it's it's still
an expensive phone no one's starting
that but when you compare it to a
petition the price point is coming at it
is very very very good yeah it's funny
with smartphones like this is weird i
dropped my smartphone so like yeah it's
the screens all cracked I you know it's
funny because like years that i've been
using two phones I've always laughed at
people who cracked this screen and like
how did you do that you know
how do you even do that and then like
this one I knew I was going to have a
problem with this one because it's nice
and shiny but at the same time it is
also slippery so I did I ordered a new
screen for it ordered a new case
everything so that was only like 30 aug
like 20 American for a really like metal
case I've got a metal case coming a new
glass screen but I yells at the gym and
just too just like grab my stuff grab my
keys and then just slipped out and
dropped on the floor and I just said is
cooked my god jeez so there was a broken
screen so yeah it does happen broken
screens guys because they're now all
tempered glass to they're not like they
don't use any plastic sort of cheese
legs astral glass but yeah yeah well
that's there yeah I don't know so now
this is that quite interesting that the
3t for you guys out there I'm it still
does retain a 1080p screen which some
people might not like I personally don't
mind it that much as I love it I mean
that's a lot of pixels on a screen that
small man like I'm comparing it yeah
it's materie likewise is better and all
that I mean it's still an AMOLED display
have they done any blind studies yet
where they've got the 4k displays and
they've tested them versus a 1080p like
same phone live you are viewed it like
you know just put like some boxing
around it and sort of just say hey can
you tell the difference which one's the
higher resolution I'd love to see a
blind study like that a and see how many
people get right cause if it won't but
it means that the thing is this 4k
phones they only usually show the 4k
resolution and specific apps otherwise
they're just they go back down to 1440p
run for it's not 4k all the time usually
they're only 4k in certain apps when
you're watching or playing certain
things so that's that's why but um
smartphone yeah I don't think it's a big
I don't think it's a big deal that
people have you know people are only a
1080p screen it's like really is it that
big of a deal goes amen you go look look
you just wake up one day you feeling
like crap you have to complain about
something ok so yeah some people might
just be like 1080p screen on a 4k screen
there's something to complain about
bang that should ya gotta get it off
your chest though you cannot blame that
guy yeah he's got a goon that's right
and your software wise it sound pretty
good to these 1 plus phones they run
what's called mean they're running
Android but they run at oxygen OS over
it but it's very very light it's very
close to stock Android which a lot of
you guys who purchase google phones will
like or so so it's not it's not like a
samsung phone we have big bloated
TouchWiz over the top of it which is
billions of bloatware on it what's gonna
say like what do you actually use your
smartphone for life for me i use it for
like twitter instagram taking some
photos checking some prices if i'm out
and about i'm on the mobile whatever
checking some things like it's not
really like a tool that i use at a time
you know like some people can use the
things religiously you know and then
there's going to be the guy in the
comments and i use it for porn it's
going to fess up but um what do you guys
like I wouldn't need 128 gigabytes like
I did not because I think this thing's
got like 16 and it's absolutely fine or
something like that so yeah I did know
you don't yeah I mean some of the power
users might to like to use if I'm for
everything might like it but now usually
I just use the phone to read read the
news and chat to people are you ready
news on my computer man well I do that
as well but if I'm out and about like if
I'm waiting for something waiting at the
barber or something like that then I'll
look at because I like reading the news
when I do something like that you know
it's something you can read a whole news
article it takes a bit of time so I'll
do something read something like that
bro um although a lot of the it's
bizarre a a lot of the news apps are
actually really bad I don't know why
that news companies a lot of times they
they have really bad apps you and I
compare them tell the ones I've seen out
there so there's a lot of news services
I'd like to read but the apps are so bad
I just deleted them because it's almost
sort of unreadable half the time ya know
so we'll move on to Q&A guys so Q&A time
do you
did you want to get through the forum
questions yeah so we're third so yeah
well there's from there was a couple of
new ones so said thanks for answering
the questions so I wanted to know about
ECC server ram on especially with the
nine i did it with a 920 bill they had
yes i remember that there was a building
in Japan I did where I used ECC memory
but it was non registered memory and I
had to update the bios to actually use
the memory so it was very weird
generally you can only use the ECC
memory as the registered stuff with a
motherboard that is designed for
whatever workstation motherboard for
example so usually the consumer
motherboards don't support the register
stuff but non-registered ECC memory
which was a thing around the x58 time
are you pick that up for cheap and
whether it works or not sort of like a
little bit of a gamble sometimes it
won't work sometimes it will work for me
it worked on both motherboards I had a
gigabyte and an msi board I'm pretty
sure it worked on both with a bios
update on both so you had to update the
boss first so there was the kicker so
after you updated the biased you could
then use that stuff and it was performed
all right I mean to perform fine I it
went up to 1600 megahertz and you know
the funny thing is about overclocking
that I had some thirteen hundred and
thirty-three megahertz stuff on the dual
xeon bill now that's registered ECC I
got that stuff up to eighteen hundred
and sixty six megahertz it was some fast
stuff so that stuff is pretty like you
can't you can't do astronomical
overclocks on it because of the way it's
designed but you can still get some
extra performance out of even ECC
registered memory so that's what I've
found that's just my my personal
experience with it you know of course as
I'm sure there's going to be a guy out
there who's gotten absolutely nothing
out of his ram that's ECC registered but
each their own I found I've got 128
gigabytes of this stuff so that's a lot
of ram and when i overclocked did it
overclocked fine so we've got here by
brian and give hi mr mallya in the next
few months i'll be building a new
rig and his budget is about 3,000
Australian that's pretty big and he was
wondering if he should go within video
right AMD GPU also wondering which
monitor he should get I had he had a
samsung 1440p 60 Hertz monitor that died
which he needs to be replaced ASAP he
can't stand 1080p gaming crazy and he
imeem like I thought 1080p was not too
bad I heard standard but he definitely
wants a he wants a 1440p 144 it's free
sync or g-sync preferably IPS I like the
fact that AMD seems to get better with
age and that they have hardware a sonic
racing compute which should hopefully
benefit the debt from dx12 the only
monitor i can find it Zia Zeus mg 279 Q
which has a free sync range of 35 290
what would I do I sent you a link Brian
tell them they're just bringing if you
can bring that link up that monitor that
I've linked to that that would do you
perfectly fine at casc or a arc Aegon AG
271 QX there's something I tested a
while back and it's a 1440p free sync
144 hurts this is in Jersey only dolls
thank you shot don't get shocked brother
processes and yeah the cell newzealand
dollars new zealand off the price in
america maybe is that 1440 outta ya
1440p the only downside is that it is
tnd i have tested this and it is a very
good tea in very very good but if you
want if you're someone out there that
just absolutely can't stand it i'm
judging this guy is i mean i'm not going
to say OCD but i say he's got his vision
is number one so mr. Moff your vision is
your number one thing you've got 3,000
australian dollars so what you're going
to do is you're going to want to go out
i reviewed this samsung 1440p ultra-wide
go out buy one of those things it's got
a VA panel absolutely phenomenal
backlighting 100 Hertz refresh rate it's
going to do you man you're going
love this thing I it doesn't have g-sync
probably the only downside but again
it's got a free Singapore but but you
will want to probably get maybe a 1070
that's the problem like the AMD cards at
the moment you've only got the rs-485
from a brand new shelf yeah you have to
wait for vaguer if you wanted a legit
high-powered AMD card even to power the
one that you're suggesting the Zeus mg
279 q nice monitor IPS pretty good yeah
144 hurts so it's up to you me
personally I'd be going with these ultra
lights now if we're talking high-end if
you've got 3,000 AED that's a lot you
could probably put together a 1070 rig
and get the 1440p ultra wide for that in
that budget yeah yeah you just better
off waiting though right now guys if
you're thinking about building a system
just wait because you've got reisen
coming out soon which even if you die I
destroy this is the thing that in Oz
like a lot of the AMD savings don't get
passed through especially on the cpu end
I find that I mean you remember
comparing like FX 8320 builds in the
states vs. Australia and then comparing
the same Intel builds from the states
vs. Australia the Intel builds with much
more in line in terms of you know PPP
prosperity there so as opposed to the
AMD builds the motherboards were
ridiculously expensive and honest there
with the CPUs were overpriced I hope
this is not a reaper i'm on petition at
help though I mean I doubt that price
you would expect process to come down
I'm sure until one chosen comes out if
it is competitive intel will be dropping
their prices to keep their market share
they're not going to let i would be very
surprised of intel did not shift their
prices yeah raised and performs how we
think i would say i'm not saying they're
going to drop by a huge amount but you'd
see thirty forty fifty dollar drops on
different CPUs in their line depending
on where they've got them situated they
can't just drop one they have to drop
all of them in the line because
otherwise it will come out really funny
in terms of their lineup but I think
you'll see the whole lot
drop and then of course when Vega comes
out you'll probably see nvidia do a
similar thing with the 10 17 10 80s I
mean the 1070 I mean that's like saying
at the moment I'd pick the 1070
ultra-wide 21 by nine yes you could
simply knew that suit on you I mean
depends it depends I mean honestly we
could probably like you probably go out
on gumtree and pick up a premade and
then just drop a 1070 in there cuz i
know a lot of people are just selling
like their whatever it is you know 5820
keys or they're selling these and
they're great rigs and they're just
selling because they want to get on the
5 gigahertz no cab you late you know
just rain so that's is that there's that
factor out there too but yeah I'd go
after what Joe ultra why men like after
using this samsung monitor it is
brilliant you know it is absolutely
phenomenal in say you know sad thing is
like when you first got it you're like
okay the colors are oversaturated nah
like after using for a couple of weeks
now it's the colors are completely
normal to my eyes so what does that tell
you it means your eyes have not been
getting the good treatment that they
deserve and then that now my eyes are
used to it so it's loving it so yeah I'm
able to see it I'm able to see clearly
whatever I don't know guys I don't know
it so that's a good question thing
anyways but it is a good question so I
would say if you possibly can by all
means I think Brian would agree with
this in the sense that you will have
even if we take prices out of the
equation at least you'll have more
choice and if you wait a few more months
and cpu yeah i mean if you can if it but
he said he can't he just can't stand it
and that's the thing righty the guy mom
mr. Moff can't stand it at the moment
and I remember that feeling dude when I
had the when I first got my 30 3570k I
think it was ivybridge I remember I was
like hell just wait a couple of weeks
till the price of the gtx 670 drops down
and then i'll buy one and dude I tried
gaming on this thing for a couple of
days and I just couldn't handle it I
just rage quit and bought the GPU at the
earth oppressed price because it was bad
man it was so bad night I get his
feeling if you just can't stand
something he just wants to upgrade right
now some people don't want to wait a
month man that month to them might be
worth that two hundred dollars or one
hundred dollar savings that they're
going to save so you can't really put a
price on time and experience that's what
one thing I've learned you've got to see
all angles you can't just say okay just
wait a month because this guy might he
said he can't stand what he's got now he
just can't stand it and i know that
feeling too so you got to look at what
everyone needs is an individual i'd say
this guy's an individual man just go
pull the trigger broker get that
ultra-wide go get that 1070 go to go ham
and then just sit back and have fun man
yeah i'm usually if i'm using it at the
moment using a 1017 the ultra wide man i
can vouch for its absolutely phenomenal
at a hundred hertz you know because
there's a lot of the games that for this
resolution with the 1070 absolutely no
problems 100 hertz it just looks
phenomenal even without g-sync or free
sync which is the way i like it because
you get the lowest input lag anyway so
there we go so yeah anyway guys we are
that's about it so that's in the forms
questions if you guys have questions
will be answering them on the forums
first so head over taxi dtb / forums
because that way it's more structured we
can sort of get the questions going out
rather than flicking through chat and
sort of like oh yeah we'll always go
through the foreign ones first so if you
one hundred percent want your questions
to be answered then yeah sign up to the
forums and post in that thread and then
we'll 100% go and check it out but
apparently yeah apparently these
something's gone wrong man with some of
the viewers like they can't see the
stream at all like answer yeah it's it's
strange a happy but the archive will be
up guys the archive will be up I'm
getting like a real i'm getting a green
light for stream health I've got no drop
frames so there's absolutely nothing on
my end at least going to be you sure
yelling so to be YouTube / state
something like that maybe so should the
archive should be up guys every asks do
you think the do we have any word on
rise and overclocking I've absolutely
got non it's up in the air
I yea I'm guessing it's going to perform
similar to the broad will cpu lineup I
guess that's you know you probably be
looking at four points something max
overclocks out of the the ache was yeah
I'd say probably get early yeah I think
it'd be quite similar to the 6900 k
probably get like four point two out of
them maybe 4.3 yeah they're probably not
going to be beastly but you know we
haven't heard anything so it's hard to
tell yeah don't do we think the prices
of real I mean that's six core two
hundred and twenty dollars yeah man it
seems too good to be true if the
performance is what is almost yeah yeah
and you guys should know the same by now
when when it's too good to be true
usually is usually yeah well that's I
don't think the prices are false I'm
just like I think it would be what's
what yeah what's informant might not be
up to because this was the trick with
the RX 480 is a lot of people thought
the RX 480 at the price point it was
coming in at was very good and they look
this thing's going to be as powerful as
a 1070 at this much lower price point
and what ended up being the truth was
that it was at that low price point but
the performance didn't come close to the
1070 exactly so what's the drawbacks
that's what I'm sort of like is there a
doubt it almost seems too good to be
true so what's the downside here with
the horizon CPUs is there something I'm
missing here or something that we're not
and that that's why I sort of cautioned
to that physics core I was kind of like
and you know I mean the idea took a step
back and I was kind of like I had to
sort of take it in for a moment I was
like okay well is a benchmark that's
showing some real differences so how
that's going to really come out for the
average consumer is going to be the
be-all and end-all I guess so yeah yeah
I'm really looking forward to that so
yeah guys any more questions are but
yeah partly the streams just it's
something really bad with the case like
I've seen the viewers drop off by half
or something which is unusual never
usually happens usually get a steady
flow of stream viewers
so I apologize on youtube's behalf guys
but now my string actually is going
orange so i might take off so yeah
something's actually happening now so ok
anyway guys yeah there was this there
wasn't the one guy said what's a good
case for custom Luke people saying that
defy necia the fractal design define s
would be just fine that's what most of
us what I was thinking or the define our
five would be but but probably the
divinest would probably the better one
see if either of those fantastic yeah
alright man alright well I'm gonna get
out of here we're gonna get out of here
thanks guys for tuning in this was
episode 14 yeah we'll just make my
stream health has gone to orange light
so I don't know what's going on now so
thanks for tuning in guys this is
episode 14 and we will catch you
hopefully next week hopefully next week
if no problems happen so yeah alright
guys we'll see you next time peace out
for now you guys bye
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