
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

The Tech Lounge #018 - Ryzen Scheduler vs Design? Vega Incoming, 1080ti Aftermarket Cards incoming

welcome back to episode 18 of the tech lounge and I am joined here by kev how you doing man I'm doing great Brian how about you yeah pretty busy been pretty busy and pretty crazy as well the Internet has real big real big problems yesterday so yeah yeah do you want to sort of explain to the fans who I am why were a day late yes I was late I was late a little bit late to begin with but then after that we getting the show on track and mine and that just crapped out so yeah that was that and then I spent all like half of yesterday calling them up and I was like okay can I get this done this done and can you get my internet back please and they're like okay we can do that so finally it came back up like pretty about 5pm so yeah that was a that's Australian internet for you man it's it's pretty it's pretty bad it is pretty bad people in Oz will attest to that they'll know that it can get pretty bad so and always happened it always happens to happen on a Monday as well like I don't know what it is so the habits is it I have been so fine how about yourself dude what's been going on ah not much roundest uh oh it through the 1080 TI testing did that showdown that was really fun I will be talking about 1080i but more in this episode and yeah and looking forward to i'll be doing some more rice and testing soon different motherboard higher speed memory and a few other changes there so i sort of want to revisit it again and aunt istic with a few different things out there and see how much of a difference it actually makes so i think that'll be a really fun also give any plans to do any rice and retesting yeah definitely i'm just going to wait for the official word kind of thing you know what i mean like the once the updates have been applied where smt is giving the same results as smt off you know what I mean yeah so once that flows through that's what I think I'll do my retesting because you don't want to have to disable S&T and I and I don't want to put up like I don't want to deal with comments like disable SNT and disable this and reenable businesses it's just like knowing if you're buying this product you shouldn't have to do that anyway out of the out of the box exactly yes I've been waiting for a retest as well I'm still going to do the overclocking tutorial I actually just got the asrock Tai Chi in as well oh nice yes I'm going to be doing a whole actual I might even change over my whole works they did promise my viewers as well and we just got 180 k subs two guys thank you guys so much that's awesome i'm going to be giving away my 1700 x that i got it for review see you guys yes someone's going to be getting that because i don't need it yeah i'll be getting another rising cpu into so you know wise will give it away to the viewers man the guys who support me you guys awesome thanks you guys so much so we just hit 180 k and i will hopefully asrock when that's all i'm talking at the moment together give a big giveaway going so we can give away a whole system risin and maybe I think sapphira maybe even interested in joining so they'll be getting into graphics card new cpu everything so that'll be huge I'm looking forward to I'm working on that don't don't push me to it but like I'm working on getting all the stuff organized so that'll be awesome someone's going to be a winner yeah yeah that's good yeah no I mean that that's the whole thing at you I do is my channel libris often as well as give back to the fans because I mean Deadlands oh who are support you so I think it's only right that um you know a few spare tech parts and stuff like that you send them out some because you know they're like yeah eat where you are all the other guys to put you exactly without viewers yeah but nothing we're not even a channel like you know I wouldn't be making content so yeah take care of use they got you back I know my viewers got my back man they're awesome especially with all the recent stuff going on so thank you guys know thank you guys so much you guys are awesome so so many nice comments as well really loving it so that's that we've got the giveaway coming and also yeah the as for the tuning guide i will do the risin tuning guide once i see i want to get the other cpu in which is coming in this week and then i want and see how that overclocks and I'm hoping for 4 gigahertz so if I give that a 4 gigahertz then I can talk about a little bit because you know would have had one that goes up to three point eight five four years I can kind of find those sweet spot settings and just recommend them to people like okay yeah here's the settings that are kind of going to be guaranteed and then from here we can go hit from here sort of thing yes sir yeah that's right yeah amen so anything because I got to let you talk no no no just reading through the chat everyone was talking a little bit about the rise of the Tomb Raider benchmarks since a a few people out there have been saying that that benchmark is inconsistent I was going to make a whole video on that topic but i decided not to because i didn't really want to right now but I from my own testing I ran the rise of the Tomb Raider benchmark three or four times with the same resolution all the same settings to see how much discrepancies there were between the different benchmarks and honestly it's at 1080p with a 1080 you see maybe you know two or three frame discrepancy each time was not much yeah it's very very minor so I don't know why people are saying that the rise of the Tomb Raider benchmark has big discrepancies in an i spoke to steve from hardware on box and he confirmed it we made that and you can probably confirm it as well Brian that it tends to be very consistent we don't run benchmarks usually if they get very inconsistent results as one of the first things you check when you go to add a benchmark to your benchmarking suite for your different videos is that you check that it's consistence why I don't run a GTA 5 because I'm in my testing I found it to be a little bit inconsistent at least the can benchmark in GTA 5 was but the the rights of the tomb raider one seemed fine 1080p 1440p porque high settings low settings seem pretty consistent to me I mean I didn't find anything wrong with it so I don't know what other people are complaining about yeah I was hitting two percent two percent variance that's how I averaged it on the rise of the Tomb Raider that's very accepted yeah I would agree with that yeah yeah I would agree with a so I don't know people claiming there was like a ten percent difference I don't know what you guys are doing but I've never seen that so you know I wouldn't added it to my benchmarking sweet if I saw this discrepancy they're just cooking bacon you know on the computer and temperature's going up we go we got repairs here yo yeah so that's um that's an interesting thing to note but on that note should we talk about this aim d community update this is a very new very very hot topic to talk about so basically all you need all you guys need to take from this article as it goes into the thread scheduler oh so this is your Oprah just this coffee is too good drinking out of ja ja ja ja is good CF judge us good stuff eh yeah um say basically yet the windows are scheduled our people were saying that the reason why risin was having trouble was because of the scheduler and PC perspective ran an article saying that basically that is not correct from their testing and now AMD have in this latest community update have also said that AMD believes that the windows 10 schedule is operating properly for Zen and we do not presently believe there is an issue with the scheduler adverse adversely utilizing the logical and physical configurations of the architecture and they go on to say the performance Delta's between Windows 7 and Windows 10 on AMD risin basically they're saying that's nothing to do with the scheduler and that that is to do with the software architecture differences between those two operating systems so what we take from this and well maybe you want to say Brian because this is something actually called a while back in the PC perspective article which is that the same as what we were just talking about with the scheduler there were two graphs they did which were the ping times between the logical cores of the 59 60 X so that has really CPU and the ricin 1800 x and something uh Brian said a while back was that it it seems like a jewel CPU so do you want to elaborate a bit more than that oh yeah I mean it's actually really cool because one guy who was insulting me he came back and apologized man that's all good like I really appreciate that it takes a real man just as you know say a man of steak I'm sorry that's like that was really cool I really but there was other people you know who called me a freaking idiot blah blah blah biggest you know d head on the on the planet don't know what you're talking about I mean guys it's like it was just me using this you know me taking a look at things and just giving an opinion whether it was right or wrong and I mean in hindsight it was right whether the my opinion was right or wrong it's like you don't have to bash me for having an opinion like isn't that now we grow as a community people have opinions and then things get tested and then we yeah so anyway that aside we can see here that yeah there is indeed two different dial nap feet on that PCB or on that little CPU that's going into the socket and unless of course it's the Xeon example was exaggerated it was of course massively exaggerated but yeah the principal's still there you got two separate died and they have to cross talk if it can be okay with each other and so that creates latency and it creates problem and that's a problem for gamers especially for game productivity you're not going to notice it in productivity that's where you know that's where Zealand shine as well Zealand's do extremely well on productivity that well especially the programs that can take advantage of all the threads and so you've got this dilemma we've got proactivity versus gaming we're gaming needs that real you know on the fly it cleans are constantly changing there's always you know varying workloads when gaming so this kind of latency it could be a problem I mean it could be a problem as well as just cautioning how is it going to spell out in two months time can they get the optimizations fully up to par can they really really nail it that remains to be seen we can't see that as a definite because i don't know i mean i'm sure you probably don't know either can we see that as a definite and no no we can't there's still a lot up in the air right now but the other thing to mention is looking at the latency look at the difference there when it's crosstalking obviously we see it jump up quite a bit but look at it just normally compared to the 59 60 X when it's just the physical and logical course that that is quite they drop down from 80 to what sets hovering like about 40 it looks like yeah so it looks fantastic if what if you were disabled one of these CCX units just have four chords that'd be fantastic yeah again may be really good for gamers I think gamers are really looking forward to that for core and if and they want I guess that's the biggest question I don't know I mean are they going to disable two cores on each of the die or they going to just release one died on a PCB what are they going to do with the risin are three CPUs that remains to be seen really interesting I'm looking forward to it I'm sure you're looking forward to a to keV yeah yeah no definitely um thats all i mean as Brian said before it's all a bit up in the air right now so except see but but what we can save from taking from what AMD themselves have said they are saying that the windows scheduler is not the problem and based off the pc perspective article as well everyone running to that saying that is the big problem it doesn't appear to be an AMD themselves as saying that is not an issue but further on in the AMD article we see the temperature reporting so this was something that caught a lot of us by surprise and this explains it quite well so basically the reported temperature oftentimes is higher well they saying is higher by 20 degrees than what the air true Junction temp actually is so SI reported 58 and the truth 38 and that is because of the offset for the fans which is quite the interesting yeah I was quite surprised that they did that and I was sort of surprised s I mean maybe I just wasn't reading around enough before it but I thought I tried learning as much as I could about rising and before I did all my videos and that and I didn't find this information anywhere did you Brian to do we were of this temperature now the good thing that well the thing is that the great thing about it is look at the are seventeen seventeen hundred it's got no problems again I mean to the are seventeen seventeen hundred you get just as good overclocks this is what from what we're seeing you get a included heatsink with it bonus and you get proper temperature reporting I mean what what's the point of buying an 1800 or 1700 x yeah unless you know unless you're a turbo new yeah oh yeah that's what I mean that's the point is this could make so um yeah I said that in my video you guys should just go for the 1700 but then people came back to me and said I you know Kevin not everybody overclocked since you know so for those people yeah sure maybe look towards those ones but even then honestly you'd have to weigh up is it really worth it for just that extra clock speed even if you don't want to overclock you have to judge that for yourself beer so basically it raises the temperature sup which some I mean you could make the jump to saying that kb lake has brought this upon them because obviously with such higher temperatures um fans are going to be you know fan curves from the fault will be a lot higher and maybe they did it for that reason but yeah I don't think it's this is just a funny little thing that I thought was quite interesting so if you have a 1700 x 1800 x and you've been doing stress tests and stuff and going like wow why is these why these temps so damn high yeah that there is an offset for it that's why if you have a 1700 there is no offset so whatever temp you're seeing is that the temp you're getting the you know that is the true temperature so yeah well that's quite interesting that's what they say Sankey controls differing from T Junction and T junctions the true temp so you have to go with that says I mean I in hardware monitor i was getting what looked around about right for temperatures because AMD temperatures are usually lower than intel cpus just the way they report them so yeah I mean you've got to factor that into account so have they done that again so also the interesting thing is with the power plans we got super chat on to go I think we got a five dollar donation thank you very much that was awesome yeah yeah he's asking about the charger cup oh okay what did he say about the jar jar here's the j joshi i just saw something about jaja sir okay are we well judge I've guys if you donate money I'll put it towards Jar Jar we'll get him some bling I'll get into my gb LEDs I'm serious there so yeah they've got the power plan here they recommend turning it on high performance power I mean that's out of the gate that's how the hellish how you should be running risin at the balance when I was doing my testing I turned it on high performance straight away so yeah apparently it turns off quite lacking in Suffolk that's did that yeah I think most of us do that automatically for any PC anyways where it was Intel AMD I always would put it on high point especially when I do gaming laptops you would notice a bit there um yeah you're right just the core parking which you run you about but maybe the fast frequency change I may be few people didn't know about that as well okay well i see i like to manually overclock in the p state so I'm going to bring out a guide that's really that raw manual overclocking and it's still going to have down clocking in power savings as well so I'm getting to the bottom of that it seems pretty similar actually to a m3 in one respect and I'll talk about that in the guide there is there is a similarity there for sure but yet that's that's that guy's and then there's this article here from PC perspective which is really cool like I really like some of the in-depth testing they're talking about and they basically go on to say that this scheduler is actually fine already in Windows 10 yes I mean I kind of I'm wondering because when you turn off smt you do get legit gains in some games so yeah well that's what they said at the bottom of the AMD blog they were saying that generally you should see a neutral or positive benefit from smt we see this neutral possible behavior in a wide range of titles including karma 3 battlefield one mafia three watch those two sips x4 on a hitman murs Edge catalyst subdivision and villains and they said for the remaining outliers and the again sees multiple opportunities within the code bases of specific applications to improve how the software addresses Zen architecture so basically they're saying they want to improve the games understanding of the court and the cash topology so that's really good so this is something they are aware of and smt in the future you definitely want to disable because this thing it should either be exactly the same with smt on recency off or it should the game should perform better with smt on which makes sense because as myself and Brian have said it makes no sense of your guide on productivity and gaming you're not going to turn off smt go play your games resize you to turn it back on edit your video restarted again turn it off and then go back and you know play some more games or something so it makes know you've gotta restart it twice for us well thing is you gotta restart to what you'd restart disable this until you restart again and can make it it's just too yeah exactly just the absolute waste of time so but in the article busy perspective they said that the it's it is appearing to act more like a to saket system so like a non-uniform memory access so to it to a degree and that's there to a degree exactly so how their new Infiniti fabric works compared to Intel the dual socket systems for example remains to be seen but it's still it doesn't matter as long as and this is the thing right as long as the real world performance is there like a it doesn't matter what design they're going with if people can get smooth good frame rates out of these CPUs in games and they can do their productivity that's all that matters yeah so so yeah and raisins is looking like it's already doing a pretty good job of that especially the r7 1700 mean for three hundred and twenty-nine dollars incredible value for money I don't think anyone's going to dispute that or whatever you know ensure the 7700 k is beating it at the moment in a majority of titles but again the r7 1700 is a really good cpu and I don't think anyone's going to argue that or I'd like to know who would argue that because it's doing really well in productivity and it's kicking ass so yes they're not to lie and gaming it's doing really well too it's just that it's not as fast as the 7700 k that's all and that's all the 7600 yeah but it's at that it was what we predicted is that Intel with the fewer course and very fast quad-core switch is something they've been doing for a long time guys like think back to way back um they I think they realize they struck gold many years ago with that that sort of design in terms of what works well for gaming and so of course that's going to be good and as I said in my video if you're just purely going to be gaming you're not going to be doing any productivity whatsoever then you're probably going to be best off as of right now things always change in the future but we have to talk about right now guys um the 7600 k is still solid it's cheaper than 1,700 hey maybe these are quite as hexa-core and quad-core rice and chips will change that but as of right now the 7600 would be the one to go for if you are I with your game I would savour I would dare I'd say competitive gamer that's about it like I'd say even if you're a gamer you've do you choose you know what I mean I'd say for competitive games like people who really need the blistering edge highest frame rates possible you'd want to go with the cabbie lake CPU but other than that I'd say the mature already a game is might want to think about going with the l7 1700 it's a great vacation yeah I mean it's more expensive here by like two hundred dollars so sort of a harder pill to swallow although they kinda is upset maybe a little bit with the motherboards choices but it if you're someone who's does productivity and games then one hundred percent go towards rising because you'll get a hell of a deal and if you're just doing it works you just have a workstation then again I go towards rising as well and get yourself a good like a 1700 and that'll be actually excellent for all your work station stuff all of our productivity testing has shown it to be everybody is all the channels out there when you look at the productivity scores they're phenomenal yeah in terms of value for money so yeah if you're building a work station anytime soon guys and here you definitely want to be looking at rising because they don't you you do very well from a vapor of value for money perspective especially if you're a small business owner and you have to buy quite a few of them I would definitely go towards that save the money over broad oily what would you pick judge a mixer pinky MP Oh God if my ears could keep me um he wants to go the risin see Bieber oh that yeah it is really good and it will get better and woo what we're gonna talk a little bit more about the other ones yeah and that's it that's not think that's that argument as well like the 7700 k is beating the Broadway League lineup as well so that's the thing right of course yeah sure again we got to wait for those r 3 and r 5 cpus to really have a look at that only gaming segment for cpu recommendations so that thing's the 1600 x will still kind of hit on that because I mean rumored the 6800 gain 6850 k our six core made for a sort of work station partly workstation use and there have been quite good so I think maybe the 16 those six core Orizon fives might do the same sort of job a like just cheaper yeah there's someone's rain wanting a real cheap sort of workstation um and they go towards them as well I pulled up an article here from OC 3d and they're saying that yeah the I mean all the skills are going to be overclockable which is great but the Orizon our files will be released in quarter to 2017 so we're not really sure on the r3 yet which a lot of people are looking out for two so r 5 and r 3 are looking like there's a lot of eyes on those cpus and so yeah i'm really looking forward to that so the price is still kind of the exact pricing still can't remain seen but damn man UK you guys get ripped d 319 pound 47 1700 and slate 329 USD poor guys yeah pretty rough eh yeah I think that's that would be my my prediction right now is that I think the rising faiz the six cores will fill that the similar sort of void that the rice and Simmons do in the workstation and gaming thing in the rise and threes will be a very much aimed at gaming but from what I've seen so far so come pretty good there i getta lookin pretty good there 1600 x against sync things like the 6850 k and multi-threading tests yeah but i still think that's an invalid comparison though i will point that out there compared it to a 6850 k let's not exalt let's not ignore the 6800 k which is much cheaper than a 6850 k and as for 28 pcie lanes verses 24 that's a much more valid comparison I don't know why they're competitors or 68 there's no reason to compare it to a 60 a 50k people who buy that cpu want those extra pcie lanes end of story so I yeah i think when i saw that comparison i was kind of scratching my head i might come on guys that's a bit you know bit pious and nike harrison so yeah the 1600 kate is it is a little bit and the 1600 k is still a pretty decent cpu like you know 6800 k was that sort of balance between work station and gaming it has i've got one now running in my main rig it's 4.2 gigahertz stable 24-7 thing is really good it's a really good cpu yeah the risin would be better the awesome so many hundred would be better for productivity but for gaming this thing edges it out yeah yeah no you're exactly right so that's it it is a good point to make but i will be quite and sit in here in new zealand there's already a two-hundred-dollar price difference between the 6800 k and the r7 1700 really um yeah it's about seven you pay about seven hundred dollars for a 6800 k and you it cost you about five hundred dollars for the 1700 and also there's a big discrepancy in the motherboards x99 as you know Brian ah the cheapest to buy um so I mean you probably can't get some deals that we go use in that but I mean as far as brand new um you that the rise and motherboards are a lot dayum for i should say motherboards are a lot cheaper on average than both Z 270 and x 99 but are they though are they much cheaper than a Z 270 I'm from what I'm seeing a be 350 s a brother be 350 a year the be 350 s are hitting hard but the actual x3 70s are kind of obscene seen the pricing especially your knowledge they're kind of in ways similar to a Z 2 70's yeah they're getting up but I mean it's that that's its own argument of what you know is it is it really worth it for a lots of people to get the x 37 e um where the be 350 band seems that seems like a pretty good deal yeah I do agree with you this is uh yeah I'm just looking at some pricing now between the X 370 and the Z 270 um there isn't a huge discrepancy but with the be 350 + Z to 70 then you're seeing a bit of a but that's what i want to see I one of those up to 52 so there's you could go down to that as well if you want to add that into the argument but even then it seems that's not overclockable favor well I want to check on the baby 50 honest see I want to get like I've got the Tai Chi and now which is a really good ex 370 board I want to get in a really good be 350 board and then see if the overclocking makes a difference like this test that I want to really do that are great for the end user and will tell them okay go with this in this situation go with that in that situation that's what I want to get to the bottom of I just want to do that trial and error that's what I'm good at trial and error test things out and then I can make my recommendations based off that that's sort of the testing I like doing so I do want to get in to be 350 that is sort of like Harold as the be 350 to get and then I want to pit that against the X 370 to get and then see what you think that a recommendation especially with the AAA so we're here no I think a lot of people other thing a lot of people are sorry i just say i think a lot of parents in there and my next a lot of rising testing will be done with a be 350 motherboard most likely although i cannot confirm at this stage it will be with a gigabytes gaming three so that will be quite interesting but from what I've seen and read so far and I guess you can comment on this as well Brian the b3 50s do seem like amazing value in terms of how much you pay to what features and stuff you get yeah with the motherboard that's right that's what I was predicting the be 350 would be that sort of just what you want if especially if you're a game or even if you're like doing you know single and user work sort of thing it's sort of like this it's like the singles motherboard you know as opposed if yeah yeah maybe making a business at home or whatever you might want to go with an ex 370 or whatever but these be 350 just seems like it's for the solo user you know Han Solo as there you go on I said but we got here the Vega 4096 stream process 8 gigabytes of hbm memory apparently according to a see soft Sandra benchmark that was released here so that's pretty interesting I mean that these are kind of like the specs that we thought Vega would have and it's looking like it will have these specs so yeah what do you think about this um well yeah we it's still sort of early times right now what we thought 4008 extreme processes that if you guys can remember back is the same amount as we got on the fury x that's kind of good to see eight gigs of HP m2 memory that's also good there if you guys do not know although i think most you guys would understand what hbm is um I think that will make a big difference as although GDR 5x with things like the 1080 TI are getting pretty fast now 11,000 megahertz it's you know how long there's a lot of memory bandwidth there mean I'm not sure how much better it could be with HP em to ya I mean dare I say that hbm is more for productivity and when you're using you know opencl and whatnot but when it comes to gaming I mean they're the GDR 5x is already out there getting more of it on a now a 10 a TTI but the HBM I don't think that's the biggest selling point with the graphics card I think this you know how fast the stream processors are and that 40 nanometer node is going to be the selling point how much of a difference is there versus the fury which you know has the same amount of stream processors how good is it overclocked there's all these questions that people want to know how good are the driver updates how good at this and that so what are we going to see out of this thing how's it going to compete against the 1080 TI now which is out there in the wild so really interesting times coming ahead I can AMV do it can they do a rising can they be competitive you know what I mean can they really bring it think because they I mean they are competitive with the RX for 70 in our X 480 but they've got no competition at the motor for the 1070 1080 and now the 1080i yeah yeah I think that's my prediction right now from all the specs I'm seeing and everything else is I think they're the top end Vega chip which will be the Vega 10 i believe is I think that will come in between the 1080 and 1080 TI and I suppose you could say / Titan XP but I could not think anyone's buying them anymore um since the 1080i came out so I think it'll come in there I from what I'm seeing so far I don't think it will dethrone video as the GPU king that GP 102 um GPU is just phenomenally powerful so I think they'll have a hard time trying to dethrone that but yeah to be competitive with the 1070 1080 yeah sure I would 100 believe a one hundred percent believe that judging by these specs it's it really should be able to hit nvidia in that area and that's an engineer he wants a hit as well the 1070 is a very popular graphics card so is obviously a 1060 but your it have the arts free competing against that so to get in and try take some sales away from nvidia in the 1070 area and would be very good from a money-making perspective from AMD yeah be awesome so I wonder how it plays out with vr and stuff like that too so be an interesting car to lay your eyes on we're looking at computex yeah that's about when it's going to be released so yeah something sometime around there and I'm not also I'm not saying that the gddr5 X will have more memory that the 1080i we're more on bandwidth memory bandwidth then Vega if it's running hmm too but it is quite hard to say right now but from everything I've read it does look like the Vega card will have more memory bandwidth but again at the end of the day how much is I don't want to say too much but how much is really that necessary and how much of performance is more just about straight up roar GPU horsepower you know we can talk a lot about the memory and stuff and but in terms of gaming I'm not talking in terms of productivity but just purely gaming and it's that raw GPU horsepower you really want would you agree with that Brian or yeah yeah exactly you do want that and then the course of memory as long as it's doable then it should be fine i'm in an example of when the memory wasn't doable was the 660 ti sorta like it came in with that you know nerfed memory I whatever it was the 192 bit wide boss there and that caused problems in some games like I remember that so the 60 CT I was an egg's we had the horsepower you didn't have the memory whatever is set up to support the GPU so yeah the memory bandwidth to flow it yeah yeah exactly that's definitely not to be a prime yeah you came out with the sorry you know I do have excuse mornings is where my brain just doesn't work so excuse me in advance guys but this time around hbm looks like it's overkill if anything much very much overkill so the gdr 5x looks like it's that sweet spot at the moment but again hbm to is going to be awesome there's no reason not to love it and it's going to be an extra thing but does that add to the cost of the card considerably i would i would say dare I'd say yes I mean hbm would be in demand at the moment H being too oh yeah so yeah it's definitely going to be that letter we the thing is at the end of the day it's got to be priced and the 1070 pricing I would still say is a little bit high 0cm so I think I would it'll be good if they could undercut them slightly we will just have to see when it comes to performance as well I mean if it just blows it in 70 of the water performance wise then each day the bigger 11 does which it should um the will of Vega 10 Japan how powerful these cards are and they then we'll see price wise but but this will be something that will have to take into consideration but I'm really looking forward to this it'll be really good and you guys should be as well even if you're the biggest and video fanboy there is you just you just will never touch a radeon card ever you should want this as well because more competitions better makes and video want to innovate more and you know really bring it even more with their GPUs and also it will help with our pricing the competition is always always good you really do what I will say that the GPU market is where over the last few years we have seen massive gains I mean it doesn't matter how you got on there has been competition yet yeah there has been massive gains sort of like the CPU market what was that you pulled that article up where it was a the Sandy Bridge 2020 700k was it versus the 77 it was like clock for clock a twenty percent difference it was like really how many years has been and we five years or something we got twenty percent yes yeah this that it is a good point and I'm Pascal was a big leap forward for NVIDIA inferred the GPU market in general is a lot bigger leap than I think a lot of people are anticipating but it will be good to see AMD fight again at that with the top tier the high-end graphics cards with the RX Freddie still doing very solidly as you're a value-for-money mid-range GPU I very much think people often overlook it in favor of the 10 60 which the 1062 fine grub scale that's very good graphics card but you guys should know as well that the RX Frady is still very solid when it launched out a few problems but nowadays with all these driver updates have been having it's really you know starting to bring it to the 1060 it's very competitive between those two graphics cards yeah sorry just my cat interrupted the stream man he's a he's a lovely little cat if he if he keeps crying I'm gonna have to have just put him outside so sorry about that yeah miss the little bit of that but so sorry man more so it's just my my point was the 480 and the 1060 have gotten more competitive over time as opposed to win the 480 first launch oh yes they had very very very true yeah you know look this is the thing about the 470 I've been buying those things up in droves because the last two months I've been looking for graphics cards to get for builds that are you know with CPUs that'll support that price point and yeah I can't find anything when you look at the comparable value of an RX for 70 so I've just ordered in like 2 RX for 70s I got in a zoo 0 got the gigabyte one and they're just kick an ass like people want three hundred dollars for an i-9 290x here 300 australian dollars and it's like you can get the you know the 474 280 or something so it's like what the hell getting a brand new card you're getting warranty and it's performing better and is using less power keep your 09 290x / you know like it's just that's the problem I've had lately I've been looking for these use graphics cards and they just haven't been good value so I've just been buying RX for 70s they've been fantastic value for money so I completely agree the RX 470 and the ice variety really hit the market hard and in ways I do prefer it now like after using the RX 470 I do prefer it to the gtx 1063 gigabyte because you get that extra gigabyte there it's a really good balance i think that four gigabytes of vram is actually a really nice balance with the RX 470 that's what I like yeah I agree yeah and I think that's 3 gigabytes I do think it's just a little bit too much certain titles will demand a bit more and when you've got like when you're buying the latest graphics card the latest graphics card you do want it to perform in all your titles exactly it's getting a bit closer than three gig mark um but you know that's exactly right should we talk about the sin a TTI yeah we'll quickly talk about this over got the d/s 12 game ready drivers a quick performance law the 1080 ta launched they brought out some our driver releases that helped fix the x FPS and DX 12 titles interestingly so we've got to rise here in ashes of singularity to rise of the Tomb Raider dx12 saw a huge increase their to eighty-three percent that was huge hitman pro so I mean a lot of people aren't using dx12 at the moment I don't use it either so I'm kind of like what's the point of dx12 the moment is really just a lot of the times you get crashing that's the worst thing it's not a performance it's mainly the crashing whenever I switch to DX 12 and a lot of titles program has not responded and you get circle it just crashes have you been finding that too now I'm 90 x 12 has been just fine i played the entirety of day 6 and drake x 12 and it seemed fine to me but you do see that performance arm hits which people have been complaining about for some time so this is a good step you know obviously doesn't fix everything but it's good that and videos aware of this and hopefully we see this drink and you and the dx12 performance then catch up match dx11 because and some titles is blind and then surpass it but of course we we knew this would be a problem for a while with DirectX 12 but it's looks like they're heading in the right direction so that's really good and yeah you know somebody's Article II about AMD risin five 1600 X may beat intel it its own game I mean the title there may beat of course anything may beat anything if it's not released yet so yeah will this thing it's against the 6850 k which oh that's right for easy but yeah yeah we're talking about that before should be the 6800 k so that was kind of a yeah bit of a cherry picked example there is i mean even then you've got 24 lanes even on the 1800 x for example or the 70s and so you still got 24 lens versus 40 lens on that you know 6900 k and whatnot so that's still a factor but of course you look at the price differential there it's like seven hundred dollars you know 6900 k vs an r 7 1700 that's a huge price gap so it's like okay you'll ignore the 16 pcie lens but when you're looking at this sort of lower in comparison here the four our five 1600 x + 4 compared vs the 6800 k it's a more valid comparison much more valid prices yeah starting to come closer and then you've got twenty eight lanes verses 24 so still got the extra four gigabytes of deer VRMs direct ddr4 slots the dimm slots there so yeah did you want to add more yeah on the other cool i know i mean yeah now we already spoke about this a bit earlier but um yeah the 69 Rex looks like it's gonna be coming in and quite the good price point and I think that'll still be a very valid workstation CPU also alongside the hour seven series of CPU so that would be good also yeah yeah now we're good only as o tick yeah so ticked in attrs infinity as in the works yeah I mean which one looks like your favorite I pulled up the gigabyte or us here as well they're gonna really sing a 1080i horas and there's the 1080i from zotac as well I think I pulled up one from inno3d as well it looks pretty cool as well I mean so many cool things coming out and the you know 3d ones got a looks like a little fan on the vrm there too so yeah so there's some crazy i noticed yeah yeah the other thing I notice is to look at the IO on them a lot of them have the DVI back yeah really took it off the founders and haha yeah of course that I mean I like that DVI port I use it for when I've got my second monitor up here for doing live stream yeah or editing videos it's really handy to have a DVI port anyway so i use my utilized mind at the moment me keep in mind they do include that display adapter to DVI adapter yeah yeah that's fair game I mean for monitors is a lot to use that's a hell of a lot of monitor there yeah exactly and I mean the only blower style um cooler you see they even this otech as otech lower akula they have the DVI removed and it's just to help it exhaust that hot air out the back your case just even faster so i do understand there was a very good reason for doing it um yeah these otech ones look like pretty good and so the gigabyte and a lot of them and it wasn't a card that it ran fairly hot and as always with these 250 TDP a 250 watt TP um nvidia flagships like we saw with the 980 TI and and before that as well so this will be very helpful but these guides again guys they're going to only appeal to the ultra enthusiasts those guys out there that are just they got a 1080 or something they're just like man i just need more power and they'll be the ones going for these guides because i want to then overclock the 1080i and then that'll be an absolute beast the performance is already ridiculous enough as i showed in my videos and it's fear as well as getting about thirty percent better performance than the 1080 on average it costs about thirty percent Morse okay what about a salad I'm getting one in pretty soon what about overclocked versus overclocked that's all I care about because they get the 210 80s go to around 2.1 gigahertz to 2.1 what is the 10 ATT i goaded III didn't do it because it was a borrowed card which I'm not allowed to but the in the future I should be able to get a 1080i that I will be able to overclock a non reference design and then I will do a overclocked verse overclocked one but again I wouldn't imagine I mean clock speeds out of the founders edition ten ATT I was already at 1800 60 megahertz which is pretty decent so I would imagine you be able to take them over 2000 and from memory that was similar to what the 1080 got found this edition so yeah I think that overclocking wise they'll probably be quite similar to each other the 1080 and the 1080p I but of course with all those extra cuda cores that the 1080 TI has it's just in raw performance it'll always be higher yeah so there we go guys awesome stuff so we'll move over to QA now so we're going to heat the questions are for 80 got it got it we had a donation just as we move over 20 awesome Jack so we can start up the QA and do you want to read out the question keV yeah yeah it's got a 7950 use and it caught fire when I plugged it in but it still works turns out one of the GPU VRMs blue ever have that happen to you personally I can say that hasn't what about you Brian I've had a lot of weird stuff go on generally for vrm something on the VR and blows out for me the cards gone like you have to fix it up that's really weird that's bizarre um yeah that's this doesn't make much sense but house is still going that's just yeah like dude you gotta send this you got to take a video of this thing and show me I mean it could have been just like a piece of wire or something on the vrm and cuz it catches fire it blows off the piece of wire and the card still works I've had that before you know my arm my little baby he chucked it was just the weirdest thing that happened every like he had this little thing in his hand he picked it up chucked it and it like went through the front of the case like ninja I didn't even know how I don't even know how he did it man he just went like this is perfect throw on it just I saw my GP you just go shoot and then the whole system just shut off and it still worked so I've had a motherboard in the past as well spark up as well that's been fine computer parts are very sturdy and that's what I've been saying in the past they're very sturdy so when I manhandle my parts as long as I'm not like twisting the PCB or anything like that because that's really dangerous don't twist the PCB you'll shadow yeah but as long as you like you know putting it down or whatever or being a little bit rough as I generally find its app it's absolutely fine with pc parts I've never had a PC part break on me because I've been man handling it and no i don't think i have father so yeah but that that vrm definitely sounds like that's a nickname in love to see that thing so please show me a video of it that's crazy is that crazy someone said in chat manhandle my parts Brian ah yes the donate hey guys so if you want to ieave you want us to answer questions and all the donations are on her you know it helps us out and it's really great that you guys want to support us and we'll answer those questions straight away if you donate with a question or getting hit head over to the forums we're going to answer some questions right now and put your questions there so yeah we got us from coalition gaming any chance of seeing old high-performance laptop CPUs pulled from dead gaming laptop carcasses and be turned into Frankenstein gaming PC's I would do that if I could find the high end laptop CPUs I've every I've been looking for a long time and any laptop with an i7 on it even if it's dead has just been a ripoff so it's like there's no sort of value added there of course I'd love to do it for Mike around project but it's just the actual price performance just wouldn't be there unless of course you got a laptop that someone just chucked away which I'm yet to find with the nice 7 in it so usually people like um I remember my laptop died I had a had an i5 and and I pulled out the i-5 and sold of 200 bucks like it was crazy because those they fetch some good money and then we got from the Canadian he he said Brian have you played with that Alibaba p55 board yet so you have to send me a link which p55 border you're referring to because they have some good h55 s on there they're like the azuz board that's gone for 65 bucks i bought the biostar that was a media i was mediocre it still did the job but it wasn't the bias was pretty limited and I was pretty annoyed that it couldn't get that top speed multiplier by a staff you're watching just release a bios update where you do enable the 20 even if it's seven years later who cares people would want that I want that anyway I want that anyway so what do you do with you use computers after you've built them I sell a lot of them actually get the fina get the cash back in for what a spin on them so yeah a lot of the underused builds they get hopped off after I'm finished with them because it's just that stuff starts piling up around here man I've got such a limited space to work in so actually have to have to actually have to sell a lot of it too otherwise I'll be broke bro and we near that baby no see man it won't be just baked beans it would be like you know use baked beans oh yeah we have them in sir will the 1080 or 98 each I be a better use bargain when people start offloading them for 10 ATT is do you think that most people who will buy a 1080i will have 10 A's and 92 TI's do you want to take this question keV um yeah I mean you probably know better about the used market than I do but yeah I maybe it would be a hell of an upgrade for a lot of people go from a 980 TI to attend a TTI although it would probably cost you a lot you yeah I think I think you'll see some of us feel I would say quite a few people with 1080s might be upgrading to the 1080 TI especially for key gamers like myself that just want a bit extra performance they will go towards sits in a TTI now because the extra performance in 4k was quite good so yeah you you'll probably see see that but that's always the case with new that's quite a general question whenever there's a new higher-end GPU then the other ones you know people will sell them to upgrade and then those ones get cheaper so it's always a a constant thing that's always moving forward with the newer GPUs coming out obviously the older flagships and the card that used to be the most powerful I mean 980 TI yes I think people be offloading there but if you have a 1080 I'm sure a lot of people are just going to wait for volta now like it's it's not that far off surely voltar would be maybe you want five months off so I'm guessing a lot of people just wait for vault or are you get into that cycle the 980 i use is i do see a few people selling their 90 eyes and going jump into a 1080i that's true so yeah yeah and the pricing year the pricings crazy them and GPU markets crazy for use for us now like it's all over the place and of course you can find a bargain but it's usually from that person who knows what it's worth it's like okay this card isn't worth that much if i'm going to sell it then i have to drop it significantly there's you just see so many graphics cards out that out there at the moment on the used market and you just like looking at the price scratching your head you like what the hell i can bind you and it's better value for money so yeah yeah okay and gary is answering questions don't answer the questions man yeah if you're the confuses us when you guys answer the questions that are meant for us in the questions thread because then when we look through it we get confused of what you know the quick that we assume the questions are directed at us for the show so we can talk about them together on that ogre it does ask a good question though you get the six core the r6 you know the r5 when it comes out different schemes they'll probably be the same deal all overclockable to the same levels what difference does it make in editing times with a six claws oppose a call it's interesting because it's a weird thing with its basically added in Premiere Pro and Premiere Pro utilizes all your threads when you like loading things into the program and stuff so we'll make things faster overall but of course on a 6-core with that much productivity on it like the risin six score and 12 threads you're going to be able to edit videos absolutely fine like I doubt I would see much of a slowdown going from eight calls to six scores in Premiere Pro six cause the four cores year you might start noticing things but i'd say the six score is really that sweet spot for two hour premiere pro going up to eight core especially in the final render times when you've got 16 threads of us is 12 threats the render times will scale off a little bit because i think after six scores 12 threats the performance in Premiere Pro starts the scale off too so interesting but I'd say it doesn't make too much of a difference especially if you're editing yeah i mean i think what i can tell you yeah i can tell you guys um i have the benchmarks up here so a 6800 case that's obviously the six core at 4.2 versus a 6900 k @ 4 gigahertz so it's actually a little bit less um encoding times in hand brake it was three minutes 42 seconds for the 6800 k 3 minutes 9 seconds for the 6900 k and the cinebench multi-thread test seeing 1300 CB for the 6800 k and 1658 so then with the 6900 k so all in all armed basically yeah you'll you the 69 okay will do better if it's better value I mean you pay a lot more for it probably not um it's a lot more expensive for that but better and productivity times but it still does better but yeah I think this except on okay I mean it is the most popular broadwell each chip so that makes sense because it was very good value by comparisons the others in the 6900 k is a particularly good value yeah well duh then we got another question here too so we've got the he wants to ask the he's got the 1700 nice choice the r7 1700 and he wants to check on the temps does the risin master tell it correctly compared to other software out there are like I use the risin software for like two seconds I looked at it as like okay this is like a bios in windows which I don't need so I just yeah I just don't installed it so I can currently tell you but I just use hardware monitor it's really good you can see all the speeds real-time you can see all the how it's boosting the max the men it's even got a temperature setting in there so i think i think those temperatures in hardware monitor are more accurate possibly again i've actually okis i'm building a new rise in pc i've taken the old one and put it in pieces now so yeah i'll be doing some more testing i just got to get through a lot of things and that's why i mean i'm waiting to do some really good rise and testing and hopefully that update up that fixes the smt versus non smt discrepancy comes out as well whatever fix is applied so yeah yes that's that's very good in the other part of that question was what's a safe voltage to go to and not any higher for the rights and sevens are from what I have heard and been told it's one point four or five bolts is kind of where you you kind of don't want to go higher than that really you should be able to get whatever you want out of it by going up to about 1.4 25 area so you really I didn't see any need to really go above that oh sorry yeah Mr safe voltages yeah I yeah I would say 1.35 is like that that's the confirmed super safe level at the moment if he's only wanting to go to 3.7 on all eight then you should be able to do that but I mean if you're wanting to take this to the max then you might need to go up to 1.4 1.4 to type thing to get the max out of it but that depends of how it depends what type of overclocking you are I personally always just take the chip to the max the safe maximum and just leave it there and I've had good luck with my CPUs in the past not having any problems even though they've been setting it quite high over clocks and voltages for quite a long time but if you're saying that's you know not like pink I'm not wanting that high-risk high-reward type thing um or higher risk than yet if you got a 3.7 yeah I'm sure what Brian said 1.3 25 or something that 1.35 I that's what I found the sweet spot was for mine anyway after that you just do things would start tripping you know it's a lot of years after three point one point three five diminishing returns really kicks in so is that extra 50 or whatever the 50 millivolt is that going to be worth the you know extra temperatures and whatnot yeah yeah yeah it is a good point yeah so that's that's that's a guy's one down the questions there and also any requests as well make sure you guys jump over if you've got questions for next week's tech lounge jump over to there'll be a new thread their questions for episode 19 attack lounge sign up to the forms really cool place really awesome and a new home for you guys if you need want us to discuss tech know insulting each other and none of that crap really peaceful there and also as well if you guys got requests be sure to drop a comment the comment section below and also be sure to check out kev over at tech showdown I drop the link in the description for his channel yeah and and your closing statement is set up ah yeah I just wanted to say if you guys want to see my rice and retesting i'll be doing that hopefully sometime soon just going to see how things play out and yeah just the last discussions in there thread i was just reading through our questions thread has been about the 1700 and people saying it it's overclocking better than the 1700 x um I I haven't I mean some people are getting that but I'd to me personally and from my own testing and other people have spoken to both tick reviewers and people in the industry it seems like a lot of these rays and chips just seem to overclock around the same between three point nine and four point one seems to be where they set on all late and it doesn't seem to really pattern much which one you pick the 1700 all the 1800 x they all seem to sit around that area and so I think do you're getting this 1700 is good if you're gonna sell it overclocks anyway you should be able to get 3.9 on a late I find they're not 3.85 dude like I tested that thing rigorously so I must have got a really early chip I don't know but it might only went up to three I think I might get better with with more coming out and of course the motherboard to get better i'm in room with the the motherboard drivers we had the advise drivers and stuff the bosses themselves i should say um we're not all three of us here meet me you and Steve were having a lot of problems with the motherboard so I think that would get ironed out as well and that should allow people to get a little bit more out of their rise and chips alright guys thanks for tuning in for another episode of the tech lounge and we'll catch y'all next week and peace out for now I'm going to get this any guys and see you guys next week peace out for now bye
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