The Tech Lounge #019 - R5 4 core & 6 Core Parts due April 11th, RX 570 & 580 Coming Soon
The Tech Lounge #019 - R5 4 core & 6 Core Parts due April 11th, RX 570 & 580 Coming Soon
welcome back to episode 19 of the check
lounge and i'm joined by kev how you
doing man doing great Brian how about
you man ya seen better days I've just
had like since Friday I've had these
massive headaches and like a weird have
had a very stiff neck and so I don't
know I've been doing a little bit of
research got bitten by mosquitoes like
hardcore during the week and yay
apparently cats some weird stuff off
them so yeah Jesus yeah it's not very
rough man and I need to go to a doctor
hitch I know and I say well my dad's is
like just jack yourself up on bad at all
and everyone else's that that too so
yourself included yeah it's talking to
you before the show but we're not going
to let that deter the audience from a
good show so today we've got some things
lined up for you guys a lot of AMD news
I guess AMD news is really hot at the
moment would you agree uh yeah I would
agree with that it's some yeah I mean
with all the rice and launches and Vega
coming out it's obviously I was going to
go be quite good in that aspect but um
we you know it is the hot hot new thing
right now so we should unpaid quite a
bit of attention to it yeah well Ian
risin yeah it's like I loaded up my
YouTube feed and it's just like
literally like just rising everywhere on
my page I'm like okay yeah i mean it is
what everyone's covering right now it
sort of the main thing cover but um well
even on the web pages you know resonance
yes everywhere you go guys rise and
slammed in front of your face but
besides that what else you been doing
during the week uh I just shot an
interview just saying a lot let guys
know once all of that goes live that was
really fun did it really great guy cook
Shane so that was quite fun I'm be doing
some more rice and testing the last few
days I have a another rising system i
made a video about it this is a system
built themselves called the assassin so
I've been using that to do some more
testing for a video I'm planning on
doing about rising and memory speed
which has been quite interesting so far
so I need to do some more testing with
that but also testing with the stock
aimed aspire cooler which has been quite
interesting as well and getting very
good temperatures out of that although i
think that's mainly because rising in
general is very good temperature wise
honestly it's very good I think you'd
agree or that airframe is complete I
mean compared to kb like it's like oh
boy yeah definitely it is yet it is a
cool cpu it's the spire that comes with
the r7 1700 yeah yeah I got the 1700
yeah and it comes with it so what a
beautiful combo what a beautiful it's
good man it's like RGB and stuff it's
it's about you guys might see pictures
of it but it's about twice the size of a
stock Intel calor it's pretty enormous
by comparison that's quite good yeah no
it's been quite interesting out doing
that but get that out of the way it's
the next video we'll be to answer a lot
of your rising questions surrounding
different things memory speed using an
AMD graphics card all of those type
questions that a lot of people we're
asking me i want to just try answer all
of them in one video and that's what I'm
planning on doing if everything or goes
accordingly do you have any more i rise
in content rosen videos planned by off
course like that's the thing a lot of
people be messaged me where some more
videos with some more videos i'm just
getting things set up at the moment I
will be switching my main workstation
over to verizon and that's one promise I
made I think back a month or like on one
of these tech lounges I made that
promise I said look at verizon's yeah if
Rosen's good i'm going to do changing
over because you know just sick of what
the competition's been doing in ways so
resin definitely hit hard especially
productivity that those scores were
above what i expected to be honest and
that's where you know i do a majority of
my work like ninety percent of my time
on a computer is just editing videos so
it's going to be really good besides
that then of course a lot of people want
to see the gaming
use with how rising games so that's
going to be something really cool that
I'm going to be getting stuck into I'm
not gonna be just doing the standard
kind of tests where we just look at FPS
I want to look at all the other stuff
going on minimum frames smoothness input
lag all those tests it i guess a lot of
people want to know and it's it's really
hard to test these things so i will be
going off on a witch hunt probably
haven't done a witch hunt in a couple of
years when it comes to that kind of
stuff so be good for me to refresh the
witch hunt abilities like the witcher 3
or something like that so go off on that
tangent when it comes to rising I want
to get to the bottom of all that stuff a
lot of people been asking about the the
jewel CCX module design how that how
that's going to play out and so another
reason why I've been delaying testing is
because I would like some updates to
flow through if I want to test yes I
want it to be at thirty two hundred
megahertz on all four ram sticks for
example so it kind of indicative what of
people are going to go out and buy so
again yeah no that's exactly what we
Hyundai I think the interesting thing
for me this time was testing on a be 350
which I hadn't done prior but I had a
huge huge problems not so much I think
that because it was the be 350 more
because i was using the Aizu prime plus
be 350 and i will say this as of right
now this will probably change in the
future as of right now the asus
motherboards having quite a few problems
a lot of people as you guys well no
Steve from Hardware unbox mentioned it
in his video he had some problems as
well with his um did you test a asus
motherboard prone to do happen so I
haven't for a while man you have I've
honest log and I've been flipping
between msi and as rock and to be honest
as rocks boards are just rock solid like
yeah yeah I mean you you and Steve they
keep going on i really want to start
testing them because they seem so good
but uh yeah that was so i started
testing this one and it was just the
bios is really like overly complicated
in some ways and i'm saying that as an
enthusiast but also the BIOS updates i
went to updated to latest by
I went to flash it and it crashed and
then I had to do their recovery by us
thing just to get it back to going or us
the thing wouldn't even boot so is a big
and the recovery did work well so give
them give them that much but the problem
is it shouldn't have happened in the
first place I haven't had that I haven't
had a virus update gets stuck which is
what it did um but they did what they
did will gather other word even asrock
warned about that too they said you on
for some reason on the aim for its just
its infant man so yeah there's a lot of
a lot of problems right now whether that
need to be flushed out I think there's a
few issues with Rosen but I think the
main issue right now is actually with
the the aim for motherboards although
some of them seem to be quite good I
mean I'm hearing quite good things about
the MSI titanium x 3 stephanie that
thing looks like a beast so you should
hear nothing but good considering its
price tag yeah I mean it's so expensive
so I mean yeah you would expect that but
at the same time though quite a few
people the asus crosshair RX 370 that's
an expensive motherboard when you look
at the other x3 70s and people had a lot
of problems with that so um yeah I think
that's just in a bit of an interesting
place right now but as far as rising
goes in general from my continued
testing all there hasn't really been
much many changes with it on the be 350
anyway it's still excellent like guys
this is a this is a very good
all-rounder CPU in terms of productivity
in gaming and the productivity schools
alone are very very good extremely good
and considering the price so yeah this
is a very good cpu and don't let anybody
tell you otherwise but on the same token
you should not be misled by people that
will that are giving you false gaming
benchmark results or cherry picking
gaming benchmarks results because that's
not fair and misleading you guys stick
to youtubers you trust like Brian myself
Steve from hardware on box we verify all
results with each other we make sure
they legit you can trust our results I
tell you guys that with one hundred
percent confidence the interest what
we're putting up some of these other
people of using results that are vastly
different to our three results then
they're possibly wrong or they're doing
something to cherry pick it or fudging
numbers or doing things like that at all
at the same time is always always going
to be this has gone on for years in the
tech scene is always going to be people
who do that and they get the
confirmation bias views and they're the
kind of views where people are just
looking for an article that says this
cpu performs better in this scenario
it's always going to exist when but when
you look at a guy and that's how I first
found Steve anyway from hardware and
boxed I was looking at his benchmarks a
lot and they just correlated pretty much
perfectly with mine and I know that I
just test apples to apples no crap
involved if one cards overclocked the
other carts going to be overclocked or
voice for you know and vice versa and so
what what you get like when I was doing
benchmark for a long time what you get
is just apples apples results and that's
the way it should be you're gonna make a
purchase decision you just want to clear
cut or at least that's what I would want
I mean at the same time there's going to
be people out there that just want to
look for a bias review so I guess it's
always going to exist it's not going to
go anywhere it will but there's a moral
argument of that it it really shouldn't
and some of these people might turn
around say well there they've mucked up
their benchmarks or they'll make excuses
saying their system was so vastly
different to other people's or they're
running this without running that so I
was like their results a lot of that
stuff is just scapegoating it's not them
being legitimate if you're a good tech
review from the start and then you
wouldn't be having those problems to
begin with and you would have verified
your claims first before you put them
out to the public for all to see you
would have conferred with other people
even if you don't have anyone to talk to
you would look up watch other people's
videos and watch and read the written
articles and see what their results
where and see how well your ones lineup
well but if they're just completely
against the green that 99%
nine tech reviewers all say the same
thing and one tech review says something
different then obviously going to
believe all the 99 not that one person
so in ways it's 2017 dude like morals
have gone out the window in a lot of
cases there's no regulations as there's
no repercussions for doing all that crap
nowadays nothing happens yeah it's sad
as well you mislead the consumers that
it doesn't matter yeah misleading people
it's as bad you will have to you know
eventually if your viewers will start to
question how will think that your
results are eventually when enough
people start questioning it so it will
change they will eventually you know
switch and called out for of course yeah
so it's not good but um you guys should
all of our results are legitimate we all
got the same thing we're all on Sue
Ellen skype with each other and then
make sure we get the yeah but I mean
anything in ways i guess like my
audience already knows that like they're
all like the majority of my audiences
age 25 and oval in other words that you
know the matured a lot so they can make
their own judgments they've got their
own free minds and i guess you know
you're going to get a lot of like 10
year olds and stuff that are just
hell-bent they don't know the game yet
you know there's love like I understand
that yeah and they don't they don't have
the experience to know that I get three
points something gigahertz rising isn't
going to you know isn't going to drag
off at five gigahertz key be like and
certain benchmarks I think anyone with
experience in the industry could see
that even you know you could get take a
five gigahertz sandybridge like 2,600 k
well that would still probably well we
got so better right now we will actually
segue into that so the Rosen are five is
actually not the four core is actually
going to be branded under the risin are
five now so not the are three ya got the
ABO 11th on the shelves we've got four
new skus coming out we've got the 1600 x
1,600 1,500 x + 1400 i'm liking the 1604
219 that's a good price
very good price six scores 12 threads
the 100th this is where things get
tricky though the fork or even the even
the 1400 it's the four core it's coming
in at 169 dollars and like I've pulled
up this slide here and this is like the
6th Corps is going to be amazing for 219
couple of with a be 350 you're going to
have yourself I think that's going to be
the true gaming King under the AMD
banner there your ass performance
probably even knock out the i7 price
performance wise course not total
performance but price performance wise
will probably knock the 7700 k out of
the water and also be better in
productivity but the this one here is
kind of a little bit tricky the 1400
here and it's a little bit tricky
because you've already got the 7600 k so
you look at the 7600 k for example it's
two hundred forty dollars and you
probably get a cheap of 220 or whatever
to 230 so seven sixty dollars more but
you've got four course for threads and
they will perform pretty much identical
and that higher clock speed will be
better in games especially multiplayer
titles so and then you've got that
argument of the Z 270 versus the p350
because on that kind of 169 dollar price
point you're going to want to couple it
with it pretty inexpensive motherboard
so the cheapest be 350 I can find is the
be 350 m gaming pro it's eighty dollars
a mess temporarily out of stock but you
see you've only got a single bias here
the vrm doesn't look all the best you've
only got two ddr4 ram slots so you're
ready underhand then we've got something
like this like the Z to 70 here $109
you've got four ram slots arguably a
better vrm you've also got a dual BIOS
there and that's one thing a lot of
people can be been complaining about on
the X 370 line even some of these higher
grade boards only have a single BIOS
even the time she even thought yeah I've
got here is 190 US retail some of these
so it's similar to that and yeah it's
only got a single boss which and the
worst thing is even though this gigabyte
one here which $108 they're sold it to
the board
the Tai Chi has one that sold it to the
board as well and I mean if you didn't
have it I mean it be okay if he didn't
have it sold it to the board because you
could just use one of these things here
like a bio Sri programmer so you take it
out put it in here and flash your bios
if everything if anything did bad happen
like or if anything bad did happen when
you were flashing the bios so
interesting i'd say them at the moment I
guess what I want to say is that there
is at the moment especially in the
motherboards I'd say there'd be a rise
in milk tax would you agree yeah yeah
yeah I would yeah i think the yeah the
points you make a very good my personal
predictions for these it's very hard to
say actually i think once again the 1600
x these ones that you're paying
attention to I honestly think there will
be more powerful than their broad well
II counterparts their 1600 x + 1600 will
beat the 60 868 50k respectively yeah in
productivity and possibly in gaming but
I think once again kb lake will be left
alone and i would see that will be the
case for these quad-core 83 at the 1500
x and the 1400 I would be very surprised
I think they'll beat the once again they
would probably beat or match those kb
like chips the semi 700k should say in
productivity I mean they'll blow the
7600 k out of the water on productivity
but then when we get to gaming I mean
yeah III I wouldn't believe that the I
wouldn't think that the overclocking
will be much better on these ships maybe
we'll be surprised maybe a little be
really good but from all I can base it
off was what we're seeing so far and it
hasn't been that ideal yeah top out of
four key guards that's again of the
event where is the kv lakes can pull
very hard you know like 76 hundreds
at the map 4.8 four point nine five
gigahertz and I just think those fast
cores will still pull it ahead so that's
my prediction right now for all the
people wanting a 6-core maybe they were
like like what Brian was running a 6800
k broadwell each chip and they're
thinking hey this looks like it's a lot
cheaper it's probably going to have
similar performance yeah then it'll be
for you if you were someone that was in
the market and you're about to buy a 60
100 k well look at these you know look
at the prices on them that their CPU
when you compare it all together with
the cpu motherboard and and a cooler for
example it'll probably cost you half as
much to do the risin five route even if
you get the 1600 x and then it would if
you'd went the broad well anyway and
that's and you know and i run Broadwell
e guys so I'm saying that as a broad
well II owner um not that that changes
anything but it's just true broadwell e
is done for you should not be looking to
buy broadwell e anymore that rise and
has launched now kb lake is a different
story kb lakes a completely different
story because it's still doing very good
and gaming but for productivity users
just go for rise and save yourself that
money there's no reason to go abroad
well anymore maybe some people made the
argument to me about the quad channel
memory i I really that's like--that's a
stretch would you agree Brian like would
like do you really but quad channel
memory up on that much of a pedestal
over alpha control channels even for
editing videos and stuff it's not much
of a deal so the quad channel i think
Wendell even pointed out for mainly few
very pacific programs can actually
utilize that memory it's like programs i
didn't even heard of so so like yeah but
yeah that's that's I mean the quad
channel thing is kind of it it's a
little bit especially for the just the
single home and user it's a pretty much
null and void point but at the same time
you still have to realize that you do
an extra for RAM slots on x99 regardless
of the quad channel you'll have that
option there for getting us a 128
gigabytes now I definitely know that the
people out there that could utilize 128
gigabytes especially if they're doing
some real hardcore editing on videos I
mean I you myself i use 64 I need 64
gigabytes of memory I have to have it so
that's the maximum for is going to do
for me at this point I'm so and there's
also an interesting point about the r5
1,600 here I mean we're looking member
we're making those predictions even just
talking about the CPU value for money at
219 this beats the arm 1700 the r7 1700
also beats the 1400 here you put it
right in the middle there just doing
math off the top of my head the entry
level six score 12 threaded CPU just
from a pure price performance standpoint
from the seat just the CPU itself this
is winning the 1600s winning in all
aspects even compared to its own
counterparts so this was the CPU to get
I predicted that in the past it looks
like it's more solid now that this will
be the CPU to get especially since it's
got that TDP figure of 65 watt versus
the X version which has got 95 what
again you also get a cooler included so
really cool really cool i'm liking
what's coming out of the 1600 and again
copy that be 350 a couple with the be
350 going to be home in those problem
yeah it'll be really good man the out of
these will do to a prediction a brain so
out of these new rising 5s which one do
you believe will be the biggest seller
just purely which one if you if a
company brought in a hundred of each
which one do you think would be sold out
the fastest well 60 personally I think
yeah that's 1600 I just see that as just
like a 219 dollar 6800 k yeah and that
is a if it can match it or beat it in
productivity then there's going to be
people that don't care about gaming at
all or of just casual gamers they're
going to be looking at that and going
wow to use that for productivity stuff
from my phone
editing of video editing it's going to
be tremendous so that'll be really good
the one interesting thing i'll note from
that was this is the maximum frequency
so we see on the 1600 x that they say
it's likely to be a hundred megahertz I
xfr so that will mean it'd be so much
what we saw on the 1800 x and that it
would be a 4 gigahertz boost frequency
but but with xfr that took itself up to
4.1 so that's likely as we go along the
1500 see there that one goes up 200 so
boost room see 3.7 billion xfr I take it
up to 3.9 it's quite interesting there
that'll actually mean it has the that's
the most except far out of any of the
reasons to come out so far as most of
them would only take it up by fifty or a
hundred where that guy is going to be
going up by 200 yeah so that's not going
to matter much to enthusiasts like us
because we will be overclocking anyway
but till the people art enthusiasts or
aren't interested in overclocking at all
that's quite a good thing to add in
there another you know it takes it from
what people might assume would be 3.75
or 3.8 all the way to 3.9 there's
definitely another argument there I am
waiting on that for call for thread that
they promised and if it does come in
significantly cheaper think we're
looking at one hundred and twenty
dollars or something like that with a
really cheap and the be 350 s will get
cheaper over time I think again we got
that rise and milk tax there and once
that gets cheaper to couple with the
fork or four threaded edition with a
mid-range graphics card you're going to
have a great value for money proposition
there yeah exactly right i think these
are very very good is something i would
like to do on that i might look into
doing in the future is because you guys
like the build videos with brand new
parts what I might do is build a 2000s
New Zealand dollar pc with all brand new
parts base it around rising and and see
what we can put together and how
powerful it could be if we just use that
amount of money because I think you
could get a very very powerful CPU
GPU combo at that price point in two
thousand new zealand now building around
rosen once these new CP has come out
especially will be very very good but
yeah very interesting there as I said my
prediction right now would be the
productivity than those six colors the
productivity will be Broadway Lee and
the little for cause there I think would
do quite well in terms of that the
gaming performance will be interesting
and once again the overclocking you'll
be interesting I can't imagine it going
higher than what the other ones are
which will hit those it will start
hurting AMD more and more with these
lower processes well just because
Intel's equivalents overclock so damn
high by comparison give like the thing
7670 350k both regardless if you think
those are good CPUs or not no one could
deny the overclocking capability of them
yeah well there's and there's that jewel
CCX design which is going to hit both
the six call both the four core on the
rise and line up a little bit of a worry
there I would have loved to have seen a
single for Korra special on the fork I
would have just like to send just one
CCX module that would have been really
cool yeah it's boots are they didn't
it's not a sudden you know the reason
why yeah it's just yields men you're
going to have as you bend them down
you're going to have one core that just
doesn't work say won't go whatever it
might be a reason it might be faulty or
it might just not clock at all might be
dogs balls for overclocking so you find
out which ones they are through a
bidding process of some kind then you
disable the cause obviously there will
be CPUs coming through that just have to
fill the stock as well so there's
usually three reasons surrounding yields
but then they're usually the main ones
so anyway we got here the 1080 TI from
MSI is being pictured pretty cool
article from o.c 3d and interesting I
mean I'd of liked I want to say that
that I'd like to see them change up this
design the red and black design maybe
they'll do it next generation I'd like
to see three fans coming out of em aside
you remember the lightning yeah I do the
Lightning was cool the yellow and stuff
that yeah there was a really cool
graphics card that was the something I'd
love to see them bring that back just
full-fledged that was just an awesome
awesome model ya know that went did that
went really well I mean the thing is
with this is it's the same design that
just beefed it up so it is cool I mean
this thing looks huge as you can see the
the heat sinks on them are enormous and
yeah this thing isn't mucking around but
yeah I mean it's cool when it should get
good good performance out of it good
cooling but it's not really anything
that mind-blowing because you're just
adding more sort of like you know with
with tanks they say the large tank heavy
tank isn't is it that much of a
accomplishment because it's just a
medium tank with just more of everything
a bigger engine more arm or a bigger gun
you're just adding a bigger everything
and this is the sort of same thing that
GT x 1080 msi card is exactly looks very
very similar to this and then this just
likes looks like they've added more of
everything bigger heatsink yeah beast
everything up more so you think they
should call this the msi medium tank too
heavy tank upgrade that's pretty much
what it is it's like it's like a
medieval that's kind of wanna um yeah
this is what I take from it anyway but I
mean these these will be based though
guys like like the 1080 TI if you guys
are overclocking it um if you take a
1080 TI over 2000 megahertz that thing
is going to be so powerful like that
will be ridiculous it's already a
ridiculously powerful graphics card but
with these good colors on it it'll
really unleash it because remember there
were no non reference models of the time
XP so this is the first time we're
seeing that GP 102 with good custom
colors on it all these upgraded
components and people will really be
able to overclock these guys to the moon
and once you do well hopefully oh so
yeah hopefully i would imagine so I've
got no reason to believe they wouldn't
be able to overclock very high
I think they will once they do boy that
thing's going to be blowing everything
out of the water so you got yeah we get
thickness of two and a half pci slots as
well pcie slots that's that's crazy
that's a pretty thick card too and not
only that they're a lot wider than your
even your reference model 1080 TI so
that is something to look forward to is
going to be a huge chunk of metal so
yeah make sure you got enough space who
you guys running mini-itx s and you
won't fit that a mini-itx massive man
well you might be in one of those like
mini ITX cases that poses is like a half
AG exercise case yeah yeah and I know
you mean no be it'd be kind of cool the
way like I always thought it looked bad
ass or the people mini-itx it Chuck in
these Fifi cards you look through the
side Tucson you just see this huge
graphics card taking up all the space it
does look pretty badass how do you good
but ya know that I'll be are we looking
forward to starting doing the show downs
with a non reference gtx 980 TI so i'll
be doing them as soon as they arrive in
new zealand we're going to hear the AMD
pinnacle ridge CPUs and Raven Ridge ap
user detailed so one thing I'm looking
at here is with these Bapu's that are
incoming that this will Raven Ridge APU
looks like it's going to be very
promising the problem is releasing the
Bristol Ridge AP use which still have
the excavator cause it's kind of like
yeah I mean with people knowing what's
in the lineup that's on me with people
knowing what's coming up with Raven
Ridge I doubt that's going to sell many
Bristol Ridge AP use if that makes any
sense like because we know it's going to
have for Zen cpu cores in there vega GPU
cores in there or room it anyway but
it's coming a little bit later but I
again the Raven Ridge will make for some
excellent benchmarking I definitely want
to get myself one of these to see what
AMD is doing with their AP use and of
course it will go on an a320 really
cheap motherboard but the Bristol Ridge
apu econo at the moment and just yeah is
there is there a big market for it
especially when people know what's on
what's coming up in the lineup you get
on that new motherboard the am for
platform but it looks like I can't read
that real can't really read the taxi but
it does look like it's a m4 as well with
the Bristol Ridge APU yes yes yeah like
i'm having sex i I'm squinting man like
yeah like ah no my dad's Powell you know
so it's kind of like the same thing yeah
yes oh you got there the handful with
that aim for platform maybe people might
get a Bristol rich and then say okay
well upgrade when Raven Ridge is out but
Raven Ridge definitely like talented
well Reverend effing looks promising it
again this is a grain of salt a fair
here like nothing's been maybe it has
been confirmed because it is a socket
roadmap another thing to look out for is
it is it's saying it's ball grid array
is that am I reading that right BGA so
we don't know but I see I just can't man
the Texas way to saw a small headache
truck where does he say that and it
problems I thought I said it's somewhere
in this article it was actually a BGA
socket so I mean to be soldered onto the
motherboard maybe just for laptops so
yeah there it is here so down here BGA
package time so oh I guess they got AP
use for laptops as well coming that's
what that would mean so you do have here
PGA socket for a rich ap use as well so
very cool things coming out on the AP
you line up the ridge road there like
definitely a crisis yet skype is wholly
manufacturing process vex crystal ridge
still going to be 28 nanometer well in
2018 it looks like they're also going to
release pinnacle ridge which will
essentially be the refresh of your
summit ridge and just better overclocks
because by that time that would have
matured more so very interesting to see
the rise and lineup and what they're
doing with it but looks like the Raven
Ridge APU is the one to look out for
here and it looks like it will hit the
laptops before it hits the desktops and
that would be just a pure yield thing as
well so really cool what's in the lamp
from AMD and you have anything dad on
that all
no just that the AP use have done well
for them in the past they definitely
have their place yeah I can't agree with
you more the Bristol Ridge yeah that's
very interesting is the word i'll use
but Raven Ridge that that should be
quite good I guess it's for enthusiasts
who don't know you know I mean or people
who just don't know what's coming up oh
there's an APU out I'll get it and then
when Raven Ridge gets out you're like oh
I got partially hosed so anyway we got
here some interesting news we're gonna
move on here the RX 500 series spotted
in drivers launching in April and it's
making us sad that's what the room is so
yeah it's so essentially what we're
looking at here with the RX 570 is 580
is rebranded cards maybe just the boost
on the clocks bit more aggressive timing
on the vram whatever yeah yeah there's
really nothing to look forward to hear
that much of course unless the clocks
are significantly higher so somehow
there that which I don't believe they
are from what I dread they are only
going to be a bit higher but um this is
I think people are getting tired of this
from AMD that's that's not to pick on
them because nvidia have done rebrands
plenty of times in the past if we
remember back the simmons Ernie that was
a rebranded 980 with faster memory my
memory serves me correctly in nvidia
stillness as well but like a changeup
the memory core same d did it with the
290 and 290x which were new when they
came out hawaii and then when they went
to 3939 TX is essentially the same thing
just done a bit more optimized that TDP
came down about 25 watts I they doubled
the memory up the memory speed so memory
bandwidth went up quite a bit which was
a decent you know sadly a bit more of a
decent revision whereas this is just
looks like yeah slightly bitter power
efficiency and
slightly higher clock speeds and that's
about it I don't think anyone will
change there shouldn't be any reason to
and I really don't I actually don't
really understand aside from maybe their
name is scheduled they well I'd say it's
time around it won't affect them I'd say
this time around a buoyant effective
because everyone's in rise in heaven at
the moment so it's like I've ever
released the 575 80s I can make a
difference mang this is going to happen
so everyone's just going to be in rising
heaven at the moment you know they're
taking the rise in pili gonna be loving
it this will just completely not be a
problem this time around that's what I
think so yeah I mean um these will I'm
just reading references a long time
because the thing is you're you're
strung out on the rise and CPUs so much
you're just ignoring that the 575 either
as opposed to the pass where that was
the only thing they'll bring it out with
GPU launches but with that said what's
AMD I mean sorry what's in video you're
going to do with Volta we know volts is
in the pipeline they've already got that
ready to go prove it I'd say essentially
ready to go and I'd say it's going to be
quite beastly whether they're going to
go directly for amd's mid-range market
share is is another thing I'd say yes
considering the agenda that jen has
against AMD like do you know by the 970
was just a huge stab at the GPU market
yeah it was I remember when I was
released it was I mean Jen was furious
at AMD I don't you know what for oh
that's right because they AMD was sort
of like mocking nvidia won't they answer
i remember before that so it was after
the memory problem with the 970 came out
then AMD moxley mock than basing that
290 and 290x they were saying that had
four gigs of memory and they've write
things like oh like it really does and
stuff I know if it does only before that
though something before the 970 lon
pissed Jen the nvidia see off that much
that he just went hand with that 970
pricing he was just on the trigger man
that was insane yeah yeah that's like
Raza so that's that's up here but for
those of you that were a bit confused in
the chat so these 580 and 570 is Polaris
be on the same as what you're getting
with our X 480 and 470 just an optimized
version in some ways with power and
clock speeds and stuff but we will see
with what will might be called the 590
or maybe something like that and those
with the Vega GPUs to be on how they're
going to name them and those are the
Vegas obviously knew those will be using
hbm and other crazy things so those will
be the ones you will want to pay
attention to because they're going to be
we live as we've spoken about plenty of
times the specs are very high on them
that's going to be a high-end graphics
card 4096 stream processors so there's
you know just just from that alone you
know this is going to be serious well
it's definitely gonna be more aggressive
so that's what we can introduce from all
this so really cool card I mean I'm
looking up still looking forward to it
of course because there I guess this
time around they're pulling the leap
ahead of in video with got the 10 series
cards out okay we're gonna release top
50 at 75 series guys are going to be
more aggressively clocked in this area
that area so it's still it's a rebrand
but at least it's coming with a
preemptive strike sort of thing that's
kind of one thing I like about this so
yeah yeah I like that also so that's
quite good and I mean the RX 480
currently is still a hell of a graphics
card um don't let anyone tell you guys
different that say it's a very powerful
good value for money graphics card that
does not muck around the 1080p gaming
especially 1080p 60 Hertz gaming that
will do you
just fine so that's that's really good i
believe the RX 470 is still the value
for money king and if you do it by
performance per dollar or is that that
1063 gigabyte I mean DRS 474 gigabytes
are better by I just say at the moment
than the 1033 Cuba depends on the games
of course if you're just playing over
what you want to go for the ten sixty or
if you're playing Blizzard games you'd
want to go for the 10 sexy but at the
same time it's another thing about the
ice 470 is interesting you have to be
careful of what brand of card you buy
I've got the azuz Strix 470 that I got
off amazon and it's showing some really
odd behavior and that's why I've been
strung up doing this pc of the month
build because I dropped the iris 470 now
and now I'm in the process of testing
and another rig as late literally it's
you're telling it one clock speed and
it's locking it in and it pretty much a
hundred megahertz below that clock speed
and the benchmarks especially the fire
strike score is confirming it it's weird
it's getting to the stage where I'm
probably gonna have to reflash the bio
at the vga blast but the problem with
that is but the problem with that is
that you can't recommend that to an
average user you can't say okay guys
this is for 70s okay if you flash the
bios on it that's just bizarre for a
normal consumer to do but so yeah I mean
the gigabyte g1 that I had that thing's
running really well on the RX 470 I've
had I've got two of them now and they're
running pretty well I mean I bought them
locally and they're really good really
good cards yeah I've been testing that
too man that g1i resource seven is
behind me over there somewhere um yeah
that was as a good blue graphics card
harm yeah I think that one was just fine
that I tested the arcs 480 have been
testing that just the reference one
lately and um I haven't had any problems
like that would clock speed it seems
very are consistent they do have the
thermal limiting thing on which you
definitely want to go into what men and
if you want to use that and then take
that thermal limit away because it said
it 82 I believe out of the box as the
target one and once it gets there we'll
start to throttle itself which you don't
really want to raise
nicely up to 90 degrees but that's what
something I've been doing on nvidia
cards reference guides for a long time
now you go and make sure the thermal
limit raised that up because you don't
want it to be throttling itself yet it
might go a few degrees hotter might sit
like 84 but I mean that didn't do
anything anyway so on that's all
warranties for yeah yeah yeah what
happens it doesn't know he people have I
think the funniest thing I hear from
people is about the temperatures of GPUs
I had a reference to 90 that was used
for Bitcoin mining the guy bought I
bought a secondhand he'd used it for
Bitcoin mining and he said that sat on
his reg with the the mining rig ah with
three other ones or for others I
remember this is crazy the Rigi had set
up and and he had it like that for
months and it was just sitting running
at their thermal lummox those things
used to run up to 95 degrees yeah and
and of course when you went to sell it
people were pretty wary but I thought I
would be fine and I bought it and then I
ran that as my sort of backup guard when
I was in between testing I was be
playing games and I had the fan just
said at a fixed speed of thirty percent
because it got turned into a hair dryer
otherwise and so that thing went all the
way up to its thermal limit or near
enough and SAT around 93 94 constantly
and that was like that for like a year
after being used for Bitcoin mining for
months and it just never missed a beat
now maybe I just got really lucky but
after that I've always thought that but
I always thought that a lot of people
sometimes you have to admit to maybe my
my story's a bit extreme but you have to
admit that a lot of people do sort of
overdo it with how much they think
temperatures will wear out a a GPU like
oh wow your GP is running 85 degrees
constantly like that things going to be
burnt out in a year it's one thing about
temperatures if I bought in its really
if it's running at a consistent 95 and
it's slowly creeping up there generally
it's not a problem it's when you've got
say a dust cloth
case and then you're gaming and your
temperatures suddenly spiked and it's
those spikes that'll do more damage to
your GPU for instance you go from 80 to
95 in the course of a few seconds that's
what does the damage because it'll it'll
go up so quickly that before the thermal
throttling tech can kick in even if it's
just a few milliseconds it's like you're
is when your ears will get damaged when
you hear a sudden blast noise because
the protection can't kick in fast enough
like your ears have a natural defense
against a loud noise but it takes its
there is a slight delay there so it's
the same for GPU is there will be a
slight delay there or even CPUs and it's
that slight delay time if it's going up
too quickly that'll cause the damage to
you parts so yeah temperature does kill
but it's how you apply that temperature
so yeah and it depends on the good cut
as well I remember one thing I
distinctly remember when the 290 and
290x first launched Linus in his video
of it was saying that you know they do
run up in the 90s and these high
temperatures and he was saying AMD this
is by design that doesn't you know the
CPUs fine name these tests at this and
they say it's fine from all their
testing they've done with it and just
everything to do with the design of the
GPU and the top call me was like I don't
care what AMD says it's too hot for me
and I just thought like wow what a
statement that people make it's fine if
you say it's too hot if you don't want
to have like a heater in your room or
something else but if it's by design
people probably thought that back when
like Intel way back in the day you know
Brian can probably remember back to this
maybe you guys some of you guys can't
but the thermal limits were quite a lot
lower than they are now like the hundred
degrees then we'll limit on Intel chips
now and like say things like sky lake
and kb like even on as well never used
to be that high and in saying that
people probably thought back then that
going above 80 degrees celsius way back
in the day was like that was like crazy
above you know like going 82 degrees
Celsius oh my god that thing's like
gonna catch fire and burn your home down
I but at the same time but at the same
time with that it depends on where they
put the sensor in the chip nowadays you
know it's a lot more high-tech they can
put the sensor right near the cause so
you can get a more accurate true so yeah
true that there is that but but that my
main point was that if it's by design
then it's not going to be at the end of
the world if they're me to run that hot
my has worldship my 4770k ran extremely
hot with my overclock those are known to
be probably the hottest running ship in
dells ever made maybe kb like mike de
throwing them but the fact that devil's
canyon had to come out to compensate on
the extreme temperatures that has well
was producing I really said something
but mine ran that cpu if I would run
stress tests and stuff it would run up
in the 90s never let it push their h110
cooler homley will so yeah sure we gotta
go to move the show long sorry brother
so it is yes yeah so we're civilization
civilization 6 demo available now with
this so you can get it you can download
for free have a whirlybird with it on
Steam it's also got twenty and
twenty-five percent off so one game that
I'll probably purchase because it is
good for benchmarking too isn't it odd
case that always seemed to buy the games
and just benchmark and rather than play
em are you finding yourself having a lot
of that lately um a little bit i mean
i'm gonna try play through some Ghost
Recon wildlands that's a good game to
benchmark for sure but I'm gonna add it
to my sweet seems very consistent um
yeah as a game so far I mean I played
only about ah maybe an hour of it and I
don't know it's alright it depends on
the game but if it's I mean for
benchmarking it's very good i mean it's
a beast to run the amount of video
memory uses sort of astonishing using
about six gigs if you max everything out
on ultra at 4k so that's the single
bad was it six cubits see that's pretty
eyes for 4k 66 gigs it's more than I've
seen on a mostly games I've tested the
last 1i test they used a lot was GTA 5
they uses a lot of video memory at 4k on
high settings yeah I mean there are
games but I think six gigs pretty fair
for 4k considering the resolution so say
yeah yeah I mean maybe maybe yeah it's
just uh I don't know but but yeah I
think you should either the farmers I
mean you gotta admit his whole Brian
there's been a pretty big lack of good
games in the last 12 months well GTA 5
was the last game that I just got into
absolutely loved it it was that was
fantastic though yes fantastic game I
want to see more games like that come
out that was just epic so if you guys
haven't played GTA 5 year then you
really need to go and play it it's
phenomenal I preferably on PC where the
graphics are a lot better so yeah for
sure okay so we got your next article is
the so yeah the Nintendo switch is
selling really well this is what we're
seeing here and they expect that they'll
sell eight million units this year I
actually got a hands-on with the switch
and it is kind of easy to see why people
like it i mean zelda looked phenomenal
Zelda's getting good reviews actually
gave it a whirl one of the viewers came
up down from brisbane he's like man
you've got to check out my switch and I
was like okay I actually go I was kind
of curious about it and yay let me play
zelda for a little bit that was really
cool like i was liking Zelda and I
thought the little handheld sort of
thing is like that mobile it sort of
gives you the best of both worlds you
can do it on TV do it on the little hand
held there so especially it's an
interesting design it albeit the
graphics are the best and you can see
that so as long as the game plays there
which they seem to be getting robber
Zelda but how many more games will be
released like that so from a sippy yeah
that's the thing that's the thing you
have to have to follow reminds me of the
original xbox when it launched an across
halo was such a fantastic game the
original and
that yeah people people were attracted
to the console just because halo was so
good whereas you know that this is the
same but you have to have to follow up
of course they had a good fall out with
the original xbox so was pretty funny my
brother went out and just bought the he
didn't even buy the console he just went
out bought a collector's edition of
Zelda now I'm kind of thinking with
these sales it was actually a really
good decision I think he made a good
choice there just by the collectors
edition of Zelda and sit on that for a
few years cochina yes damn but yeah this
is good I mean you have to see how the
third the Nintendo has always had a
problem with the third party developers
so hopefully that's good this time
around but yeah I I've been personally
played with the switch but it definitely
i can see the concept being very very
good and I think the sales will continue
to do quite well but they'll only start
tapering off well if people start to
yeah there's a lack of good games in the
future but those Zelda game does look
very good and it's got very if you seen
the reviews on it very very good reviews
like that's good also very good for
nintendo in that aspect yeah well we got
now last bit of news here is diablo 3
the necromancer details you've also got
a female model there so looking is
looking like they want to re gas breathe
some life back into the diablo 3
franchise here i personally liked diablo
2 & 1 a lot better but that's his
personal opinion but hopefully this will
make this will bring me back to diablo 3
because the necromancer was one of those
epic glasses where it was just a lot of
fun to play he had so many skills they
had to pull off in the right way I guess
so yeah I was actually a fun class to
there it is there so that's the other
three launching with the expansion have
you played diablo 3 or not no I i played
diablo 2 back in the day a bit but and i
played a tiny bit of diablo one but um i
mean yeah i guess i could get into it
maybe one day but it wasn't so when it
launched there wasn't something that
really caught my eye that maybe not 100%
my type of game jeff sherman alright so
we're going to move on to Q & A here
guys this is Q and a and do either of
you guys have a be 350 build coming up
so stilts has a be 350 tomahawk and an x
1700 sitting on the shelf waiting on a
Corsair mount for the h100i v2 so
interesting I mean I'd love to look at
some be 350 s but I still have to get
through my build and also the Tai Chi
review and the overclocking tutorial as
well so there's a few things are still
going to do before Abby 350 build i
would say in ways i would be waiting for
the price of a be 350 to come down I
just think for what really for what that
motherboards offering it's still a
little bit overpriced in some ways
because that that one I showed before
that msi one that's the cheapest i could
find is eighty dollars and it's not
really bringing much to the table there
faye debug kind of a kind of slight i
agree and disagree with that you you are
right in some ways that very bottom into
the beach 350 is not the best value but
when you look at the mid-range be 350
it's a pretty solid motherboard um some
of these let the Tomahawks a perfect
example or the few of these other ones
you know i think you can get quite a
good be 350 but you definitely don't
want to get the very cheapest one you
want to try go for those mid-tier be 350
s just the be 350 yourself is already in
the Tim other words so the mid of the
mid um that I think they're they're
quite good but yeah i have i have on
been testing with the be 350 so far and
i can't see much because i've only
tested one and the few
we'll be testing more of these
motherboards with risin and then I'll be
able to see how much of it is the fact
that was a be 315 how much of it was a
certain motherboard yeah I think there
are I just I think I still reason even
if you look at the tomahawk I just think
it's still for what it is 110 bucks so
yeah it's going to be I mean if you're
comparing it to Z 270 though of course
but I mean the I still think they're
solid there's nothing on one that's some
light and when I look at the specs of
most of them there's nothing only really
scare me off maybe if I you know if you
achoo graphics cards or something then
maybe be a bit scared off but um I think
they're there they're right most of the
decks 370 is going to be the best not
the enthusiasts would gravitate towards
those anyway but I for the bay for many
people be 350 yes I mean that's there
but I'm just saying it's kind of like
not the safe I think they would drop
down a little bit in price that's all as
well I mean they are brand new as well
you know so we yeah we would expect them
to come down a little bit and they're
they're sort of maybe there's a bit of
price gouging going on right now because
I don't know if you've been having
shortages in Australia but I New Zealand
has been having pretty wicked shortages
on am for motherboards oh yeah well yeah
so next question we got here is the with
the top and board from a Zeus being the
hero this is clearly a mid to low-end
broad board compared with Intel's e270
lineup do you think Zeus will bring a
crosshair six formula or extreme I guess
extreme overclocking motherboard at a
higher price do you think they'll bring
that into the table and also do you
think the eight called risin being
popular creation and workstations do you
see them making a workstation board I
would say with the Zeus I like I don't
follow a Zeus enough to sort of and I'm
actually not even really following the
news on his loose boards for instance
you've got MSI's titanium which honestly
when I checked out the Z 270 lineup it
was the hands-down the best c270 had
seen the vrm was just phenomenal the
features on that board were just
phenomenal so that's not mean I did like
haven't really followed a zoo so I've
just seen them sort of nowadays charging
somewhat of an azuz tax where you're not
compared to other brands you kind of not
really extracting that value for money
out there mind you a lot of people do
like the AI tuner yeah that automatic
overclocking yeah but it done what I
hear I haven't even tried it yet before
well here it actually does a pretty good
job of taking a bit of hassle out and
finding how far your mother wore can go
kind of thing so yeah all right yeah
chat in the past yeah that's out of all
of them it's possibly gigabyte one it's
pretty good as well but I mean you were
doing it manually you'll just be able to
do it better that's it but you but ya
know this is mean maybe yeah with the
asus lineup they have the tough ones in
the past those those really bulky ones
that they would put out bulky in a good
way you know the yeah so yeah I guess so
we'll just have to see I mean we don't
know what what these different I bought
more partners have in mind um I guess we
would see it head and more that
direction with the just in general
because yeah of course the head course
the rice and Simmons are very good in
terms of the productivity stuff yeah
it's also next question here is when are
we getting another custom water cooling
build like the fifty-dollar one that's
it's funny because I've got all I've got
a majority of the parts here I've just
got to find the time to do it I do want
to get some hard tube piping as well and
do something pretty cool with that build
but yeah it takes a lot of time and you
know at the moment is this is kinda like
my full-time job so the amount of time
that I invest in a water cooling costs
and water cooling build at the moments
kind of yeah it isn't really worth the
time of course I'd love to do it if I
have this free time but there's so much
other content that has to get done and I
know that'll take me a good four days to
properly film make the build like that
before days full time straight to just
make milled film to the video title
all perfecto it's not a sort of thing
but i do have i do have plans to do one
it's just depending on when i get that
break which I'm so longing for that as
long as i keep getting things like these
headaches from mosquitoes and stuff man
like is this a deer I don't know man I
guess because I've been back in
Australia for so long that they haven't
been exposed to a lot of these illnesses
and yeah anyway so now we got the next
one here is the nacho man asks if you
disable half of the course on the rise
and i7 CPU would that help on some games
due to the latency of the cause and the
case communicating with each other I'd
say no I mean it depends on how you can
disable that in the bios I know with
asrock I think they had four plus zero
so if they do I will check that out
definitely it depends on if you can
disable a whole CCX module or not so
again it's something that I haven't
tested yet but and there's it as that
argument if you're on a verizon are
seven right are you going to want to
disable half your cause I mean for
research is awesome but we already know
that the lower end four cores are going
to be a 2+2 design so in ways I kind of
see the testing null and void even
because I just don't imagine anyone
disabling half their cpu essentially you
know them a here here I mean it yeah I
don't see that happening either but like
it would be an interesting thing anyways
going for but it's sort of yeah it's
like the old smt argument we we had in
previous episode some ideally you
wouldn't want to need to do that yeah
yeah we just just need to get sorted I
think in a few ways we'll see that over
the next few months I'm sure and then I
think a lot of these questions will
start to disappear I mean AMD themselves
at least with the smt thing which I made
a whole video about they said that once
things are sorted that with this empty
on you should see the same performance
in games or bit
our than with smt off just not the case
right now so we just need to go back and
check that in a few months times if
that's going to be the case yeah even
along with disabling course that we are
some more things then Gary asked I've
noticed that most the x3 70s aren't
featuring to bias but some of propriety
of the proprietary name technology like
crash less bias or similar names I find
the lack of dual BIOS disturbing as I
may want to try custom bias to see if
you can improve the overclocks have you
tested this new feature and is it better
than having a backup BIOS chip no I you
know straight away a jewel bias is a
dual blast for a reason it's pretty much
a guarantee that you're not going to
brick your whole motherboard or just
create hassles for instance when I was
doing that 12 core single xeon thing I'd
men then I'd load up biases and they
would just not work a computer's
wouldn't start so you have to go back
flick back to buy us a and then copy
again a to b and then redo it again so
the jewel bias is so so damn good in
certain circumstances and of course i
always love to have a dual blast there
in case the ultimate fail happens and
that is you are flashing the boss and
then you get a power blackout or just
something completely random and it will
happen it will happen to someone out
there guaranteed someone will be all
happy to me just the other day yeah you
sound blowout or then you've come of
course you got the problems right maybe
you want to chime in on this too with
your problem the yell that was exactly
it that I wish it went to the dual bias
it is so much easier when ever had
problems of the past and just flick that
switch off you go um yeah so much easier
the crash less biased thing the Zeus one
I think that's actually the term they
used I can't remember off the top of my
head ah yeah it works fine it did its
job fine because it got it was flashing
to the newer bias and it just got stuck
I know how long it should take and I
waited 20 minutes and it was in the same
spot so idea something was wrong so then
I restarted the computer it was bricked
to win even boot there was just in
restart loops and doing other crazy
stuff so um then I just did the bio /
you have to put it on a put the elbows
on am little USB and then do the you
have to name it a certain name they put
it in the manual check that in and then
it will start up and be funny for a
little bit and then it will go into
their crush less biased put than you the
bias from the USB on and and then you'll
be back to normal so yes it does work
dual BIOS instead John to your question
it's DSN yes the Crushers buyers yes it
worked in my case work very well I it I
could flash it back and I don't have a
huge you know it was a bit funny we have
to use the thumb drive and stuff yeah
from the US but having a Jill bias means
you don't you have to go there in the
first place do you um you can you if you
screw it up and you can wish a switch it
to the next one and then you want it oh
yeah yeah yeah you can feel I they're
just forget about the other one say if
you've got number one and two and you
screw up one you just flip it or two and
then pretend one doesn't exist anymore
or something I did years ago well you
can do this though who's doing the boss
and it says just copy a to be just do
that'll be today if you flick the other
way yeah I can't remember why there was
there was something funny even the guys
in play tic or am I talking about it
they they had a look at it or something
and that they said I can't remember if
the time I hid what happened but there
was a reason it was really really it was
a real bizarre thing that was when that
those were the next 99 those are next
night nine wasn't you and um yeah the
your did you test text I know when it
first came out way back when has early
launch oh yeah oh yeah that was probably
you remember what that was like it was
like it was bad but it was bad on
certain motherboards I'm faciliate your
certain vendors I mean I got the asrock
in and that was bliss before that I had
more problems on the Haswell well that
was first introduced the 469 TK for 670
k sorry I had problems for a couple of
weeks and then the BIOS updates fixed it
so again it depends on what problems are
going to vary from
line up to line up and my year I've had
my fair share of problems with verizon
too but again it just takes a bit of
time to iron out the bugs and then it
gets good so we're the next question so
demagogic gaming his rephrasing his
question that he posted a few episodes
back we answered it partly but didn't
flush out the gravitas of all the
gravity of what you said or didn't flush
out the details of what he said so Brian
said the move from 2k to 4k wasn't
noticed much and that the move from
1080p to 14 p 1440p was a much improved
experience if from your experience that
increase to 4k and with it an increase
ppi was not very noticeable is this not
a huge important point for consumers so
we'll answer that first then when's the
next question I'd say yes it is a huge
point for consumers but at the same time
it's subjective as well I I can't have
someone else's eyes in my head so
whether that person is realizing the
benefits of 4k versus 1440p as a
subjective thing for me personally I
just noticed that tent it going from
1080p especially 27 inches if we look at
a static 27 inches versus 27 inches
versus 27 inches going from 1080p to
1440p made a huge difference when I
tested different monitors but going from
1440p to 4k did not I noticed more of a
difference going from 1080p to 1440p if
that makes any sense like the I guess
the visual quality for what you're
getting was a hue was more of an
increase from 1080p 240 for to be and
then from me personally going from 14
feet at 40 p to 4k there wasn't a huge
difference there and I thought of aid
for me that's why I jumped at the ultra
wide because of the resolution is really
all I need even though I produce videos
in 4k that's the people with bigger tvs
which is where you're going to notice
that 4k factor yeah so I see what you're
saying you know I do agree with we are
coming from in that perspective year the
reason I use 4k probably some reason why
most of us use it is for the screen real
estate yeah I can have
a full 1080p preview of my videos when
I'm editing them in a quarter of my
screen and then I have all the rest of
the l3 go as a screen for all the other
stuff in my in Vegas so there is that
side of it it's very well especially in
that in our programs especially in
static programs like adobe i don't know
about vegas but adobe doesn't let you
change the scale of the actual core
program so the higher you go up and rest
the more screen real estate you're going
to get in adobe for instance yeah yeah
it does a little bit in Vegas but it's
um but that's something yeah I can I can
see where you're coming from with that I
think most people that go to 4k are
looking for the screen real estate but
in terms of gaming experience if that's
if you're if this was aimed at that sort
of 1440p high refresh rate is still the
ultimate for me all the monitors I've
test I probably test about 30 monitors
now and 1440p high refresh rate with
free sync or g-sync depending on which
monitors in which card you using that is
just a joy of an experience that is so
good like 144 hurts 1440p free sync or
g-sync is just so so good you pay for it
oh I mean it's expensive but you do um
yeah it's really really that that just
transforms the experience I always sit
it's the cherry on top of your great
gaming setup as having those really good
ones but as much as I would have liked
to run something like that I need the
screen real estate of 4k for doing
productivity stuff and that yeah as is
why i use it and make that sacrifice for
you guys out there to build thing is
what what are you doing it for the
you're doing it for the audience but at
the same time i would say with that
first question maybe there's a point
where our eyes just can't really see the
difference in ppi mm pixels courage
maybe there is that point and
I'd love to do some blind a/b testing
that would be really good results for
everyone out there where did the
majority of people sit in terms of note
yep did the pixel density where does it
sit where's that sort of sweet spot I
guess when does it cap out kind of
officially that'd be very interesting
mind you the more pixels the better
that's just a natural argument I mean
objectively saying the more pixels that
are there the better it's going to be
but I guess it gets to that sort of that
argument of the hawkeye verse is the
human eye yeah and you know i'm guessing
the hawkeye could notice the difference
between 8k and 1440p in ridiculous
amounts they could see what much more
clearly but again it just depends on
your eyes and for me and especially I
spoke this is with you I spective with
steve from hardware and box he agrees
like we all agree that 1440p at 27
inches its kind of that sweet spot so as
you increase the resolution you'll want
to increase the size of the monitor I
think even Wendell agreed he likes fork
at 40 inches so there is that argument
of maybe PPI caps out at a certain spot
and you know and basically the next part
of his question is basically as 1440p
where gamers should stop I do you think
gamers will benefit visually an
experience wise from 4k 5k and AK if if
they would benefit by increasing the ppi
do you think they should skip 4k and go
to 5k eight years or eight ka many years
later and again depends on the motts
either your monitor but I think no I
mean if you already not noticing much of
a difference between 4k versus fire
versus 1440p stepping it up to 5k + 8
case is going to make your machine more
expensive because you're going to have
to have the graphics card to power that
too and that's the other argument that
you've got to throw into the fold is you
will near substantially more graphics
card power to power 4 K versus 1440p and
at that same time there's things like
there is things that suddenly I'd love
to test two is the input lag of 4k
versus 1440p which I believe is the
thing so yeah I mean it would be I mean
it'd be interesting to see that I think
this is that I i know this question is
quite a good one and then are we only
partly but it's because this question is
a very we could have a whole tech lounge
just doing monitors and resolution and
pixels and every and all of that stuff
and and refresh rate and g-sync and TN
and IPS and o le D and all the rest of
it q tienes IQ dled yeah yeah and they 7
11 it's such a huge topic that like it's
very hard I think at the end of the day
I see in the bottom of the question says
using 1080p 1440 hurts g-sync TN um in
many titles it's very grainy that really
shouldn't be too much of the case unless
it's a very big 1080p monitor and harm
you should still be fine but yeah if you
want to go up to 1440p you would have to
got tired fresh rate as well because you
just go to 1440p 60 Hertz and without
g-sync and assuming using in via Coast
Guard we should be and the I would
consider that a a downgrade personally
that's how I would put it you would have
to go up to 1440p high refresh rate
chasing um TN or IPs I guess you're
going at Chi IPS you would notice it a
little bit better I think if you're I
think your word is looking for is not
very grainy it's pixelated that's that's
the term is looking for so yeah yeah I
could get that it's just this is an end
with any peripheral I can look at him on
it and review it and say hey I think
this is one of the best looking screens
I've ever used and then Brian can get
the same one I can send them it put in
the mail post it over to Brian HSN be
like ah what are you going on about I
don't think this looks good that's the
problem with peripherals it's the
problem with gaming mice and keyboards
it's the headphones as well we're all
different generally there's a bit of a
consensus when something's good really
good most people can agree it's pretty
damn good but um 7 done yet
hot stuff yeah the yeah but this is a
big a big big argument and I would say
that if your current thing is that you
think you were complaining that your
1080p Mona is looking pixelated then I
would say start looking up to those
1440p 144 hurts g-sync gaming monitors
out there as an upgrade because if
you're you know if that's your issue
then that should alleviate the problem
to a certain degree but I that I guess
we it would take us hours to figure this
conversation out like and it and it's
all up to the individual as well well
next question hopefully that answers
your questions mr. demagogic gaming and
we got here next mr. wavered he is he's
a this probably sounds like an amorous
question no it's not he said but the
term point of diminishing returns what
is it it almost sounds like you're
getting returns but at what cost and
that yet I mean that's generally point
of diminishing returns is when when I
talk about it in overclocking it's where
you start raising the voltages
exponentially but you're not getting the
performance out of it for instance if
I'm hitting five gigahertz versus 5.1
gigahertz on my cabbie lakes 7700 k you
see that after five gigahertz it kicks
in hardcore for me to get that extra 100
megahertz out of it I've got to apply
like 50 or so millivolts when as opposed
to going from four point nine to five
gigahertz I only need 20 millivolts or
30 millivolts so you can see that the
the amount of power you need for that
extra speed just goes through the roof
and that essentially all it depends on
your instance your 7700 k it depends on
the where it's sweet spot is out i also
like to call the sweet spot because
sometimes after a certain level of speed
it just starts to go stupid so you want
to leave it at that level where you're
only putting a little bit extra on
versus say 4.8 to 4.9 you're only
putting a little bit extra voltage on
4.95 it's stable it's also a pretty safe
voltage level but you're not going
stupid as opposed to 52 versus 5.1 so
yeah you see that it costs too much
voltage for what that speed over the
previous overclock you had for what that
speeds giving you if that makes any
sense so that's just really like your
point of diminishing returns and i like
to call it also with your sweet spot is
where its kind of yawning yes so that
that efficient spot i think the way to
put it in a the in terms of the
definition of point of diminishing
returns what I learned from business
class when I was in University it was a
fire it's it's basically imagine it like
this if you have a farmer and he's got
this truck and he needs to load
harebells up on the back of his truck
and so he's doing it by himself so
yesterday it all the truck loaded up
drive back and drive to the next slot do
that obviously that's not very efficient
so he hires on one guy that guy sits in
the back of the truck they pull up he
jumps out maybe the farmer also jumps
out and they load them up you know he
has to pay that guy by the hour sat 20
hours an hour but whatever it sees
achieving it's so much more efficient
now that is he's making more money
because he's getting more done per day
I'm so that offsets what now that he has
to pay somebody else so that's making it
more efficient he's making more money
even though he has to pay for someone
else then he has another guy on now he
has two guys and that efficiency
continues then he has three guys in and
now it's starting he's seeing the
efficiency slowed down because he has
three guys all three of them are loading
the bells and but maybe there's not that
many so then he has a fourth guy and now
that fourth guy might not actually be
helping that much so it's diminishing
returns because he's having to pay the
wages for four people but the efficiency
they're not actually getting that extra
amount done it's not like doubling his
productivity or more than doubling the
productivity here so if you see what I
mean it's like why businesses and we'll
do that they'll bring honest and amount
of people but there is what they coined
is being over staffed as having too many
people with not enough to do and the
company has to pay all those people's
wages and
you then might not be seeing any extra
profits because if they had 10 new
people at the company and the efficiency
stays the same where only goes up a tiny
bit then you pay all those wages at the
same time so that's diminishing returns
it's diminishing as it's going up and as
it really Sutekh as Brian said very well
you could be going up and you might need
for that jump and your CPU to go from
four point whatever it is 4.22 4.3 you
may need to add a huge amount of extra
voltage to do it I know broad wellies a
big one like that's a perfect and and
and it's just not worth it because you
think like I'm getting 100 megahertz but
I got to chuck another you know how much
more voltage in to achieve that is it
really worth it for me to be putting
that much voltage in all that extra heat
all that extra voltage all that extra
power use just for that tiny bit more
clock speed you're better off going back
as he said that sweet spot that sort of
efficient spot were you we get a good
high clock speed but you're not having
to raise up the voltage to a ridiculous
amount to achieve it that nice sweet
spot there and every every CPU is
different in terms of their sweet spot
and that's what we mean by a diminishing
returns yeah so I mean that's great so
that's a great example as well so they
start pains yeah yeah yeah yeah when you
start paying more for less thanks I
basically it's that the cost is
outweighing the game yeah and so we'd
only the last question the Maximus hero
ate is there anything about this board
that makes it worth choosing over the
Maximus range eight again this is sort
of my weeks I couldn't Ness I don't try
out a Zeus boards in like Oh last time
ask for a review sample I got just
ignored so hey could / reduce sample
guys no I got right yeah I mean I i
don't i'm not familiar with these two
either adventist at them I mean I had a
hero back in the day I'm just going to
have a quick quick look here and see but
they do look white in the past the hero
was always the main one to go for that
was always considered quite it was a
high in motherboard for sure but I was
considered a very good yeah I mean both
of these look pretty high-end to me
linea listen Magnus the Ultra Magnus
hero I'm seeing that their friends is
that the memory so if you want to take
that if you want the memory to go higher
ah you can only go up to 3400 on the
Ranger you go all the way up to 3,700 33
on the on the hero so that's ended I
depending on your cpu as well so not
everything skin yeah yeah yeah so that
would be a another thing as I think
there's a little bit of difference in a
few other places but yeah it's it's
quite a hard thing these these
motherboards you have to really the
thing is picking a motherboard itself
can be quite a hard thing so you just
have to look at people's reviews CC make
sure there's the features on it that you
desire I'm seeing a lot more in terms of
a little bit more in I oh I think
judging having quick look through on the
abril it's yeah to you probably yeah I
mean we don't we're not that familiar
with this so so we can we cannot see you
could do better you could do research
about them but in the past anyways I've
always thought the heroes were decent
and the previous ones i've tested and
checked out so yeah maybe maybe go with
that i think that one might be sold or
there might be a big price difference
now we're done it yeah hey guys we're
going to wind up the show pretty soon so
if you guys want to ask some questions
to get answered on next week's episode
then be sure to go to taxi TV / forum
sign up and drop in the question on the
thread will have an episode 20 questions
thread starting and thank you guys for
tuning in and thank you for the
questions and also thank you to care for
coming on the show and kind of man in
ways carrying me over this headache ya
gotta take it takes a more bad at all
man so yeah you need to take it easy man
get back on your feet and they can start
smashing out more rice and content again
another other videos yeah well my dad
said he had something from mosquitoes
and like he was cooked for like 3 or 3
months or something like I was like what
geez you can't be wiped up for that long
I know I know
not with all the stuff coming up so I'll
figure out some way whether it's you
know daily supply of panadol or
something but yeah the daily daily pack
of palatal this can't be good kid needs
to give up on you ya ever I got a doctor
maybe they can give you give you
something hard quarter just you know
apparently it's not curable like it's
not curable and there's though like
vaccine you just body has to beat it
that's it so and it's gonna suck oh it
does suck it does suck so there'll be no
overclocking on at the gym either which
sucks for a little while yeah yeah just
I need to go lie down now but anyway
guys thanks for tuning so much we'll
catch y'all next week and any closing
statements statements give I know it's
another great show really enjoyed you
guys also you can donate I don't know if
it was super jet was enabled this time
or not that um yeah if you guys won't
answer answer a quick get get your
questions answered you can either hit us
up on the forums or just donate and we
can answer your questions for you
anything if to do with tech so remember
that's there also if you want to sweet
us around bro i'll catch you next week
so I see you guys I'll see you guys
peace out for now bye
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