welcome back to episode 22 of the tech
lounge I hope you're all having a great
easter and if you don't celebrate easter
then I hope you're having a good time
anyway wherever you are in the world and
i'm joined here by tech showdown care
how you doing man i'm doing great brian
how about you man yeah pretty busy
pretty busy but it's been relaxed over
Easter a actually had a good few nights
sleep and been able to rest a lot so
it's been really good been relaxed
getting to the bottom of all this AMD vs
intel stuff but you know the funny thing
is we're gonna move and we'll just talk
about that straight away because yeah
okay this time around it's much
different right we've Scott we don't
like everywhere you go this just I think
it's just the fanboy war its its world
war out there it's fanboy woods it's
crazy but this is the thing this is the
thing right here is that here's the
kicker the 7700 k and the awesome 1700
I'd recommend them both like if someone
bought one and said oh my god i bought a
seven awesome 1700 I'd say you made a
good decision if you bought a 7700 k I
think you made a pretty good decision
depends on what you're doing if you're
just gaming it's looking like the 7700 k
is currently the champ but you know how
many years is that going to change over
like in two years time is the awesome
1,700 going to be better for gaming well
in two years time we'll see i'm not i'm
not a ton of a crystal ball yeah yeah
the thing is the thing is both these
cpus are performing really well if we
contrast that to the fx-8350 for example
if you bought an FX 8350 i thought you
got shunted at the time and even now the
four call if you look at a 46 90 k or
whatever 4670k they rent they used a lot
less power there you know the
motherboards about the same protein
eaded to buy an expensive motherboard
overclocking 9350 properly and
inexpensive cooler i remember on the
4670k you could get a cheap $30 cooler
and overclock nothing pretty well so if
you bought an FX 8350 i felt you made a
poor decision back in the day this time
around if you play either cpu
you're making a pretty good decision I
don't think there's you know is so
little in it and that's exactly yeah
that's sort of like that's the
conclusion that I've really done all the
testing for this for the three-part
series streaming multiplayer benchmarks
all that I just got to get the make the
video which takes a lot of the time but
if you by other those CPUs you made you
haven't made a bad decision that's what
I'm trying to get out yeah yeah I would
agree with that for sure I'm d I think
the most impressive thing I'm just about
to start my rice and five testing which
will be quite exciting they got a bunch
of showdowns planned but I think so far
anyways with my rose and seven and from
what I've seen with other people doing
rows and five testing the they're
extremely good value there's no way to
get around it think about the amount of
cores and threads you are getting for
the price that alone is a very good deal
on the I think you are correct and
saying k be lik is going to carry on and
people still be buying 7600 KS 76
hundreds all the rest of it but
Broadwell e is very much in trouble um I
mean quite a few people already yourself
included have switched from viewing from
the 6800 k2 was that arise in 1800 x so
the 1700 which one did you switch to I
i'm switching i switch to the 1800 x it
was a review so yeah um thing is right
the awesome 1700 it's making a statement
i said this to like I was going to
switch to risin as a statement to Intel
I said to the people i don't agree i
don't like how intel's charging on the
motherboard they're charging the z
license they're charging the k license
that's double dipping and I've said this
for so long I disagree with it and alls
reisen had to do was come with near
performance to Intel they didn't have to
match them and the IPC doesn't match
cabbie leak but it comes damn close it
matches broad Willy all they had to do
was match Intel's performance and I was
switching over and in price performance
is really damn good the r5 1600 that's a
story that's one is going to be the
kick-ass cpu to get at that price point
there's no doubt about that one or as
much as my old man likes to say no bout
a doubt it but there's arm so what
what's going on here right the up when
we so I'm doing I'm doing the eight core
versus Intel's four core first and then
I'm going to move over to the six core
versus the 7600 k vs an old-school X
5650 and now that's going to be a
different kettle of fish that will be
more interesting with a more clear-cut
recommendation there i think the r5 1600
is going to be the clear winner there
for numerous reasons but as we stand
with the r7 1700 versus the 7700 k the
dual xeons is pretty much you're going
to find that they're becoming obsolete
poor little things that there's as much
as I love them you know the r7 1700
still is trumping it and then the 7700
case still that king and gaming yeah
yeah so it's kind of it's more it's more
of a okay both ECB is a good but when we
move down to the r5 1600 that's when
things will get a little bit different
and you'll see that the r5 1600 is going
to be the clear winner in a lot of cases
in that category so and there's another
thing I have noticed as well some very
different testing going on here we've
got the RC r 5 1600 even versus the 1800
x or whatever there's going to be some i
found some very interesting interesting
tests that I'm doing real world tests
and I've found some very interesting
figures as well so the r5 1600 maybe the
king of them all if they're looking at
pure price performance for enthusiasts
be 350 motherboard are five 1600 I think
that one's looking like the winner of
all Intel AMD CPUs all combined are five
1600 is getting my vote it was my vote
before it was even released but there's
further data to suggest that this cpu
might be the one to get because of other
reasons too and i'm going to explain
that until i recently released the video
if i say why people start doing their
own tests and then I'll lose all the
views you know when it's always abused
come on yeah yeah I want to get some
views I want to get some love yeah now
I think you hit the nail hit by the way
bright now everyone saying audios
perfect oh right yeah so the the thing
is that you know that people you guys in
your rumba for the same price as a
single 6800 k you could get the 1600
which does come with a cooler a decent
cooler as well you can overclock with
that Wraith sparkle and just fine and a
be 350 motherboard so you could have the
CPU room of the 6800 k doesn't come with
a cooler you could get the risin 1600 a
be 350 a good one and of course it comes
to the included cooler and it wouldn't
you would probably come and cheaper than
just buying the 6800 k that is some
pretty amazing undercutting from AMD and
I just have to say yeah it is very
enticing for a lot of people out there I
run Broadway lee i run a 6900 k and
honestly yeah i can't say i would
recommend it to anybody now if you're
looking for an eight core cpu get that
rise in 1700 and overclock it or if
you're not comfortable with overclocking
then just get something like the 1700 x
1800 x imma just use that because
they're just phenomenal they're just
such good value and the productivity
which is what really counts for me
anyways and I could I guess I speak for
Brian as well the render times you know
if we need to go redo a video you might
have to render the same video two or
three times and that then amount of time
does add up now we don't just like you i
speak for myself maybe Brian does have
that I doubt it um is you don't just set
it to render and then just sit there and
wait um you're doing other things at the
same time but it's always nice to have
those fast render times I don't think
anyone would say that's a bad thing at
all so yeah I'm the 1600 extremely
extremely good value yeah I just think
it's absolutely phenomenal and I will be
doing two lots of testing I'll be
testing all four rise in five CPUs but
i'll be doing two of them with quarter
cord comparisons and two of them as
price to price comparisons
and we can take those results and go
from there but I know very very good
value especially now a 16 the 1600 man
like you the fact that you can build a
workstation like a good work station pc
on the cheap now and i mean it blows the
7700 k out of the water in terms of
productivity so you know pretty awesome
and considering how much cheaper it is
it's well it's actually blowing it out
in some tests i'm doing some real world
tests the 1600 is beating even the 1800
x and y can few little tests that i'm
doing here so i'm going to present that
i'm going to present that in a separate
video but again i'm getting to the
bottom of this now i'm sick of all these
fanboy wars out there this that is that
a lot of what was seeing with
discrepancies to is of course the game
developers and driver implementation as
well and we'll talk about that a little
bit later but for what is where the r5
1600 its impressing me that much more
the more time I spend with it the more
time I just get to know it get to know
its feelings get to know what's sad
about what it's happy about and of
course you said it needs to be coupled
with a good motherboard I've got the
bottom of the barrel be 350 motherboard
drop some mosfet heatsinks on it and is
performing really well so that's what
i'm liking for those brands performance
enthusiasts heads out there raisins
really hitting the mark because they're
not charging you overclocking tax
they're not charging your motherboard
overclocking tax one of those taxes have
been dropped and i think it's a message
to intel intel needed to stop doing this
I think if Intel just charged on the
motherboard for example they would have
been fine I don't see the need to charge
double dip that was what really hit
enthusiasts and then of course the
thermal paste that was another hit
there's a lot of things that are now
rise and sort of picked up on and
they're gaining a lot of momentum from
the real enthusiast from the fans of
course you know I always keep my results
straight down the middle I'm always just
going to say look this is what's best
for this I really don't really have any
care about our loyalty to any one brand
and that's never going to change but I
know there's guys who out there who are
pro AMD and they love AMD is very strong
and a lot of these guys are my friends
on Twitter and whatnot and they're
really cool to talk with the problem is
I think there's a lot of problems at the
moment those is
massive like there's the rabid fan boys
and these guys are going crazy the
moment you say something even just
slightly against verizon like it's just
at the moment it's insane at the moment
and i think a lot of channels getting
frustrated with it but I've been like if
I get some guy called me an idiot to
straight-up band as his first sentence
you're you're an idiot they have been
see you later and then and that's why I
was doing talking to a lot of people
behind the scenes the problem is is that
a lot of us are pro risin and so a lot
of it now like we're recommending rising
but the problem is there's a lot of
results that are coming out that are 22
buyers they're just two out the top and
that goes against what a lot of us
reviewers are about we're about just
calling it straight down the middle
points it's not it's not really about
being it's not being Pro raising a pro
Indian pro intel I'm just pro whatever
is good and it's good and puts up good
numbers it comes in a good price of
corsets I'm going to go for it and
someone said in the comments they said
you still got those SLI taxes on the X
370 ah yeah that's still in character I
suppose yeah that's correct but but at
the end of the day um be from personal
experience anyway many of us I would say
the vast majority of users the vast vast
majority use a single graphics card and
any good tech review will tell you that
you always want a single powerful
graphics card over to um but yeah it's
the technical er yeah you're correct but
I don't think that's as much of an going
to impact many people as Intel's
overclocking tax with the the certain
boards and the k-series chips I think
that's much more impactful for people
over the SLI Tex Tex a celae tax is true
man it exists and that's why further a
reason to get a be 350 so also another
thing about resin Susie can support 64
gigabytes of ddr4 memory I've got it
running in my system dual channel at 29
33 confirmed so don't be afraid to pull
the trigger on a on a 4k works
with rising as well it's doing it's
doing extremely well yeah so anyway
we'll move on to the first stop because
we're only talking about rise a little
bit anyway but Microsoft has done what
is expected the creator's update has
rolled out and a lot of people asking me
for an optimization guide I'm going to
do one after i get a lot of my crucial
testing done there's a lot of testing I
still have to do and I talked with other
youtubers it's creating a lot of
headaches that creators update is
causing a lot of headaches so I'm
actually even scared to update to it at
the moment at least until I get all my
apples to apples testing done and you
were telling me it's wait what one FBS
on your GTX yeah so I got the creator's
update yesterday and I have the gigabyte
Horace extreme edition 1080 TI and my
rig right now and and I went to do the
creator's update and the I done all my
testing on the sin ati for my showdowns
of course the the next one coming up
there they're all done would before I
did the Krays update I wouldn't do it
afterwards it's not fair anyway so I
decided to do it and so it goes to reset
to do the update stuff then it was just
blank screen and I can bring it up I try
reset and the bios screen wouldn't even
come up all the stuff i took the 1080 TI
out and put my 1080 back end and then it
was fine so when you do the creator's
update it'll bring you to a blue screen
and then it needs to restart about two
or three times while it does all the
updating stuff and then it will track
you back into Windows but from it
personally having the 10 attn for some
bizarre reason it would it would blank
screen after that maybe it's something
to do with the GPU maybe time XP guys
big P I supposed to say I might have the
same problem but yeah really really
strange Chuck the 1080 in and it was
just fine I did notice that the drivers
like to reinstall my nvidia drivers
after the creator's update because it
just went a whole lot of crazy after i
got back in a window is there must have
been some issue going on there because
my screen went down to like like 720p or
something and there was all funny stuff
going on and yeah so I had to
install all that but yeah it is quite
dodgy right now for what I've seen yeah
you get game mode and I turned it on
okay so this is i'll just say only did
one test and with the 1080 and all I saw
was 1 FPS extra with game mode on now
that was a synthetic test as well and
that was just a single test they did
last night so ously will need to cover
this more but if that's in a 1080p
synthetic test if one FPS is all you're
going to see I would expect a bit better
maybe it's going to help more with
things like latency I guess maybe for
online gaming maybe that's what they're
really targeting with game mode of
course there's all the UM the streaming
stuff now from windows which you can
also use broadcasting from windows and
and all that that's quite cool you got
do some 3d stuff and paint now which is
quite interesting and there's a whole
bunch of updates from Microsoft page for
any you guys out there that use that no
comments there ah it's just for me with
my schedule dude I do not need any
problems at the moment like last thing I
need to do is diagnose problems steve
from my hardware and box he told me he's
rolled back the creators up there he
actually rolled it back he's just he got
fed up with it he was trying to
benchmark just coming into a plethora of
problems like just so many problems one
after the other you just rolled it back
I'm after hearing that I'm like yeah
damn you know like steve has the
cleanest install of Windows I would know
like me I have a real clean install of
Windows I cut all the crap out of it and
of course there's a performance benefit
to be made I actually showed this on a
live stream when I was overclocking my
7700 Kate I think was the 5.1 gigahertz
and we did the before and after
cinebench and I was like I want to break
1100 cinebench points and so I optimize
Windows quickly on a live stream like on
a live stream just optimizing windows
and yeah we got like a one but one point
something percent increase in
performance and that was just funny like
so it's probably the same thing and
that's why people i guess like want me
to i like optimize Windows so I can make
it more snappy Oh give them a little bit
of a performance boost but again I'm
scared to do it at the moment because I
don't want any problems with all the
stuff I've got to get through all the
videos we've got to get through
so yeah yeah so just just be aware of
that the black screen thing if you're
getting that and see you guys out there
as well the viewers if that if you try
to do the creators update mean
unfortunately most you guys probably
don't have a spare GP although you might
have integrated graphics obviously I'm
on bro well II so don't have that luxury
um but you might have to do that if
you're experiencing that issue because
it is a very very strange one to come
across but yeah it does seem very hit or
miss right now with the creators update
so yeah be very wary of it before you
decide to do it yeah there is problems
and is just from what I gather this time
around there's a lot of hit and miss
feedback as opposed the last update I
didn't really hear anything bad about
the last update that came through the
anniversary update when that came it was
the problems really isolated so it was
like a guy five monitors who had some
problem with this little setting it
wasn't going to affect benchmarking and
whatnot but Steve was telling me certain
games just won't even be able to crash
games will crash this and that so it's
crazy what the creator's updates doing
so I would not recommend updating at the
moment that would be my personal
recommendation until windows decides to
stop making the public beta testers I
guess that's just the trend that's
running through the industry at the
moment hey why why should we spend money
on beta testing when we can just get the
people to do it for nothing yeah it's
such a bad bad mentality though oh well
that's that's the way the world works
news just yeah why did what do something
when you get someone else to do it you
know sir that's yeah there we go so yeah
that's the creator's update you guys I
don't recommend updating to the moment
if there is once the problems settle
down I will get another pc to update to
it safe I've got to build coming this
month actually I've gotta build coming
this month they use price-performance
build I probably upgrade to it on that
and then maybe talk a little bit i
experienced some of the problems and if
so that if it's ready for an
optimization guide then i'll do one so
but don't worry there will be an
optimization guy coming it's just when I
would recommend people updating to the
creator's updates so next time we we got
here though again- offs back on the back
in the news
they're blocking cabbie lake and rising
pcs from windows 7 and 8 updates now
like just straight up blocking it if
you've got one of these CBS you're
blocked what do you think about that
well that's yeah I I think no one is
particularly surprised i think a lot of
people saw this from a mile away but uh
yeah this Microsoft is really forcing
people on to windows 10 for a better or
worse and personally as an operating
system actually really like Windows 10
which seems to be like blasphemy within
the community but um yeah that this
isn't a good thing though you shouldn't
be forcing people to the operating
system um before when it was still a
free update then I could understand it's
a bit more it's still not cool but it
was I don't know I mean windows seven
runs out of support in 2020 anyway so I
suppose most people need to start at
least thinking about upgrading to
Windows 10 but if you're on kb like then
it looks like you're going to have to or
if your fear on rising it's now as well
but uh yeah what do you think you're a
fan of microsoft forcing around a good
old windows 10 windows 10 or bust again
like my favorite my favorite was windows
8.1 I liked 8.1 I liked the way once you
once you changed it and tweaked it I
thought it was the best OS now Windows
10 is based on the same kernel that the
problem is they introducing all that
telemetry and whatnot so I liked 8.1 the
best people like I know a lot of people
like seven especially competitive gamers
7 still to go to from what I hear for a
lot of competitive gamers now that's
that's pretty annoying especially for
those guys who like to play
competitively I it's it's yeah what else
to say you're just taking away options
that people like and yeah it's just this
is nothing but stupidity I mean micro
people want to use Windows 7 Windows 8.1
especially if they paid money for them i
mean i know some people don't pay money
for them but especially if people paid
money for these os's you're just you
know essentially screwing the mobile you
know you I guess Microsoft's being
racist towards cabbie lake and rising
and same with the windows 10 creators
update that's racist towards the 1080 TI
right yes that I mean yeah that's quite
interesting um it's interesting as well
that we both feel so differently about
this because I actually really didn't
like it windows 8 or 8.1 my if I can go
back and list them in terms of what they
were like when they first came out and
to use them to say the first 12 months
after they came out I would probably say
windows 7 would still be my all-time
favorite probably followed by Windows 10
I really enjoy Windows 10 actually and
and then I'll put it's my number 3 i'd
have to say vista which is very
unpopular see but i did quite a powerful
computer back then back in the older
good old core 2 duo core 2 quad days and
and yeah and vista was very good at
vista ultimate which was really nice and
it was a great operating system so back
then if you had an underpowered pc it
was a horrible system because it was so
heavy but it was still yeah a lot of
people consider windows XP the best I
can yeah I can see why that is but
personally um yeah I out of all them
windows 7 that was just a good all-round
solid operating system to follow up
vista on which was very heavy that it
was much lighter which a lot of people
like that was probably the biggest
benefit of windows 7 windows 8 was
better as well you got this fast boot
times and stuff like that over 7 which a
lot of people liked many you probably
don't even remember that but that was a
big thing when it first came out see if
there's but it's usually just personal
preference again it's what it's we all
like different things um you had this is
deedee basically run starters back with
8.1 was it big did you run that with
your 8.1 the stardust back things you
had a normal start menu it did you
actually like the tile thing yeah I ran
start menu x so i ran a gecko of course
but that's what you had to do you had to
give Windows 8.1 a chance a lot of
people just upgraded they didn't know
what they were doing though and disarray
they're like not going back to Windows 7
that was the feeling that people
got they just hated it so they just
reverted back straight away and so of
course Windows 10 brought that start bar
back so adoption was very easy for
windows 7 but once you gave windows 8.1
a chance a proper chance you realize
there were benefits over windows seven I
thought you know the schedule was better
I thought the you could install many
things at the same time I don't think
you could do that at windows 7 you could
install many applications at the same
time on Windows 8.1 don't know if you
could do that in Windows 7 I just
remember just jumping in and setting up
windows 8.1 once I knew how to set it up
was much quicker than windows 7 just
forgetting all my programs installed it
was it was sort of like it was more
multi-core friendly if that was the way
to say it with Windows yeah yeah I also
i thought i saw it subjectively gaming
was smoother on Windows 8.1 the windows
seven that was something that I thought
of course it's a subjective thing so I
don't really talk about it much but
Windows 8.1 became my favorite OS
because they just never crashed on me it
just it was a breeze after you tweaked
it and after you did what you had to do
with it to get it running properly so
yeah I think a lot of people i dunno
what you're saying they really had to
give it a try and and I did I ran
windows 8.1 on my last rig and and
windows 7 on my rig before that so yeah
you really had so I think a lot of the
people that didn't like it probably
tried it out what like you said they did
the update they got confused it was that
I will admit it would have been
confusing to a lot of people especially
people that aren't as tech savvy and at
first anyway but yeah I all they tried
it out at a store at a friend's place on
a friends computer or something they
hated it and I think that's the thing is
you really have to have tried it I've
run all these operating systems going
back to XP for on my personal computers
for at least like two years so I think I
had a really good time to seal the
updates see how it's progressed but even
remember back in the XP days talking to
older people i knew that this computer
place i used to work at now is telling
them when vista was about to come out
now saying why they bring out vista when
they haven't even sorted out XP yet and
that's like the mentality that stayed on
as everyone window Sims about to come
out and they'll be saying well mr. isn't
even sorted out yet
or you know that that trends just
continued over the years and that was
way back in like the early 2000s so yeah
yeah Microsoft has just been doing that
a long time be a bat back to the topic
yeah this does suck in a lot of ways for
a lot of people out there well sky lakes
still gonna be fine that's what we're
seeing sky lake is still yes guy like is
still fine yeah and I think you can
still get away with it um but it
probably wouldn't be ideal so you guys
out there might have to just take the
plunge and go to Windows 10
unfortunately so unfortunately okay so
we can talk about the risin r5 1600 x
we're going to put up stays review here
from tech spot Steve from hardware and
box spot and yeah I guess you wanted you
you really wanted to talk more about the
risin are five sixteen hundred and
fifteen hundred X and I guess you can
just shoot your thoughts as well I think
this is a really good segment again well
I guess we can go into more detail of
why the r5 1600 is going to really shine
in this segment and even the four core
is well from AMD because once you start
getting into this segment you've only
really got the four core overclockable
cpu from intel bringing any competition
that's only in gaming and you know again
for calls for threads that's a
limitation there it coming into the
future so that's where the r5 1600 is
really starting to shine out and of
course those lower competitive products
that aren't overclockable are going to
fall behind the risin cpus because the
verizon CVS are overclockable but what I
guess I guess well but yeah yeah with
this article basically all I want to do
I know we already talked a bit about
rice and five already but a lot of
people out there um both fans viewers
and tick reviewers to youtubers have
generally because I haven't done my
testing yet and so still I'm still
trying to stay as open mind as possible
and I've been watching a ton of
everyone's reviews from Brian Steve's
jemadar TV everyone's opinions to try
see what what they all think and it
seems interesting because when I was
talking to Steve on skype the other day
i was saying a lot of people really like
the six course a 1600 x and the 1600
but there's quite a few reviewers out
there that aren't fans of the quad
course the 1500 x + 1400 and Steve
basically said to me so I don't
understand why that is because he
thought they were you know just fine and
especially with the the costs they're
coming in at the price point they're
coming in at but it seems like a lot of
the people and the the other tech
youtubers and not a lot but some of them
don't really like the quad core so much
so that's quite an interesting that
we're seeing basically universal praise
for the six course but then it's a bit
more Hetal mess with those quad cores
yeah I'll chime in like I'll chime in
and give you my opinion here i'm
actually on that boat if i don't really
like the four cause i'm agreeing with
the people who don't like the four cause
that much and like the six Gordon is
mainly like you look at the price
performance and where it's at and what
you're getting with the r5 1600 and once
you buy your motherboard your memory
your graphics card you're really looking
at only a little bit extra money to get
those six cores in there and that's
fifty percent more CPU fifty percent
more CPU for your money on an extra
whatever it is two three four or five
percent of your whole budget on the
system that's why a lot of people are
gravitating towards the r5 1600 it's
just such a good buy out of all the AMD
CPUs it's relevant now it will be
relevant for the next couple of years
and it just trumps the forecourse even
on AMD zone cpu lineup in terms of value
for money when we start to tip factor in
other costs even when we compare it
directly in price performance to the
four cause it's just killing it it's
absolutely killing it of course you got
you've got the cash rate you get more
cash they're available to the CPU cores
on some of it i think the 1500 x
actually has the most available per
quart yeah but um yes you go down for
1400 that's actually been cut in half so
i think a lot of people like where the
1600 x is at how much is it over i mean
how much is the 1600 over the 1500 x
what's the price differential they're
like forty dollars or something ah in
new zealand they're coming in the quite
good price so you're sixteen hundred
we'll see you back 350 new zealand
dollars and they
1500 x will be 310 so it's 40 new
zealand dollars yeah I more expensive
the 1600 and then the 1600 X is 420 so
that seventy dollars more for the 1600 x
over the 1600 and of course the little
1400 is two hundred and eighty dollars
so it is thirty dollars less so you sing
price price wise in New Zealand it's
very good the the fact you can get the
1600 for three hundred fifty dollars
which means it's almost did the same I
believe as the 7600 k off the top of my
memory let's have a look here yeah so
the 7600 k right now is on special for
360 but it's usually 366 so in New
Zealand at play tic anyway it's pretty
much the same price United get a rise in
1600 or a 7600 k and they're almost
exactly the same price there so that's
pretty pretty competitive um but yeah it
does beg the question you are right
there the 1500 x only being forty
dollars cheaper I mean would people
really think of all that extra forty
dollars I could go from a quad-core
although out to it to it to a 6-core you
know exactly they their six useful cause
as we've seen in the productivity
benchmarks this they're making a
difference these calls are actually
making a big difference so yeah that's
why men are you going to not take that
plunge you know and then steve is steve
was talking about to steve on skype and
his argument is well you can get the
cheap for call but i don't think the
cheapest for calls out yet the fork or
for thread and those are the arteries
yeah yeah and you cannot know that and
you can update later that's a good
argument to you can update when the I
you know when the overclocks get better
because this is going to be the
architecture i believe AMD's
implementing for the next three years so
that arguments valid as well that's why
i like that that's why mean everyone's
got different opinions and i love it now
as long as like if someone's got a
different opinions you is it something
that the tech community needs to learn
in general if someone has a different
opinion to you doesn't mean that they're
wrong and you don't have to go
them down and call them an effing idiot
and all this that's what that's what I'm
really i guess this year it's hitting
harder than ever I guess the amount of
just toxic comments and arguments is
through the roof like it's insane
shopping yeah it's shocking it really is
like I got into tech when I got into
tech when I was like a little teenager
it was so good everyone was helping
people out if you didn't understand
something someone showed you the light
someone showed you the better way so
really I don't know what's going on now
like it is a scary place to be and I
mean I really care internet right the
Internet's toxic in general but yeah I
don't notice i thought the tech
community would never have this kind of
crap coming into it but it does look
like it's just increase its just like
overload it's you can't do anything yeah
now you know God you know it yeah you're
certainly right I think the other thing
is uh what Jim mentioned in his video
was quite good he said he was basically
not too happy with the quad core it's
not for the fact of the value they're
coming in at and but more the fact that
it's still a quad core and he was his
point was basically like hey we've been
on quad cores for so long now going all
the way back and he does make a really
good point I mean how many Intel quad
cores in the gaming lineup anyway we've
just been doing this for years and
people say well quad core is enough you
only need four and that and that's you
know that that may be valid but at the
same time he has got a good point in
that shouldn't have there been some
progression um I know Intel's idea has
always been you want faster cause rather
than war cause but his point which you
may disagree with is that we should have
been progressing up to six scores and
that's why he was saying his
recommendation just like yours and many
others was to go for that 1,600 over the
1500 X because you know comes with a
cooler and it's six cores 12 threads and
all the rest of it and and his own his
thinking at least from memory was that
that'll be better moving forward because
as the point he has tried to prove well
he's talked about multiple times as that
going forward uh there'll be better
utilization of those six and eight for
CPU so so I think that's a that's a good
point there and I have talked to him on
Twitter about it me and him talk
sometimes now and um yeah he does make
quite a good point there so yeah for
cause is probably still enough I'm sure
but we're moving forward with these
changes now yeah especially with kb lake
x Scola kicks i should say um yeah we
might be seeing that there might be a
trend now so it might start progressing
up to those six scores and a course i
well i think eight threads if you got
four core eight threads that's gonna be
still very relevant for years to come i
think four cores eight yes he's gonna
fork or four threads yes a focus might
start to face out a little bit even
their men like I've been on the camp
when it comes to technology when it
comes to personal life and life goals
and all that stuff you of course you
have to think for the few you have to
think for the future of course but when
it comes to tech I'm one of those guys
who likes to live for now I mean really
if you compare this hobby this
enthusiasts hobby like technology to
cars let's take a look at cars man i
remember when i was young dude I was
just working to fix my car like it was
such an expensive hobby cars were
expensive text not that experiment
contrast to that like a
two-hundred-dollar CPU is not that
expensive when we contrast it to like a
you know to a two-thousand-dollar set of
mags on your car so really to be an
enthusiast in tech it doesn't cost a
whole lot of course there's always
there's always going to be these
companies dangling you know you know
tech like tight next peas in front of
your face and just don't buy that it's
just a complete ripoff but you know when
it comes to the actual enthusiast stuff
I think it's pretty it's a fair game to
get into and I like to live for the now
so the now is still four cores eight
threads I think that's the best at the
moment like for gaming I my tests are
confirming that but what are we looking
at in the next few years I don't know
and honestly I don't really care a whole
lot because it's not such an expensive
hobby it's not like it's a life decision
if I'm you know a hundred dollars is not
like oh my god I bought an i7 1700 it's
going to be more future bought a 7700 k
am I going to be shafted in a couple of
years time it's like in a couple of
years time i'm pretty sure that 7700 k
will still be relevant but there'll be
the next cpu out from AMD and intel
there'll be the new technology out the
rise ins will probably overclocking 25
gigahertz in the next two years and
they'll have a cheaper skew same with
intel they probably have their six core
12 threaded enthusiasts latest IPCC
lineup that their maintenance umer sorry
not the x 99 play on that very odd that
consumer cpu out so who knows when the
future comes we'll review it and then
we'll see how good it is you know again
we don't have those crystal balls guys
and well it's easier for us um because
we're like under the term i like to use
create a zoo game because we're doing
like that 50 50 or maybe these days we
do a little bit less fifty percent
gaming more like 7030 productivity
seventy percent productivity and because
we're doing that i think it makes it
easier for us because we're always going
to be trending towards the sex and a
core cpus i doubt any tech review out
there any of the bigger guys anyway um
this running say a quad-core cpu no
because they probably have anything
against it's just they need those cause
um people a CJ who's gone over to rise
and now and stuff obviously brian as
well as gone to risin we need those
cores so it makes it a lot easier for us
because we're always going to go i'll
never go down to a 6-core a less than a
6-quart i'll always go six or a core now
on because we need it that's that's all
they're safe but that's that's a funny
thing that i was testing the 7700 it as
my main workstation for about two weeks
so this is why i'm getting a good
understanding of where the strengths and
weaknesses are and what tests i'm doing
and looking out for what honestly though
the way the premier pro or the holder
you do the whole adobe suite the way it
works is that you actually don't need
more than a 7700 k of course your final
render times you've got a bit more
headroom the more cause and more threads
you have as
doesn't fully utilize them so you can do
other things while you're rendering 7700
k you're dead in the water if you're
rendering a video you've got to go AFK
because it's just utilizing all those
threats and you'll have you really laggy
experience but again they all give their
all complete a video and around about
the same time I've got the figures like
I was running down the figures hear
things like i did this 20-minute render
cpu-intensive and they're all schooling
and they're all scoring in a similar
bench ballpark like we've got 29 minutes
on the 7700 Kaling was like 26 minutes
on the 1720 1700 scored 24 minutes so it
was actually quite a bit faster the 1600
was 26 minutes so it's all falling in
the same ballpark obviously the r7 1700
did score a victory there which was
really good so again for what I need the
r7 Sonia r7 1700s the best but again and
this is where it comes down to if you
bought a 7700 k and you're doing a bit
of productivity but your gaming
competitively and you need the highest
FPS 7700 is going to provide that so
we're falling in this ballpark of where
one is not falling so far behind the
other it's not like it's the end of the
world as opposed to be when we looked at
those FX 8350 s back in the day man now
we're getting crushed you know like in
some some tasks they were just getting
clean cut crushed like absolutely you
know dominated so it's good to see that
1700s coming out ahead in some things
and it's still very competitive and
other things so mmm yeah other we're
just ya know yeah we should probably uh
what was the next relatively head here
but we can talk about steam hardware
surveys because I was like shocked like
I was a little bit shocked when I saw
this we got the authentic AMD CPUs in
the Intel's abusers like AMD CPUs last
month that was in verizon was released
went went down 1.4 6 % like I just find
that hard to believe what was going on
here obviously I wait for the april and
may figures hopefully these numbers are
up and they're up quite a big amount
that wow like you're not i mean that was
that was really crazy to see so what is
all this craziness going on like who's
actually buying these cpus you know what
i mean like where's all that like this
much hype out there there's so much you
know you put out a rising video it's
going to get a lot of views and a lot of
likes but when we got the data hits it's
like who's buying these cpus and this is
March is already looking like a bit
small month am deep or AMD they've gone
down 1.4 six percent and now this will
go up though I think that v1 hopefully
of guys I'll make quite a lot I hope it
goes up by quite a lot to be honest I
mean Verizon's a good product yeah Oh
certainly certainly I think it will it
will start to go up over the next few
months but at the same time the people
watching our video is usually always
enthusiasts or people that want to be
aware but I think the vast majority of
people who will just be buying say
pre-built systems or going into a store
to buy a new get a whole bunch of parts
together to build a rig I think those
people still just by Intel they're
probably like just heard from someone
you know you should buy in till they go
into the store and the people in the
store recommended or whatever it is I
just think thou yeah retailers actually
do miss ya retailers getting kickbacks
to this to push Intel I believe that's a
real thing too so I I haven't personally
witnessed that or heard that but then
but i would say that they're the this
isn't the enthusiast although you would
expect over the next few months from the
enthusiasts they will make a little bit
of a dent in it so i would expect at
least it wouldn't be negative would be
maybe plus one percent or something um
but yeah intel's still very very strong
in that area and maybe when people start
moving over workstations that might help
a little bit um to rise in as well if
they want to build more workstation pcs
for cheaper then they might they might
make a little bit of dent but this is
taken from steam so obviously you
wouldn't see those guys um you wouldn't
see it there so this is just from gamers
which is what you guys have to remember
the G 45-60 still the G 45-60 was
a pretty good pretty good man the g
45-60 i'm gonna give that credit that's
a solid cpu force how cheap it is and
for how cheap you can put together a
real budget gaming pc so i want to see
AMD release a competitor to that because
that's dirt cheap comes with a cooler
like $60 cpu with a cooler and will play
games really well so especially those
you know overwatch league legends csgo
they little play with good frame rates
and of course you're getting warranty on
you stuff so I'd say the G 45-60 has a
lot to do with this percentage change
here that's for sure yeah as you can see
as you can see in the actual clock
speeds look at that three point three
gigahertz 23.7 that's exactly where the
45 60 is lying so that's where it's
sitting so I guess some people pulled
the trigger on the 7700 k and the 7600
k2 but I'm waiting to see this data
change around a bit hopefully the r5
1600 really brings it to the market yeah
yeah anyway it's quite else quite dogs
quite surprised to see those figures yes
that so it I'm sorry so now we got the
RX 570 and the RX 580 there's been a
presentation someone leaked some slides
pretty crazy I guess they can see who
where he was sitting so they're going to
know who leaked these slides out pre NDA
so someone's just like hey I'll sitting
here they probably the camera out who
was sitting there now we know exactly
who was releasing this information but
um yeah so it's looking like it's a
straight rebrand with the RX 5 series
the 5 75 80 just higher clock speeds and
of course we're getting a 6 plus 6 pin
connector on the 570 and it looks like a
5 was it a 5 plus a plus 6 on the 580 so
now I mean we've already talked about
this last week but what do you think
about this coming in with the 570 and
580 and of course the 560 it looks like
they're releasing even lower tier model
d 550 as well which will be like for
just entry-level gaming
yes so the the step up here for the the
482 the 580 will be quite minimal the
difference here it's there's not going
to be much it's a slightly bitter bent
GPU are you getting a bit of a bump up
there in clock speeds and the reference
model will be running an eight pin power
connector as opposed to 6-pin you got on
the reference for Eddie if people are
even going to run those most people are
sick to non-reference so won't really
matter so nothing much there the 570
will be a bit more of a jump up now
anyone with a 470 what need to bother to
upgrade but it's more guessing a memory
bump up because it's going to be clocked
at seven gigahertz on the memory now
which is quite good because before you
got I'm thinking six point six so six
thousand six hundred megahertz on the
memory i believe from memory of the 470
so that's a little bit of a good jump up
there in memory speed and of course you
get the clock speeds going up as well so
that would be quite decent um of course
if you're an overclocker out there that
probably won't make much difference to
you but for the people that don't
overclock which is a lot of them when it
comes to GPUs that'll be decent but yeah
these I don't think anyone was
particularly surprised by this time this
is what a lot of us expected in terms of
what what would come out you're getting
different SKUs as well you get the
foreign eight gig models of the 580 just
like we saw with authority and with the
4th 570 you'll be getting and also the
eight and four five six to get four and
two and the 550 apparently you're
becoming with four and two gigabyte
models so that's quite interesting other
than that the 1060 as a three gig models
I think well a lot of people were hyping
in the comments when we're talking about
is lost weight I think a lot of people
were like okay if it's a rebrand but it
comes in cheaper then it's going to be
really good but what we're seeing here
is the prices around 229 to 279 for the
RX 580 which is looking like it's a
little bit more expensive than the 480
then again the RX 470 arcs 570 sorry is
172 230 us price range so it's looking
like it's just a straight rebrand and
possibly even a little bit more
expensive which is a disappointing in
this regard so yeah you wouldn't hope it
would be more expensive it should be
just the same price for a bit of a bump
up I think that would be okay i mean
we're seen clock speeds wise from the
480 reference 1266 to the 5 80's 1340
non-reference models that would be
different because some non reference for
80 s already around that clock speed
anyway um so you'd see maybe some
non-reference 5 80's coming in it may be
1400 ish so that that's decent the 570
gets about a 40 megahertz bump up there
and clock speed on the the GPU itself
obviously you have 400 megahertz bump up
on the memory see ya this will be okay
the introduction of the 550 is you said
that'll be decent for those people for
the entry-level people there's another
one to add to their lineup but um yeah
for the people saying no 590 that's yeah
there'll be a that'll probably be what
Vega will be I'd imagine unless they
decide to go with a different naming
scheme the negative you will be the RX
590 and they'll probably another model
uh there'll be the the cut-down model be
like the 590 and there'll be the 598
will be the more powerful one yeah but
we don't know yet so we'll just have to
see but the from what we're seeing right
now yeah it's a rebrand don't think
anybody be surprised yeah but the gilman
sales are the same but we'll do the
sales here the drag the GPUs for lightly
nvidia is just all green like you're
just seeing green numbers here look at
that green plus percentages and then you
see that the RX before I think it's the
RX 480 is or the IRS for 80s the
top-selling graphics card from AMD and
it's like the 8th down on the list or
something like that it's it's not doing
that well at all like one
% so it changed point nine point one
nine percent we look at all these in
video cards they're selling 621 I mean
surprised that the 750 Ti is selling so
well it must be like a third world
country sell out or something like
because that's I mean like in dough ball
countries they do a lot of these cars
that don't sell in the US and like sell
in Australian UK and stuff they get
shipped to their countries and they get
sold there because they're you know and
that's just a lot of times that's the
way it works but here we got the 1060
just it's beasting it it looks like it's
selling it double the pace of the RX for
80 which is kind of surprising I guess
people that's what I mean like I guess
YouTube in itself is a small market
because people the average guy going to
the computer store doesn't even know
about you or I or even Jays two cents or
less on that big like they just go out
and buy computer BOTS they don't care
and they just play again yeah yeah it's
pretty phenomenal will feel by nine 70s
and 4 80's so was he more phenomenal if
you go back to that article was the one
of the first slides they showed up there
with all the cards their marketing look
they're comparing it to it's very hard
to read um but it says for it for the
580 I'm guessing that is on the very
left you can't read it but the same 1.6
times higher versus the 380 x why are
they comparing it to a two-generation
back usually you compare it to the last
generation not you know the generation
before their that the 570 2.4 times
higher performance versus the r7 370 why
are you going that far back is it
because if you try to do it against the
480 you could only say oh it's you know
five percent higher performance I
understand their marketing department
was probably maybe a little bit
desperate but I mean that just feels oh
it just feels reaching I'm not trying to
be maintained is just like wow are you
speaking I don't know you're gonna
cops'll yeah so you're gonna cops and
hate the comment that someone's going to
come in just go crazy on their keyboard
at you it doesn't matter what you do so
you like I said you can't you can't
please all the people all the time to
stop trying but it's true though
it's that the point is that this but
it's not that yeah you can only fly
probably sell yeah I know it you can
only please some of the people some of
the time okay yeah that's what they
always say so no I'm but I will be
testing this regardless so I guess I'll
reserve my judgments until I start
testing these out which I should start
testing our next week I believe I will
be starting all my are 500 series
testing most likely i'll test it against
the 400 series but against some nvidia
cards also but wouldn't this lead like
after seeing this data the RX for 7460
in 480 i mean i was hearing about AMD
now magically coming from twenty percent
to thirty percent market share these
numbers would suggest otherwise like
clearly suggests otherwise hmm this
would suggest yeah like wow this would
like clearly suggests otherwise with
these numbers on steam so again it like
these cause either dark this is just
data published by steam they don't give
a crap they've got no bias they're just
publishing the numbers so we're seeing
this you know Andy's crawling back from
twenty percent of thirty percent this
doesn't this disagrees this data here
would completely go against that yeah I
mean I guess it is Justine but you would
imagine mostly gamers would be using
steam for at least some of their games
so yeah yeah now well how they call I
don't get where this ten percent
magically comes from in market who just
doesn't make any sense so yeah it's
really not making a sense because i'd
say like every gamer i know has steam
every single game right now as steam as
well yes exactly crazy results anyway as
we go to the vega here vega's getting
talked up a lot and then we've got the
actual specs here this is looking like
it's confirmed now the actual specs for
Vega got vega 10 it's 40 nanometer it's
got the same amount of stream processes
as the online fury and we're looking at
like a fifty percent bump up there and
double the HBM memory and also the
memory bus has gone down a little bit I
guess that's not a big deal because if
just how damn huge the memory what bus
was to begin with I guess known like
that's not going to be a detriment at
all to performance and the bandwidth is
the same so and it's coming in with a
low power power target there so what are
we looking at here 2017 looking like
launching at computex and do you think
it's going to and this is an interesting
survey here I voted I'm just going to be
straight up I think it'll be on par with
the 1080 at a much lower price that was
my vote um you know you hear you're
going to hear the majority of votes
it'll be on par with the 1080 TI Jenna
low cost yeah do you think it's going to
be on par with the 1080 ti yeah I think
I mean if I'm if I'm very hopeful I
would think it will come between the
1080 and the 1080 TI because remember
guys is quite a big gap they're actually
like the 1080 TI is like thirty percent
it's more powerful than it is in 80 and
you so that's actually quite a large gap
between the 1080 and the 1080i so I
would like it if it came in between the
two so was maybe fifteen percent faster
than the 1080 but fifteen percent slower
than the 1080 ti however it was coming
in and say the same price as the 1080
and that would be phenomenal but in
reality i think it'll probably just be
the same as that 1080i maybe it wouldn't
be coming in at a low price point but
yeah it's just going to be one of those
things that we'll just have to see the
the specs look promising this looks very
promising on paper but i remember back
this is why i got a lot of preemption
here and brian was probably the same the
wind the fury ex came out we were
looking at the specs and we're going
like wow that fiji xt GPU will this is
going to be powerful was just going to
kill the what was it back then 90 I see
Iowa yeah we thought man is going to
smoke it hbm we're a bit worried though
that only had four gigs of it yeah and
but yeah and then
came out and then we all started testing
it and there's no doubt that the fury X
was powerful that it's still a powerful
graphics card but it just couldn't do it
it just couldn't do throw in the 980 TI
and i think that was the main problem
there so this time around I'm bringing
all the hype down yeah I'm not so I've
time to actually train yeah yeah I I
think it I think it'll probably most
likely come in at about ten eighty
performance but maybe it would come in a
bit cheaper if we're lucky though yeah
it might be in between the 1080 1080 TI
and it comes in a 1080 price point if
that was the case that would be
absolutely phenomenal that would be
fantastic and that would grab so much of
the market share back Verizon Verizon
was good Rosen kind of lived up to the
hype I think that was good that I just I
don't see like how you've got still it's
gcn pretty much base to the core it's
still gcn it's 4096 stream processors we
already know what the RX 580 that the
max we're going to get out of this thing
is fourteen hundred megahertz how is it
going to be a 1080i please tell me how
like this from the twenty-eight percent
of people who voted how is that going to
be how's it going to be on par with the
1080 TI I just don't see it happening
just from looking at logical just
looking at it logically I just can't see
any insanity ah I can see it yeah coming
in between a 1080 and 1080i sure I could
see that that would be really cool i
think that would hit hard but just from
what we're seeing here with the specs I
just don't see it happening because the
we short it what is it you sure it's on
the GC na well ya its jus seein
basically unless they're going to
radically use a new architecture which
i'd love to see i'm hoping they do but i
guess it's looking like it's the same
cluster of stream processors on 14
nanometer just clocked higher with
aggressive time more aggressive timings
this that is that so memory might help
again hbm too if it is it's if it's as
advanced as AMD's toting and but I mean
it's definitely going to have the memory
bandwidth will be well we can see it's
insane already at 512 so I mean like
good grief that's going to help things
memory alone can't save you on the 1080i
you know as gddr5 X the memory bandwidth
there is very high or so so with this
thing is based on the next compute
engine so and NC you so I guess it
remains to be seen we have to wait and
see yeah I mean yeah I mean yeah it
would be the the yeah I would be very
very happy if it beat the 1080 ti it's
not that i'm bashing ad that would be
fantastic but blue the 1080i out of the
water and it was for the price of say a
1080 I would be so happy i would
probably Chuck one in my personal rig
but but the thing is is that we have to
get the hype under control and not look
what happened to the fury X happen again
that's what i mean but when we look at
the specs here when we look at the 40
hours 4096 streets for the exact same
cluster of stream processes when you
look at Maxwell vs. Kepler or whatever
they the configuration was changed up
you know what I mean things were
different so it looks like it's going to
perform better but again you're looking
at that you're like okay does that come
from it just being clocked higher and
having a lot more performance to do the
14 nanometer and having the higher
clocks how much of this meant of how
much of these teraflops is actually
getting coming out of a new architecture
and honestly doesn't look like it's
going to be a huge amount that's just me
being logically a logical thing in
logical about it so of course I got to
hand it ain t but this time around I'm
I'm sort of jumping off the hype train
because we haven't seen much this time
around we have you know they did show
vague I think they did so Vega at one of
the events with doom yeah oh yeah that's
the video Linus made ya when it was
being it was beating a 1080 but it
wasn't beating it by worlds like the the
10 ATT I will beat the 1080 in doom by
quite a lot of play in ultra dude Ultra
settings at four cows is getting like a
hundred and thirty something else FPS 4k
ultra on doom with the 1080 TI horas who
huge so yeah yeah exactly so that it
should be interesting they're saying
it's coming with a limited edition
reference liquid cooling design so if
you guys are curious about that I
imagine it would be very similar to the
one they used on the fury x but of
course will hopefully get non reference
models as well rather than the fury x
which ad you just got that liquid gold
model yet to drop down to the non x fury
card to get all the non reference the
sapphire models and that we're gonna
cheer up a bit but this time around guys
I've jive jumped off the hype train here
so yeah so yeah we got another another
thing brought up by a lot of people here
is this a whole AMD vs nvidia graphics
card with the rise and cpus we see here
an antec did show is the good article
here when the point into rocket league
someone's like I'll dude I'm not
watching your can ultimately cause you
use the 1080i it's like well you know
you got to use an AMD graphics card it's
like well no actually a lot of the
titles are tested were dx11 I did test
the DX 12 title and it did perform
really well on risin with an nvidia
graphics card and also vulcan performs
extremely well with an nvidia graphics
card to on the AMD verizon cpu so it
again i think the onus is falling onto
the game developers to it's not just
okay people blame and video because
we've got this result here where okay
the the intel cpus are performing better
with an nvidia graphics card versus a
rise in cpu with an nvidia graphics card
then when you change it over to the
risin cpu with a risin graphics card is
performing in the similar lead to the
intel cpus so that was pretty
interesting to see but then we look we'd
look what Steve's done with his research
he tested Ghost Recon wildlands you look
at this difference here with the r x 480
on the risin cpu its performing a lot
worse than an nvidia graphics card with
a rise in cpu can you see that just like
those two results you compare them there
the verizon CB is performing a lot
better in Ghost Recon wildlands with
nvidia graphics card so that arguments
kind of in a bit of I think mafia 32
Steve pointed to mafia 3 as well
oh I didn't hit Lana to hit the like
button for Steve why I didn't even hit
the like button yet where they are doing
more willing me yeah it's interesting
looking at this antique article though
the look at that look at that mafia 3
look at that yes steve was right telling
me my fear 3 yeah ok that's a huge
that's huge it's losing with an AMD
graphics card now it's winning with a
new media graphics card so we're yeah I
guess it depends on the game as well
it's not just the driver I don't think
invidious out to purposely kill rise in
cbus or anything like that no anything
nvidia if anything would want their cpu
i mean would want their GP is to perform
better on a risin cpu so they could sell
more gravis cards I don't think there's
no I don't think there's any funny bug
is being played there so you'd hope not
now I don't think so but of course quite
this dis article is a little bit it is
good the point it's trying you know that
the point it makes is is decent but you
are seeing in some of the chastity of
things like I nine fury at 4k and
they're all scoring the same but if you
ever look this like things like the i5
7400 a scoring the same as like the 7600
and you know the 1800 x and stuff that's
just a full-on GP bottleneck there some
of the RX 480 testing they did at 4k as
well you see them all scoring the within
like one or two frames each others
within the margin of error and that once
again that would be a GPU bottleneck and
would be like we look at the 1060 but
the 1060 it's a driver i could be a
driver problem here with with rocket
league that's all yeah yeah that's
probably more of the case although you
know yeah that that's that's probably
more true because you're seeing in the
1060 of 4k even then it's the risings of
dropping down so there's definitely
something going on but of course this is
these are the teething problems that
we've been talking about for like a
month now with rising it is brand new
there's a lot of things that need to get
sorted for it and we're slowly tick
getting through that list of like bugs
and issues is getting ticked off one by
one getting better and better
but um yeah if I was someone going to
buy rising I wouldn't let this put you
off too much as I imagine this will be
addressed in the future but if you're
already running or if you're going to be
running an AMD graphics card with it
then it won't be a problem if you're
going to buy in five eighty or something
or you got a 480 already then yeah it
shouldn't be an issue at all yeah so
there we go guys it's sort of it's going
both ways it's not just in an nvidia
graphics card on an AMD cpu and for what
it's worth i absolutely love playing
games with the 1080 TI on the risin r7
1700 it's a bada smooth experience it's
absolutely awesome again of course
you've got games like Wendell and steve
from games Nexus Wendell from level one
text they're going on this massive witch
hunt like it's crazy with GTA 5 like
they're going insane they got they got a
little bit too far but like I think at
the end of the day it's just like okay
this game wasn't optimized a hundred
percent for PC there's going to be
stuttering there's going to be this that
this that we look at fallout 4 same
problem you get those little stud
earrings and stuff so I think the best
way instead of I mean trying to get to
the why it's like well the game
developers just didn't optimize it fully
to poop for PC when we look at games
that have been optimized fully for PC
doom over watch these games they run
just complete butter smooth on proper
hardware and that again that's because
they were designed for BC so I think
yeah I don't know but yeah it's a long
case but I'm going to be making some of
my own content on it and I think if a
game does starter in the future and it's
stuttering on a lot of different
hardware I think the only way to get
around that is to say hey game
developers please try and release some
updates for this and furthermore just
make a guide on how to make it as smooth
as possible and then that's I guess how
you get around it or just don't buy the
game which is another workaround to yeah
so the last article we got up here is
the 12 core 24 thread CPU has been in
engineering samples with the codes have
been spotted and video cards of D
ciphered at all and which is pretty
impressive yeah but this is a cast so it
12 12 or 24 thread saying it come with a
2.7 gigahertz base clock 3.2 turbo
for boost yeah this will be quite crazy
if this is to come out there saying it's
both servers and desktops this would
really i mean like the the rice and
sevens already you know pretty much
killed off they killed off broadway lee
but this would just be the nail in the
coffin because I mean the 6950 X would
just be obliterated by this I would
imagine I'm given what we've seen from
rising seven so yeah this could be quite
crazy if this is going to be coming out
on the X 370 AMG platform um yeah this
would be not send it with wow yeah I
would if you're out there going to
building a workstation I would be not
heading towards until anytime soon head
towards rising seven but if you're
wanting something just ridiculously
powerful then maybe wait for this
behemoth of a cpu to come out I mean
Jesus 12 course the render times if
you're doing video editing or anything
would be insane I depends on the program
though I'm finding after six calls to
all threads it really starts to drop
down a lot um though it has a lot of
Vegas just loves it man that's gonna be
better though that's gotta be better
with premiere pro but it's still they
all fall like if you're doing you should
be using promo yeah that's better baby
Vegas is good because it's really good
but it with it it really doesn't make a
huge difference I mean someone like this
would really want to actually get the 12
or 16 cores and fully utilize them just
like the jewels eons they really need to
be utilized properly otherwise for the
majority even for me there are wastes
for a lot of people out there who are
doing productivity and so a lot of
people on a workstation I guess it would
be overkill so I think the resin are
seven 1700 is good and it's very good
for a workstation CPU so again these
chips would be for people who need those
extra calls need those extra threads I
have to go back and retest on the jewels
Eon rig in the games because a lot of
people they are dude no tues probably
just not working so what I'm going to do
is I'm going to disable hyper
rating in revisit those games and see if
it makes a difference if i disable
hyper-threading and then it's working on
all 16 threads then is not a node 1 node
2 problem so I'm going to actually go
back and do that today and post it up on
Twitter so stay tuned on twitter I'll be
posting an update to that let you guys
know straight away but yeah that's
pretty much it they this cause coming
and it's going to obviously need a
different motherboard socket and should
have quad channel memory support so it
is going to be a great option for
someone looking to utilize extra calls
and threads than what risin are seven
1700 offers so here we go here guys we
got the questions for the check lounge
so other questions QA we're going to
start winding up the show so if you've
got questions of course then you can
head on to the forums taxi DTV / forums
and you can drop in a question for next
week's QA we've got here when you done
you'll be 350 overclock how hot did your
vrm mosfet get not too hot I I put an
active fan on there and if you're on a
be thrifty be thrifty yeah that's what i
call it nickname be thrifty yeah yeah
that's a that's good that's no that's so
good it's a good name isn't it be
thrifty so if you're on the be thrifty
get an active get an active cooling
solution for your vrm because they
you've got generally less phases on the
be 350 and then secondly you've got to
obviously they're going to get hotter
and sometimes I don't even have heat
sinks on them so if they don't have
eight sinks and you definitely if you
want to overclock then definitely go out
get some heat sinks put an active
cooling solution on it and get some good
results from your be thrifty so next up
we've got here a nice question i heard
they get warm a lot so he's never
actually really looked into it until
recently he was getting up to 112
degrees oh that's what the stock
heatsink okay you got to tell me the
exact motherboard dragon Kurt well
motherboard were you using so that's
actually pretty damn hot I wouldn't want
my varuns running in 112 degrees C just
not constantly anyway especially on a
cpu lineup
passive heatsink so I'd suggest getting
some active cooling on that and keep
that vrm cool just for twenty-four seven
stability obviously heat kills pc parts
guys heat kills pc parts yeah a lot of
things get the more likely they are to
die it's it'd be a direct correlation if
you did some studies this is just after
years of experience with pc parts the
harder things are there more likely they
are to die so you want things running as
cool as possible so when it comes to
next question unless you want to throw
in some extra insight keV no no no again
yeah you're right okay so when it comes
to bargain hunting builds if the systems
are not overclockable like the hbz
workstation builds would that be a deal
breaker to you even if it was a good
price and with the old stuff yes because
the overclocking potential there is so
damn big you're talking like sometimes
you look at those eons you're going from
2.66 gigahertz all the way to four
points something that's a 50-percent
overclock and not only that everything
else speeds up as well it's more
snappier games run higher FPS and also
it makes the cpu more relevant compared
to today's products that are out there
so that's what i like about overclocking
on the old school stuff if for me it's
generally i don't do the whole if it's
not overclockable i don't even bother
with it especially with HP bazi
workstations and stuff like that cause
you a lot of the time you'll need a
proprietary power supply which doesn't
come with it and they cost an arm and a
leg it's just a lot of time to waste of
time for me i don't even try to bother
with it because i want to overclock i
want to get that extra performance to
make the cpu more relevant so anyway so
something to consider that I haven't
seen discussed is that the are fires are
different than the r7's in that there is
an all-call boost that is much lower
than the top clock speed if anyone here
if anyone core is incapable of stability
at the top clock it will limit manual
overclocking to the lower speed of that
one chip well yeah that's it should do
unless it's automatically crashing your
computer for you you wouldn't want to do
that so yeah
I imagine if it's auto overclocking all
cause it'll learn the overclock it to
the max stable limit keep in mind though
it could be a buggy thing I just when I
do tests I usually either test that
stock speeds out of the box or I just
overclocked manually overclocking guys
is always the way to go you want to
manually overclock your gear that way
you know it's running at those speeds
you know it's stable at those speeds
24-7 for when you're doing your work I
haven't had my cpu crash once when I'm
rendering I haven't quite had it crash
once in games that stability so if
you're overclocking in your games we're
now crashing as opposed to stock then
you're overclocks not stable even if it
crashes once every couple of days it's
still not stable so you want to drop it
down a little bit in speeds or up the
voltage a little bit more depending on
with those levels so last question we've
got here is hey guys hey man what's up
get a tractor I'm currently considering
the upgrade to a verizon r7 1700 system
this month and selling my 6600 kz1 70
motherboard and the cooler I'll be
reusing everything else including the 16
gigabytes of Corsair 3000 meters ddr4
which I think happens to be the exact
same stuff that was sent in all the rise
and review kits I do music production
and other creative endeavors a lot of
multitasking and a fair bit of gaming to
offset the single lesser single core
speed I would ideally like to get the
1700 up to at least 3.9 Giga it's
hopefully higher and I'd like to get
I'll be able to get the ddr4 speed up to
that too would you what do you think are
the best be 350 models for overclocking
also I really would good I really would
good by us level fan control I you would
like yeah he would like have that like
to have BIOS fan control as the fan
software I'm a gigabyte often needs
resetting or reinstalling if there's a
crash or windows update another
consideration is the number of USB ports
as I need quite a lot for my audio and
MIDI devices and peripherals I would go
for the X 370 board but they're all
rather expensive many of the be through
that you've always look like decent
matches from my current
and are much cheaper than the x-ray 70s
I'm not sure if there will be
compromises in overclocking there is
compromised on a lot of be through be
thrifty I heard the msi tomahawk is the
best way to go that's what I'm hearing
from a lot of people the Tamil yeah i
would i would recommend that also hum
that's a that's a really solid board i
mean if you're looking to get 3.9 out of
a 1700 you should be able to you really
should unless you're really unlucky but
then you'd probably only get knocked
down to like three point eight a 3.85
but you should be able to get at least
three point nine most likely if you get
a decent one you'll get 4 gigahertz out
of it and then you'll be able to take
your memory upto like 29 33 um so that
would be just fine but yet the msi
tomahawk that's really solid if you're
looking for something with the issue the
bios are biased fan control he needs USB
ports as well yeah something like the
gigabytes um be thrifty gaming three
yeah yeah the gaming three from gigabyte
that that that one's pretty good as well
I'm hearing a lot of good things from
people in the industry about that as
well so yeah either of those would be
really solid best thing to do is just
look up reviews on sites like Newegg you
got all the user reviews there you can
just comb through those and that'll give
you a generally quite a good idea about
it but i think they're the gigabyte be
350 gaming 3 is really solid I've only
tested the asus be 350 prime plus and i
thought that was horrendous but maybe
it's funny as well I've had a guy update
to the latest bias when I got it and it
was like a two day release so I've had
no problems with any be 350 motherboard
I've used at the moment it's they're all
fine I haven't had a problem person with
any of them yeah I really think they're
sort of hitting it up this generation I
think they're really all these
manufacturers are getting on top because
of the they don't want bad press they
don't want negative press oh my god my
motherboard doesn't boy
properly it's bad I don't think a lot of
companies want that this time around
they can't afford that it's getting so
competitive so I haven't had it honestly
I haven't had any problems with either
of these gods awards I've got a gigabyte
here gigabyte be 350 I've got it asrock
k4 does well got the zeus and when I
stuck the heatsinks on there and a fan
on there it does really well too so I'm
having no problems personally here I
honestly if you're going from a 6600
cane you've overclocked it you're not
going to depends on your GPU that again
you're not going I don't really think
you're going to see too much of a
difference a like you'll probably get
that whole system and be like man like
you feel like oh my god I got eight
cores 16 threads I got four times the
threads available now like that'll be a
cool feeling but it'll probably wear off
after a few days and you'll be like okay
really you know loading up games isn't
faster doing things isn't really a whole
lot faster so I'm just just warning
joerger tractor it's it's cool to
upgrade and it's fun and all that but
this forgot from 6600 k that's
overclocked to an i7 1700 like it unless
you are really going into the depths of
productivity and utilizing all those
calls and threads I don't think you're
going to notice too much of a difference
there because you do music production
and a lot of times those music
production programs aren't optimized for
16 threads I did the mixdown pros onus
mix down and that didn't utilize all the
threads properly it started to cave off
after I think of even possibly I've got
to do the benchmark again but it did
cave off definitely after eight threads
it started to drop so yeah Heidi balls
high clock speeds are still relevant so
yeah yeah we hope you guys enjoyed the
show winding down be sure to jump over
to text City TV / forms if you've got
questions for next week and of course
you can become a patron because i would
man steve from hardware unbox we're
doing a live stream patron
behind-the-scenes live stream every
month so if you want to join that two
dollar a month and you'll get access to
that stream and that will be
really cool so we'll be doing one of
those this week hopefully and talking
about rise and talking about
benchmarking all that behind the scenes
jazz and ya guys hope you enjoyed this
stream is there any closing out
statements keV you wanna no no it's just
yeah this is really fun that hey
everyone the comments all said they'll
be thrifty oh there's also another 12
there's also another one when i was
typing on my phone that the gtx 1080 TI
horas the autocorrect changed it to the
air boss and i think that's an awesome
yes yeah it should be the air boss
that's what it should be so that's the
gigabyte 1080 TI airbus so that's
another you weren't kidding you weren't
getting at your review when I got the
Auris this 1080 TI the extreme edition
out when I was doing the unboxing video
I couldn't believe how heavy this card
is and it's huge my goodness is massive
a but the pound that did the power
consumption is massive to let's not kid
ourselves here is ya know it's it's like
a 980 TI overclock to the rim and a
1080i overclock to the rim 10mg eyes
drawing considerable amount of more
power like 70 watts more from the wall
that's that's quite a bit like it's
nothing to fret at considering our
powerful the 980 I was so it's no
laughing matter like that one that cool
is doing its job man and it kind of
really kind of like it reminds me of the
Lightning days when msi released that
lightning cooler that reminds me of that
it's huge it's actually kind of relevant
for this situation too I really like
what they've done with the Auris the
cosmedix that's not for everyone i'm
pretty sure yeah a lot of yet and like
it but i'm telling you now if you want
to stick something in your pc and you
want performance man does this thing
perform Oh thrown ATT is insane well it
performs for if the Auris performs for
the Airbus it performs for a few reasons
and that's because it's got the cooling
there it's also in like when you ramp up
the fans it's not that loud like it
really i'll surprise eighty percent it
was actually bearable like a game with
these fans on eighty percent it's
nowhere near jet engine or anything like
that it's actually not even that noisy
and then of course you've got that power
target one hundred and fifty percent at
least on the extreme edition i haven't
tested the other one
so on that note I'm not too sure but the
extreme edition had a one hundred fifty
percent power target and that made a big
difference for games so you'll see it
with other reviewers if there are over
clocking these cards and they're
overclocking a very hard so anyway guys
we're going to wind up the stream kevs
link to his channel will be in the
description below and we will catch
y'all next week for a beautiful show and
I hope you all have a great easter
wherever you out in the world and again
I'll say it again if you don't celebrate
easter hope you have a great time and
we'll catch you next week peace out for
now see you guys
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