The Tech Lounge #025 - Vega 3DMark FireStrike Results? 3 SKUs? DON'T Overclock your K CPUs!? Stocks
The Tech Lounge #025 - Vega 3DMark FireStrike Results? 3 SKUs? DON'T Overclock your K CPUs!? Stocks
yeah it is - welcome back to the tech
lounge episode 25 I'm joined by Kevin
doing man I'm doing great Brian
yeah that's is just you're doing great
tech news what do you got
I don't fantastic bro yeah now I'm just
been getting through a lot of the
backlog of videos how about you yes a
man's always a backlog but I've been
doing a lot of used stuff a lot of the
audience love that stuff so I'm going to
try and balance it out between the new
and the used we've got a Rison build
coming as well looking forward to do on
that and of course there's just so much
to do before Computex like there's
another two weeks and a bit away from
context and there's just so much to do
so I've got to be so busy but I am man
yeah I saw a video the other day was the
use GPU once I couldn't agree more than
I don't to 90s and 290 X's now as such
good value on the use um card market
it's just crazy
are the really nice cards arm that was I
mean there was a few cards like people
like what about 750 Ti and what about
this card it's like guys I mean it's a
just top my top five picks like it's
just what I would be looking for at the
moment you know and you could get 750ti
is brand-new for so cheap so they're not
really going to be that much cheaper
than they are for their new original
price that they were selling for so yeah
some fifty guys of course they're a good
pick any graphics card is a good pick
that's what I said in the video any
graphics cards a good pic depending on
the price it's always about the price
that were just my recommended picks on
what's kind of not getting searched for
a lot I think and they're getting sold a
lot so they're kind of like the cards to
look out for as opposed to last time
like the 7970 I recommended those but
now everyone's looking for a 79 70 or
everyone's looking for this card that
card so there's not like the competition
for it's just to like a little help you
know help video really for people who
want to buy use graphics cards not
really like this is the best graphics
card to get it's just kind of like now
this is what I think a lot of people are
selling and this is what I'd recommend
searching for because I don't think a
lot of people are actually searching for
it all about supply and demand guys
that's how the world works I think
so yeah yeah that is true I think that
the other really good one for our time
was the 280x or at 7970 gigahertz
addition I was seeing them go for really
cheap really getting a bit sort of
ancient now but oh yeah the bed to the
219 you know spear those are those are
pretty good ones too yeah and a lot of I
mean some of the recommendations of
course come from the viewers as well not
just my recommendation like I had
someone message me about the GTX 460 now
checked it out and it's like yeah these
cards are actually are being sold quite
a lot and they're really cheaper so on
who wants to make like a csgo potato
that'd be an awesome way to go um you
know GTX 460 for the win in that case if
they're twenty to get them for ten
fifteen twenty dollars great pickup so
yeah what about anything else like
anything exciting coming your way
I've actually got a 750 Ti here look at
that nice last one bus yeah uh yeah
there's going to be a video going up
tomorrow that will be the 1600 X versus
the 6800 K so a cord Accor rise and
verse Broadwell e showdown I had not a
cure with six chorus 12 threads on both
sides so that one's good always
interesting as well yeah man the 1600 X
will be interesting are the the yeah the
1600 is definitely so far with all my
rice and testing and I've tested every
single rice and CPU that has been
released the 1600 for me anyways is by
far the best value like I really like
that CPU if I was going to go to rosin
I'd probably go with the 1700 myself
just because I'm you know I I can and
I'd want those you know slightly better
render times and stuff but if from pure
value for money point of view there 1600
man it's good deal yeah but really good
to you
well I think with the 1600 is that it
it's got that little bit of extra power
right you've got those extra cores and
threads there and which most people
aren't even going to utilise six cores
and twelve threats that would just be I
mean better than outlandish statement
but it's a load
like I could get by on a 1600 I know I
could after using the 8 cores 16 threads
here I can get by on a 6 core 12 threads
perfectly fine it would be great
actually beard really good experience
should even use get by I mean it's
actually a great CPU so that is the one
to get for most people that's just if
you're getting into Rison like I know
people want the extra two cores of four
threads that the 1700 offers over the
six core but are they going to be
utilizing that I think a lot of people
would actually be utilizing those extra
cores and threads know that that is a
good point and I would say I was more
speaking for myself personally because
and of course view as well I mean we do
a lot of our productivity stuff so that
makes sense
um but yeah for the average user yeah
you could probably still get away with
something like the 1400 or the 1500 X
but um a lot of people talk about
future-proofing as well I I mean people
talked about that for like years when
the fx-8150 came out everyone was like
bro go to a core like the games are
going to take advantage of it just they
just got to get you know made for it so
after that I was a slayer now I'm not
buying anything because people see games
in the future or take advantage of it
you just got to think about what's good
right now but of course rendering
streaming stuff takes advantage of me
yeah future I mean future proofing is
one of those tricky things right you can
look at the other side of the coin you
know in five years time your CPU is
going to be worth a lot less than it is
now so what are you future proofing for
the fact that your CP is going to be
I mean you buy just buy what you need
for like the short term like in the next
year you're going to be using this CPU
to its limits if not maybe grab the six
core if you are going to be using all
those eight cores at 16 threads grab
that because you know in a year's time
the even Rison will have a refresh on
their CPUs that'll bring over clocks
even better over clocks and I know a lot
of people are going to be like damn man
they're getting up to four point five
gigahertz now I want one so that is
that's how it's going to be so anyway we
have the first article here about Vega
now last week we talked about the the
time Spy resolved now another results
popped up and this is the 3d might fire
strike now you've got the graphics core
which is 17,800 and of course this is a
lot of people like okay this can't be
true it's fake especially last week's
result I pulled that up directly from
the database it was not fake that was a
real score from a real gravis card being
loaded into the database now of course
it is it looks like it's an early end
Joe sample but we were talking about
this before and the Linux drivers that
suggests there's an article here from
guru 3d that suggests there's actually
going to be three different SKUs of
these graphics cards and this is
starting to make sense now the one that
we're seeing now the C one in the
benchmarks that's looking like the like
the least powerful Vega card right I'd
say to having 3072 shader processes or
stream you know that would be my guess
yeah it could be or it could be trimmed
down in other ways like the fury X
compared to the fury nano um that that
was trimmed down and like terms of power
more than anything see this is quite
interesting though these results line up
it's where I think it should be that the
the sort of least powerful Vega GPU will
be made to go against the gtx 1070 i
believe that will be the it depends lmds
doing the naming scheme because it's so
confusing but the Vega 10 I believe will
be the smaller one to go opposite to
Polaris and the Vega 11 will be the big
one but we don't
although use a different name like Vega
10 pro or Vega 10 XT or something like
that and we don't know it's all
speculation at this point but yet that
that one it seems about in line it means
it'll be with prop probably with proper
drivers it'll be on par with the 1070 so
that'll be interesting but yeah because
we're looking to the full power ones to
see where they lie so it's all
speculation right now but all of this
just adds to something I've been seeing
for a while is that I think that that
lowest tier one will be on par with the
1070 and then the full power one will be
between a 1080 and a 1080 Ti that
honestly where I think let's go I don't
think it'll beat the ten atti I don't
think it can be that powerful but um
what the die is well to do did you read
that I think that was an 592 squared
yeah it's a beer yes huge yes that's big
guys if you don't if you don't really
understand that that's a big and
technically bigger isn't like that that
doesn't necessarily mean it's going to
be really really good just by itself but
it's a good indicator of a powerful CPU
and how much as evil that thing's gonna
put out I mean this is on 14 nanometer -
if that's 500 mil Square that's huge so
I mean the thing is right these early
these this is looking like an NGO sample
loaded into the database which is at
twelve hundred megahertz clock speeds up
reportedly they're going higher right
fourteen hundred megahertz so you pull a
bit of extra performance out there new
drivers of course but it's looking like
this lower skew will go against the gtx
1070 like you said I think you're right
there I will the will the biggest one I
mean you've got an extra thousand stream
processors I'm guessing this is just all
guesswork - guys take everything we say
with a grain of salt is just me and give
just just shooting numbers yes yeah
speculation you I mean what are you guys
macula - yeah the biggest card right
we're looking maybe at what a GTX 1080
and performance like they don't have any
data no this is looking like it's not
they're not going to have an answer to
the 1080 TI that's all that's that's
just me yeah
I imagine it would yeah because people
are saying that one will have about a
twelve hundred megahertz clock speed the
full power one apparently it's going to
be closer to like 1.56 gigahertz so
that's too much I think out of I think
1.5 max I mean through the rising
refresh is on 14 nanometer I'm getting
like apparently I got the best overclock
on 3d fire strike with the 570 and that
was one point four six gigahertz
so there where's daily mmm well that's
what I was reading from that article so
that in theory if that's if it's got the
extra string
processors and that extra clock speed
they're saying that through their own
calculations on scaling it would put it
seven percent more performance in a GTX
1080 so you reckon when I pull the
cooler off I'm gonna have to put my
sunglasses on it's going to be that hot
anyway Dean yeah yeah I think I that's
what I told you I mean I said this like
two weeks ago I think um I said I reckon
the most powerful Vegas trip will end up
being 10% faster than a GTX 1080 which
still means that it's probably going to
be about 20% slower than a GTX 10 atti
so 20 to 25 percent slower um because
that's a the gap between you guys have
to remember the gap between the 1070 and
the 1080 is very small by comparison to
the gap between the 1080 and the 1080 Ti
that's like a 35% performance difference
so that's a much larger gap and that's
why I think that the power of full power
Vega chip will be about 10% more
powerful than a GTX 1080 from everything
I've read that's what I'm taking from it
but that still means is a huge gap there
to the 1080 TI which will stay on top as
king but the AMD will probably do some
dual GPU craziness that will end up
being the top powerful single card but
not the most powerful single GPU well as
my thing is though 1070 and 1080 have
already been out for so long now like
that's the thing that bothers me these
guards have been out for quite a while
quite a jump though for NVIDIA though
that they're pretty revolutionary cards
in terms of what we've seen from them
this is probably the biggest jump they
ever did from where I came with 1080 Ti
is a beast I mean that thing is
absolutely insane but yeah doesn't spell
good for AMD especially we'll talk about
that later with the stock prices and
stuff like that because this actually
ties in with that being a big factor on
their gross margins so we'll talk about
that soon but we've got the so there's
there's a fire strike score there so we
saw there seventeen thousand eight
I think of gtx 1070 schools around 20k
at 10 80s should screw around 24 k
that's about the scores that I was
getting at least with the cards that I
had overclocked of course I think
overcooked and not overclocked off the
top of my memory out of that but I
always overclock my graphics cards
anyway you were telling me why 1% of
people overclocked their stuff like 1%
of people who biotech products
overclocked their gear ah there was
Steve but Jay that yes he was he know a
lot of people overclocked a lot more I
should see people overclock their CPUs
but not many people overcook GPUs at all
um well it's free performance guys I'll
be doing actually that was one of after
I read these statements and read these
comments as well I'm be I'm going to be
doing an overclocking tutorial for GPUs
how overclocked in 2017 because the lots
changed over the years I can find a GPU
overclocked like that it's so quick now
to do heav'n benchmark afterburner just
quickly bash through the numbers until
you get relative stability then you're
pretty close then after that run some
fire strikes
benchmarks and then of course play some
games and if you generally if you can
play games on that thing for an hour
your GPU overclock is relatively stable
and it's close to being a hundred
percent stable so anyway the and then of
course if you crash once in a blue moon
on those settings you just drop it down
a little bit dial it down a little bit
and you're good to go
never had a problem with that so I'll do
the tech your city a method of
overclocking yellow graphics card very
soon yeah okay and now we got the Intel
7700 K CPU shouldn't be overclocked Wow
in response to countless overheating
complaints so basically there was a
problem with the 7700 K way even on idle
it would just boost out of nowhere to 90
degrees not really I wouldn't call 90
degrees dangerously high though and in
the Sentinels in all terms of science I
don't imagine how it could play if
you've got a water cooler like people on
water loops are reporting these sensors
going to 90 degrees I'd say it's more a
bug than anything but it wasn't ills
response that bothered me a lot
ah this this response here we do not
recommend running processes outside the
processor specifications here it is here
such as by exceeding processor frequency
or voltage specifications or removing of
the integrated heat spreader sometimes
called deleting actually it's pretty
much all the time called deleting these
actions will void the process of
warranty I so basically they're selling
K CPUs that are meant to be overclocked
they even offer a what is it over clock
is warranty on their kcp use if you pay
an extra twenty dollars and then they're
telling you they shouldn't be
overclocked i yeah hmm I really don't
get it sometimes I mean it's like
marketing so these companies don't
communicate with each other sometimes
like oh yeah the sales department oh
yeah the sky the technical support
department oh yeah this department I
don't even know let's go this is just
such a stupid response in my opinion
mean you're selling z2 70 motherboards
just selling k CP people are paying for
the right to overclock already which I
disagree with and then you're telling
them they shouldn't overclock you you
should just say like look guys we've
been looking into this it appears like
it's a bug we're doing our best to
rectify it unfortunately it couldn't be
rectified perhaps it can't be rectified
and we'll see what we can do from there
did that be the best response of course
you're selling a KC PU it's designed for
overclocking you don't tell people who
have got custom water loops going on who
know how to overclock their gear and
know that this shouldn't be happening on
their gear that they shouldn't be
overclocked you shouldn't tell those
people that so I would just baffled by
the responses it's yeah it's a bizarre
thing that they done this and many
degrees as you're right that's fine um
people I said this time and time again
that people tend to in our community and
the tech community tend to think that
our temps will do more damage than they
actually can do ah ninety degrees is
fine my 4770k ran at ninety degrees for
like two years and it was just fine my
laptop's ball on it like 96 degrees man
people think like wow at 90 degrees once
my CPUs fried it's like guys it doesn't
work like that I know many of you think
that but you probably never had a CPU
that's run super hot and my 4770k ran
ridiculously hot all the time at the
same time I had an i-9 290 in there that
was used for Bitcoin mining a reference
one in that set at 95 degrees all the
time when I was gaming so was it a
statue was it a stutter fest ah smooth
silk man not a proper I got a seriously
but I gotta see that to believe it oh it
was throttling it was totaling the 290
was my CPU wasn't because Intel CPUs
only throttle it a hundred and so if
you're sitting in the 90s it's okay but
they're there ah that the GP was
throttling every now and again but yeah
it was fine a like there was no problems
there so I think people get a lot more
worried about again at the same time the
the over time they obviously won't last
as long I'll tell you now like with the
thermal in regards to the thermal limits
put in place they are better than
they've ever been I would like to see
someone try and kill a CPU deliberately
on normal voltage I don't think it could
be done like or take a hell of a lot of
effort because I've tried it before
yeah yeah exactly I think it would be
very very difficult and even then um
it's actually a lot harder than people
think we're actually going to do a video
like that on play tech TV would just
sort of put it on the back burner but it
was can you destroy a CPU slash GPU with
just software so not without actually
physically hitting it or take pulling it
out or anything um door pulling a cooler
off it in use could you actually destroy
a CPU by just you know letting it run
super hot and leaving either door over
bulging it to the end of time or
purposely going out there and doing the
worst things you possibly can to either
and seeing if we could break the
and we asked around a few people in the
industry seems like a lot of people
actually said that no you won't be able
to heal pretty hard man
yeah the computer will just shut down or
stuff like that you you obviously yeah
it will turn off and stuff but you won't
actually be able to damage it my
experience of intersections yeah my
experience with that is if you get the
scenario where for instance your
scenario where the whole case is so hot
and in the sense is hitting a hundred
degrees for instance it starts
throttling in a hundred degrees but
everything around that sensor is so damn
hot too that's when you get that's when
you're at risk of damaging your gear
because of the sensors actually if
everything's cool and that sensor is
just going to 90 degrees that shouldn't
be a problem at all and that's why I say
I think it's a bug more than anything
especially if it's having an idle just
doesn't make any sense but it is
actually very hard to kill a CPU and
I've tried before trust me
the thermal the thermal tree just
thermal trips and even then it consists
it at a hundred degrees sometimes it
just sits there at a hundred degrees
like huh scratching my head yeah and you
just see the clock speeds go down and
down and down the power go down and down
and down until it starts dropping back
from 100 then it would go back up again
and that's all they do so you'd be very
um yeah you'd be very hard-pressed by
290 I remember the worst Davis or
throttling it went down to like 300
something megahertz and that was the
worst because from the factory I believe
they would sit at around 900 950 or
something um and yeah that was pretty
shocking that that would go down a lot
but no you won't you won't break poor
these are these are hot things anyway
Paul Lilly says I don't even have the
major issue like everyone else is having
however after intel's response just now
they're not getting another penny out of
me i'm going to sell my and sell stuff
and go to Rison hey Paul Lilly you want
to contact a studio I'll buy your 7700
Kayla has no problems for cheap like
hook us up 7700 K is still a really
powerful CPU and a 5 gigahertz man just
it is really
good that is that the comment above is
kind of ad bull closed bulldozer yeah it
runs hotter but remember the the thermal
limit on bulldozer was really low from
memory um it'll thermal throttle at 65
was it or 75 it's a lot less sir
of course it runs a lot cooler because
there's no no we're near the thermal
Headroom so that's not a very fair
comparison but okay whatever he were
just getting grumpy at Intel despite the
incredible risk there isn't really any
incredible risk though like I think WCF
tech like deleting your CPU if you do it
properly like you especially if you use
now they even like something like de
Bourgh's kit there's like zero risk in
that like you know the razor blade
technique was the riskiest I actually
had a friend on skype like man I can't
get to a vice I'm just going to do the
razor blade I'm like I don't recommend
the razor blade method because I've just
heard so many people have bricked there
see if you use doing the razor blade
method on the Haswell CPUs the PCB was
really thick so you just put it on a
vise was I've never bricked the CPU
doing that
I even damaged a corner on a CPU and it
still worked so mmm yeah there you go so
ok so next up is intel's rebranding the
xeon line to the credit card naming
scheme so apparently the e5 and ii seven
titles were confusing to people so they
decided to go with xeon Platinum Xeon
Gold Xeon silver and Xeon bronze I don't
know like what do you what do you think
about the naming scheme um well it's
going to be much I did struggle a little
bit trying to understand the different
names for everything in terms of the
Xeon lineup but yeah it is a lot easier
the thing is is that these aren't really
made for the consumer market per se in
the sense that this is made for business
and most of those people are pretty onto
it anyway so you would imagine they
probably wouldn't be getting exactly
confused um but yeah whatever if they
want to make it easier that's that's
good so you have the the e sevens now
become the Platinum's the e fives will
then become ah apparently well really
are they sing the bronze well suppose
we're saying what would they eat three
beaten well they say with the Platinum's
rise how they're doing it so you get
hardware enhance security this is they
have ECC support they're basically for
large corporations that need reliability
so hedge funds or whatever finance
institutions they're going to be wanting
to get the platinum then they got the
gold which I mean I'd imagine the gold
would have very similar features to the
platinum I mean if you're buying gold
you would expect ECC support I mean
Zeon's have always had ECC for every
Xeon CPU I'm pretty sure so this is what
could this is what's confusing me are
they taking ECC support away from these
lower skews on silver and bronze it's
like huh that's what the Xeon lines
always been about soy Zealand's always
been business regardless of how many
cores and threads of course you've had
ones with no hype threading on there
that served a particular purpose you've
had ones with huge amount of cores and
threads I'm just trying to understand
what they're going here are they making
it like a okay you don't need Xeon
features now but we're going to call it
a zero and bronze anyway that's sort of
like confusing to me so with the gold
there apparently
cheering that to machine like learning
like FPGA FPGAs deep learning yet oh
yeah it's it's also the the servers that
we'll be running with these CPUs and
these new CPUs will have the feature
called Intel volume management device
all that basically means is you'll be
able to hot swap the obtains drives and
3d NAND base drives as well so that's
pretty cool but I think this is seems
like a it seems like Intel is quite
this is where they were making a lot of
money and with Naples very close by I
think they are a little bit worried
we risin on the desktops obviously that
did worry them a bit but if Naples does
well and comes in at a very good price
point undercut them because many
businesses will look at that and just
see it as a price saving yeah that'll be
very interesting
I think if Naples does well that's gonna
actually bring in a lot more revenue for
AMD than the rise in desktop PC CPUs
whatever hope to achieve um just because
you guys say no they can charge so much
money for these CPUs did you see what
did they say what prices of what the
Platinum there does he answers coming in
so what would you imagine what would you
guess it would be it would be ridiculous
right it's made human the the like the
best top-of-the-line CPUs they've always
been in near $10,000 I think they'd be
really expensive
of course there's companies out there to
just write them off on businesses and
they don't care silver and bronze I
don't know what the difference is
between these two ones efficient
performance at low power while the
others is aimed a entry level service
isn't that the same thing like so I'm
kind of confused about what they're
doing with this naming scheme and
exactly how it'll pan out but I think
we'll report on it when we've got more
information okay but are we going to
talk about this now the big elephant in
the room the AMD stock prices they
dropped a lot and we're talking like
20-25 percent 20 to 25 percent and on
Monday so they dropped down huge drop
here extreme to extreme tech actually
did a really good pull up of the summary
of what's going on the figures that you
really need to see I'll give you I'll
give my two cents on this I mean I've
never really touched stocks into after
the 2008 financial crash because if you
guys were in that you'll understand that
things didn't make sense
there were stocks that were losing money
beyond levels you've never seen before
and the
the credentials were still absolutely
fine the stockmarket never makes sense
so trying to say okay this stock
shouldn't be going down it's looking
fine the results were okay they did
roughly where they were expected to do
or whatnot and you're grasping at straws
like basically there's just a heap of
hedge funds would have sold off a heap
of this stock they would have said okay
the momentum is probably not as strong
as we thought it would be let's just
sell all this and get our money and get
out move on to the next endeavor the
stock market's driven by a lot of
short-term and medium-term gains
so if hedge funds bought this stock
bought this stock at $2 even $5 and they
said the projections pretty good he gets
the $15 they've made a heap of money now
so hedge funds will leverage what for -
1 2 - 1 is probably a more safer hedge
fund 4 - 1 8 - one's the riskiest in
terms of leverage on a hedge fund if
you're going over 8 to 1 leverage then
you are will go broke pretty quickly so
you see this is these companies that are
investing a huge amount of money they've
made their profit they're just getting
out okay that's all it is it's nothing
more nothing less you can look at the
credential bit actually looking at the
numbers they are not healthy
like AMD's these numbers aren't healthy
by any means I mean look at their gross
margin its 34% now we compare that to
Intel we put up Intel's results same
quarter so quarter 1 2017 Intel's gross
margins at 62% so Intel's almost making
double the money off their sales than
AMD is so you can see with a problem
here aimed easy value branded company
they're selling but yes they are
offering competitive pricing they are
offering competitive products but the
problem is is the competitors making a
lot more money off each sale than they
are and now as a business they need to
start getting these margins up they know
that and the problem is if they don't
have a competitor this is where it comes
into the play if they don't have a
product in the higher end of the market
where arguably the most gross margins
are to be made how are they going to
compete with Intel or Nvidia Nvidia is
just killing it
ten seventies 1080s ten ATT is there
absolutely killing the market they're
making a heap of money off those gravis
cots you can see that the Titan XP
versus the 90/10 ATT I look at that an
extra five hundred bucks
it's the same thing there's five hundred
bucks in Nvidia's pocket for nothing so
you can see there the gross margins are
real Nvidia is making healthy gross
margins Intel's making healthy gross
margins because they have the high-end
products and with that it makes them
look like a premium brand as well so
it's it's there's a lot more to the
picture but if AMD isn't making high-end
products then they're not going to be
making a huge gross margin I guess
people are saying this okay they've only
got the value you can only go so far
with a value driven company especially
since the stock is not a value stock
either it's a growth stock they don't
even pay out dividends so in AMD's not
paying dividends and they're not growing
a whole lot then you can see I'd say
even even at this price the stock could
be overvalued but again I'm not going to
speculate for you guys if you guys are
investing in stock make your own
decisions do not listen to anyone else
when it comes to stock markets you
listen to yourself if you look at this
study if you look at the statistics and
you think if it is goodbye then buy it
if you don't think it's a good buy then
don't buy it if you're going to be a
sheep you're going to lose money that's
all I'm going to say yeah be proactive
not reactive because I think that the
when you'll say then she yeah would you
see then that you would think that
Naples will probably help Amy the most
in terms of helping that gross margin
increase rather than something like Vega
ah or do you think it was both it'll be
a mix of both of course they again
they're they're both the higher end more
like higher end products right and more
so on Naples though you'd imagine that
the margins there because it is targeted
a business and it is targeted at super
high in CPU market and would be a lot
larger than what you'd expect out of
Vega yeah which by the sounds of it is
going to be
wait I mean think like does that die is
going to be that big it's going to be
quite an expensive graphics card to
manufacture to begin with exactly like
that's exactly right your touching on
this right the more product they put
onto it this is where it ties back in
and this is why people would ignore
power consumption like it's some stupid
figure no it isn't power consumption
ties exactly back into the product
itself and generally we'll give you an
idea of how much that product costs to
so if it's cheaper to manufacture that
product in other words it has lower
performance per watt or higher better
performance per watt then it's going to
be equal generally more gross margins
like a GTX 1060 I guarantee you the
actual hardware on that product is
cheaper than an rx 580 guarantee you 100
110 percent so Nvidia is making more
margins on a GTX 1060 sale then AMD is
making on an rx 580 sale and that ties
in again the GTX 1060 has better
performance per watt so it's not a
stupid failure it's a great figure to
look at it's a very important figure and
it ties in with the out of this
so Vega how is that going to prove again
500 millimeter squared die you're
looking at it is that going to be a hard
hit like yeah that'll be the interesting
thing there you would expect the markets
will come up because Lisa sue whose
Andy's CEO and I think she's doing the
best job she can given this obviously
constitutes good she's probably the best
thing at yeah I've had to be on oh yeah
she's yeah yeah she's doing alright so
that it's not her fault people looking
at her I think she's doing the best she
can but uh she hasn't said confirmed
that Vega will be released by the end of
June so it's definitely coming so I'd
imagine these stocks will start to rise
once again because of course all the
rumors speculation stuff that drives up
stock prices and okay and then they will
start to recover yeah but that's the
thing are they going to recover now Vega
comes out and it's the same price
it's the same price as as invidious
offering say for instance the lower
vegas q comes out and it's the same
process the 1070 what do you think
people are going to buy just i'm just
going to ask you a question what do you
think people are going to buy let's be
honest let's yeah
you know they're going to buy the 1070
over the vega card why because nvidia
advertisers when you advertise of you
plus you've got nvidia coming up they're
like half the games you load up now
nvidia and video and video that's
associating in video and if you have
especially if you have a good time on
that game this is where people this is
where it goes subliminal it's called
subliminal marketing it goes deeper that
advertising is so powerful on a games
introduction because if you enjoy that
game if you get that game you enjoy it
you've now associated in video with good
you haven't even thought as
subconsciously that's what's happening
subconsciously you've now associated
nvidia with good now if they're the same
price what are you going to go with in
video yeah it's just it's a natural
thing it's like this is again we only
have a small audience to we're like a
little pissant in terms of the whole
thing there's so many people out there
just build computers don't even look at
youtube they just play games oh yeah
when they see us majority exactly so
they get on the game they see an nvidia
logo they have a good time on the game
they're like okay my next car max crafts
that's going to be an nvidia card they
get asked the cert person look abused or
how do these perform the price is
roughly the same i they roughly perform
about the same okay I'll get the Nvidia
card that's it's a general consumer
because invidious marketing is so
successful and I've said this for years
now and video as a business man they're
doing they're hitting all the right
buttons and they have been for years so
god they're they do and they make you
pay for it but I think that the there's
a certain I mean not not those beauty
month but there's sort of the a lot of
the enthusiasts or people that are more
interested in tech there is another sort
of opposite mentality which is people
seeing a India's like the underdog
they're like well I want to support AMD
I want to keep on going and those people
go out and they'll buy the Vega GPU even
if it's exactly the cut-down Baker even
if it's the same performance this is
1070 and at the same price they'll buy
just because they want to try help AMD
they're like oh well Nvidia is making
heaps of money anyway and really like
this is I mean a lot of people say that
I've said that too I do buy rise and I
do believe in rising but look at our
patron accounts dude we're the underdogs
in the tax scene and the YouTube tax
scene we don't get much support I mean
we get I love the people who are
supporting me so thoughts I thank you
guys a lot the generally people just buy
what's best for them I just get a
different when it comes to YouTube they
would like where we we are the underdogs
but then again everybody I'm kind of
like an underdog at some point or
another I would say if we something bad
had befallen us then maybe people would
uh like like say Austin for example is
someone you know when his house burned
down there and he lost everything but
that was a different that's that was a
catastrophic event that was different I
know but there was some one people but
then in any fit you know and he made
like the videos and Stephanie is like
you know I'm really kind of ruined now
and then the whole sort of community got
behind and was like come on let's prop
Austin up and then he's ever since then
um he's taken off I mean he puts out
great content he does a really good job
but there but but that sort of support I
think helped him and now Austin's crazy
man he's over he got over 2 million
subscribers like that's a really good
job yeah Austin's Austin's doing really
good and and he deserves it he's a great
submit nice guy I'm just like I'm just
inferencing statistics ok people like
why you mention about patron a character
like something on under a hundred patron
supporters now I inference that to the
amount of subscribers I have so these
are the people who generally care and
want to donate even it's the dollar a
month I don't think it's that hard for
people to donate one dollar a month but
you inference those statistics and
you're saying key people just and
doesn't think I'd tell my viewers anyway
I don't really care like if you guys
want to support us support us but it
comes back into that thing of how many
people genuinely want to support
this is how many people just watch and
enjoy the content and that's all a
that's all I want at the end of the day
is just the like I head on the like
button but yeah you can see that that
statement of I'm going to support AMD
because they're the underdog I'm
starting to look at it and I don't think
people care there's see me we will don't
give a crap they're just like okay I'm
just going to buy what's best for me and
that's generally how it should be a
guess you shouldn't have any like aim
day or a company and if they can't
perform at the end of the day it's not
your job to prop it up like again there
are people with AMD making good money
they're making good salaries they should
be donating their own salaries into the
company if they believe in it so much so
it's not up to the average guy who makes
a little bit of money every week to
support AMD it's up to AMD to support
AMD and I mean just looking at why the
stock prices dropped it's a touchy
subject but again I mean I've never been
the one to hold back I'm just going to
tell these that these balint these
numbers on the balance sheet they're
facts they're early release they're fact
now they're still running at a loss net
loss for the quarter is 73 million
dollars this is a company that's not
profitable yet they're not paying
dividends and that makes them therefore
technically a growth company so they're
they're a growth stock that's losing
money but at the end of the day I mean
that's yeah see how you want to see it
just just yeah just one thing you should
explain quickly for people some some
people didn't understand ah what what's
a hitch fund for those that oh okay so a
hedge funds a a group of it's basically
an elite investment firm just think of
it as that so they basically have their
own like a like a pull of like it and
then yeah rich is another and exactly
it's a rich a rich man's money pool
where all the rich Investor's go Jay and
these guys are talented these guys are
talented the guys are these hedge funds
are talented they meant they do a lot of
dodgy stuff as well but if you're late
markets they basically go around they
got a reputation on Wall Street for
being the guy who makes twenty percent
year-on-year they'll make a huge amount
of money people invest their money with
these hedge funds this guy is good
money with him he'll take I forgot the
rates of a good hedge fund I think they
take 25% of the profits it's the 20 and
to Royal yeah that's right yeah you're
right yeah 22 rolls that's right yeah so
basically these guys will charge of
course they make amazing money but of
course they charge amazing money too and
so with that they pull a keeper money
and then they've got also power in the
market as well if a lot of hedge funds
collaborate - that's when you can see
markets crash so again these guys a lot
of these guys are really smart they're
really switched on if it's basically
yeah yeah of you there's really much
where they're much smarter than you and
I so yeah so basically it's like an if
you guys don't get it that when you pull
money together you know money makes
money the more money you have these
areas to make more of it that's why
wealth accumulates so basically it's
like if you and a 99 other people all
pulled your money together all put in a
hundred thousand or ten thousand dollars
whatever it is you pulled or you might
either yeah what's called a hedge fund
managers that's what Brian was
explaining these super smart guys that
sometimes do dodgy things you can go to
prison for that though so they generally
don't or you know you shouldn't either
they have a scapegoat
or they're just smart um there's people
that do it legit they're just smart
people that can see the signs they're
proactive and yeah and then basically
with that money they create they make
smart investments they pay off you know
say stock prices increase or something
like that and and then they take some of
it for themselves but of course then
everybody gets money from it also hich
runs can go bad I like it relate a lot
of them went under the thing is the
banks themselves this is where it all
ties in the banks themselves invest with
hedge funds so they're huge see the
banks are like okay we want to make
returns who's hot on the market we'll go
invest with this guy he's making good
returns he's got a good whatever he's
got good algorithm setup to making money
there's so much more into it it's it's
pretty complex but at the end of the day
hedge funds have a huge amount of
and with that they have a huge amount of
influence on the market yeah and that's
what we see from those MD ones is that
as Brian said which is quite correct is
that a lot of this this wasn't a whole
bunch of say individual people I mean
there probably was quite a few
super-rich people but you know the
average guy that may have invested
$10,000 in AD and sold it that won't
have even if there's like a hundred of
him that wouldn't have that one cause
this effect this decline it's where the
big boys those big hedge funds when they
start selling stuff then you'll see a
real domino effect okay picture this
picture this the stock market's built up
on winners and losers that's what it all
it all it is now if you buy a stock
that's gone up from $2 to $15 if you buy
that stock at $15 I do you think you're
going to be a winner you've you've just
made someone else a winner that's all
you've just propped up another winner
that's all you've done so either either
you like for me I've like I said I
should have bought AMD stock at $2 but I
didn't so I missed the boat I didn't
touch it and again I just generally
don't touch stocks in general but yeah
if we look at Intel's results of course
they are healthy you see they're in
there making a net income three billion
dollars so Intel's doing pretty healthy
compared to a AMD's balance sheet and
that's what at the end of the day the
numbers are here guys you can check them
out for yourselves make your own
conclusions but again we if you want to
invest in stocks look at the numbers
yourselves and say is this a good
investment and honestly at $10 a share
we've got here what revenue is not even
a billion dollars for quarter one
revenue of Intel is fifteen billion
almost so I mean you've got here 15
times the earnings on one company versus
the other and one company's losing money
the other company's making money so and
I mean Intel's apparently hit a downturn
in some areas so I wouldn't like for me
personally I wouldn't be investing in
AMD that's just me personally I mean I
know Rosen's great and I've been
recommending rise into a lot of people
again as a company they could have pick
it up yeah and if they're not offering
that I was disappointed with Rosen they
didn't offer a flagship that would cost
like $1,000 and it was incredible they
need to offer that $1,000 product same
with um Vega they need to bring out Vega
and they need to have a hard-hitting
product that makes good money for the
company and that people will be like
okay AMD's back on top so anyway we move
on to the next topic it's you know it's
sort of it is in ways it is a bit of bad
news when you look at the numbers this
in my opinion of course AMD have to pick
things up with Vega if they don't I
think that's going to be a negative
catalyst for the company of course neg
Naples is going to be a really good
ho Naples picks the company up and again
the numbers are there and they're not
stellar numbers that's what I'm going to
say so
so anyway Assassin's Creed is set to
make a return in 2017 so this time they
have another installment apparently it's
the biggest ever and it's going to have
naval combat in it so do you play much
Assassin's Creed high play black flag
and then they haven't really had
anything that's taking my interest so
apparently this is going to be one the
biggest they've ever created it's going
to be huge in scope as well so it's
looking to come out fall of 2017 so I'm
actually looking forward to this they'll
be really cool because I love the movie
I think that got me back into the
Assassin's Creed franchise but anyway
that was that Blizzard on fire or more
financial news blizzards just absolutely
killing it up 22 percent year-on-year
and up 26 percent free cash flow so
their revenue increased a huge ton as
well so it looks like all their games
are selling really well PC gaming as
well but arresting Lee enough the a lot
of the growth came from the mobile
market so huge amount of growth came
from the mobile market and I guess that
goes to show that maybe we should be
branching into mobile gaming keV what do
you think hey guys this smartphone game
awesome loving it absolutely loving it
you can you can just click some buttons
on its smartphone okay
it has a it's gonna it's always going to
do good because it's going to it's such
a big market um but yeah I'm it that
ties into something else that's kind of
sad is that what I really don't like
gaming on a smartphone to be perfectly
honest I so sad I don't like it as well
I mean I that's what I mean when I
contrast that to PC games it's like
brother play PC games of the week not
even that but compared to portable
gaming systems which obviously are sort
of on the decline now things like the
Vida or the Nintendo TS arm but it's
still yeah by comparison they just feel
it's just it just feels awful to game on
a touchscreen um like you wouldn't do
that with a computer yes sir
I mean yeah I just not not it not a big
fan of it at all but um yeah I it makes
money people do it it's the main reason
why it's making money is because it's
people like your parents other ones
playing like mahjong or something on
their phone and they're you know and
they're buying like the extra energy or
whatever to keep playing when you know a
lot of the games are like you can only
play five games for free then you need
two eyes you know there's no symptoms
the simpsons that one my brother used to
play this one called The Simpsons and
you had to buy donuts or something I
don't even know and people buy it
I just my brother my brother's best
friend and my brother spent 300 bucks on
this Gail's like what how did you
address it was on a smartphone game I
was by the way that's it that's and
that's why I say it's the it's the much
old it's the much older people and the
very young people who are the ones you
know using um you know the weekly
allowance or whatever and they're like
yell bye
kill it give us a more doughnuts or
they'll do something like that so that's
that's where the that's making so much
money not because it's particularly good
it's just they make money they're good
at making money the way it's set up is
good for making money but I hate it they
really despise that is generating income
amen the end of the
day a fool is soon parted with their
money just remember that so my brothers
my brother's a fool that's what I'm
trying to say $300 on Simpsons game so
get his Starcraft gold master source
code man someone found someone bought an
eBay auction apparently and it had like
it was just a blizzard pack and he
pulled this out of it the Starcraft gold
master source code and now this isn't
this is the this is the weird thing he
went on read it and like went oh my god
what should I do and people were like I
just release all the source code to
everyone no he should have just kept
this he should have just kept it and he
could have sold it for like literally
thousands of dollars instead he just
messaged Blizzard and said hey guys I
got this I want to do the right thing I
want to give it back to you and they
sent him our peripheral kid man blizzard
got off so easy with this one a in some
hit some games and some like crazy stuff
like I think ray tracer they yeah they
just sent him out some peripherals that
they probably had lying around the store
oh yeah what do we got here oh yes some
like one of the ten blazer rack razer
blackwidow keyboards we had for this
yeah just package it all up and a deal
and send it out to him keep him happy oh
and ten and Blizzard store credit as
well so that $250 blizzards store credit
so honestly this here gold master source
code man he should have at least checked
out what was on it and confirmed that it
was like the legit source code disc and
I think it is because Blizzard responded
like wow we want this black bar back
ASAP and yeah that would have been worth
a lot more money than $250 store credit
and some peripherals and a teddy bear
the thing is I think maybe he got scared
because of legal trouble I mean he does
everything wrong like he hasn't done
he's just bought it off eBay like
consumer law relation Australia man
lease in Australia this guy would be
innocent he doesn't done anything wrong
he just bought it that's now in his
hands whoever sold it to him is the one
who's liable yeah it would be but to use
it or I'm thinking in terms of copyright
wouldn't you be on he hasn't sauce any
agreements with Blizzard Blake thing is
it's wound up in his hands you know
unless it's desk says on it you know
this is registered lover blah trademark
of yeah you probably couldn't sell that
but you've got the disc and the disc is
worth a lot of money it's just like this
is how collecting works men that would
be a collectible wild be like the
collectible of PC gaming I don't know it
seems like something though that that's
like though if you took something from a
company like a corporate espionage type
situation and you sold it and then
someone bought it and they they just
claimed they had no idea about it that
they didn't realize it was like those
laptops that got stolen a while back the
gaming laptops from a razor I believe
and and you know if you bought one of
them and then raised it hits your
ability L this is actually a prototype
this is a you know copyright blah blah
blah you wouldn't make him pay for a man
you made you know get $250 store credit
Blizzard could afford much look at that
but we just pulled up the Activision
look at this we just pulled this up
three years three hundred million
dollars more profit so an image I also
said receiving stolen goods is also
illegal so that if it was that Blizzard
said it was this week this wouldn't have
been stolen like is man there would have
to be a police report back from when it
was stolen and still a it goes pretty
deep at the end at the end of the day
this guy sold himself out very cheap and
extremely cheap that's worth my two
hundred it was because he was scared
though for legal reasons that's what I
personally take from I don't know I
would have just kept on to this thing it
would have best been like year I got the
original says good like like that's
worth a lot of money hey I'm telling ya
man he sold himself cheap that's all it
is he should have he should have just
said look I'll give it back to you but I
want to be rewarded for it I know you
guys well just as it also could have
threatened him with a lawsuit and be
like hey you either you know hand this
back and we'll give you all the stuff or
okay then he gets in it well then he
gets in his car then and he does the you
know Gran Turismo and we just make some
epic drama yeah I've just said my
opinion is he sold himself out very
cheap for 250 bucks for picking up the
source code a Starcraft like that is
crazy and that would have been a disc
worth a lot of money like gold master
gold master source code this is like the
be-all and end-all of the source code as
well yeah I don't know I would have paid
good money for that like and then
collected it the SONA jet said Brian
equals hustler yeah because makes sense
that's it man that's it so i'm that's
something you gotta hustle man like you
swapped that disc for like a brand new
risin see this is what he could have
done it game is before we move on the
next topic you have got this disc
swapped for a brand new system 1080 TI
everything will put that into
perspective for chemists 49 you could
have got your brand new gaming rig
triple wanted to set up out of this one
disc that you picked up instead you got
some peripherals and a teddy bear there
we go alright anyway let's get steamed
gifting gets major changes that hurts
resellers so this is actually big news
right arm I leave a lot of guys like me
i buy my games off CD keys calm or
something like that you get a few games
when they come up cheap and some of the
times you get gifted those via Steam
inventory and so now steamer changing
the way you can do this instead you if
the the country that you're getting
gifted that gift from if the price is
substantially different
now what did what determines a
substantially different price I'd love
to know I'd say it'd be what what would
you say 50% profit differential so if
it's $60 in one country and $90 in the
price parity pricing so if the currency
equivalent is like 50% more I'd say that
would be the stipulate I don't know yeah
this is I think
what would you seems reactionary from
valve oh yeah well basically the bottom
line is they're stopping the gifts from
being delivered between countries oops
stopping gifts from being delivered
where the price difference is huge
because they want to make more money
essentially yes yeah that's what's going
on so it's gonna suck again it's gonna
suck for Australians yeah because we pay
a lot for games we're probably the
highest New Zealand is well keV over
here we're down under we we pay a lot
for games and a little older pretty much
every other country I think we got at
some of the one of the worst countries
when it comes to actual game pricing
hardware's not too bad admittedly
hardware-wise still into the u.s. man
not not a huge amount dude like some of
those eBay sales are pulled up recently
and then you look at you Mart they're
only a little bit more expensive than
those sales it's not I mean I'm brand
new to rare you dig it's not too bad
like at the moment anyway at least on
you you might an MS why it's not too bad
depressing oh it's pretty as a New
Zealand sounds probably bad yeah yeah
see it's pretty shocking with the games
as well because games is this I'm saying
this I'm saying games is a ban games
like crazy in Australia if you guys
didn't know like if it games like too
violent or too offensive they just ban
it in Australia where New Zealand
doesn't do that I guess so
that's why I'm saying that ain't the
game pricings out it's all route yeah
the game pricing is out of control here
and um yeah in terms of banning game's
cool not cool actually okay anyway
anyway gifts this is the news gifts so I
don't know what this is going to spell
how it's going to work exactly but again
some of these CD keys might be a CD key
stores might be in trouble
maybe if you're buying off like CD keys
calm you'll want to verify that it's
actually a CD key and not a game and
it's available for your region of course
I find you can still get good deals I
mean there's no problems with that it's
just it's going to limit the games in
circulation that are available for cheap
cheaper than you can get them retail
so that's just that on the news so you
know we're not going to go onto g2a
there's like HIPAA g2a bashing on there
I mean I don't really care don't buy
from g2a anymore so yeah I heard some
mixed things coming yeah about that yeah
but you have just yeah I've heard in
every like guys the g2a bashing has been
going on for years now I think so it's
like yeah I'm sort of yeah anyway so
manly releases a GeForce GTX
1080 TI the Gallardo so apparently like
I was researching the comments here like
pounce named after a bull in Spain or
something and that's where the Italians
get the name for it I donno
oh really yeah it's such a bizarre no
the slight hung I bought a manly what's
that manly Gallardo yeah this is you got
a bad leak a lot oh yeah you got a manly
just sounds like an ad GI dude it's a
manly sounds like you bought like a male
prostitute or something like well it is
dude I mean it is your male prostitute
for gaming let's be honest my manly
Gallardo yeah it's gonna be your that's
is gonna be your personal prostitute for
gaming at 1080 I know 14 or 14 for me or
so it's not like we know what male
prostitutes names are like hey Brian um
yeah we if we wouldn't have any idea
what those are yeah but um that the yeah
I mean what if there's our name but
that's actually not a very high boost
clock either at 16:45 is like kind of
you know considering what the worst
extreme is like what's that seventeen
hundred and fifty out of the box so it's
like a hundred bigger so I just that guy
was cool because I've never seen this
I've never seen this graphics card brand
before I know admittedly Abbott I mean
if people have heard of them before and
I haven't don't hate me but I haven't
heard of this brand of you heard of
Manley before No so there we go got the
Gallardo it's got it actually looks
pretty cool like I'm gonna give him
props I like the look of this graphics
card it looks like a windforce 780ti
in a lot of ways with the light
translucent fan
ah but it's got that cool like met the
metal shrouds kind of like it's it's
bought a line between like veal side and
you know was that other one that made
the clean body quit kids like Jay West
or something
yeah West bodykit so and yeah all right
right I can't no there we go okay so
there we go
booze clocks is kept reported they're
not that high they're not really that
nothing to be impressed about memory
clocks you even get memory clocks there
oh yeah no you don't okay so don't even
know about memory clocks either so next
in you on the news here we got praise PC
port isn't perfect but it runs like a
so yeah is it a few people have
mentioned this that it's actually very
good very well optimized for our brand
new game yeah which is good to see so
that's good I'm considering we had so
many shockers lately okay so yeah
apparently is still managing 100 frames
per second on 1080p on the 980ti so
that's pretty good and it's looking like
we'll have good performance looking
forward to this game if it's well
optimised for PC so that's all I need to
say have you heard about pretty much I
think it's you can buy it now I'm pretty
sure I'm getting pretty sure it's out so
um yeah I don't play horror games and it
looks too scary for me so I'll just
watch a play through us my friends what
they but to tell me about it but um yeah
cuz it looks a bit a bit scary I just
can't handle horror games or movies just
play them during the day bro playing
during the day and you'll be okay I
don't be safe man you'll be safe no
one's gonna boogie monsters not gonna
get you dude you can come over here and
I think I Titus sit there I just sit
there like why are my eyes closed they I
just can't I just come Hamlet's right
man I don't enjoy it I don't know better
figures I don't I get I know people get
a thrill out of horror movies I just
don't enjoy being scared I don't enjoy
the feeling of being scared I like
watching interesting movies and action
movies and documentaries and stuff so I
much rather watch that than a horror
movie but if you are scared dude yeah I
can give you some cuddles
it's okay man but what about manly
Gallardo you Camille the cuddles and as
well okay all right so next up here the
Tesla we got here Tesla Model 3 you want
you really wanted to talk about this so
you got you can take this away tell the
viewers about the Tesla Model 3 which
starts at 66,000 us which is completely
out of my league
that's the Model S I guess that the
model 3 will start at 30 with a 35,000
u.s. yeah so that the we haven't talked
about Tesla much on this and sort of
something that I feel like I would be
almost perfect and reviewing would be
Tesla or electric cars in general
because I have a bachelor's in
automotive engineering and I'm sort of
pretty into tech as well I so yeah this
will be interesting they're going to be
selling Tesla's in New Zealand very soon
there's already quite a few on the roads
here the Model S for a lot of people is
too expensive because they cost about a
hundred thousand New Zealand Dollars
which means it's quite an you know only
a few very few people can actually
afford it so the model 3 by comparison
is going to be about half the price so
it's going to come in at about we're
hearing about fifty five thousand New
Zealand sixty thousand New Zealand and
so that'll be a lot more affordable to
people middle class people
upper middle class people especially
will actually be able to afford it and
the range will be quite good in this
article basically Tesla's just saying
that don't expect it to be like a Model
S for half the price because it's not
going to be the range is going to be
much more limited Elon Musk himself from
what I've read has said that the reduced
range is not because teslic can't make
the cars have longer range is just
because of the battery capacities the
batteries are very expensive remember
that it will end up costing so much more
but of course just like the Model S your
your model 3 will have the different
tiers of
type you can buy so the 35,000 us that
will be for the base model and then
you'll be able to get better models as
you go up with more features and a
bigger battery so that will give it the
longer range and everything else like
that's this looks like quite an
interesting car it should be quite good
then following this you'll have the
model Y which will then have the funny
naming scheme because it will spell out
sexy and so that that's quite funny that
he laundered that but I yeah this is
looking at quite a good kind it's what
I've been saying for a while even if you
don't care about the environment um
these cars are good because you'll just
save money like you're how much it costs
to power it is so much less than a
gasoline cast even if you just you know
you stand on daisies and you just don't
care man like it's still good and that's
exactly the right mentality to have you
have to make these electric cars cool
you have to make them appeal to people
that aren't environmentalists that just
don't care about that stuff to just buy
them because they're a cool car or
people that just want to save money and
that's how you do it and they are cool
cars so yeah I look forward to it and I
think I would try by Tesla at some point
in the future if there once the model 3
the the prices will come down once the
gigafactory is completed in Nevada
they'll be able to produce much more
many more batteries than they currently
can and so with the AH what's it called
they do you want to know is scaling
what's that my old master that's cool
that's pretty cool although I know you
are LCC you have to buy it by Holden but
I what's the what's the economies of
scale that's what it's called yes as a
as they produce more better and make the
batteries faster and cheaper on a bigger
scale then you'll see those prices come
down so if you're still one of these
people that thinks like many people my
age you know and then mid mid twenties
or Brian's age so in the mid 30s and mid
do it normally 30 men come on it's over
five years ago I thought I thought
you're 37
so chief of staff cheevus damn it but
that that that will start to come down
to the price that we might be able to
think about buying it say like 40,000
New Zealand dollars I mean you could get
that on Finance and that's not going to
be a killer so that would be very good
as well so 35,000 New Zealand there's
well many of these other countries like
the US I know in California and I think
New Zealand will start doing that I know
some of those northern European
countries they have these incentives to
make you buy electric cars like they'll
give you rebates or they'll give you
whatever and to help you buy the the
cars as well so if you live in one of
those countries it'll end up costing
less I think in California it will drop
below 30,000 us with all the incentives
you can get along with it so there's
pretty good man like a brand new
electric car like a nice car for they
say twenty eight thousand US that's a
that's a hell of a deal
so you before did you called me a
hustler before and you know the one rule
of a hustler especially with cars you
never buy a new car that is true and
because they do lose a lot but soon as
you walk out the dealership really lost
five grand but at the same time it's if
you quite a few people my family have
recently within the last two years
bought brand-new cars and the reason why
in New Zealand is a lot of times these
dealerships will give you say Mitsubishi
will give you a ten year warranty which
is pretty pretty good so in in that
aspect if you owned the car for quite a
long time say five years or ten years it
can actually work out to be quite good
then all things considered but yet this
is quite interesting also you might want
to refresh the questions page Brian
because I posted the link at the start
so I get other people who have yep okay
have chimed in but yeah we'll get to Q&A
then okay do you want to move on to okay
well we aren't on the Q&A now so yeah
all right guys so this is what we got
here hey guys Hoover naught he asked
how's it going looking to build a new or
upgrade my new home theater PC looking
to keep it small smaller the better
footprint currently has AG 32:58 h 97 mm
ATX board a gigabytes of ddr3 memory at
rx 460 and an 80 plus bronze rated 500
watt rows will power supply
i hate's the sg-11 B that's the
silverstone case the case will the good
news is is the case doesn't affect
performance so you hated it doesn't
really matter they're going to final
performance of this so if you're asking
me about is I'd like price performance
wise that's a great little home theater
PC you already have I mean if it I don't
see what's wrong with it yeah I mean I
don't know what you're trying to upgrade
here because it looks like it's going to
do the job for what you need it to do
absolutely fine like rx 460 I'm pretty
sure that graphics got to play for game
movies absolutely fine so oh no worries
yeah I mean like there's nothing here
that'll be a hiccup I mean older games
32:58 is perfect for that like perfect
match made in heaven so now you don't
really need to put anything into it bro
just put your 400 euros in your pocket
and look forward to the future until you
need something else put that money
towards yeah I would just say save it
and then yeah build up and then when you
want to build a newer a bigger room a
bigger rig maybe you want to upgrade
everything go to high-resolution display
stuff then start up build a new one from
the ground up and make that a super
powerful one but in the meantime yeah
that one looks solid so question number
two what cartoons did you guys watch
growing up I loved Fran and Stimpy oh
man I watched Ren Stimpy that was
Stevie you idiot I remember that one
that was pretty cool there was also the
other like transformers man I grew up on
that that was like religion to me um ya
love transformers there was a I remember
those this old one called
techno man that was probably yeah that
was a really cool anime used to watch
that one as a kid so I don't know if
anyone remembers that one
called techno man something else' what
about you keV we cartoons do ah I I
didn't I watched ramble Z and Pokemon
and quite a few other things but I
didn't really like them too
I don't really remember getting really
into any cartoons you really heavily
until I sort of got a bit older I guess
the only one I started watching trying
to watch every single one was a Family
Guy when that first started and that was
really funny especially by yeah but an
oligo man that he's like yeah yeah it
was really because I tried watching
self-park for the longest time and I
never really got into the humor ah
but when Family Guy came out and I
started watching that I really did like
like that and I thought that was really
funny so uh yeah when his family goes to
be going a lot a long time guys like it
started way back in the day and it's
changed a lot over that time too but
yeah that was really good and then it
got canceled never in cried for ages
then it came back and he was happy
see ya it's a dragon Kurt he asked the
next question how I was using the B 350g
be a gaming three for the VRMs also I
was using hardware and for software and
for the vrm Thames okay so yeah gaming
3b 350s okay it's a nice little board I
think I've got one here I've got to
check it out more though
Alan he's got a heatsink on there so
just yet maybe get a fan on those if
you're worried about the vrm temps like
I did in my video just actually get a
fan and stick it onto the VRM like it'll
be a bit ghetto it'll look pretty bad
but hey it'll sure it'll drop the vrm
temps for you so also his cpu the r7 or
the rad7 1700 pen is broken off when he
took the cpu out and it fell onto his
GPU so that's when it broke off he's
wondering does any of you both know an
email so I can contact them I if like if
you dropped it and it fell onto the GPU
dude that's like that's your own mistake
kind of thing like you can't like I mean
I would message the retail channel
you're going through like I do have a
contact for A&Z but
I wouldn't message them because that's
like I don't know dude that's yeah if
you drop the CPU yourself and the pin
broke off that's your own fault but
that's the risks that come with building
your own computers you know as much as I
don't recommend going out buying a
pre-built system there are these one
these are the risks that come with PC
building and so if you if you drop the
cpu unfortunately man you're gonna have
to maybe just I don't know contact the
retailer and say hey is there anything
he can do for me and hopefully they can
help you out you can stick the pin back
on I mean if you've got the pin you can
like put it in the actual socket where
it broke off
and then put the CPU in and it should be
okay like it should still work so it's
pretty generally it's easier if you bent
the pin you can bend it back and you
still you know that that'll be okay and
that yeah if it broke off it's a means
it's a bit more ah yes good yeah it is
tricky but I mean I'd be doing today I'd
be Jessa that's fair for 320 US CPU man
I'd be trying you know everything like
I'd be dripping some liquid metal paste
in that socket as well be like turn on
yeah and then once it turns on you just
never touch it again this is one of
those things you just never touch again
that's how I generally when you get
stuff like that working you just never
touch it again is it works again should
I spend okay next question should I
spent $225 on qhq G and good board for
$280 for risin five 1500 X and board
gaming only arm so that's the total cost
like 225 on the qhq G and the board if
you can get that combo that'll be pretty
good very good I'd go with the qhq G
combo personally because yeah $55
cheaper that's if it's the whole combo
if it's just the CPU that's a ripoff
yeah I'd personally go for the qhq G how
about you keV I just get the risin 5
1400 instead of the 1500 X yeah let's
save some money
get aboard with that and probably just
go with that you'll be just fine to
serve o'clock to 1400 up to three point
eight three point nine and that thing
will whole you can do it on a stop call
there as well and it will get pretty
toasty as I showed in my video we
compared the spire ah to the stealth but
the stealth still does a pretty good job
is actually wider than the spire cooler
um even though it's not as thick so yeah
you can overclock it just fine a managed
to overclock still with the stealth it's
getting pretty toasty though getting
close to 90 degrees um but that's fine
the throttle at 95 so if they go running
the high or if they run in the 80s
that's okay and go from so next question
we got icebergs he wanted to ask if if I
ever figured out the how to get games
some games ran like crap with Jools eons
and that was right yes they did
there is one only one extra trick that I
have found and stumbled upon and that's
the CPU ID are limited in the BIOS
settings so you enable that and some
games can actually boot up I didn't know
I know about testing the games for
smoothness but f1 2016 when I was doing
that comparison of the dual Zealand's
versus the rise in CPU versus the Intel
service at 100k I couldn't boot up f1
like I couldn't boot it up and then I
went back in the boss changed the limit
cpuid setting enabled it which it
recommends disabling for Windows XP but
Windows XP is ancient anyway so I did
that and the game booted up GTA 5 it
just wouldn't bid on my jewel Xeon rig I
have to get an able CPU affinity only to
one CPU so I wouldn't even know how it
would run on two CPUs because I can't
even get the game to run on two CPUs
other than that a lot of the games that
I tested yet like doom and bf one they
rent and so they ran really well on
those eons a lot of the games ran
absolutely fine just the frame rates
were behind Tom Clancy's the division
that ran extremely well on those jewels
eons I was shocked at how well
thing ran on the that game is really
well optimized so yeah I mean joules
eons they do have they can have problems
from time to time but limiting the CPU
ID and the BIOS that's a recommendation
to do so the last question we got here
I'm looking to downsize to a mid tower
possibly the NZXT s340 elite nice case
but then only be able to have my 280
millimeter all-in-one cooler as air
intake for the case would this be enough
air for the 1080 TR MSI gaming X yes as
long as you've got an exhaust fan so you
want to put it at the front and have
those the CPU cooler depends on the CPU
as well if it's a 4 core yeah 280 ml
rattle actually brew bringing cold air
into the case so as long as you get an
exhaust fan it should be fine absolutely
yeah I'd say yes what about you careful
yeah that'll be fine yeah there
shouldn't be a problem
I think people oftentimes it's more
about just getting the air in there
rather than like it doesn't necessarily
have to be that super cool air as long
as it's getting in there um that should
be fine
remember when you're gaming as well most
games that wouldn't push the CPU much so
you'll you'll be fine that Dimps won't
be particularly high so the cooler that
air won't be super hot when it's coming
in the GPU will be running much hotter
by comparison so that will be but yeah
you'll need is he saying there's going
to be no exhaust there'll only be there
280 as an intake it's actually funny
because speaking of that speaking of
games that stress the CPU and GPU I've
been using crisis now for the arm to
check power consumption and it's like
you know that game it just it's like I
don't know what it is but it utilizes
your GPU and CPU to the max and you get
a really good indication of what games
can consume from the wall in terms of
power consumption but Mafia 3 actually
might beat it I've got to go back and
double-check but mafia 3 might actually
be the the game that juices the CPU and
GPU at the same time the most okay yeah
again insane
yeah I'm just looking at the the case
yeah you should be fine if you had those
fans the single fan and the top that one
20 and another fan in the back if you
have those two his exhausts you'll be
just fine having there the 280 mill red
in the front those jewel 140s that will
be just fine as long as it's getting
that ear exhausted out the back see just
make sure you have those two exhaust
fans in and eyebrow worries okay so
we're gonna wind down the show now I
hope y'all enjoyed it will be having
episode 26 is Q&A on the website taxi D
TV make sure you go check it out and of
course I'll put the link for Kev's
channel in the description below go
check that out as well and any closing
statements keV I know guys just head
over to my channel if you want to see
more rice and showdown so we're going to
have a as I said the 1600 X versus 6800
k showdown that'll be going up very soon
and then also I will be doing a rise in
roundup kind of comparison and review
where I talk about basically the whole
risin 7 and risin 5 lineup and which
CPUs I like which ones I would recommend
within the both lineups and who I think
there would be most applicable force
that's what I'm going to be doing over
the next sort of week we can have Stevie
Stevie you idiot ok anyway alright guys
we're gonna catch you next week thanks
for tuning in and watching and yeah if
you got any questions as well drop them
in the comment section too and we'll
catch you guys next time peace out for
now bye
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