The Verge PC Build Reaction - How did 13 People Get it SO WRONG...?!
The Verge PC Build Reaction - How did 13 People Get it SO WRONG...?!
so Channel with over two million
subscribers built a PC recently and the
build and the guide itself is so bad to
the point where anyone should not look
at that guide and take it seriously at
all there's just mistake after mistake
and the worst thing about it is we all
make mistakes but it's the aftermath
that's the worst thing they haven't
taken the video down they've disabled
likes disabled comments and there's 13
names on those credits in the outro 13
names so this went through at least more
than one person at the very least so how
did they get it so wrong when there are
awesome guides on how to build your
first PC on the Internet but anyway
we'll start from the start here he says
you need a table well of course first
you need a table preferably not metal if
it's going to be metal have an
anti-static working surface layer it on
top of it and then he proceeds to put on
a wrist strap that isn't even connected
to anything so it serves absolutely no
purpose at all
he then states that you these are
tweezers some tweezers have tied up the
wires when they clearly zip ties and you
don't need them in this particular case
the 280x because it comes included with
its own zip ties then he says you need
like a Swiss Army knife and hopefully it
has a Phillips head in it a Swiss Army
knife which hopefully has a Phillips
head screwdriver in it like please just
grab yourself a Phillips head
screwdriver there are a dollar
at thrift stores and they even come with
a magnetized head at that costs then he
goes on to say screw in with confidence
when you're screwing the screws but
don't screw too tight and screw in with
confidence but also don't screw in too
hard other ways you could crack the
boring it's just called screwing wrist
type mate that's what we call it so when
your wrist can't screw it in anymore
that's when you stop screwing so you
don't cross thread anything and then
later on they install an i/o shield but
they call it a brace pay close attention
to the brace that goes at the back of
the computer you always have to make
sure that you really hammer it in and
they actually uh if you look at later in
the video 310 they are using that's that
army knife and the and the screwdriver
on it too
this PC built mind-blown and then 356
I've never heard the use of the word
input like this there in putting the
nvme into the motherboard it's not the
matrix mate
I chose this format of solid-state drive
so they could input it into the
motherboard without having to worry
about extra wires
4:21 it looks like they haven't
installed the nvme properly either it
there should be a screw that goes under
that end part and then over that you put
the screw in and it installs
horizontally flush this could cause some
problems for your nvme drive I'm not too
sure I haven't actually used that
motherboard specifically then moving on
at 5:23 they say make sure you insert
the power supply this way so it doesn't
short-circuit and make sure that you
align it with these little insulating
pads so the power supply isn't
short-circuit and it come into contact
with the rest of the system power supply
is not gonna short-circuit unless you
drop water in it or drop screws in it
and stalling it the wrong way is not
gonna short-circuit it but in this case
the 280x installing it the right way on
the vibrator pads is gonna make sure
that it doesn't vibrate at 5:36 this is
probably my biggest problem yet they've
mounted the power supply around the
wrong way it's going to be starved of
airflow completely and this is very
dangerous for instance if you've got a
500 watt power supply you're gonna be
running into 400 watts that power
spiking start to get hot and if you've
got it completely starved of air it can
literally blow up and then take
components with you especially over time
I mean Corsair power supply is the one
they've used have a good safety measures
in place but you don't want to be
constantly tripping those safety
measures if your computer is just
randomly shutting off the two ATX I've
already taken a look at it it's an
amazing case and you mount it around the
other way and there's a grill there to
allow airflow to go into the pounce play
and then blow out the back at 6 minutes
and 14 seconds they're using the wrong
screws to install the radiator and they
haven't even installed the fans on the
radiator which they don't show them
installing in the entire video so if
you're going to install a water cooler
in the 280x just install the fans first
that way you'll know if it lines up and
it's not going to hit the motherboard or
anything like that any case
that matter and then also use the
smaller screws to attach them to the top
of the case he said it took a long time
so there's nothing special about this
screening process they're just really
long screws because they go through the
entire frame of the cooler and they take
no wonder you used the wrong screws and
then later on the builder inserting the
CPU pretty much lost in the process and
this is actually another dangerous point
in this bill because you're in a micro
ATX case is not a lot of room to work
with installing the CPU first before you
even put the motherboard in the build is
much better so you don't drop it or you
don't bend any pins while you're trying
to get that CPU in if you've got limited
space to work with it can be a problem
so just and especially in the - ATX just
insert your CPU before you even put the
motherboard into the case it's going to
make life much easier
the RAM is a different story sometimes
you've got coolers that may not clear
the RAM so I can understand them
installing the RAM
after they put the motherboard in the
case but continue on they use this
bracket and they say you got to use it
so what having this little installer
does for you is it's basically a brace
that you can apply right to the CPU and
light it up with the triangles that
you'll see on the bottom left corners
and this will make it easier for us to
apply it to the motherboard and then
apply thermal paste and then apply a CPU
cooler on top and then when they're in
studying the CPU they don't use it at
all and then eight minutes and 17
seconds is that every cooler comes with
thermal paste so we're about to apply
thermal paste to the CPU every CPU
cooler actually comes with a bit of
thermal paste already neatly applied in
a circle around it no they don't
some coolers especially air coolers will
come where there's a sticker and some
own thermal paste in a tube that you can
apply yourself and then they go on eight
minutes and 28 seconds to apply extra
thermal paste on a intel rainbow cpu you
do not need to apply any extra thermal
paste with this corsair all-in-one it'll
do an absolutely fine job how it is out
of the box but pretty much they just
literally make a flood here of thermal
paste on the cpu now this is a bad thing
if that thermal paste you have is
capacitive like Arctic silver 5 for
example your computer just won't boot up
so do not apply this much thermal paste
and if you've got a cooler like
the Corsair all-in-ones that they're
using you don't even need any extra
thermal paste applied and then we move
on to 9 minutes and 6 seconds and the
cable management here is just
non-existent in the past you guys hear
me joke about jungle sandwiches but this
is how a jungle sandwich is born ladies
and gentlemen people just don't care
about how they work with pcs there's not
even a step in this guide to show how to
manage cables in a case like the 280x
which is designed for easy cable
management there's room at the back
where you can hide cables if you're
sloppy with cable management and then in
the front there's so many easy places to
route cables I don't know how they got
this one so wrong and then in 9 minutes
and 12 seconds they said they made it to
the post screen and we got to the post
screen and that's a miracle 9 minutes
and 50 seconds they're playing like
literally the easiest to play
multiplayer game out there on a $2,000
PC and they're capping the frames to 120
fps and saying you're you don't really
need it I'm averaging 120 FPS and that's
only because I've actually locked the
game to that framerate because I can get
around 300 FPS playing League on maximum
settings which is a little bit absurd
and you don't really need that so I
locked it competitive gamers actually do
need higher frame rates this is proven
they love high frame rates to get the
fastest drawer possible so they can get
a competitive edge so that's about it
with the video itself but I managed to
find this image out there on the
internet of the build finish but you get
to see a different angle of it and the
first thing that come to mind is another
dangerous point that is the cooler
itself is missing a screw in the bottom
left corner and if you're going to
exclude screws when you're mounting a
cooler either matter only on one
diagonal or two diagonals don't leave
one screw out because that corner will
then have uneven pressure and this can
allow the CPU to overheat in a bad way
you also get to see the way that they've
installed the RAM and it's on the two
outer dims on the motherboard which they
essentially you'd pair memory together
in a channels and this is not the way to
do it you're going to get single channel
memory out of this when you don't need
to you can get dual channel
for just moving one of those dims into
another slot anyway that's about it for
the mistakes that I've found in this
video it's easily one of the worst bills
I've seen on the Internet to date and
especially coming from a channel with
over 2 million subscribers what the hell
is going wrong this video should not be
left up because it's so miss informative
that someone could follow this who's
just getting into PC building and make
some serious mistakes and cost
themselves time and money and you don't
want to do that to someone just getting
into PC building and only that there's
more than one name on this video - so
how did more than one person with a
channel over 2 million subscribers get
it so wrong I have no idea but in the
aftermath this is the worst thing that's
happened they've left the video up there
disabled comments disabled likes instead
just take the video down and make a
follow-up video just saying hey sorry we
made some mistakes here's not what to do
if you're doing PC building and here's
how we fix those mistakes you'll get a
lot more views you'll get a lot more
love there's just no need to do this and
claim the ignorance card anyway guys
hope you enjoyed this video if there's
any more mistakes you guys found this
video and be sure to point them out and
I'll catch you in the next one peace out
for now bye
it makes it really useful if you want to
install a core i7 hexa core CPU yeah
we've got one fake GTX 780 yep we've got
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