Thermal Paste Showdown - AS5 Vs PK-3 Vs Liquid Pro
Thermal Paste Showdown - AS5 Vs PK-3 Vs Liquid Pro
hey YouTube welcome back to tech as it
is Brandis coming back to you guys today
with a comparison of thermal pace so
when I did my deal eating video those
all those months ago
people were like Brian Arctic silver 5
is crap you got to get some cooler Bora
Tory's liquid pro on that crown that
biatch so I did I went out and bought
some collaborators liquid pro and I did
put it on that biatch and I got some
results I also decided to test PK 3
which is prolimatech its latest and
greatest so I test I'm gonna be testing
these three and I'm going to be putting
them all head-to-head so let's get on
with the results the first test I did
here was on my water cooler so as you
guys know this died but before it died I
did manage to get some results out and
the reason why I didn't post these
results early is because it pretty much
died the next day after I put the
Coolibar is liquid pron so I knew maybe
for accuracy purposes I shouldn't post
these results until I get another cooler
and test so anyway this is a results I
got here as you can see here with the
lid it with the Arctic silver 5 first up
it produced a 74 degrees max temperature
these are all done in prime95 large FFTs
for max temperature all at 25 degrees
ambient and at 4.2 g's at one point one
two volts for consistency purposes now
the it is important to note that there
will be like a one degree variance
because the fact that you know when it
got to 25 degrees or if it got hotter
I'd turn on my air cond to get it down
to 25 degrees and the fact that my
temperature reader only reads to 1
degree Celsius so there will be an ever
so slight amount of variance in area
temps the next so the first test I did
was when I deleted it and that was 67
that was when I deleted my chip and I
put artic silver on the base and on the
heat spreader on the core and the heat
spreader the next test I did was the
peak a3 when I got that in I put that on
the core and I put that on the heat
spreader and that produced a 66 degree
result the next tester when I got the
cooler boria's liquid Pro I decided to
put that on the core and on the heat
spreader I was just like hell yeah if
this thing is going to make a difference
I want to see it and I got 64 degrees
but it's important to note I notice
at this time in the first two minutes of
running the bench so these are all
six-minute benchmarks in prime95 it was
important to note in the first two two
minutes of this benchmark
I knew that qu laboratory's liquid pro
was legit I knew it was a product that
worked because I could see that my temps
were sort of staying under sixty degrees
and I think it was at this time that
much cooler was actually starting to
shoot itself so the next day yeah you
know my radiator just went so hot and
that that being that but let's get on to
the Animax T for T now this produced
more solid and in my opinion a lot more
consistent results than the water cooler
did because of the fact that it's air
cooler you've only got a fan and banette
core so the arctic silver v on the core
and the heat spread produced a result of
68 degrees the PK 3 on the core and the
heat spread that produced a 67 degree
result and the cooler Bertos liquid
pearl on the core and then PK 3 this
time on the heat spreader because you
know this stuff is expensive and I'm
running out and I want to save some of
it reduce the 63 degree results so I'm
going to say let's so these results are
what I have and let's move on to the
conclusion now okay so in conclusion I
will say that cooler boys liquid Pro
this stuff is legit it works especially
when you saw the anti max T 40 results
they were very accurate and consistent
so this stuff is legit it does work
thanks for recommending me this stuff
however is I will say that it's goddamn
expensive at $27 a tube of this stuff
for 0.15 mil it is hella expensive it
also is a pain in the ass to spread I
didn't really enjoy spreading this stuff
and also another thing to remember about
it is it is highly conductive and it is
highly capacitive however someone was
saying like you can get for $10 a tube
please let me know in the comments where
you can get this stuff for $10 a tube
I'd love to know that makes that arctic
silver 5 this stuff is absolutely fine
it's not it works it's very good
value for money 3.5 grams for like $8.00
it definitely takes the out of these
three thermal paste it takes the value
for money crown but um pk3 this is the
last one
and I will say this stuff this stuff is
really good I loved spreading this stuff
this was the easiest to spread out of
all three it was just amazing to work
with you know it was like spreading a
virgin you know is that good
it's non-conductive it's non capacitive
so if you have berserker hands this
stuff is for you and you drop stuff
everywhere this stuff will be really
good it does work really well so in
conclusion I will say that yeah all
three of these pastes all three of these
pastes are really good in their own
none of them are you know and I
think you know thermal the reason why
yeah as you guys you know people were
saying before the reason why Coolibar
toys liquor Pro works well on the core
is because it has such high thermal
conductivity so it is legit and it does
you know deliver on its thermal
conductivity claims you know the core is
so small so its needs that high you know
sensitive thermal paste to work properly
but you know there are people out there
that is saying like you know I'm getting
like a 15 degree drop a 20 degree drop
and I'm you know I question these people
are you trying like you trained properly
are you spreading your paste properly or
you just play you know just slapping
this stuff on and just like dropping it
on and going yeah let the liquid pro do
all the work because you know if you
apply your thermal paste properly you
know essentially what thermal paste does
is it just fills in imperfections it's
not meant to be like a you know a block
it's meant to be like a piece that fills
in gaps so that's why my results aren't
as great you know artists I don't think
there is different as someone else but
you know I saw in the forum I was
reading up about uh some guy getting a
30 degree drop and then like the
variance between these causes like 10
degrees that in my opinion is a clear
indicator of bad conduct bad contact so
you know if you're getting such huge
degrees in in your cause I question you
as to are you kind you know are you
installing your heat sink properly so
that's a very important part is getting
a thin layer of this stuff on and then
getting a nice making sure your surfaces
are all flat as can be
and if they're concave door if they're
really off then go send them back go
Lapham don't be afraid to do that so but
as we'll say that you know the heat
spreader and the core they're really
they're pretty much getting really flush
and a lot of heat sinks coming out
nowadays are really flush so there
should be you know you guys should be
getting really consistent results
without it with any pace that any decent
thermal pace that you use so anyways I
hope in conclusion you like this please
give it a thumbs up if you did and if
you have any questions or comments
please come in the comment section below
and if you haven't ready subscribe to
tech LCD well be coming back to you guys
with some more tech videos so ultimately
yet cooler porridges liquid pro on the
core that's a good recommendation you
guys peace out for now we're an easy
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