Top 10 USED Graphics Cards for PC Gaming in 2018 - Anti-Crypto Edn.
Top 10 USED Graphics Cards for PC Gaming in 2018 - Anti-Crypto Edn.
in the current cryptocurrency mining
apocalypse boom there is only one thing
you can do to save yourself and that is
go out buy a used graphics card so today
I have a top 10 list the gravis cards
that I'm constantly looking for and I'm
gonna throw in some performance figures
for you guys what you can expect out of
these cards and also what you can expect
to pay for them now keep in mind what I
would pay for one of these guards and
what if someone else would pay for these
cards aren't doing the same I'm always
generally hustling for a good deal on
graphics cards so I think what I would
pay would be a little bit lower than the
norm but anyway I'll give it to you guys
as a guide so let's get on with it
welcome back to take your city in
today's top 10 graphs cards will be in
USD so you can go into Google convert
that US dollar into your favorite
currency and you'll get an idea of what
I expect to pay now of course in remote
areas in some parts of Europe as well
generally the prices are higher I
haven't really accounted for that I've
only really accounted for what I would
pay in Australia in US Dollars terms
which seems a little bit weird but the
US dollar deals at least from what I
tell with my viewers and what they show
me on Twitter is very similar so let's
get on with that list number 10 we've
got coming in here the gtx 570 and GTX
580 the gtx 570 i'd pay around about $30
max for this and the 580 $40 now you can
expect around about firestrike score but
4,400 on this 570 and about 4960 points
on the 580 now this will give you
entry-level 1080p gaming on very low
settings or low settings games like dota
2 league of legends that csgo will play
fine on these cards at 1080p however pub
G may struggle a bit especially on the
570 and even on the 580 with their veer
and buffers being limited at one point
three and one point five gigabytes
respectively you'll get away with
playing 720p on practically any title
out there and 1080p most games except
for exceptions like pub G stud now
coming in at number nine is the gtx
660ti now I haven't really placed a lot
of emphasis on the weighting system here
this is just what I would like to pick
up preferably in my stack in the top 10
scenario for someone else this might be
number one it might be the perfect card
you need at the said price so 660ti
scores over 6,000 points a 3d mark
firestrike very good card for 1080p
gaming especially with its 2 gigabyte
vram buffer it will play games like pub
G on very low settings at 1080p most
other games it'll do medium settings so
it is a very solid card now I'll pay up
to around about 55 dollars for one of
these and most the time you're gonna get
a car that runs pretty cool doesn't use
a whole lot of power and they generally
do come with a lot of aftermarket
cooling solutions reference cards on 66
TTI's are actually quite rare because a
lot of people when these came out they
came out substantially later than the G
six 70s and they all had customer
coolers on them because they're already
prepared from the GTX 670 s coming into
number eight is the HD 7850 from AMD and
also their bigger brother that's seventy
eight seventy I put them in the same
listing I'd pay $40 for a 78 50 and
around about 50 bucks for a 78 70 70 80
70 will generally overclock higher it is
a better Bend
7850 it also has more stream processors
that are unable on the card you've got a
two gigabyte VM buffer so like the 660ti
you can expect entry-level 1080p gaming
it'll even play pub G on very low
settings at 1080p so it's a great card
and also with the card ID the reason I
put it up a little bit higher than the
60 TTI is because the vram buffer
configuration is a little bit better in
my opinion it gives even bandwidth to
all the RAM modules as opposed to the 6s
TTI I believe they have 1.5 gigabytes
with 128-bit bandwidth available and
then the other 500 megabytes get 64 bit
very weird configuration on the 660ti
from memory but it doesn't really creep
up a whole lot especially if you're
dropping memory intensive settings down
like anti-aliasing which you should on
cards like these but ultimately what you
can expect out of the 78 50s around
about 5200 3dmark firestrike points and
the 7870 you'll get about 6000 now of
course if you overclock them you'll get
even better performance coming in at
number seven now is the gtx 750ti
I would pay around about 55 bucks for
these they are generally a good option
because they don't use a whole lot of
power and you can fit them in generally
any computer so you can go pick up a
cheap om system like a Dell for 150
bucks with eight gigabytes of RAM and i5
2400 hard drive all that jazz whack in
one of these and you've got yourself
decent 1080p entry level gaming some
games will struggle on this it's not as
powerful as a 60 TTI or a 7870 for
example but it will overclock extremely
well it at least in my experience I was
able to get a significant boost I think
it was around about 20% performance out
of my 750 Ti so if you can get one of
these you can overclock it and you can
expect to play very low settings pop G
at 1080p not to mention it will
practically fit into any case due to its
low power consumption now coming into
number six is the GTX 770 it's also very
similar to the GTX 680 however some of
the 770's do come in a 4 gigabyte
configuration this will make them more
attractive if you want to play games
like pop G which for some reason are a
little bit unoptimized they are very
heavy on the vram buffer and so this
card I'd pay up to around about $80 for
one of these most the time you're gonna
get the 2 gigabyte variant but they do
go extremely hard you can expect close
to around about 8000 3dmark five-stroke
points so they are very good for 1080p
gaming medium settings even high
settings on some titles pub G you'll go
from very low to low settings some of
the settings you'll be able to even put
on medium with this graphics card so it
is a very nice choice however it is a
little bit power-hungry so do make sure
that you have a decent power supply to
power one of these graphics cards so now
we're going to quickly stop it here
before we get on with number 5 and I
just want to quickly say that you
probably noticed a little bit of a trend
happening with this list and that is
that we're going from generally older
cards to newer cards or more modern
cards and the reason for this being the
older the card the generally more likely
it is to blow out on you if you're
gaming for if you want to keep this for
a couple of years for example because
the older it is the more likely it is to
have been used for longer so all these
electronic components they all have a
lifespan or a shelf life especially
indicated by the warranties that's a
general indicator so generally you would
want to get a more modern card if you
can however suffice to say of course
there are some exceptions where the
cards would have been rarely used and
they would be like brand new still but
generally statistics and trends they are
your friends just like the yes-man band
instead of being I said been kind of
trying to keep the rhyme going anyway
coming in to number five is the r7 370
these are generally very similar to a 78
50 they're a little bit more powerful
out of the box however in my opinion
they are more Lim
on that overclocks i believe they are
deliberately limited with their
overclocking from the bias level however
you can put a custom bias on these
graphics cards but I generally find
they're just a lower Bend r7 370 X and
I've tried flashing one of these in the
past even to a 370 X and it just did not
work at all so I think this is when AMD
got on to bidding their cards a lot
better than they did back with the 78
50s in the 78 seventies but anyway
performance you get around 5500 3d mark
five stroke points with this card - you
buy a VRAM buffer so it will play games
at 1080p quite well on low and medium
settings Pub G as well shouldn't be a
problem for this card very low 1080p
now coming in at number four is the HD
7970 and also the 7950 also known as the
r9 280 or r9 280x so if you pick up the
290 series they're generally mourn you
are and again as we speak about their
statistics probably better off going for
one of them but I'd pay up to around
about $100 for one of these cards they
do have a three gigabyte vram buffer so
they are very attractive for 1080p high
settings gaming even pub G for example
will run on medium settings at 1080p on
these graphics cards without a problem
and that's not even before you overclock
this card so if you overclock them
you'll get even better performance they
do overclock generally quite well
especially if they've got aftermarket
coolers on them but also the reason I
mentioned 1080p pub gia light as pub G
is probably the most popular game out
there at the moment that's very hard to
run of course fortnight's very popular
but it's easier to run them pub G so
when I say pub G very low settings 1080p
for example for night or run of medium
settings 1080p so that's generally why
I'm using that as a reference game for
these graphics cards but anyway eight
thousand five hundred and forty 3d mark
five strike points on the 7970 a little
bit less for the 7950 so awesome
performance if you can pick one of these
things up
now coming in at number three is the r9
290 r9 390 or r9 290x or r9 390x if you
pick up any four of these variants they
are very powerful cards to this stage
you can expect around five strikes
scores of around 12,000 and 13,000 for
the r9 390 390 X you can also overclock
them quite well but keep in mind they
are very power hungry you will need a
good power supply at least a good
branded 500 watt power supply to begin
with usually a lot of people couple
these with 600 watt power supplies
especially if they're overclocking their
CPUs as well so this card will play
1080p games high and very high pub G
won't be a problem you can even get away
with entry level 1440p gaming on medium
settings on most titles you've got a 4
gigabyte vram buffer there sometimes
you've got an a gigabyte VN buffer as
seen with the r9 390 but exceptional
performance for the dollar just keep in
mind they do run hot and try to avoid a
reference card unless you're gonna put
an aftermarket cooler on one of these
but I would pay up to around about a
hundred and fifty dollars in the current
GPU climate for one of these cards of
course the experience may be twenty
dollars more hundred and seventy dollars
but they will give you phenomenal
coming in at number two is the gtx 970m
the reason this didn't make number one
is because it's more sought-after in my
opinion every time i speak to someone
who wants to build a pc and wants to go
use they're always looking for a gtx 970
and so with that demand it's gonna make
the prices go a little bit higher and of
course they're gonna get sold out
straightaway so if you're looking for a
good grabs card you're generally not
gonna find a 970 but if you do find one
then you can generally expect to pay up
to around about 150 dollars for one of
these that's what I would pay you may be
paying a little bit more in the current
climate but of course we'll get it out
of the way for that vram buffer we're
gonna mention the 3.5 gigabyte vram
buffer on this thing not the 4 gigabyte
buffer and you can expect around about
12,000 3dmark firestrike points so very
similar to the r9 290 and also r9 390
however the 970 will use substantially
less power than those AMD variants not
to mention they will overclock better on
our what is a different story but on air
these cards generally you get a lot more
performance out of them so they are more
sought-after card than the AMD r9
now coming in at number one is gonna be
a little bit controversial but in my
opinion is number one because they're
readily available you can generally look
around your local area or look around
eBay and you'll find a GTX 780 or a GTX
780 Ti for sale now I've picked up a
heap of these in the last six months
picked up a GTX 780 for around about a
hundred bucks gtx 780 t is for around
about 120 that's what you can expect to
pay now just like the i9 to 90s however
the 780 t is will run quite hot you will
need a really good power supply for the
780 Ti 780 is a little bit less so you
get away with maybe a 450 what good
power supply but a 780ti I'd go no less
than a 500 what powers quite for one of
these things especially if you want to
overclock that CPU just like the uh nine
to nine series now of course five strike
3d mark five strike points we're talking
ten thousand five hundred on the 780
close to 12,000 so GTX 970 performance
on the 780 Ti now they do have a three
gigabyte vram buffer but all that three
gigabytes is totally usable so it will
make for a very good card at 1080p very
high settings however 1440p you will be
a little bit more limited than the 970
in the r9 290 doodle having one gigabyte
less but nonetheless you will be able to
play games absolutely fine with this
graphics card I love it it comes in at
number one and also I hope you guys
enjoyed today's top 10 list and if you
did then be sure to drop a comment
comment section below if you've got
other recommendations as well drop them
in the comments always love reading your
thoughts and opinions read all those
comments even though I don't have time
to reply to a lot of them I do read them
all and also there are some other cards
out there of course one interesting card
is the r7 265 very underrated not many
people know about it but if you can find
one of these for 50 bucks for example go
and get yourselves one so there's so
many other boutique cards out there that
will give you a good performance someone
was even mentioning to me then you go
get a Quadro card because a lot of those
old Quadros aren't just they're not
sought-after anyway I'll catch you guys
in another tech video very soon peace
out for now bye
just keep in mind they are they do goals
for a 780ti this is I love it I love it
it's coming in I love it it's coming in
at number one gives you great
performance I love it comes in at number
now coming in a number
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