Top 6 New & Used CPUs, The Best VALUE Buys in Late 2018!
Top 6 New & Used CPUs, The Best VALUE Buys in Late 2018!
so you may be in the market for a new
CPU you might be into gaming you might
be into video editing or you might be
into other things we're not gonna talk
about those other things but what we
have here is a list of six different
CPUs in no particular order because
they're all really good value for money
it just depends on your budget and who
you are as an individual now another
thing as well in this list is only CPUs
that are readily available to buy right
now I'm not talking about one-time deals
that I usually get in bargain hunts like
these but with that aside to get your
thick wallet ready because after this
video it's still going to remain
so here we are with the list it's going
to be new and used because they both
represent pretty good value at the
moment you can go new if you want to get
the warranty and you want to get in
straight away no questions asked
you've got the used if you want to save
money get better value for money in my
opinion especially with the prices of
ddr4 memory though coming in at number
six is the i5 8400 and I will reiterate
no particular order with the numbering
it's just I'm listening six CPUs but we
have the CPU coming in at a hundred and
eighty US dollars 6 cores 6 threads
latest IPC from Intel very efficient CPU
also comes with a cooler you can mount
this on a haitch 310 motherboard which
comes in for around 50 dollars as well
bringing some incredible value for money
ddr4 memory not too overpriced at the
moment managed to find 2 4 gigabyte
sticks for $75 so this whole combo is a
pretty good bare-bones kit and now
another thing is I will mention you
might want to get your stuff now because
when the r-tx 2006 the market you don't
know what pricing will happen especially
when those mid-range cards hit like the
2060 do you want to be one who's
overpaying for your ddr4 memory your
motherboard your CPU then what you can
buy it now and then wait for those
graphics cards to hit because the CPUs
aren't generally getting better as we've
seen this over the last few years
IPC hasn't really improved and they
don't really affect gaming too much at
1080p high settings at the very least or
even 1440 people that aside number 5
horizon 520 600 for all those AMD circle
jerkers out there of course I'm going to
put an AMD CPU on the list this one
coming in at a hundred and sixty-five
dollars includes a pretty decent cooler
as well good thing is you can get an
a320 motherboard that does support the
2000 series CPUs now this is important
if you're going with an a320 option you
do want to get a motherboard that make
sure it's 2000 series ready I'll do it
you're gonna get headaches might want to
go for a be 450 motherboard put some
extra links in the description below
anyway but this CPU with this
motherboard at this price point is
phenomenal value for money again ddr4
memory if you're on a budget just get an
8 gigabyte kit for now for 75 bucks and
you can call it a day but the potential
versus the i-5 8400 sort of different
strokes for different folks
Rison 5 2600 more suited if you want to
do a bit of video editing on that extra
performance when it comes to workstation
productivity but you know 580 400 I
think's a better buy for just straight
gaming but also streaming as well
because you can take advantage now of
that onboard HD graphics with Intel
Quick Sync which a lot of streaming
software does now support and that will
take a big burden off your cpu and now
we're moving into number four we're
starting to get closer to that uncharted
territory the place where no one else
dare goes but we'll start off with an i7
we've got four quarts eight threads on
this i7 3770 it's coming in at around a
hundred and ten dollars shipped to your
door because you can get four dollars
off with a coupon that's pretty good
value right there now h61 motherboard
$40 you can pick these up so cheap of
ddr3 memory you can generally get this
locally pretty cheap or even source it
online much cheaper than you otherwise
could with ddr4 memory so this is a
benefit of going used you can be saving
money on a few different fronts and of
course if you don't live in the US and
you can't get those prices then this is
worldwide shipping so if you're in a
remote area in the world and you don't
have a computer store that's giving out
good prices then this is one option to
consider and it's got the i7 moniker as
well which is great for resale value and
here we are finally at number three but
we're starting to move on into the Xeon
territory some of the best value for
money money can buy a5 2690 is gone for
a hundred and nineteen dollars shipped
to your door eight core 16 threads and
they will boost up to three point three
gigahertz on all cause we've got a
massive amount of level three cache as
well but you will need an ex 79
motherboard and I do recommend getting a
decent one not one of the WAN and boards
that go for 80 bucks if you're gonna go
with the one board at least get the real
top-of-the-line one for a hundred and
twenty dollars plus but seriously if
you're a video editor on a budget
the zealand's do support ECC registered
memory and this is a big benefit of this
combo in particular video editing with
lots of memory you can save a lot of
money going with this eight core Xeon 16
threads coupled with an ex 79
motherboard some ECC register memory and
you'll be having happy days of course
when it comes to gaming this CPU is no
slouch it will perform really well does
have the Sandy Bridge IPC which is still
pretty relevant
in today's titles and coming in at
number two is the ex 3470 these Zeon's I
love them
$27 for cause eight threads and the good
news here is that the motherboards as
well age 55 and p55 motherboards are
dirt cheap you can get them for around
$50 shipped to your door not to mention
they readily available when it comes to
deals hunting I saw one of these boards
going for like 10 dollars locally I just
didn't have a chance to grab one of
course ddr3 memory being cheaper than
ddr4 memory you've got that benefit as
well and these Zeon's are overclockable
too so if you're into tinkering and I've
got guides here on the channel you can
get a lot of performance on a budget
possibly making this CPU the best value
for money if you know how to overclock
up to of course mid-range graphics cards
like GTX 10 60s after that you may
experience some bottlenecks depending on
the game and coming in at number 1 here
is the e3 1270 Xeon chip aka the i7 2600
coming in at 75 dollars the i7 variant
will cost you over $100 so there's an
automatic like $30 savings and you
haven't had to do anything now the
motherboards of course as we mentioned
before h61 motherboards going for around
$40 ddr3 memory cheap as well ddr4
memory is overpriced so that makes the
ddr3 option a great play now will state
this with a lot of the CPUs on the list
I think the Rison 5 2600 and also the
x34 70 there were the only CPUs that are
overclockable here on this list and the
reason why I didn't put a whole lot of
overclockable CPUs in the list is
because I've been selling quite a few
pcs and a lot of people don't know what
a boss is let alone how to overclock and
what even overclocking is and so I'm
guessing that besides the loyal tech yes
citizens and I love you guys you guys
are really open-minded enthusiastic
about tech but besides that the person
who randomly stumbles on this video and
they just don't know what overclocking
is this is a list that's pretty solid I
mean the risin 5 2600 if you've got to
be 450 motherboard and also the X 30 470
there overclockable but even if you
don't overclock them you're still going
to get good performance hence why they
made the list head of day now a CPU that
I didn't mention before
getting on out of here that does deserve
a worthy mention is of course the x50
675 you pick these Zeon's up for $30 but
the problem is is that x58 motherboards
are really starved at the moment as soon
as they come up for a good price I know
there's always people snapping them so
they're more like rare in terms of
actually sourcing them there's not x58
multiples that are readily available and
the ones are are really overpriced so
that didn't really make the list here
today what I wanted to look for was CPUs
that are readily available with
motherboards as well and you can get
them for a pretty good price anyway with
that aside I hope you enjoyed today's
list here today if you did then be sure
to hit that like button if you have any
questions or comments about this list or
you want to add some CPUs of your own
then be sure to drop a comment in the
comment section below now I'm sure
there's people gonna say where's the
old-school AMD CPUs like the FX CPUs and
the Phenom z-- they're overpriced
especially when you compare them to the
Zeon's you're getting ripped off if you
go that route
I mean one-time deals again that's
different to this today's list but if
you go with an old FX 8350 for a hundred
bucks why would you do that to yourself
you're just wasting money same with a
phenom for 50 bucks that's ddr2 we're
going way back in time back to the
future except in a bad way that Mahdi
dies why would you do that to yourself
anyway all the links for the CPUs
motherboards memory that I've mentioned
here will be in the description below
also big thank you for reaching 300k
subscribers I love each and every one of
you that a click that sub button and if
you haven't clicked that sub button
already then why not hit the bell
notification as well to get these videos
as soon as they come out and I'll catch
you in another one very shortly peace
out for now bye
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